Interlingual Energizers/Squirrel-Tree-Earthquake

amount 1, more to show how it works in case the group doesn't already know the game
language level (medium)
age 6+
group size 10-20
materials nothing special
space free space, preferably outdoors
time up to 15 min
energizer, game for breaks

The activity Squirrel-Tree-Earthquake (Deutsch: Eichhörnchen-Baum-Erdbeben, română: Veveriță-Copac-Cutremur, español: Ardilla-Arbol-Terremoto) is part of the collection of interlingual energizers. See a list of all activities.


The introduction is also available in 2 other languages: español, Deutsch

Let's play a game about squirrels, trees and earthquakes.


The rules is also available in 2 other languages: español, Deutsch

  1. Please stand in a circle. I'll stay in the middle.
  2. I'll split you into two groups. (The group should be divisible by 3 + one facilitator. One third of the group is going to squirrels, the others trees. You can for example point at the participants and say "squirrel" or "tree").
  3. Please organize yourself in groups of one squirrel and two trees. The trees are building a house for the squirrel.
  4. I'll now say either "squirrel", "tree" or "earthquake".
    • When I say "squirrel", the squirrels change places.
    • When I say "tree", the trees change places.
    • When I say "earthquake", everybody changes places and tries to find build new houses.
  5. The person in the middle tries to get into the circle.
  6. Now you (the new person in the middle) will say either "squirrel", "tree" or "earthquake".

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