Interlingual Energizers/Aa ram sam sam

amount 1
language level (simple)
age 4+
group size a lot
materials nothing special
space free space outdoor or indoor
time 5 min
energizer, let the group get closer

The activity Aa ram sam sam (svenska: Aa ram sam sam, română: Aa ram sam sam, Deutsch: Aa ram sam sam) is part of the collection of interlingual energizers. See a list of all activities.


The introduction is also available in 2 other languages: svenska, Deutsch

Let's sing a song. It just consists of syllables, so it's pretty simple.


The rules is also available in 2 other languages: svenska, Deutsch

Let's stand in a circle. I'll sing the song. Copy the movements which I'm doing. Now, for the second turn we will do the movements on the person next to us.

Aa ram sam sam (slap your/your neighbour’s thighs)
aa ram sam sam (slap your/your neighbour’s thighs)
gulli gulli gulli gulli (tickle your/your neighbour’s chin)
Ram sam saa (slap your/your neighbour’s thighs)
A ra vi, a ra vi (lift your arms)
gulli gulli gulli gulli (tickle your/your neighbour’s chin)
Ram sam saa (slap your/your neighbour’s thighs)

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