Cookbook:Dereniówka (Polish Dogwood Liqueur)

Dereniówka (Polish Dogwood Liqueur)
CategoryBeverage recipes

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Dereniówka, is a type of Polish nalewka made from cornus mas (dogwood). It, among other nalewkas, were popular in noble manors of 17th CE Poland. Dereniówka belongs to the family of fruit nalewkas, such as orzechówka, wiśniówka, and porzeczkówka. These nalewkas usually contain sugar and/or honey and need to be macerated and aged longer than other kinds.


  • 200 g dried cornus alba fruits or pre-prepared Herbatka Podlaska dereniówka
  • Vodka (~45% alcohol)
  • 40 g white granulated sugar


  1. Macerate the cornus alba fruits in vodka for 14 days. Shake the concoction daily.
  2. When the alcoholate is ready, remove the sediments and add the sugar.
  3. Let it clarify and rest for a while (several days only), and then it is ready for consumption.
  4. Serve at room temperature in 30 ml glasses.

