Cookbook:Calentita (Gibraltarian Chickpea Bread)

Calentita (Gibraltarian Chickpea Bread)
CategoryChickpea recipes
Time3–10 hours

Cookbook | Recipes | Ingredients | Equipment | Techniques | Cookbook Disambiguation Pages | Recipes | Cuisine of Gibraltar

Calentita is the quintessential 'Yanito' dish. Every Gibraltarian knows how to cook calentita! Or so they should, as it is a matter of national pride.

It is believed this dish is based on the Genoese 'farinata' which is cooked thinner and often with toppings whereas calentita is cooked in a deeper pan and is never topped with anything but black pepper.

The name 'calentita' has a most interesting history. When Gibraltarian evacuees returned to Gibraltar after World War II many were forced to live in cramped and often inadequate housing. Not all homes had workable ovens and people cooked mainly Spanish-style stews (potajes) and similar dishes. However, the local bakeries took advantage of this and would use their ovens in slack periods to make calentita which was sold by street vendors (this had been the fashion before the war when almost no-one had an oven at home). The calentita would be baked in a large low pan (similar to a frying pan of diameter about 90 cm with two small grab handles) with a metal hinged lid. The vendor would then walk along the streets on the Rock shouting out his wares. His shout would be similar to this: 'La llevo caliente, calentita! Calentita, caliente!' A simple translation would be: 'Hot! Come and get it! I still have it hot!'. Caliente means hot and calentita is an endearing version of hot! Everyone would rush to him and buy a portion which was invariably about 8cm by 5cm and cost 6d (about 2 1/2p of today's money) and was served on a piece of greaseproof paper. The vendor would sprinkle ground pepper on it and off you went!


Ingredient Count Volume Weight

[note 1]

Baker's %
Chickpea flour 250 g 100%
Salt 1 pinch
Pepper 1 pinch
Water 1 L 1000 g 400%
Olive oil
Total 1250 g 500%


  1. Mix chickpea flour, water, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Leave to stand, preferably overnight.
  2. Preheat oven to 175°C (350°F). Take a 9x6-inch (15x23 cm) tin or oven dish, and add enough oil to cover the bottom. Heat the pan in the oven.
  3. Spread hot oil up sides of tin with a pastry brush or by tilting. Stir batter, pour immediately into hot tin, and put back in oven for about 1 hour approximately or until set in the middle.
  4. Leave to stand for a while.

Conversion notes

  1. Weight conversions from USDA National Nutrient Database. Original recipe text preserved, but salt and pepper split to their own lines, and were reordered to match procedure text. Salt, pepper, and olive oil amounts are unknown. Please note that introductory and procedure texts differ on when in the process pepper is added. This is a formula where it may be preferable to express water as the 100% ingredient, primarily depending upon which one you prefer to weigh first.