Using GNOME/Differences Distributors

This page will eventually describe differences between the original GNOME and modifications of it by various distributions.


  • Epiphany, GNOME's default web browser, is replaced by Iceweasel, a rebranding of Mozilla Firefox.
  • GNOME Office is replaced by a modified version of


  • The standard Applications Places System menus are replaced by the Computer menu, which is quite similar to the Start menu used by Windows.
  • Epiphany, GNOME's default web browser, is replaced by Mozilla Firefox.
  • Rhythmbox, GNOME's jukebox, is replaced by Banshee
  • Gthumb, GNOME's photo manager, is replaced by F-Spot.
  • The Preferences and Administration menus are replaced by a Windows-like Control Centre.
  • GNOME Office is replaced by a modified version of


  • Nautilus, the file manager, uses browser mode (i. e., folders open in the same window as their parent) instead of spatial mode by default.
  • Epiphany, GNOME's default web browser, is replaced by Mozilla Firefox.
  • Notifications cannot request any user input.
  • The functionality to end a session is moved from the System menu to the user switcher.
  • Gthumb, GNOME's photo manager, is replaced by F-Spot.
  • GNOME Office is replaced by a modified version of

Red Hat

  • Epiphany, GNOME's default web browser, is replaced by Mozilla Firefox.
  • GNOME Office is replaced by
  • The Preferences and Administration menus are organized into categories.