Flora of New York/Ferns 1
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Flora of New York — Pre-polypod ferns | → Polypodiales | |||
Table of contents |
Genus index |
Protected species index | Invasive species index | ||
Class Polypodiopsida contains the ferns, including the eusporangiate ferns (horsetails, scouring rushes, moonworts, and grape ferns) and the leptosporangiate ferns of subclass Polypodiidae.[1][2]
Cladogram of ferns showing outgroups and the four subclasses down to orders:
A more detailed cladogram of New York State ferns down to subgenera or single species:
Continuation of Polypodiales part of above cladogram of New York State ferns, including the six suborders employed by PPG I (2016): |
Subclass | Order | Suborder | Family | Subfamily | Genus | Subgenus | Common names | # |
Equisetidae | Equisetales | — | Equisetaceae | — | Equisetum | Equisetum | horsetail | 6 |
Hippochaete | scouring rush | 7 | ||||||
Ophioglossidae | Ophioglossales | — | Ophioglossaceae | Botrychioideae | Botrychium | Botrychium | moonwort, grape fern | 8 |
Osmundopteris | rattlesnake fern | 1 | ||||||
Sceptridium | evergreen grapefern | 4 | ||||||
Ophioglossoideae | Ophioglossum | adder's tongue | 1 | |||||
Polypodiidae (leptosporangiate ferns) |
Osmundales | — | Osmundaceae | — | Osmundastrum | cinnamon fern | 1 | |
Osmunda | Claytosmunda | interrupted fern | 1 | |||||
Osmunda | royal fern | 1 | ||||||
Hymenophyllales | — | Hymenophyllaceae | Trichomanoideae | Crepidomanes | grotto felt, weft fern | 1 | ||
Schizaeales | — | Lygodiaceae | — | Lygodium | climbing fern | 1 | ||
Schizaeaceae | — | Schizaea | curlygrass fern | 1 | ||||
Salviniales | — | Salviniaceae | — | Azolla | mosquitofern | 1 | ||
Salvinia | watermoss, floatingfern | x | ||||||
Marsileaceae | — | Marsilea | waterclover, waterfern | 1 | ||||
Polypodiales | Dennstaedtiineae | Dennstaedtiaceae | — | Dennstaedtia | hay-scented fern | 1 | ||
Pteridium | brackenfern | 2 | ||||||
Pteridineae | Pteridaceae | Cryptogrammoideae | Cryptogramma | rock brake | 1 | |||
Pteridoideae | Pteris | brake fern | x | |||||
Cheilanthoideae | Pellaea | cliff brake | 2 | |||||
Cheilanthes | lip fern | 1 | ||||||
Vittarioideae | Adiantum | maidenhair-fern | 1 | |||||
Vittaria | ribbon fern | 1 | ||||||
Aspleniineae | Cystopteridaceae | — | Cystopteris | bladder fern | 5 | |||
Gymnocarpium | oak fern | 2 | ||||||
Diplaziopsidaceae | — | Homalosorus | glade fern | 1 | ||||
Aspleniaceae | — | Asplenium | spleenwort | 10 | ||||
Thelypteridaceae | Phegopteridoideae | Phegopteris | beech fern | 2 | ||||
Thelypteridoideae | Thelypteris | marsh fern, New York fern | 3 | |||||
Woodsiaceae | — | Woodsia | cliff fern | 5 | ||||
Onocleaceae | — | Onoclea | sensitive fern | 1 | ||||
Matteuccia | ostrich fern | 1 | ||||||
Blechnaceae | Woodwardioideae | Anchistea | Virginia chainfern | 1 | ||||
Lorinseria | netted chainfern | 1 | ||||||
Athyriaceae | — | Deparia | false spleenwort | 1 | ||||
Athyrium | lady fern | 3 | ||||||
Polypodiineae | Dryopteridaceae | Dryopteridoideae | Cyrtomium | netvein hollyfern | x | |||
Dryopteris | woodfern | 30 | ||||||
Polystichum | hollyfern | 5 | ||||||
Polypodiaceae | Polypodioideae | Polypodium | polypody, rockcap fern | 3 | ||||
Pleopeltis | resurrection fern | x |
Order Equisetales
editThe order Equisetales contains the plants commonly known as horsetails and scouring rushes. This order contains the single living genus Equisetum, which is represented in every county of New York.
Family Equisetaceae
editThe Equisetaceae (horsetail family) ...
editEquisetum is here divided into the two subgenera Equisetum (horsetails) and Hippochaete (scouringrushes).
Equisetum subg. Equisetum
edit The Equisetum subgenus Equisetum comprises the horsetails.
Genus Equisetum subg. Equisetum | Horsetail | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Equisetum arvense L.
1832. Equisetum boreale Bong.
1912. Allostelites arvensis (L.) Börner
1960. Equisetum calderi B.Boivin |
Field horsetail, Common horsetail, Common field horsetail Prêle des champs, Queue de renard |
Native, CoC: 2, Secure FAC Perennial, Herb-fern |
NYFA: 5 |
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L. 1753. Equisetum fluviatile L.
1753. Equisetum limosum L. |
Water horsetail, River horsetail Prêle fluviatile |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-fern |
NYFA: 5 |
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Kühlew. ex Rupr. (pro sp.) Equisetum arvense × Equisetum fluviatile 1845. Equisetum litorale Kühlew. ex Rupr. |
Litoral horsetail Prêle littorale |
Native, Rare OBL Perennial, Herb-fern |
NYFA: 3 |
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L. 1753. Equisetum sylvaticum L.
1795. Equisetum capillare Hoffm. |
Wood horsetail, Woodland horsetail Prêle des bois |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure FACW Perennial, Herb-fern |
NYFA: 5 |
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L. 1753. Equisetum palustre L.
1927. Equisetum palustre var. americanum Vict. |
Marsh horsetail Prêle des marais |
Native, CoC: 5, Threatened, NYNHP: 2[1] FACW |
NYFA: 2 |
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Ehrh. 1784. Equisetum pratense Ehrh. |
Meadow horsetail, Shady horsetail Prêle des prés |
Native, CoC: 4, Threatened, NYNHP: 2[2] FACW Perennial, Herb-fern |
NYFA: 2 |
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Genus Equisetum (excluded) subg. Equisetum | Horsetail | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Ehrh. ssp. braunii (Milde) Hauke1862. Equisetum braunii Milde
1978. Equisetum telmateia var. braunii (Milde) Hauke
auct. Equisetum maximum non Lam. |
Giant horsetail, Great horsetail, Ivory horsetail Prêle géante |
Introduced from western N. America, N.Y. excluded OBL |
NYFA-Excluded |
Equisetum subg. Hippochaete
editPlants of subg. Hippochaete are often referred to as scouring rushes.
Christenhusz et. al. (2019) suggests that the western scouringrush (Equisetum hyemale ssp. affine) should be treated at the species level (Equisetum praealtum Raf.).[1]
Genus Equisetum subg. Hippochaete | Scouringrush | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. ssp. affine Calder & Roy L.Taylor Equisetum affine Engelm.
Equisetum praealtum Raf.
Equisetum robustum A.Braun
Hippochaete hyemalis (L.) Braun |
Common scouringrush, Western scouringrush, Rough horsetail, Scouringrush horsetail Prêle d'hiver |
Native, CoC: 2, Secure |
NYFA: 5 iNat |
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Michx. (1803) |
Dwarf scouring rush Prêle faux-scirpe |
Native, CoC: 9, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
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Schleich. ex F.Weber & D.Mohr 1807. Equisetum variegatum Schleich. ex F.Weber & D.Mohr
1822. Equisetum multiforme var. variegatum Vaucher
1839. Equisetum hyemale ssp. variegatum A.Braun
1842. Equisetum hyemale var. variegatum Newman
1868. Hippochaete variegata (Schleich. ex F.Weber & D.Mohr) Bruhin |
Variegated scouring rush, Variegated horsetail Prêle panachée |
Native, CoC: 3, Likely secure FACW Perennial, Herb |
NYFA: 4 |
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Equisetum hyemale × Equisetum variegatum |
Rough-toothed scouring rush | Native, CoC: 3, Vulnerable |
NYFA: 3 |
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(A.A.Eaton) J.H.Schaffn. Equisetum laevigatum × Equisetum variegatum 1904. Equisetum variegatum var. nelsonii A.A.Eaton
1926. Equisetum nelsoni J.H.Schaffn. |
Nelson's scouring rush, Nelson's horsetail |
Native, Unranked |
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Clute Equisetum hyemale × Equisetum laevigatum 1903. Equisetum hyemale var. intermedium A.A.Eaton
1904. Equisetum ferrissii Clute
1917. Equisetum intermedium Rydb.
1951. Equisetum hyemale var. elatum (Engelm.) C.V.Morton |
Ferris' scouring rush | Native, Unranked |
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Genus Equisetum (excluded) subg. Hippochaete | Scouring rush | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
A.Braun (1844) E. funstonii
Equisetum kansanum
Hippochaete laevigata |
Smooth scouring-rush | N. America native, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
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Order Ophioglossales
editThe order Ophioglossales may contain the oldest of the plants now considered to be ferns s.l. [1]
Family Ophioglossaceae
editThe Ophioglossaceae (adder's-tongue family) comprises primitive ferns that have traditionally been considered part of a group informally known as fern-allies. In New York, the family is represented by about a dozen native species, all of which are listed as protected plants.[1]
Subfamily Botrychioideae
editThe subfamily Botrychioideae C.Presl (1845). contains the moonworts, evergreen grapeferns, and rattlesnake ferns, which have also been treated as subgenera of Botrychium.[1] The three genera of Botrychioideae growing in New York State are:
editThe genus Botrychium (syn. Botrychium subg. Botrychium) contains the moonworts and grape-ferns.
Genus Botrychium subg. Botrychium | Moonwort, grape fern | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Döll) A.Braun ex W.D.J.Koch 1843. Botrychium lunaria var. matricariifolium Döll
1847. Botrychium neglectum Alph.Wood
1847. Botrychium matricariifolium ex W.D.J.Koch |
Daisy-leaved moonwort, Chamomile grape-fern, Matricary grapefern Botryche à feuille de matricaire |
Native, CoC: 7, Likely secure FACU Perennial, Fern |
NYFA: 4 |
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(Pease & A.H.Moore) Fernald 1906. Botrychium lanceolatum var. angustisegmentum Pease & A.H.Moore
1915. Botrychium angustisegmentum (Pease & A.H.Moore) Fernald
1937. Botrychium lanceolatum ssp. angustisegmentum R.T.Clausen |
Narrow triangle moonwort, Narrow moonwort, Lance-leaved grape-fern Botryche à segments étroits |
Native, CoC: 7, Likely secure FACW Perennial, Fern |
NYFA: 4 |
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E.Hitchc. 1823. Botrychium simplex E.Hitchc.
1899. Botrychium tenebrosum A.A.Eaton |
Least grape-fern, Little grape-fern |
Native, CoC: 9, Likely secure Perennial, Fern |
NYFA: 4-5 |
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A.A.Eaton Botrychium simplex var. tenebrosum (A.A.Eaton) R.T.Clausen
Botrychium tenebrosum A.A.Eaton |
Shade-loving moonwort, Swamp moonwort |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered Perennial, Fern |
NYFA: 1 NYFA: Cayuga, St.Lawrence 4 counties |
Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
Stensvold & Farrar 1753. Osmunda lunaria L. misapplied
1801. B. lunaria (L.) Sw. misappl.
1903. B. onondagense Underw.
1923. B. lunaria var. onondagense (Underw.) House
2017. B. neolunaria Stensvold & Farrar |
Moonwort grape-fern, Common moonwort |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, CA, NYNHP: 1[1] Perennial, Fern |
NYFA: 1 |
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Vict. 1927. Botrychium minganense Vict.
1937. Botrychium lunaria var. minganense (Vict.) Dole
1965. Botrychium lunaria ssp. minganense (Vict.) Calder & Roy L.Taylor |
Mingan's moonwort, Mingan moonwort, Mingan Island moonwort Botryche de Mingan |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, CA, NYNHP: 1[2] Perennial, Fern |
NYFA: 1 |
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W.H.Wagner & Farrar Botrychium minganense (in part) |
Prairie moonwort, Prairie dunewort, Dunewort, Iowa moonwort |
Native, CoC: 10, No recent reports, NYNHP: 1[3] Perennial, Fern |
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Genus Botrychium subg. Botrychium (excluded taxa) | Moonwort, grape fern | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(S.G.Gmel.) Ångstr. 1854. Botrychium lanceolatum (S.G.Gmel.) Ångstr. |
Triangle moonwort Botryche élancé |
N. America native, N.Y. excluded Perennial, Fern |
NYFA-Excluded |
FNA Images Wikispecies | |
W.H.Wagner 1986. Botrychium ascendens W.H.Wagner |
Triangle-lobe moonwort, Upswept moonwort, Ascending grapefern Botryche ascendant |
Native, Unreported Perennial, Fern |
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editThe genus Botrypus Michx. (1803) (also treated as Botrychium subg. Osmundopteris) contains the fairly widespread Rattlesnake fern species Botrypus virginianus (syn. Botrychium virginianum).[1]
Genus Botrychium subg. Osmundopteris | Rattlesnake fern | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Michx. 1753. Osmunda virginiana L. in Sp. Pl.:1064 |
Rattlesnake fern, Rattlesnake grapefern, Virginia grapefern Botryche de Virginie |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure |
NYFA: 61 counties iNat: 40 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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editThe genus Sceptridium Lyon (1905), often treated as Botrychium subg. Sceptridium , contains the evergreen grape ferns, four species of which are native to New York.
Genus Sceptridium | Evergreen grape fern | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Spreng.) Lyon 1804. Botrychium dissectum Spreng. in Anleit. Kenntn. Gew. 3:172 |
Cut-leaved grape-fern Cutleaf grapefern Dissected grapefern |
Native, CoC: 3, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN FNA Tropicos BONAP Images Wikispecies Note: CA | |
(S.G.Gmel.) M.Nishida 1768. Osmunda multifida S.G.Gmel. in Novi Comment. Acad. Sci. Imp. Petrop., nom. cons. |
Leathery grape-fern Leather grape-fern |
Native, CoC: 3, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
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(Gilbert) House 1901. Botrychium ternatum var. oneidense Gilbert
1902. Botrychium dissectum var. oneidense (Gilbert) Clute
1902. Botrychium dissectum f. oneidense (Gilbert) Clute
1902. Botrychium obliquum f. oneidense (Gilbert) Clute
1903. Botrychium obliquum var. oneidense (Gilbert) Waters
1905. Sceptridium obliquum var. oneidense (Gilbert) Lyon
1905. Botrychium ternatum f. oneidense (Gilbert) Clute
1916. Botrychium multifidum var. oneidense Farw.
1921. Botrychium oneidense (Gilbert) House
1998. Sceptridium oneidense (Gilbert) Holub |
Blunt-lobed grape-fern, Bluntlobe grapefern, Oneida grape fern |
Native, CoC: 5, Threatened, CA, NYNHP: 2[1] |
NYFA: 2-3 |
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W.H.Wagner 1939. Botrychium multifidum f. dentatum R.M.Tryon
1982. Botrychium rugulosum W.H.Wagner
1997. Sceptridium rugulosum (W.H.Wagner) Škoda & Holub
auct. Botrychium ternatum non (Thunb.) Sw. |
Ternate grapefern, Rugulose grape-fern, St. Lawrence grape-fern, Botryche à limbe rugueux |
Native, CoC: 6, Endangered, Few populations, CA, NYNHP: 1[2] |
NYFA: 1 |
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Genus Botrychium subg. Sceptridium (excluded taxa) | Evergreen grape fern | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Savigny) Underw. 1798. Osmunda biternata Savigny
1896. Botrychium biternatum (Savigny) Underw.
1903. Botrychium tenuifolium Underw.
1905. Sceptridium tenuifolium (Underw.) Lyon
1905. Sceptridium biternatum (Savigny) Lyon
1924. Botrychium dissectum var. tenuifolium (Underw.) Farw. |
Sparselobe grapefern, Sparse-lobe grape fern |
N. America native, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
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Subfamily Ophioglossoideae
editNorthern adder's-tongue may appear in wet meadows, swamp edges, and thickets.
Genus Ophioglossum | Adder's-tongue | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Raf. 1814. Ophioglossum pusillum Raf.
1927. Ophioglossum vulgatum var. alaskanum C.Chr.
1917. Ophioglossum vulgatum var. pseudopodum (S.F.Blake) Farw.
auct. Ophioglossum vulgatum non L. (s.s.) |
Northern adder's-tongue Herbe-sans-couture |
Native, CoC: 5, Vulnerable FACW Perennial, Fern |
NYFA: 3 |
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Genus Ophioglossum (excluded) | Adder's-tongue | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Ophioglossum vulgatum L.
1939. Ophioglossum vulgatum var. pycnostichum Fernald
1977. Ophioglossum pycnostichum (Fernald) A.Löve & D.Löve |
Southern adder's-tongue, English adder's-tongue Herbe sans couture |
N. America native, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
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Order Osmundales
editThe Osmundales contains a single family with three native species represented outside of cultivation in New York.
Family Osmundaceae
editThe Osmundaceae (royal fern family), as circumscribed here,[1] contains six extant genera, three of which have single species found in New York.
Osmundaceae |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
editOsmundastrum cinnamomeum (cinnamon fern) is the only living species of Osmundastrum.
Genus Osmundastrum | Cinnamon fern | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) C.Presl ssp. cinnamomeum1753. Osmunda cinnamomea L.
1841. Osmunda cinnamomea var. frondosa Torr. & A.Gray
1847. Osmundastrum cinnamomeum (L.) C.Presl
1868. Osmunda cinnamomea var. imbricata (Kunze) Milde
1902. Osmunda cinnamomea var. glandulosa Waters
1909. Osmunda cinnamomea var. fokiensis Copel. |
Cinnamon fern, Buckhorn Osmonde cannelle |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure, DEC-D[1] OBL-FACW Perennial, Herb-fern |
NYFA: 5 |
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editClaytosmunda (Y. Yatabe, N. Murak. & K. Iwats.) Metzgar & Rouhan[1] contains the single species Claytosmunda claytoniana (L.) Metzgar & Rouhan (interrupted fern), which until recently was placed in Osmunda subgenus Claytosmunda.
Genus Claytosmunda (Y. Yatabe, N. Murak. & K. Iwats.) Metzgar & Rouhan |
Interrupted fern | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) Metzgar & Rouhan 1753. Osmunda claytoniana L.
1801. Struthiopteris claytoniana (L.) Bernh.
1848. Plenasium claytonianum (L.) C. Presl
1941. Osmundastrum claytonianum (L.) Tagawa
2016. Claytosmunda claytoniana (L.) Metzgar & Rouhan |
Interrupted fern, Clayton's fern Osmonde de Clayton |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure, DEC-D[1] FAC Perennial, Herb-fern |
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editOsmunda L.. Osmunda spectabilis Willd.[1]
Genus Osmunda subg. Osmunda | Flowering fern | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Willd. 1810. Osmunda spectabilis Willd.
1856. Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis (Willd.) A.Gray
1977. Osmunda regalis ssp. spectabilis (Willd.) Á.Löve & D.Löve |
Royal fern, Regal fern, Flowering fern Osmonde royale, Fougère royale |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure, DEC-D[1] OBL Perennial, Herb-fern |
NYFA: 5 |
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Order Hymenophyllales
editThe order Hymenophyllales contains a single family, the Hymenophyllaceae, or filmy fern family.
Family Hymenophyllaceae
editIn New York, only one species of this family has been verified as living outside of cultivation, and that species is considered to be endangered in the state.
editThe only member of the Hymenophyllaceae found in New York is a gametophitic weft fern Crepidomanes intricatum, which was transferred from Trichomanes to the mostly Asian Crepidomanes genus by Ebihara & Weakley (2011) based on molecular sequence. Crepidomanes intricatum is assumed to be gametophitic only. Sporophitic generations of this plant have not been observed.[1][2]
Genus Crepidomanes | Grotto felt | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Farrar) Ebihara & Weakley 1992. Trichomanes intricatum Farrar
2011. Crepidomanes intricatum (Farrar) Ebihara & Weakley |
Appalachian bristle fern, Appalachian trichomanes, Filmy fern, Weft fern |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1] |
Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Greene, Schoharie, Sullivan, Ulster, Westchester NYFA: 1 |
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Order Schizaeales
editThe order Schizaeales contains the seemingly dissimilar families Anemiaceae (flowering ferns), Lygodiaceae (climbing ferns), and Schizaeaceae (curly-grass ferns). A single endangered species in each of the latter two families are present in New York.
Family Lygodiaceae
editThe Lygodiaceae (climbing-fern family) consists of the single genus Lygodium, which in New York, is represented by the endangered American climbing fern. No other Lygodium species are native to North America, and some have been found to be invasive in the southern U.S.[1]
editThe genus Lygodium contains about 40 species of climbing ferns, the only one of which is found in New York (and the only North American native) is the endangered American climbing fern or Hartford fern (Lygodium palmatum). It grows in moist acidic thickets and woods.
Genus Lygodium | Climbing fern | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Bernh.) Sw. 1800. Gisopteris palmata Bernh.
1806. Lygodium palmatum (Bernh.) Sw. |
American climbing fern, Creeping fern, Hartford fern, Windsor fern |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, DEC-A[1] FACW Perennial, Herb-fern |
Chenango, Greene, Oneida, Onondaga, Saratoga, Suffolk NYFA: 1 |
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Family Schizaeaceae
editThe Schizaeaceae (curly-grass family)...
editGenus Schizaea Sm. | Curlygrass fern | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Pursh 1814. Schizaea pusilla Pursh |
Curlygrass, Curly-grass fern, Little curlygrass fern |
Native, CoC: 9, Endangered, DEC-A[1] OBL Perennial, Herb-fern |
NYFA: 1 |
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Order Salviniales
editThe order Salviniales (the heterosporous or water ferns) contains the families Salviniaceae (mosquitoferns) and Marsileaceae (waterferns), which have few species represented in New York.
Family Salviniaceae
editThe family Salviniaceae contains the aquatic fern genera Azolla and Salvinia.
editAzolla (mosquito ferns) have previously been placed in their own family, the Azollaceae. The taxonomy of the New World Azolla species has been in dispute - four species have been reported in the literature: A. caroliniana, A. filiculoides, A. mexicana and A. microphylla, but Evrard and Van Hove (2004) concluded that only two species exist in America and, according to the priority rule for nomenclature, they should be named A. cristata and A. filiculoides.[1][2] Azolla filiculoides has been excluded from the New York Flora Atlas.
Genus Azolla sect. Azolla | Mosquitofern | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Kaulf. 1824. Azolla cristata Kaulf.
1827. Azolla portoricensis Spreng.
1830. Azolla mexicana Schltdl. & Cham. nom. nud.
1844. Azolla mexicana Schltdl. & Cham. ex Kunze
1845. Azolla mexicana Schltdl. & Cham. ex C.Presl
auct. Azolla caroliniana non Willd.
auct. Azolla filiculoides non Lam. |
Mosquito fern, Carolina mosquitofern, Eastern mosquito-fern, Fairy-moss, Mosquito-plant Azolle de Caroline, Azolla de Caroline |
Native, CoC: 2, Unranked, DEC-D[1], SNR, G5 OBL Annual, Herb-fern |
NYFA: 2? |
USDA-NX Go Botany VASCAN ITIS FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies Note: [2][3] | |
Genus Azolla (excluded taxa) | Mosquitofern | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Lam. 1783. Azolla filiculoides Lam.
1810. Azolla caroliniana Willd.
1810. Azolla magellanica Willd.
1824. Azolla microphylla Kaulf.
1827. Azolla arbuscula Desv. |
Pacific mosquitofern, Pacific azolla, Fern azolla, Large mosquito fern, Duckweed fern, Redwater fern Azolle fausse-filicule, Azolla fausse-filicule |
N. America native, N.Y. excluded |
excluded NYFA-Excluded |
USDA-NX VASCAN ARS-GRIN ITIS FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
editThe two species of Salvinia previously reported in New York have been excluded from the New York Flora Atlas as of 9/18/2016.[1]
The genus Salvinia (watermoss) contains mostly tropical, aquatic ferns. S. minima, mistakenly reported as S. natans has been reported from ponds on Staten Island and Rockland County, but these may have been aquarium escapes, as this genus is unlikely to be able to naturalize that far north.[2] DEC regulation 193.3 Protected native plants, lists Salvinia minima as Exploitably vulnerable,[3] even though it is a Central and South American native that is considered to be invasive in the southeastern U.S.[4] |
Genus Salvinia Seg. (excluded species) | Watermoss | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Baker 1886. Salvinia minima Baker |
Floating-fern, Water-fern, Water spangles, Common watermoss |
Introduced from South America, southern Mexico, Highly invasive, USGS: L48 invasive, NYFA Excluded, DEC-D[1], (Exploitably vulnerable‽) |
NYFA-Excluded NYFA: excluded iNat GBIF No observations |
USDA-XX COL Go Botany ARS-GRIN Images Wikispecies | |
Aubl. 1775. Salvinia auriculata Aubl.
1792. Marsilea auriculata (Aubl.) Vitman
1810. Marsilea rotundifolia Willd. |
Eared water-moss ⓘ
African payal ⓘ
Rundblättriger Schwimmfarn
Introduced, Potentially invasive, iMapInvasives, USGS: L48 not listed |
NYFA-Excluded NYFA: excluded iNat GBIF no observations |
COL Images Wikispecies | |
1753. Marsilea natans L.
1785. Salvinia natans (L.) All. |
Floating watermoss ⓘ Schwimmfarn ⓘ
Helechillo de agua ⓘ
Introduced from Eurasia, northen Africa, N.Y. excluded, USGS: L48 not listed |
excluded NYFA-Excluded iNat GBIF |
USDA-X COL ARS-GRIN Images Wikispecies Note: [2] | |
Family Marsileaceae
editThe Marsileaceae (water-clover family) has a single species (Marsilea quadrifolia) surviving outside of cultivation in New York.
edit Although fairly rare, European water-clover can have large local populations and is considered to be potentially invasive in the Finger Lakes and Lower Hudson Valley.[1][2] According to the USDA-NRCS PLANTS database, Marsilea quadrifolia is native to parts of Ontario, Canada,[3] but other sources list it as only a European native.[4][5]
Genus Marsilea | Waterclover | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. |
European water-clover, European water fern, Water shamrock, European pepperwort Marsilée à quatre feuilles, Marsile à quatre feuilles |
Introduced from Europe, Potentially invasive, NYIS: 45%[1] |
NYFA: X NYFA: 6 counties 1 county |
USDA-XN‽ Go Botany VASCAN ARS-GRIN FNA Images Wikispecies | |