Chinese Wikisource link |
English translation |
s:zh:中華民國六十一年度公債發行條例 |
1972 Public Bond Issuance Act |
s:zh:中華民國六十二年度公債發行條例 |
1973 Public Bond Issuance Act |
s:zh:會計師法 |
Accountant Act, Certified Public |
s:zh:會計法 (中華民國) |
Accounting Act |
s:zh:訴願法 |
Administrative Appeal Act |
s:zh:行政執行法 |
Administrative Execution Act, The |
s:zh:行政罰法 |
Administrative Penalty Act |
s:zh:行政程序法 |
Administrative Procedure Act |
s:zh:農業發展條例 |
Agricultural Development Act |
s:zh:農產品生產及驗證管理法 |
Agricultural Production and Certification Act |
s:zh:農產品市場交易法 |
Agricultural Products Market Transaction Act |
s:zh:農業科技園區設置管理條例 |
Agricultural Technology Parks, Act of Establishment and Administration of |
s:zh:農藥管理法 |
Agro-pesticides Management Act |
s:zh:空氣污染防制法 |
Air Pollution Control Act |
s:zh:娛樂稅法 |
Amusement Tax Act |
s:zh:動物傳染病防治條例 |
Animal Disease, Statute for Prevention and Control of Infectious |
s:zh:畜牧法 (中華民國) |
Animal Industry Act |
s:zh:動物保護法 |
Animal Protection Act |
s:zh:貪污治罪條例 (前戡亂時期貪污治罪條例) |
Anti-Corruption Act |
s:zh:耕地三七五減租條例 |
Arable Rent Reduction Act, The 37.5% |
s:zh:仲裁法 (中華民國) (前商務仲裁條例) |
Arbitration Law of ROC, The |
s:zh:建築師法 |
Architects Act |
s:zh:檔案法 (中華民國) |
Archives Act |
s:zh:陸海空軍軍官士官任職條例 |
Armed Forces, Act of Assignment for Officers And Noncommissioned Officers of the |
s:zh:陸海空軍軍官士官任官條例 |
Armed Forces, Act of Commission for Officers and Noncommissioned Officers of the; Armed Forces, Commission Act for Officers and Noncommissioned Officers of the |
s:zh:陸海空軍軍旗條例 (附圖) |
Armed Forces, Act of Ensign of the (with attachment) |
s:zh:陸海空軍獎勵條例 |
Armed Forces, Act of Medal of Honor of the |
s:zh:陸海空軍軍官士官考績條例 |
Armed Forces, Act of Merit for Officers and Noncommissioned Officers of the |
s:zh:陸海空軍軍官士官服役條例 (附表) |
Armed Forces, Act of Military Service for Officers and Noncommissioned Officers of the (with attachment) |
s:zh:陸海空軍懲罰法 |
Armed Forces, Act of Punishment of the |
s:zh:陸海空軍刑法 |
Armed Forces, Criminal Code of the |
s:zh:陸海空軍勳賞條例 |
Arm Forces Decoration Act |
s:zh:陸海空軍服制條例 (附圖) |
Armed Forces Uniforms Act (with attachment) |
s:zh:陸軍服制條例 (廢止) |
Army, Uniforms Act of the (abolished) |
s:zh:人工生殖法 |
Artificial Reproduction Act |
s:zh:藝術教育法 |
Arts Education Act |
s:zh:集會遊行法 (前動員戡亂時期集會遊行法) |
Assembly and Parade Act |
s:zh:原子能法 |
Atomic Energy Law of The Republic of China, The English Text of |
s:zh:律師法 (中華民國) |
Attorney Regulation Act |
s:zh:審計法 (中華民國) |
Audit Act |
s:zh:審計處室組織通則 |
Audit Divisions and Offices, The Organization Act of the |
s:zh:審計部組織法 |
Audit Office, The Organization Act of the National |
s:zh:審計人員任用條例 |
Audit staff, Act of the Appointment of the |
s:zh:飛航事故調查法 |
Aviation Occurrence Investigation Act |
s:zh:銀行法 (中華民國) |
Banking Act of The Republic of China, The |
s:zh:銀行業戰前存款放款清償條例 |
banking industry in the prewar period, Ordinance for paying off the deposits and the loans established in the |
s:zh:破產法 (中華民國) |
Bankruptcy Act |
[47] [48]
s:zh:票券金融管理法 |
Bills Finance Business, The Act Governing |
s:zh:生技新藥產業發展條例 |
Biotech And New Pharmaceuticals Industry, Act For The Development Of |
s:zh:記帳士法 |
Bookkeepers Act, Certified Public |
s:zh:預算法 (中華民國) |
Budget Act |
s:zh:主計機構人員設置管理條例 |
Budget, Accounting and Statistics Agencies and BAS Personnel, Statues for Establishment and Management of |
s:zh:建築法 (中華民國) |
Building Act |
s:zh:商業會計法 |
Business Entity Accounting Act |
s:zh:企業併購法 |
Business Mergers And Acquisitions Act |
s:zh:商業登記法 (中華民國) |
Business Registration Act |
s:zh:有線廣播電視法 |
Cable Radio and Television Act |
s:zh:地籍清理條例 |
Cadastral Clearance Act |
s:zh:癌症防治法 |
Cancer Control Act |
s:zh:殺傷性地雷管制條例 |
Casualty Mine Control Act |
s:zh:中央行政機關組織基準法 |
Central Administrative Agencies Organizations, Basic Code Governing |
s:zh:中央銀行法 |
Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Act, The |
s:zh:中央政府機關總員額法 |
Central Government Agencies, Act Governing the Total Number of Personnel Headcounts of |
s:zh:中央政府建設公債及借款條例 |
Central Government Development Bonds and Loans Act |
s:zh:中央政府興建臺灣區高速公路第一期工程建設公債發行條例 |
Central Government Development Bond for the First Phase National Freeway Construction Project in Taiwan, Act Governing the Issuance of the |
s:zh:行政院人事行政局組織條例 (廢止) |
Central Personnel Administration Organizational Act (abolished) |
s:zh:中央警察大學組織條例 (前中央警官學校組織條例) |
Central Police University, Organization Act of the (formerly Organic Act for the Central Police Officers School) |
s:zh:中央法規標準法 |
Central Regulation Standard Act |
s:zh:中央信託局條例 |
Central Trust of China, Act of the |
s:zh:規費法 |
Charges and Fees Act |
s:zh:公益勸募條例 |
Charity Donations Destined For Social Welfare Funds Implementation Regulations |
s:zh:兒童及少年性交易防制條例 |
Child and Youth Sexual Transaction Prevention Act |
s:zh:兒童及少年福利與權益保障法 (前兒童及少年福利法) |
Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, The Protection of (formerly Children and Youth Welfare Law) |
s:zh:中國輸出入銀行條例 |
China, The Export-import Bank of the Republic of China Act Taiwan, Republic of |
s:zh:人民團體法 (前動員戡亂時期人民團體法、非常時期人民團體組織法) |
Civil Associations Act |
s:zh:民用航空法 (中華民國) |
Civil Aviation Act |
s:zh:民法第一編總則 |
Civil Code/Part I |
s:zh:民法總則施行法 |
Civil Code, Enforcement Act of the Part of General Principles of the |
s:zh:民法第二編債 |
Civil Code/Part II |
s:zh:民法債編施行法 |
Civil Code, Enforcement Act of the Part of Obligations of the |
s:zh:民法第三編物權 |
Civil Code/Part III |
s:zh:民法物權編施行法 |
Civil Code, Enforcement Act of the Part of Rights In Rem of the |
s:zh:民法第四編親屬 |
Civil Code/Part IV |
s:zh:民法親屬編施行法 |
Civil Code, Enforcement Law for Part IV, Family Law of the |
s:zh:民法第五編繼承 |
Civil Code/Part V |
s:zh:民法繼承編施行法 |
Civil Code, Enforcement Law for Part V, Succession Law of the |
s:zh:民防法 |
Civil Defense Act |
s:zh:涉外民事法律適用法 |
Civil Matters Involving Foreign Elements, Act Governing the Choice of Law in |
s:zh:民事訴訟法 (中華民國) |
Civil Procedure, Taiwan Code of |
s:zh:民事訴訟法施行法 |
Enforcement Act of the Code of Civil Procedure |
s:zh:公務人員協會法 |
Civil Servant Association Act |
s:zh:公務人員交代條例 |
Civil Servants, Act Governing the Handover of |
s:zh:公職人員選舉罷免法 |
Civil Servants Election and Recall Act |
s:zh:公務人員保障法 |
Civil Service Protection Act |
s:zh:公務人員保障暨培訓委員會組織法 |
Civil Service Protection and Training Commission Organizational Act |
s:zh:公務人員訓練進修法 |
Civil Service Training and Continuing Education Act |
s:zh:海岸巡防法 |
Coast Guard Act, The |
s:zh:海岸巡防機關器械使用條例 |
Coast Guard Authority, Act of Use of Weapons and Requisite Instruments by the |
s:zh:團體協約法 |
Collective Agreement Act; Collective Bargaining Agreement Act |
[100] [101]
s:zh:商業團體法 |
Commercial Group Act |
s:zh:商港法 |
Commercial Port Law, The |
s:zh:商品檢驗法 |
Commodity Inspection Act, The |
s:zh:商品標示法 |
Commodity Labeling Act |
s:zh:貨物稅條例 |
Commodity Tax Act |
s:zh:傳染病防治法 (中華民國) (前傳染病防治條例) |
Communicable Disease Control Act |
s:zh:通訊保障及監察法 |
Communication Security and Surveillance Act, The |
s:zh:通訊傳播基本法 |
Communications Act, Fundamental |
s:zh:動員戡亂時期臨時條款 (廢止) |
Communist Rebellion, Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of (abolished)
s:zh:公司法 (中華民國) |
Company Act |
s:zh:強制汽車責任保險法 |
Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Act |
s:zh:公寓大廈管理條例 |
Condominium Administration Act Building Administration Division |
s:zh:中華民國憲法增修條文 |
Constitution of the Republic of China, The Additional Articles of the |
s:zh:營造業法 |
Construction Industry Act |
s:zh:工程受益費徵收條例 (前市縣工程受益費徵收條例) |
Construction Project, Statute for Collection of Community Development Fees by |
s:zh:消費者保護法 |
Consumer Protection Act |
s:zh:監察法 (中華民國) |
Control Act |
s:zh:監察院組織法 |
Control Yuan, Organic Law of the |
s:zh:監察院各委員會組織法 |
Control Yuan Committees, Organic Act of the |
s:zh:管制藥品管理條例 (前麻醉藥品管理條例) |
Controlled Drugs Act |
s:zh:合作社法 |
Cooperatives Act |
s:zh:著作權法 (中華民國) |
Copyright Act |
s:zh:著作權集體管理團體條例 (前著作權仲介團體條例) |
Copyright Collective Management Organization Act |
s:zh:化粧品衛生管理條例 |
Cosmetic Hygiene, Statute for Control of |
s:zh:軍事審判法 |
Court Martial Procedure, Code of |
s:zh:信用合作社法 |
Credit Cooperatives Act Of The Republic Of China, The |
s:zh:儲蓄互助社法 |
Credit Union Act |
s:zh:犯罪被害人保護法 |
Crime Victim Protection Act |
s:zh:中華民國刑法 |
Criminal Code of the Republic of China |
s:zh:中華民國刑法施行法 |
Criminal Code of the Republic of China, Enforcement Law of the |
s:zh:刑事訴訟法施行法 |
Criminal Procedure, Enforcement Rules of the Code of the |
s:zh:刑事訴訟法 (中華民國) |
Criminal Procedure, The Code of |
s:zh:刑事妥速審判法 |
Criminal Speedy Trial Act, The |
s:zh:文化藝術獎助條例 |
Culture and Arts Reward Act |
s:zh:文化創意產業發展法 |
Cultural and Creative Industries, Law for the Development of the |
s:zh:文化資產保存法 |
Cultural Heritage Preservation Act |
s:zh:關稅法 (中華民國) |
Customs Act |
s:zh:海關緝私條例 |
Customs Anti-smuggling Act |
s:zh:海關進口稅則 (附表) |
Customs Import Tariff (with attachment) |
s:zh:關務人員人事條例 (附表) |
Customs Personnel Management Act (with attachment) |
s:zh:契稅條例 |
Deed Tax Act |
s:zh:學位授予法 |
Degree Conferral Law |
s:zh:牙體技術師法 |
Dental Technicians Act |
s:zh:存款保險條例 (中華民國) |
Deposit Insurance Act |
s:zh:羈押法 |
Detention Act |
s:zh:發展觀光條例 |
Development of Tourism, Act for the |
s:zh:營養師法 |
Dietitian Act |
s:zh:駐外外交領事人員任用條例 |
Diplomatic and Consular Personnel Stationed Overseas, Act Governing the Employment of |
s:zh:駐外機構組織通則 |
Diplomatic Missions of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Organization Act of |
s:zh:災害防救法 |
Disaster Prevention and Protection Act |
s:zh:去氧核醣核酸採樣條例 |
DNA Sampling Act |
s:zh:家庭暴力防治法 |
Domestic Violence Prevention Act |
s:zh:飲用水管理條例 |
Drinking Water Management Act |
s:zh:戒治處分執行條例 |
Drug Abuser Treatment, Act of Execution of |
s:zh:藥害救濟法 |
Drug Injury Relief Act |
s:zh:幼兒教育及照顧法 |
Early Childhood Education and Care Act |
s:zh:經濟部智慧財產局組織條例 |
Economic Affairs, Act of the Organization of Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of |
s:zh:教育經費編列與管理法 |
Education Expenditures Act, The Compilation and Administration of |
s:zh:教育部組織法 |
Education, Organization Act of the Ministry of |
s:zh:教育會法 |
Educational Association Act |
s:zh:教育基本法 (中華民國) |
Educational Fundamental Act |
s:zh:教育人員任用條例 |
Educators, Act of Governing the Appointment of |
s:zh:老年農民福利津貼暫行條例 |
Elderly Farmers, Provisional Act Governing the Welfare Allowance for |
s:zh:地方民意代表費用支給及村里長事務補助費補助條例 (附表) |
Elected Representatives and Subsidies for Village Heads and Wardens, Regulations on Allowances for (with attachment) |
s:zh:電業法 |
Electricity Act, The |
s:zh:電子遊戲場業管理條例 |
Electronic Game Arcade Business Regulation Act |
s:zh:電子支付機構管理條例 |
Electronic Payment Institutions, The Act Governing |
s:zh:電子票證發行管理條例 |
Electronic Stored Value Cards, Act Governing Issuance of |
s:zh:緊急醫療救護法 |
Emergency Medical Services Act |
s:zh:職工福利金條例 |
Employee Welfare Fund Act; Employees' Welfare Funds Act |
[170] [171]
s:zh:就業保險法 |
Employment Insurance Act |
s:zh:就業服務法 |
Employment Services Act |
s:zh:能源管理法 |
Energy Administration Act |
s:zh:環境用藥管理法 |
Environmental Agents Control Act |
s:zh:環境教育法 |
Environmental Education Act |
s:zh:環境影響評估法 |
Environmental Impact Assessment Act |
s:zh:平均地權條例 |
Equalization of Land Rights Act, The |
s:zh:遺產及贈與稅法 |
Estate and Gift Tax Act |
s:zh:典試法 |
Examination Affairs Act |
s:zh:中華民國專屬經濟海域及大陸礁層法 |
Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf of the Republic of China, Law on the |
s:zh:行政院海岸巡防署海洋巡防總局組織條例 (廢止) |
Executive Yuan, The Act of Organization for Maritime Patrol Directorate General, Coast Guard Administration, (abolished) |
s:zh:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局組織條例 |
Executive Yuan, Organic Act of Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training of the Council of the Labor Affairs of the |
s:zh:行政院主計處組織法 |
Executive Yuan, Organic Act of Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, |
s:zh:行政院環境保護署環境保護人員訓練所組織條例 |
Executive Yuan, Organic Act of the Environmental Professionals Training Institute, Environmental Protection Administration, |
s:zh:行政院環境保護署組織條例 |
Executive Yuan, Organic Act of the Environmental Protection Administration, |
s:zh:行政院大陸委員會組織條例 |
Executive Yuan, Organic Act of the Mainland Affairs Council of the |
s:zh:行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所組織條例 |
Executive Yuan, Organic Act of the National Institute of Environmental Analysis, Environmental Protection Administration, |
s:zh:行政院海岸巡防署組織法 (廢止) |
Executive Yuan, Organization Act of the Coast Guard Administration, (abolished) |
s:zh:行政院人事行政總處組織法 |
Executive Yuan, The Organization Act of the Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, |
s:zh:行政院國家科學委員會組織條例 |
Executive Yuan, Organization Act of the National Science Council of the |
s:zh:行政院研究發展考核委員會組織條例 |
Executive Yuan, The Organization Act of the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, |
s:zh:行政院原住民族委員會組織條例 (前行政院原住民委員會組織條例) |
Executive Yuan Organization Bylaws, Council Of Indigenous Peoples |
s:zh:行政院海岸巡防署海岸巡防總局組織條例 (廢止) |
Executive Yuan, Organizational Act of Coastal Patrol Directorate General in the Coast Guard Administration, (abolished) |
s:zh:行政院海岸巡防署海岸巡防總局各地區巡防局組織通則 (廢止) |
Executive Yuan, Organizational Act Of Regional Patrol Agency Of Coastal Patrol Directorate General In The Coast Guard Administration, (abolished) |
s:zh:行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局組織條例 |
Executive Yuan, Organizational Act of the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture, |
s:zh:行政院農業委員會組織條例 |
Executive Yuan, Organizational Act of the Council of Agriculture, |
s:zh:行政院組織法 |
Executive Yuan, Organizational Act of the |
s:zh:科技產業園區設置管理條例 (前加工出口區設置管理條例) |
Export Processing Zone, Statute for the Establishment and Administration of |
s:zh:引渡法 (中華民國) |
Extradition, Law of |
s:zh:工廠管理輔導法 |
Factory Management Act |
s:zh:公平交易法 |
Fair Trade Act |
s:zh:家庭教育法 |
Family Education Act |
s:zh:農地重劃條例 |
Farmland Readjustment Act |
s:zh:農會法 |
Farmers Association Act, The |
s:zh:農民健康保險條例 |
Farmer Health Insurance Act |
s:zh:二二八事件處理及賠償條例 (前二二八事件處理及補償條例) |
February 28 Incident Disposition and Compensation Act, The |
s:zh:飼料管理法 |
Feed control act |
s:zh:肥料管理法 |
Fertilizer Management Act |
s:zh:財政部組織法 |
Finance, The Organic Act of the Ministry of |
s:zh:財政部各地區國稅局組織通則 |
Finance, The Organic Statute for the Regional National Taxation Bureaus, Ministry of |
s:zh:財政部國庫署組織條例 |
Finance, Organization Act of the Department of National Treasury of the Ministry of |
s:zh:財政部賦稅署組織法 |
Finance, Organizational Act of Taxation Administration, Ministry of |
s:zh:金融資產證券化條例 |
Financial Asset Securitization Act |
s:zh:金融消費者保護法 |
Financial Consumer Protection Act |
s:zh:金融控股公司法 |
Financial Holding Company Act |
s:zh:金融機構合併法 |
Financial Institutions Merger Act The |
s:zh:行政院金融重建基金設置及管理條例 |
Financial Restructuring Fund, Act for the Establishment and Administration of the |
s:zh:決算法 |
Financial Statement Act |
s:zh:金融監督管理委員會檢查局組織法 (前行政院金融監督管理委員會檢查局組織法) |
Financial Supervision Commission, Organic Act Governing the Establishment of the Financial Examination Bureau, |
s:zh:金融監督管理委員會組織法 (前行政院金融監督管理委員會組織法) |
Financial Supervisory Commission, Organic Act Governing the Establishment of the |
s:zh:金融監督管理委員會證券期貨局組織法 (前行政院金融監督管理委員會證券期貨局組織法) |
Financial Supervisory Commission, Organic Act of the Securities and Futures Bureau, |
s:zh:金融監督管理委員會銀行局組織法 (前行政院金融監督管理委員會銀行局組織法) |
Financial Supervisory Commission, Organic Law of Banking Bureau, |
s:zh:金融監督管理委員會保險局組織法 (前行政院金融監督管理委員會保險局組織法) |
Financial Supervisory Commission, The Organic Act of Insurance Bureau, |
s:zh:罰金罰鍰提高標準條例 (前戡亂時期罰金罰鍰提高標準條例、戡亂時期罰金罰鍰裁判費執行費公證費提高標準條例) (廢止) |
Fines, Act of Criteria on Raise of (abolished) |
s:zh:財務罰鍰處理暫行條例 |
Fines, Temporary Act on the Allocation of |
s:zh:消防法 (中華民國) |
Fire Services Act |
s:zh:爆竹煙火管理條例 |
Firework and Firecracker Management Act |
s:zh:漁業法 (中華民國) |
Fisheries Act, The |
s:zh:漁會法 |
Fishermen Association Act, The |
s:zh:漁港法 |
Fishing Port Act |
s:zh:水患治理特別條例 |
Flood Management, Special Act for |
s:zh:糧食管理法 |
Food Administration Act |
s:zh:食品安全衛生管理法 (前食品衛生管理法) |
Food Sanitation, Act Governing |
s:zh:外交部組織法 |
Foreign Affairs, Executive Yuan, Organization Act of the Ministry of |
s:zh:外交部及駐外館處文件證明條例 |
Foreign Affairs and Overseas Missions, Document Legalization Act for the Ministry of |
s:zh:管理外匯條例 |
Foreign Exchange Control Act |
s:zh:外國人投資條例 |
Foreign Nationals, Statute For Investment By |
s:zh:外國護照簽證條例 |
Foreign Passports, Statute Governing the Issuance of ROC Visas in |
s:zh:外國專業人才延攬及僱用法 |
Foreign Professionals, Act for the Recruitment and Employment of |
s:zh:森林法 (中華民國) |
Forestry Act, The |
s:zh:卸任總統副總統禮遇條例 |
Former Presidents and Vice Presidents, Act of Courtesy for |
s:zh:自由貿易港區設置管理條例 |
Free trade zones, Act for the Establishment and Management of |
s:zh:期貨交易法 |
Futures Trading Act |
s:zh:期貨交易稅條例 |
Futures Transaction Tax Act |
s:zh:性別工作平等法 (前兩性工作平等法) |
Gender Equality in Employment, Act of; Gender Equality in Employment Act |
[246] [247]
s:zh:性別平等教育法 |
Gender Equity Education Act |
s:zh:優生保健法 |
Genetic Health Act |
s:zh:政風機構人員設置管理條例 (前政風機構人員設置條例) |
Government Employee Ethics Units and Officers, Act of the Establishment and Management of the |
s:zh:政府採購法 (中華民國) |
Government Procurement Act |
s:zh:公營事業移轉民營條例 |
Government-Owned Enterprises, Statute of Privatization of |
s:zh:財政收支劃分法 |
Government Revenues and Expenditures, Act Governing the Allocation of |
s:zh:政府發展經濟社會向國外借款及保證條例 |
Government to Develop Economy and Society, Act Governing Foreign Loans and Guarantee for |
s:zh:公庫法 |
Government Treasury Act |
s:zh:槍砲彈藥刀械管制條例 |
Guns, Ammunition and Knives Act, Controlling |
s:zh:客家基本法 |
Hakka Basic Act |
s:zh:特殊境遇家庭扶助條例 (前特殊境遇婦女家庭扶助條例) |
Hardship, Act of Assistance for Family in |
s:zh:衛生福利部組織法 |
Health and Welfare, Organic Act for Ministry of |
s:zh:衛生福利部食品藥物管理署組織法 (前行政院衛生署食品藥物管理局組織法) |
Health and Welfare, Organization Act of the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of |
s:zh:衛生福利部中央健康保險署組織法 (前行政院衛生署中央健康保險局組織法、中央健康保險局組織條例) |
Health and Welfare, The Organization Act of the National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of |
s:zh:健康食品管理法 |
Health Food Control Act |
s:zh:聽力師法 |
Hearing Specialists Act |
s:zh:公路法 (中華民國) |
Highway Act |
s:zh:人類免疫缺乏病毒傳染防治及感染者權益保障條例 (前後天免疫缺乏症候群防治條例) |
HIV Infection Control and Patient Rights Protection Act (formerly AIDS Prevention and Control Act) |
[265] [266]
s:zh:香港澳門關係條例 |
Hong Kong and Macau, Act Governing Relations with |
s:zh:安寧緩和醫療條例 |
Hospice Palliative Care Act |
s:zh:溫泉法 (中華民國) |
Hot Spring Act |
s:zh:房屋稅條例 (前房捐條例) |
House Tax Act |
s:zh:戶籍法 (中華民國) |
Household Registration Act |
s:zh:住宅法 |
Housing Act |
s:zh:解剖屍體條例 |
Human Autopsy Act |
s:zh:人體生物資料庫管理條例 |
Human Biobank Management Act |
s:zh:人體器官移植條例 (中華民國) |
Human Organ Transplant Act |
s:zh:人體研究法 |
Human Subjects Research Act |
s:zh:人口販運防制法 |
Human Trafficking Prevention Act |
s:zh:入出國及移民法 |
Immigration Act |
s:zh:所得基本稅額條例 |
Income Basic Tax Act |
s:zh:所得稅法 (中華民國) |
Income Tax Act |
s:zh:原住民保留地禁伐補償條例 (前原住民保留地禁伐補償及造林回饋條例) |
Indigenous Forest Conservation Act for Logging Ban Eco-Compensation and Reforestation Payback Reward for Lands Reserved for Indigenous Peoples, The
s:zh:原住民族基本法 |
Indigenous Peoples Basic Law, The |
s:zh:財團法人原住民族文化事業基金會設置條例 |
Act for the Establishment of the Indigenous Peoples Cultural Foundation |
s:zh:原住民族教育法 |
Indigenous Peoples, Education Act for |
s:zh:原住民族工作權保障法 |
Indigenous Peoples Employment Rights Protection Act |
s:zh:原住民族委員會組織法 |
Indigenous Peoples, Organization Act of the Council of |
s:zh:原住民族傳統智慧創作保護條例 |
indigenous peoples, Protection Act for the traditional intellectual creations of |
s:zh:原住民身分法 |
Indigenous Peoples, Status Act For |
s:zh:事業用爆炸物管理條例 |
Industrial Explosives Administrative Act |
s:zh:工業團體法 |
Industrial Group Act |
s:zh:產業創新條例 |
Industrial Innovation, Statute for |
s:zh:工業技術研究院設置條例 |
Industrial Technology Research Institute Establishment Act |
s:zh:保險法 (中華民國) |
Insurance Act |
s:zh:積體電路電路布局保護法 |
Integrated Circuit Layout Protection Act |
s:zh:智慧財產案件審理法 |
Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act |
s:zh:智慧財產法院組織法 (附表) |
Intellectual Property Court Organization Act (with attachment) |
s:zh:內政部警政署組織法 |
Interior, National Police Agency Organization Act, Ministry of the |
s:zh:內政部空中勤務總隊組織法 |
Interior, Organization Act of National Airborne Service Corps, Ministry of the |
s:zh:內政部消防署組織條例 |
Interior, The Organization Act of National Fire Agency, Ministry of the |
s:zh:內政部移民署組織法 (前內政部入出國及移民署組織法) |
Interior, Organization Act of the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the |
s:zh:國際機場園區發展條例 |
International Airport Park Development Act |
s:zh:國際合作發展基金會設置條例 |
International Cooperation and Development Fund, Act for the Establishment of the |
s:zh:投資經營非我國籍漁船管理條例 |
Investment in the Operation of Foreign Flag Fishing Vessels, Ordinance to Govern |
s:zh:農田水利會組織通則 |
Irrigation Association Organization, The Act of |
s:zh:日據時代株式會社台灣銀行海外分支機構存款及匯款處理條例 (前日據時代株式會社台灣銀行海外分支機構特別當座預金處理條例) |
Japanese Colonial Era, Statute for Managing Deposits and Remittance in Bank of Taiwan’s Overseas Branches during |
s:zh:法官法 (中華民國) |
Judges Act |
s:zh:司法院組織法 |
Judicial Yuan Organization Act, The |
s:zh:法務部調查局組織法 (前法務部調查局組織條例、司法行政部調查局組織條例) |
Justice, Organic Act for Investigation Bureau, Ministry of |
s:zh:法務部廉政署組織法 |
Justice, Organic Act of the Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of |
s:zh:法務部調查局幹部訓練所組織條例 (前司法行政部調查局幹部訓練所組織條例) |
Justice, Organization Statue for Training Academy, Investigation Bureau, Ministry of |
s:zh:少年觀護所設置及實施通則 (前少年觀護所條例) |
Juvenile Detention Houses, Statute on the Establishment of |
s:zh:少年矯正學校設置及教育實施通則 |
Juvenile Reformatory Schools and Enforcement of Education, The Act of the Establishment of |
s:zh:專科學校法 |
Junior College Law |
s:zh:少年事件處理法 |
Juvenile Delinquency Act |
s:zh:基隆河流域整治特別條例 (廢止) |
Keelung River Basin, Special Act Governing the Management of (abolished) |
s:zh:勞資爭議處理法 |
Labor-Management Disputes, Act for Settlement of; Labor Disputes Law, The Settlement of |
[315] [316]
s:zh:勞動檢查法 (前工廠檢查法) |
Labor Inspection Act |
s:zh:勞工保險條例 |
Labor Insurance Act |
s:zh:勞工退休金條例 |
Labor Pension Act |
s:zh:勞動基準法 (中華民國) |
Labor Standards Act |
s:zh:工會法 (中華民國) |
Labor Union Act |
s:zh:土地法 (中華民國) |
Land Act |
s:zh:土地法施行法 |
Land Act, Enforcement Act of |
s:zh:地政士法 |
Land Administration Agent Act |
s:zh:土地徵收條例 |
Land Expropriation Act |
s:zh:土地稅法 |
Land Tax Act |
s:zh:法律扶助法 |
Legal Aids Act |
s:zh:立法委員監察委員歲費公費支給暫行條例 |
Legislators’ and Ombudsmen’s Annual Pay and Pay for Duty-related Expenses, Temporary Act on |
s:zh:圖書館法 (中華民國) |
Library Act |
s:zh:終身學習法 |
Lifelong Learning Act |
s:zh:地方制度法 |
Local Government Act |
s:zh:地方稅法通則 |
Local Tax Regulations, The Act Governing |
s:zh:海洋污染防治法 |
Marine Pollution Control Act |
s:zh:海商法 (中華民國) |
Maritime Act |
s:zh:戒嚴時期人民受損權利回復條例 |
Martial Law, Act Governing the Recovery of Damage of Individual Rights during the Period of |
s:zh:戒嚴時期不當叛亂暨匪諜審判案件補償條例 |
Martial Law Period, Compensation Act for Wrongful Trials on Charges of Sedition and Espionage during the |
s:zh:氣象法 (中華民國) |
Meteorological Act |
s:zh:大量解僱勞工保護法 |
Mass Redundancy, Act for Worker Protection of; Mass Redundancy of Employees, The Protective Act for |
[338] [339]
s:zh:獎章條例 |
Medal Award Act |
s:zh:醫療法 (中華民國) |
Medical Care Act |
s:zh:醫事放射師法 |
Medical Radiation Technologists Act |
s:zh:醫事檢驗師法 |
Medical Technologists Act |
s:zh:精神衛生法 |
Mental Health Act |
s:zh:國軍軍事勤務致人民傷亡損害補償條例 |
Military Activities, Regulations on Compensation for Civilian Casualties Or Damages Caused by |
s:zh:軍公教遺族就學費用優待條例 (前革命抗戰功勳子女就學優待條例) |
Military and Civil Servants, The Act of Education Tuition Benefits for the Survivors of |
s:zh:國軍老舊眷村改建條例 |
Military Dependents, Act for Rebuilding Old Quarters for |
s:zh:軍事教育條例 |
Military Education, Act of |
s:zh:軍人保險條例 (前陸海空軍軍人保險條例) |
Military Personnel, Act of Insurance for |
s:zh:軍人婚姻條例 (前戡亂時期軍人婚姻條例、戡亂時期陸海空軍軍人婚姻條例)(廢止) |
Military Personnel, Act of Marriage for (abolished) |
s:zh:軍人撫卹條例 |
Military Personnel, Indemnity Act for |
s:zh:兵役法 (中華民國) |
Military Service System, Act Of |
s:zh:兵役法施行法 |
Military Service System, The Enforcement Act of Act of |
s:zh:軍人及其家屬優待條例 |
Military Servicemen & Their Dependents, Statute of Favors for |
s:zh:礦業法 |
Mining Act |
s:zh:礦場安全法 |
Mining Safety Act |
s:zh:洗錢防制法 |
Money Laundering Control Act |
s:zh:殯葬管理條例 |
Mortuary Service Administration Act |
s:zh:電影法 |
Motion Picture Act, The |
s:zh:山坡地保育利用條例 |
Mountainous Land, Utilization and Transfer of Reserved |
s:zh:姓名條例 |
Name Act |
s:zh:毒品危害防制條例 (前肅清煙毒條例、戡亂時期肅清煙毒條例) |
Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act |
s:zh:國家海洋研究院組織法 |
National Academy for Ocean Research, Organization Act of |
s:zh:國家文官學院組織法 (前國家文官培訓所組織條例) |
National Academy of Civil Service Organizational Act |
s:zh:國葬法 |
National Burial Act |
s:zh:國家通訊傳播委員會組織法 |
National Communications Commission Organization Act, The |
s:zh:國防法 (中華民國) |
National Defense Act |
s:zh:國防部參謀本部組織條例 (前國防部參謀本部組織法) |
National Defense, Organization Act of the General Staff Headquarters of the Ministry of |
s:zh:國防部組織法 |
National Defense, Organization Act of the Ministry of |
s:zh:國家發展委員會組織法 |
National Development Council, The Organic Act of the |
s:zh:中華民國國徽國旗法 (附圖) |
National Emblem and National Flag of the Republic of China Act (with attachment) |
s:zh:國家金融安定基金設置及管理條例 |
National Financial Stabilization Fund, Statute for the Establishment and Administration of the |
s:zh:全民健康保險法 |
National Health Insurance Act |
s:zh:國立故宮博物院組織法 (前國立故宮博物院組織條例) |
National Palace Museum Organization Act |
s:zh:國家公園法 |
National Park Law |
s:zh:國民年金法 (中華民國) |
National Pension Act |
s:zh:國有財產法 (中華民國) |
National Property Act |
s:zh:國家災害防救科技中心設置條例 |
National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, Act for the Establishment of the |
s:zh:國家安全法 (中華民國) |
National Security Act |
s:zh:國家機密保護法 |
National Security Information Protection Act, The Classified |
s:zh:國民體育法 |
National Sports Act |
s:zh:國家運動訓練中心設置條例 |
National Sports Training Center, Act for Establishment of the |
s:zh:國籍法 (中華民國) |
Nationality Act |
s:zh:天然氣事業法 |
Natural Gas Enterprise Act |
s:zh:海軍服制條例 (前海軍服裝條例)(附件)(廢止) |
Navy Uniforms Act (abolished) |
s:zh:票據法 (中華民國) |
Negotiable Instruments Act |
s:zh:新市鎮開發條例 |
New Town Development Act |
s:zh:噪音管制法 |
Noise Control Act |
s:zh:核子損害賠償法 |
Nuclear Damage Compensation Law |
s:zh:核子事故緊急應變法 |
Nuclear Emergency Response Act |
s:zh:護理人員法 |
Nursing Personnel Act |
s:zh:宣誓條例 |
Oath Act |
s:zh:職業災害勞工保護法 |
Occupational Accidents, Act for Protecting Worker of; Occupational Accidents Act, Protection for workers Incurring |
[393] [394]
s:zh:職業安全衛生法 (前勞動安全衛生法) |
Occupational Safety and Health Act (formerly Labor Safety and Health Act) |
s:zh:妨害國幣懲治條例 (前妨害國幣懲治暫行條例) |
Offenses Against National Currency, Penal Act of |
s:zh:國際金融業務條例 |
Offshore Banking Act |
s:zh:離島建設條例 |
Offshore Islands Development Act; Isolated Islands Construction Act |
[398] [399]
s:zh:空中大學設置條例 (前國立空中大學設置條例) |
Open University Establishment Act, The |
s:zh:光碟管理條例 |
Optical Disk Act |
s:zh:口腔健康法 |
Oral Health Act |
s:zh:勳章條例 |
Orders Act |
s:zh:組織犯罪防制條例 |
Organized Crime Prevention Act |
s:zh:華僑身分證明條例 |
Overseas Chinese Identity Certification Act |
s:zh:僑務委員會組織法 |
Overseas Community Affairs Council, ROC (Taiwan), Organization Act of |
s:zh:停車場法 |
Parking Facility Act |
s:zh:護照條例 (前出國護照條例) |
Passport Act |
s:zh:專利法 (中華民國) |
Patent Act |
s:zh:專利師法 |
Patent Attorney Act |
s:zh:當舖業法 |
Pawnshop Act |
s:zh:個人資料保護法 (中華民國) (前電腦處理個人資料保護法) |
Personal Information Protection Act |
s:zh:藥事法 (中華民國) (前藥物藥商管理法) |
Pharmaceutical Affairs Act |
s:zh:藥師法 (前藥劑師法) |
Pharmacists Act |
s:zh:身心障礙者權益保障法 (前身心障礙者保護法、殘障福利法) |
People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act (formerly Physically and Mentally Disabled Citizens Protection Act) |
s:zh:動產擔保交易法 |
Personal Property Secured Transactions Act |
s:zh:石油管理法 |
Petroleum Administration Act |
s:zh:物理治療師法 |
Physical Therapists Act |
s:zh:醫師法 (中華民國) |
Physicians Act |
s:zh:引水法 |
Pilotage Law |
s:zh:植物防疫檢疫法 |
Plant Protection and Quarantine Act |
s:zh:植物品種及種苗法 (前植物種苗法) |
Plant Variety and Plant Seed Act, The |
s:zh:血液製劑條例 |
Plasma Derivatives Act, The |
s:zh:警察法 (中華民國) |
Police Act |
s:zh:警察刑事紀錄證明核發條例 |
Police Criminal Record Certificates, Act Governing Issuance of |
s:zh:警察勤務條例 |
Police Duty Act |
s:zh:警察教育條例 |
Police Education Act |
s:zh:警察獎章條例 |
Police Medal Act |
s:zh:警察消防海巡移民空勤人員及協勤民力安全基金設置管理條例 (前警察消防海巡空勤人員及協勤民力安全基金設置管理條例) |
Police Officers, Fire-fighters, Coastguards, Immigration Officers, Aircrewmen and Volunteer Forces, Act for the Establishment and Administration of the Safety Fund for |
s:zh:警察人員人事條例 (前警察人員管理條例) |
Police Personnel Management Act |
s:zh:警察職權行使法 |
Police Power Exercise Act |
s:zh:警察服制條例 |
Police Uniforms Act |
s:zh:警械使用條例 |
Police Weapons, Act Governing the Use of |
s:zh:郵政法 (中華民國) |
Postal Act |
s:zh:政治獻金法 |
Political Donations Act |
s:zh:郵政儲金匯兌法 |
Postal Remittances and Savings Act |
s:zh:褒揚條例 |
Praise and Commendation Act |
s:zh:中華民國總統府組織法 |
President Organization Act, The ROC Office of the |
s:zh:總統副總統選舉罷免法 |
Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act |
s:zh:國民教育法 |
Primary and Junior High School Act |
s:zh:監獄行刑法 |
Prison Act |
s:zh:外役監條例 |
Prison Camp Act, The |
s:zh:私立學校法 (中華民國) |
Private School Law |
s:zh:保全業法 |
Private Security Service Act |
s:zh:民營公用事業監督條例 (廢止) |
Privately Owned Public Utilities Supervisory Act (abolished) |
s:zh:技師法 |
Professional Engineers Act |
s:zh:促進轉型正義條例 |
Promoting Transitional Justice, Act on |
s:zh:促進民間參與公共建設法 |
Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects, Act for |
s:zh:社會救助法 |
Public Assistance Act |
s:zh:公共場所母乳哺育條例 |
Public Breastfeeding Act |
s:zh:公葬條例 |
Public Burial Act |
s:zh:公共債務法 |
Public Debt Act, The |
s:zh:公設辯護人條例 |
Public Defender, Act of |
s:zh:國民住宅條例 |
Public Housing Act |
s:zh:公害糾紛處理法 |
Public Nuisance Dispute Mediation Act |
s:zh:公立學校教職員退休資遣撫卹條例 |
Public Schools, Act Governing Retirement, Severance, and Bereavement Compensation for the Teaching and Other Staff Members of |
s:zh:公職人員財產申報法 |
Public Servants, Act on Property-Declaration by |
s:zh:公職人員利益衝突迴避法 |
Public Servants Due to Conflicts of Interest, Act on Recusal of |
s:zh:公共電視法 |
Public Television Act |
s:zh:公益彩券發行條例 |
Public Welfare Lottery Issue Act |
s:zh:發展大眾運輸條例 |
Public Transportation Development, The Act of Encouraging |
s:zh:廣播電視法 |
Radio and Television Act |
s:zh:鐵路法 (中華民國) |
Railway Act |
s:zh:不動產估價師法 |
Real Estate Appraiser Act |
s:zh:不動產經紀業管理條例 |
Real Estate Broking Management Act |
s:zh:不動產證券化條例 |
Real Estate Securitization Act, Clauses of the |
s:zh:中華民國紅十字會法 (廢止) |
Red Cross Society Act of the Republic of China (abolished) |
s:zh:公民投票法 |
Referendum Act |
s:zh:少年輔育院條例 |
Reform Schools, Organic Statute of |
s:zh:區域計畫法 |
Regional Plan Act |
s:zh:更生保護法 (中華民國) |
Rehabilitation Protection Act |
s:zh:觀察勒戒處分執行條例 |
Rehabilitation Treatment, Act of Execution of |
s:zh:保安處分執行法 |
Rehabilitative Disposition Execution Act |
s:zh:再生能源發展條例 |
Renewable Energy Development Act |
s:zh:租賃住宅市場發展及管理條例 |
Rental Housing Market Development and Regulation Act |
s:zh:資源回收再利用法 |
Resource Recycling Act |
s:zh:呼吸治療師法 |
Respiratory Therapists Act |
s:zh:零售市場管理條例 |
Retail Market Management Regulation |
s:zh:道路交通管理處罰條例 |
Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act |
s:zh:農村社區土地重劃條例 |
Rural Community Land Readjustment Act |
s:zh:土石採取法 |
Sand and Gravel Excavation Act |
s:zh:衛星廣播電視法 |
Satellite Broadcasting Act |
s:zh:學校教職員退休條例 (廢止) |
School Faculty and Staff, Statute Governing the Retirement of (abolished) |
s:zh:學校教職員撫卹條例 (廢止) |
School Staff, Statute Governing the Consolation Payment to Surviving Dependents at the Death of Teachers |
s:zh:科技部新竹科學工業園區管理局組織法 |
Science and Technology, Organic Act of the Hsinchu Science Park Bureau of the Ministry of |
s:zh:科技部組織法 |
Science and Technology, Organizational Act of the Ministry of |
s:zh:科技部中部科學工業園區管理局組織法 |
Science and Technology, The Organization Act of the Central Taiwan Science Park Bureau, Ministry of |
s:zh:科技部南部科學工業園區管理局組織法 |
Science and Technology, The Organization Act of the Southern Taiwan Science Park Bureau, Ministry of |
s:zh:科學技術基本法 |
Science and Technology Act, Fundamental |
s:zh:科學工業園區設置管理條例 |
Science Parks, Act for Establishment and Administration of |
s:zh:科學工業園區管理局組織條例 |
Science Park Administration, Regulation for the Organization of a |
s:zh:船員法 (中華民國) |
Seafarer Act, The |
s:zh:證券交易法 |
Securities and Exchange Act |
s:zh:證券投資人及期貨交易人保護法 |
Securities Investor and Futures Trader Protection Act |
s:zh:證券交易稅條例 |
Securities Transaction Tax Act |
s:zh:自衛槍枝管理條例 |
Self-defense Guns Control Act |
s:zh:老人福利法 |
Senior Citizens Welfare Act |
s:zh:在臺公司大陸地區股東股權行使條例 (前戡亂時期在臺公司陷區股東股權行使條例) |
Shareholders in Mainland China of a Company in Taiwan, The Act regarding the Exercise of Shareholders’ Rights for |
s:zh:學校衛生法 |
School Health Act |
s:zh:學校法人及其所屬私立學校教職員退休撫卹離職資遣條例 |
school legal persons and their respective private school(s), Act governing the retirement, bereavement compensation, discharge with severance pay benefits for the teaching and other staff of |
s:zh:學校教職員撫卹條例 |
School Staff, Statute Governing the Consolation Payment to Surviving Dependents at the Death of Teachers and |
s:zh:高級中學法 |
Senior High School Act, The |
s:zh:高級中等教育法 |
Senior High School Education Act |
s:zh:嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎防治及紓困振興特別條例 |
Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens, Special Act for Prevention, Relief and Revitalization Measures for |
s:zh:下水道法 (中華民國) |
Sewerage Law |
s:zh:性侵害犯罪防治法 |
Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act |
s:zh:性騷擾防治法 |
Sexual Harassment Prevention Act |
s:zh:石門水庫及其集水區整治特別條例 (廢止) |
Shihmen Reservoir and Its Catchment Area, Special Act Governing the Management of (abolished) |
s:zh:船舶登記法 |
Ship Registration Law, The |
s:zh:航業法 |
Shipping Law |
s:zh:船舶法 (中華民國) |
Ships, The Law Of |
s:zh:簡易人壽保險法 |
Simple Life Insurance Act |
s:zh:中小企業發展條例 |
Small and Medium Enterprises, Act for Development of |
s:zh:社會教育法 (中華民國) |
Social Education Act |
s:zh:社會秩序維護法 |
Social Order Maintenance Act |
s:zh:社會工作師法 |
Social Worker Act |
s:zh:土壤及地下水污染整治法 |
Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act |
s:zh:水土保持法 (中華民國) |
Soil and Water Conservation Act |
s:zh:國土計畫法 |
Spatial Planning Act |
s:zh:特殊教育法 |
Special Education Act, The |
s:zh:特種貨物及勞務稅條例 |
Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax Act, The |
s:zh:語言治療師法 |
Speech Therapists Act |
s:zh:運動彩券發行條例 |
Sports Lottery Issuance Act |
s:zh:印花稅法 |
Stamp Tax Act |
s:zh:標準法 |
Standards Act, The |
s:zh:國家賠償法 (中華民國) |
State Compensation Law |
s:zh:國營事業管理法 |
State-Owned Enterprise, Administrative Law of |
s:zh:統計法 (中華民國) |
Statistics Act |
s:zh:替代役實施條例 |
Substitute Services, Enforcement Statute for |
s:zh:臺灣地區砂糖平準基金條例 (前臺灣省砂糖平準基金條例) |
Sugar Stabilization Fund in the Taiwan Area, Statute for |
s:zh:補習及進修教育法 (前補習教育法、補習學校法) |
Supplementary Education Act |
s:zh:稅捐稽徵法 |
Tax Collection Act |
s:zh:臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例 |
Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area, Act Governing Relations between the People of the |
s:zh:臺灣金融控股股份有限公司條例 |
Taiwan Financial Holding Co., Ltd., Act of |
s:zh:師資培育法 (前師範教育法) |
Teacher Education Act |
s:zh:教師法 (中華民國) |
Teachers' Act |
s:zh:技術及職業教育法 |
Technical and Vocational Education Act |
s:zh:電信法 |
Telecommunications Act |
s:zh:菸酒管理法 |
Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act, The |
s:zh:菸酒稅法 |
Tobacco and Alcohol Tax Act |
s:zh:菸害防制法 |
Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act |
s:zh:鄉鎮市調解條例 |
Township and County-Administered City Mediation Act, The |
s:zh:毒性化學物質管理法 |
Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act |
s:zh:貿易法 |
Trade Act, Foreign |
s:zh:營業秘密法 |
Trade Secrets Act |
s:zh:商標法 (中華民國) |
Trademark Act |
s:zh:交通部電信總局組織條例 (廢止) |
Transportation and Communications, Organizational Act of the Directorate General of Telecommunications, Ministry of (abolished) |
s:zh:交通部觀光局組織條例 |
Transportation and Communications, Organization Act of the Tourism Bureau, Ministry of |
s:zh:國庫券及短期借款條例 (前國庫券發行條例) |
Treasury Bills and Short-Term Loans Act |
s:zh:信託法 (中華民國) |
Trust Law |
s:zh:信託業法 (中華民國) |
Trust Enterprise Act |
s:zh:大學法 |
University Act |
s:zh:都市計畫法 (中華民國) |
Urban Planning Law |
s:zh:都市更新條例 |
Urban Renewal Act |
s:zh:市區道路條例 |
Urban Road Act |
s:zh:都市危險及老舊建築物加速重建條例 |
Urban Unsafe and Old Buildings, Statute for Expediting Reconstruction of |
s:zh:加值型及非加值型營業稅法 (前營業稅法) |
Value-Added and Non-Value-Added Business Tax Act (formerly Business Tax Act) |
s:zh:使用牌照稅法 (附表) |
Vehicle License Tax Act (with attachment) |
s:zh:國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會組織法 |
Veterans Affairs Council, Organization Act of |
s:zh:國軍退除役官兵輔導條例 |
Veterans Assistance Act, The ROC |
s:zh:獸醫師法 (中華民國) |
Veterinarian Act |
s:zh:動物用藥品管理法 |
Veterinary Drugs Control Act |
s:zh:妨害兵役治罪條例 |
Violation to Military Service System, Punishment Act for |
s:zh:要塞堡壘地帶法 |
Vital Area Regulations |
s:zh:職業學校法 |
Vocational School Law |
s:zh:職業訓練法 |
Vocational Training Act |
s:zh:志願士兵服役條例 |
Volunteer Enlisted Soldiers, Act of Military Service for |
s:zh:志願服務法 |
Volunteer Service Act |
s:zh:廢棄物清理法 |
Waste Disposal Act |
s:zh:水利法 |
Water Act |
s:zh:水污染防治法 (中華民國) |
Water Pollution Control Act |
s:zh:自來水法 |
Water Supply Act |
s:zh:度量衡法 (中華民國) |
Weights and Measures Act, The |
s:zh:野生動物保育法 |
Wildlife Conservation Act |
s:zh:證人保護法 |
Witness Protection Act |
s:zh:刑事補償法 (中華民國) (前冤獄賠償法) |
Wrongful Detentions and Executions, Law of Compensation for |