
(Prev) Lesson 3: Com estàs? - How are you? (Next)
català English
Hola Harry! Com estàs?

ɔ(h)ari! kɔm əstas?

Hello Harry! How are you?
Hola Jordi! Estic molt bé, gràcies.1

ɔʒɔrdi! əstik mol be, grasjəs

Hi Jordi! I'm very well, thanks.
Com està la teva2 dona?

kɔm əstatenə?

How is (the) your wife (woman)?
Està malalta,3 és a casa.4

əstalaltə, ez‿ə cazə.

She's sick, she's at home.

1: estic means I am but referring to a temporary state. It is from the verb estar to be (temporarily). Also notice that that 't' in molt very is silent.
2: la teva dona (the) your wife. Catalan requires the article la the before the possessive teva your. The masculine form would be el teu marit (the) your husband.
3: malalta refers to la teva dona and is in the feminine form. The masculine form is malalt, with a silent 't'. This pattern of a silent letter becoming sounded in the feminine form will show up many times.
4: és means he/she/it is and is from ser. Notice that when an 's' is between two vowels, as is the case in és a and casa, the 's' turns into a 'z' sound.

Translation Exercise

  1. Sóc a casa. Estic malalt.
  2. Com està el teu marit?
  3. És de Londres?
  4. La teva dona és anglesa.
  5. Com estàs? Estic molt bé.

Exercise Answers
  1. I'm at home. I'm sick.
  2. How is your husband?
  3. Is he from London?
  4. Your wife is English.
  5. How are you? I'm very well.