amount 1
language level (simple)
age 4+
group size max 10
materials nothing special
space free space, indoor works as well as outdoor
time up to 15 min
concentration, experiencing human emotions, introduction to acting

The activity Happy-Angry-Sad-Happy (HASH) (Deutsch: Fröhlich-Wütend-Traurig-Fröhlich, română: Bucuros-Furios-Trist-Bucuros) is part of the collection of interlingual energizers. See a list of all activities.


The introduction is also available in 1 other languages: Deutsch

Let's play a game for actors. When actors are on the stage, they have to express emotions. Which emotions do you know? … We're going to focus on three emotions: happy, angry and sad. Our game is called "Happy-Angry-Sad-Happy".


The rules is also available in 1 other languages: Deutsch

  1. I'll show you an emotion. How is it called? … Can you copy it?

Possible extensions

  • You can play it also like Chinese whispers. You show an emotion to the first participant and she/he has to transmit it to the neighboring person.
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