Cookbook:Turkish Delight

Turkish Delight
A single piece
CategoryDessert recipes
Yield8 pieces
Time30 minutes + cooling

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Turkish delight, or lokum (also loukoum), is a confection made from starch and sugar. It is often flavored with rosewater or lemon, the former giving it a characteristic pale pink color. It has a soft, sticky consistency, and is often packaged and eaten in small cubes that are dusted with sugar to prevent sticking. Some recipes include small nut pieces, usually pistachio, hazelnut or walnuts.




  1. Combine sugar, 1 cup water, cream of tartar, and flavoring(s) in a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Boil over medium-low heat for 20-30 minutes, until the mixture reaches "firm-ball," or 250°F (120°C) on a candy thermometer.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine cornstarch with ½ cup hot water, mix completely, and slowly stir into sugar mixture.
  4. Stir constantly until mixture is evenly combined. Continue to stir on low heat until mixture thickens and becomes clearer.
  5. Apply non-stick cooking spray to a form (heat-safe ice cube trays will do nicely, though not plastic ones), shallow pie pan, or jelly-roll pan.
  6. Pour the thickened hot mixture into the pan or form and allow to set.
  7. When cool, release from form or cut into cubes as applicable and roll each piece in powdered sugar, granulated sugar, or coconut.
  8. Store at room temperature in airtight container.

Notes, tips, and variations

  • With the exception of the sugar, cornstarch, water, cream of tartar, and cooking technique, this recipe may be greatly altered according to taste and/or occasion. The nuts may be omitted, and various flavorings can be added.
  • Try replacing the rosewater with one of the following:
    • ½ tsp rose food flavoring
    • ¼ cup fruit juice
    • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
    • 1 tbsp orange extract
    • 1 tbsp Crème de menthe liqueur


  • There is a potential danger in adding the water/cornstarch mix into the hot sugar mix in phase 3 of the recipe. Adding a cold liquid to hot sugar can cause rapid vaporization of the water which can lead to the pan boiling over almost explosively, possibly causing serious burns. This can be avoided by heating the water/cornstarch mix and mixing it slowly while it's hot. Never add cold liquids into boiling sugar mixtures!