Final Fantasy VII/Enemy Skills

Enemy Skills are special attacks used by enemies.

The characters can learn the enemy skills by having the Enemy Skill materia equipped when the monster attacks them. The skill will only appear in the Enemy Skill materia of the targeted character; if the skill hits all characters (like in case of Beta, Aqualung, and many others) the skill will them appear in all materias the party has equipped. The skill can only be learned if none of the other Enemy Skill materias equipped on the character trying to learn it have the skill. Frequently, the most effective way of learning the enemy skill is to use Manipulate on creatures that know the skill. After the skill is learned, they're used by choosing the E.Skill combat option.

Four Enemy Skill materia can be found in the game, more than enough for each member of your party. However, the Enemy Skill materia only stores the spells which have been cast on it, meaning you will have to have each materia learn all the spells you want it to be able to use. The four locations are:

  1. The 67th floor of the Shinra Headquarters, the Containment Room where Hojo was attempting to "breed" Aerith and Red XIII.
  2. The intermediate level training hall in Upper Junon (it's in one of the houses... todo: which one?)
  3. In the room in the Forgotten Capital where you're able to rest, behind the top bed. Enter the house, and choose not to rest here, then examine the end of the bed.
  4. At the Chocobo Sage's house, the green chocobo has it

(Todo: This module is mostly complete, but some of the skills may need expansion. All modules should have the basic information: What it does, where to get it, and what that enemy looks like if in doubt.)

Angel Whisper


Heals all HP and status effects of one target. Also revives if the character's dead. Get from Pollensalta in the Northern Crater.



Causes water damage on all enemies. The most obvious enemy to learn this from is Jenova-LIFE. You can get it as soon as you get the buggy from Harpys in the desert around the Gold Saucer. It's immensely useful for most disk 1 fights after that.

Bad Breath


Recommended The signature attack of Malboros (look like D&D Beholders, just has feet, and a lot of mouths instead of eyes), which in FF7 can be found in Gaea's Cliff. This incredible attack adds the enemies many nasty status conditions.



Causes fire damage on all enemies. Can be learned from Midgar Zolom (the big snake swimming in the swamp near the chocobo farm).

Big Guard


Essential. Same as Barrier, MBarrier and Haste on party. Look for Beach Plugs (green-brown little crawling squid-like things) near Corel/Gold Saucer/Gongaga region beaches - Manipulate them to get the skill.



Does non-elemental damage to a single opponent. Cast L4 suicide on a Chocobo whose level is a multiple of four after feeding it three Mimett greens. These chocobos can be found in the tracks right outside the Chocobo Ranch. The Chocobo enemy skill does damage equal to the amount of times you've escaped from battle. Therefore, if you escape 2,222 times, you can use it on anybody with full HP, and this will engage All Lucky 7's.

Death Force


When Death Force is casted on your party members, it prevents death. Go the one of the beaches near Wutai and fight the big huge turtle (Adamantaimai), then use manipulate.

Death Sentence


Kills an enemy after a countdown of 60 (not necessarily 60 seconds). Can be learnt from Sneaky Steps in the Cave of Gi (one time dungeon in disk 1) or Bound Fat in Corral Valley.

Dragon Force


Raises Physical and Magical defense of one target. Get from Dark Dragons in the Northern Crater.

Flame Thrower


An easy skill to acquire early on, you can learn it from the Ark Dragon in the North-West room of Mithril Mines, or the Dragon in Mt. Nibel.

Frog Song


Induces Sleep and Frog Status to one target. You can learn it from Christophers in the Northern Crater, or any frog enemy in the game.

Goblin Punch


Go to the goblin island, northeast end of the map, the island has a forest on it, encounter a goblin and you can either just fight it or manipulate it.



Deals damage equal to half targets current HP. Can be learned from Death Claw (Desert Prison) or Dark Dragon (Northern Crater).

L4 Suicide


Causes Near Death and Mini status to all enemies whose level is a multiple of 4. Get from Mu near the chocobo farm. Your own level must be multiple of 4 to learn the skill.

L5 Death


Kills all enemies whose level is a multiple of 5. Get from Parasite in the Northern Crater. Death Force will allow you to learn the skill without suffering the effect. Your own level must be multiple of 5 in order to learn the skill.

Magic Breath


Recommended. Causes multiple different types of elemental damage (Fire, Ice, Lightning) on all enemies. Can be learned from Stilva (Gaea's Cliff) or Parasite (Northern Crater).

Magic Hammer


Recommended. This enemy skill makes the target lose 100 MP and the character gains it. Using this a lot makes some magic-based enemies far less annoying, especially ones that rely entirely on magic.

This can be learned from the Razor Weed, which can be found on the grassy areas of the Wutai continent.

Matra Magic


This enemy skill is a handy one early on in the game since it targets all enemies and does a fair amount of damage. You can learn it from the Custom Sweeper in Midgar, the Death Machine around Junon, or the Bullmotor/Death Machine in the desert prison.

Pandora's Box


Moderate non-elemental damage to entire enemy party. Learn from Dragon Zombie in the Northern Crater.



Randomly kills a character or enemy. Learn from Death Dealer in the Northern Crater. To learn, kill one of the Death Dealers (they always come in pairs), manipulate the remaining one, cast Death Force on everyone (including the manipulated Death Dealer) and have it use the skill until all your Enemy Skill materias get it.

Shadow Flare


This will cause massive non-elemental damage to one enemy.

The skill can be learned from Ultima Weapon, Safer Sephiroth, as well as the Dragon Zombie enemy in the Northern Crater Cave.

Ultima Weapon will use it against the character that deals the final blow against it. Equip all your Enemy Skill materias to one character and have that character deal the final blow to learn this skill on all your Enemy Skill materias.



Causes lighting damage on all enemies. Can be learned from the boss Materia Keeper (Mt. Nibel), the Stilvas (Gaea's Cliff) or Godo (Yuffie's Sidequest - Wutai Pagoda).

Note: This is the only enemy skill that can be missed permenantly. In order to learn this enemy skill on each materia, you must not do Yuffie's sidequest until you have the Highwind. This will allow you to reach Chocobo Sage's hut on the northern continent to get the 4th enemy skill materia.

White Wind


Essential. Cures status ailments and heals each party character for as many hit points the using character has. Can be learned from Zemzelett (green-white bird) in Junon region - the creature has to be Manipulated to use this skill.



Deals non-elemental damage equal to damage the caster has taken (max HP - current HP). Get from Jersey in Shinra Mansion (can't manipulate).