Development Cooperation Handbook/Checklists/What to ask in order to obtain information about a project

This list is a component of List of things to do in order to illustrate a project/action

Can you tell us about a good practice of an action/ project/ initiative aimed at generating awareness for global development? What was the purpose of this Action? What did the Action achieve? What did you learn from this experience? Can you tell us about a bad practice of an action aimed at generating awareness for global development? What did you learn from this experience?

Step 1: Accessing Information and Understanding Action/ Practice

  • What was the purpose of this Action?'
  • What is the Action Objective?
  • What are the needs that the Objective addresses?
  • What is the Country Context/ Strategy/ Policy within which the Action is conceived? 
  • Who are the Action Beneficiaries?
  • Who are the Action Stakeholders
  • What are the Action Outputs to achieve these Objectives?
  • What are the Activities expected to achieve the outputs?  

Step 2 : Identifying and Interviewing the Stakeholders 

  • What did you learn from this experience?
  • How did this Action change your life?
  • Has the Action changed your role and your relationship with your community?
  • Has the Action inspired you to do something in your community?
  • Were the Activities Effective in achieving the Ouptuts?
  • Did the Outputs contribute to empowerment of beneficiaries? In what way? 
  • Would you change the activities of this project or the way it was implemented?
  • Has the Action increased collaboration amongst community members?
  • Can you tell us about a good practice of this Action that generated awareness for global development?

Step 3: Evaluating the Action 

  • Was the Action relevant to the Context and Needs of the Target Population and was it appropriate for the environment in which it operates/operated?
  • To what extent has the program achieved its objectives and targets?
  • Were targets and the timeline for achieving targets realistic given the environment in which the program operated?
  • To what extent did the Action contribute to improving the lives of people?
  • Has the Action had other impacts on beneficiaries (e.g., increased standing in community, improved confidence, increased skills, etc.)?
  • Did the Action achieve sustainable results?
  • Is the time frame for the Action sufficient to achieve sustainable results?
  • Did Action team have sufficient knowledge, skills, capacity, and support to implement it efficiently?

What worked well and why?

  • What did not work well and why?
  • How is it possible to do the Action better?

See also: Checklist of what to do in order to obtain information about a project/action


This list is a component of List of things to do in order to illustrate a project/action
See also Reporting project status (Guidelines)

Other tools


  Tasks implementation report form
  Template - Project Status Snapshot
  Template - Project status summary
  Template - Project Status Report


  What to do in order to obtain information about a project
  What to say in order to provide information about a project


  Guideline: how to report project performance
  How team members can improve overall project communication
  How to built the trust and provide solid support for your reports

See also


  Project information distribution
  Manage Implementation of Project Execution