XSLTForms/XForms 2.0/XPath 2.0 Functions

XPath 2.0 and 3.0 functions


XPath 2.0 and 3.0 functions supported by XSLTForms (alphabetical order):

[Some description of XPath 2.0 item-type declarations possibly needed here, to explain the signatures ...]

  • distinct-values($heap as xs:anyAtomicType*)
  • ends-with($haystack as xs:string, $needle as xs:string)
  • format-number($value as numeric?, $picture as xs:string)
  • lower-case(nodeset?)
  • replace($input as xs:string, $pattern as xs:string, $replacement as xs:string)
  • string-join($bricks as xs:string*, $glue as xs:string)
  • tokenize($input as xs:string, $pattern as xs:string)
  • upper-case(nodeset?)

Also the mathematical functions abs, acos, asin, atan, atan2, cos, exp, log, power, random, sin, sqrt, and tan. [Signatures to be supplied.]

N.B. this list is complete as of version r638.

There are a number of XPath 2.0 functions that have not yet been implemented in r638.

XForms 2.0 functions


N.B. This list does not include functions that were already defined in XForms 1.1.

XSLTForms has (as of r638) implemented these:

  • serialize()

These are apparently not yet implemented in XSLTForms (as of r638) (in alphabetical order): attribute(), bind(), case(), element(), eval(), eval-in-context(), location-param(), location-uri(), parse(), readonly(), relevant(), required(), seconds-from-dateTime(), seconds-from-epoch(), seconds-to-dateTime(), uri-authority(), uri-fragment(), uri-host(), uri-param-names(), uri-param-values() , uri-path(), uri-port(), uri-query(), uri-scheme(), uri-scheme-specific-part(), uri-user-info().