Bikol/Speech Register

Bikol has a a speech level or register not found in any Philippine language. Its called “angry register” by Jason Lobel but is a misnomer since one does not have to be angry to use it. One can use it if irritated, or wants to intimidate, antagonize, shock, to elicit laughter, to spice up a conversation, or to put people down or outside their normal place.

Xyller Yañez in his blog called it Palanit, and the other register Palumhok. Palanit register can also use words that imply vulgar, unpolished behavior, or apply words normally descriptive of animals. Both palanit and palumhok describe the speaker’s attitude towards the thing, or emotions at that moment. The following are just a few of the examples in Bikol.

The speech register of Bikol, also known natively as tamanggot, is sometimes used by mothers when nagging. Some examples of the register include:

Normal Bikol Speech register Bikol English translation
malutò malustod rice (cooked)
bagas lasgas rice (uncooked)
tubig tamìlig, tùlig water
bungog lusngog deaf
uran bagrat rain
bagyo alimagyo typhoon/hurricane
babayi babaknit, siknit female
lalaki lalaknit male
bado, gubing lasdô, lamasdo clothes
harong langag


sira sigtok, buragtok fish
ikos kurasmag, kasmag cat
ayam, idò da(ma)yô (Naga),
gadyâ (Legazpi)
tukaw igad to sit down
higda litad to lie down
damulag (Naga),
karabaw (Legazpi)
gadyâ (Naga) carabao
humali wumara leave
magkakan/kumakan (Naga),
magkaon/kumaon (Legazpi)
hablô, humablô, habluon, sibà, sumibà, sumibsib eat
burat (Naga),
buyong (Legazpi)
lusrat, lusyong, bultok drunk
taram tabil to speak
kapot, kapotan kamlô, kamlùon to hold, holding
hiling butlâ to see
bitis singkil, samail, samingkil foot
talinga talingugngog ear
ngusò (Naga),
ngimot (Legazpi)
ngurapak, ngaspak, ngislo mouth
kamot kamulmog hand
mata malsok eye
payo alintak,


hawak (Naga),
lawas (Legazpi)
kabangkayan body
tulak tindos, la(ma)sdak belly/stomach
sapatos sapagtok shoe
kalayo kalasbot fire
kawali kawalwag frying pan
sarwal sarigwal shorts or underwear
asin tasik salt
manok maldos, malpak chicken