(Prev) Lesson 2: Com et dius? - What's your name? (Next)
català English
Bon dia! Com et dius?1

bɔn diə! cɔm ət dius?

Good morning! What's your name? (How yourself you-call?)
Em dic2 Joan. I tu, qui ets?

əm dik ʒuan. i tu, ki ɛts?

My name is Juan (myself I-call Joan). And you, who are you?
Sóc el Harry.3 Sóc anglès. No parlo bé català.4

sok əl (h)ari. sok ənglɛs. no parlu be kətəla

I'm (the) Harry. I'm English. I don't speak Catalan well. (no I-speak well Catalan)

1: et dius means you call yourself. This is called a reflexive verb. It's from the verb dir-se, to call oneself. For now, just remember that et dius needs to stay as one whole unit.
2: em dic means I call myself. This is another form of dir-se but when speaking in the first person.
3: Notice the male speaker says el Harry literally, the Harry. Female speakers will use la, as in sóc la Silva, I am (the) Silva.
4: The letter 'o' in parlo and Joan is pronounced as 'u' when it is not in the stressed syllable.

Translation Exercise

  1. Hola! Sóc la Silva. Qui ets?
  2. Em dic Harry.
  3. Sóc el Joan. Parlo català.
  4. Com et dius? Ets de Barcelona?
  5. No sóc de Barcelona i no parlo bé català.

Exercise Answers
  1. Hi! I'm Silva. Who are you?
  2. My name is Harry.
  3. I'm Joan. I speak Catalan.
  4. What's your name? Are you from Barcelona?
  5. I'm not from Barcelona and I don't speak Catalan well.