català | English |
Hola Harry! Com estàs?
ɔlə (h)ari! kɔm əstas? |
Hello Harry! How are you? |
Hola Jordi! Estic molt bé, gràcies.1 ɔlə ʒɔrdi! əstik mol be, grasjəs |
Hi Jordi! I'm very well, thanks. |
Com està la teva2 dona? kɔm əsta lə tevə dɔnə? |
How is (the) your wife (woman)? |
Està malalta,3 és a casa.4 əsta məlaltə, ez‿ə cazə. |
She's sick, she's at home.
1: estic means I am but referring to a temporary state. It is from the verb estar to be (temporarily). Also notice that that 't' in molt very is silent.
2: la teva dona (the) your wife. Catalan requires the article la the before the possessive teva your. The masculine form would be el teu marit (the) your husband.
3: malalta refers to la teva dona and is in the feminine form. The masculine form is malalt, with a silent 't'. This pattern of a silent letter becoming sounded in the feminine form will show up many times.
4: és means he/she/it is and is from ser. Notice that when an 's' is between two vowels, as is the case in és a and casa, the 's' turns into a 'z' sound.
Translation Exercise
edit- Sóc a casa. Estic malalt.
- Com està el teu marit?
- És de Londres?
- La teva dona és anglesa.
- Com estàs? Estic molt bé.
Exercise Answers