Category:Book:SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook

This category contains pages that are part of the SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook book. If a page of the book isn't showing here, please add text {{BookCat}} to the end of the page concerned. You can view a list of all subpages under the book main page (not including the book main page itself), regardless of whether they're categorized, here.

Pages in category "Book:SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/February12Assignment
  2. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/February 5 Assignment
  3. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/January29Assignment
  4. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/January22Assignment
  5. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/Opening Up Education
  6. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/Non-course materials
  7. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/wiki contributions
  8. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/OpenContent
  9. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Glossary
  10. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/OpenHealth
  1. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/February12Assignment
  2. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Openness
  3. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Genre and OER
  4. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Glossary
  5. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/wiki contributions
  6. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/Non-course materials
  7. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/Opening Up Education
  8. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/January22Assignment
  9. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/January29Assignment
  10. SI521 "Open Educational Resources at the University of Michigan" Open Textbook/Class Materials/February 5 Assignment

The following 22 pages are in this category, out of 22 total.