Cookbook:Carrots Cooked Kinpira Style

Carrots Cooked Kinpira Style
CategoryCarrot recipes

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Kinpira is a Japanese cooking term that roughly translates to sauté and simmer. The aim is to cook root vegetables such as carrots and burdock root in a minimum amount of water so that they end up tenderly cooked and with none of their flavour or nutritional value lost into discarded cooking water.




  1. Cut the carrots into thin matchstick pieces (sen-giri, or julienned)
  2. Pour a small amount of oil into a saucepan and sauté the carrot pieces briefly
  3. Add just enough water to half-cover the carrot pieces
  4. Place the lid on the pot and let the carrots simmer briefly on medium-low heat
  5. Add a little tamari or shoyu to enhance flavour. Serve.