Interlingual Energizers/Popcorn

amount 1
language level (advanced)
age 4+
group size 1-20
materials nothing special
space free space, either outdoors or indoors
time 3 min
energizer, being aware of your body, introduction to acting

The activity Popcorn (Deutsch: Popcorn, română: Pop-corn, español: Pop-corn (Palomitas)) is part of the collection of interlingual energizers. See a list of all activities.


The introduction is also available in 3 other languages: español, română, Deutsch

Let's move our selfs a bit.


The rules is also available in 2 other languages: español, Deutsch

Just copy the movements which I'm doing.

  1. We open the cupboard.
  2. We take the package with the popcorn out and put it on the board.
  3. We open the package and put the popcorn in a bowl.
  4. We open the microwave.
  5. We put the popcorn inside.
  6. We close the microwave and start it for 3 min. 1 - 2 - 3.
  7. Now we are the popcorn in the microwave. It's getting hotter and hotter.
  8. We move more and more.
  9. Our left arm pops out. Our right arm pops out. Our legs pop out.
  10. We move more and more and more.
  11. We, the popcorn, are ready. We lay exhausted on the floor.

Possible extensions

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