Wikijunior:Solar System

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When working on this project, remember that it's aimed at children. Being understood is just as important as being accurate. Authors should concentrate on the most important concepts rather than getting wrapped up in every detail. Use technical vocabulary when you need to, but don't use big words where simple language would work.

If you have made contributions to this Wikibook and would like to have formal credit for being an author, please add your name to this list: Wikijunior Solar System Authors.


Wikibook Development Stages
Sparse text   Developing text   Maturing text   Developed text   Comprehensive text  
various parts of the solar system: the planets, dwarf planet Pluto, the asteroid belt, and a comet

The pages included are:

  1. Title Page  
  2. Introduction  
  3. Our Solar System  
  4. The Sun  
  5. Mercury  
  6. Venus  
  7. Earth  
  8. Mars  
  9. Asteroid belt  
  10. Jupiter  
  11. Saturn  
  12. Uranus  
  13. Neptune  
  14. Pluto  
  15. Comets  
  16. Kuiper Belt  
  17. Oort Cloud  
  18. Space exploration  
  19. Puzzles  
  20. Glossary  
  21. Test  

Major Questions


These major questions appear in every module:

  1. How big is this planet?
  2. What is its surface like?
  3. What are its moons like? Only for planets with moons.
  4. How long is a day on this planet?
  5. How long is a year on this planet? For moons: How long is its orbit around the planet?
  6. What is it made of?
  7. How much would this planet's gravity pull on me?
  8. Who is it named after?
  9. How was it discovered? Only for Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and several moons.

Some pages replace "it" with the planet's or moon's name and some don't.

Other topics


Other topics in this book could be:

  1. About gravity, mass, and weight (alternate version at About weight and gravity)  
  2. How the Solar System was born  
  3. What will happen to the Solar System in the future  
  4. The Mystery of Space   just a general overview about how people have regarded space differently in different cultures throughout time
  5. Is there life out there?   looking at the old question; the possible Mars microbes are of note, sci-fi and speculation might be interesting to touch on.