Education in Russia


Would you like to know how Russia's education system works? Well, let's start from the very beginning: in Russia, the education system is divided into three categories: kindergarten, secondary education, and university. One thing you might not know is that kindergarten is NOT compulsory in Russia! People are curious about a number of questions, including: What is the minimum education requirement in Russia? How many days of class are there each week? In the higher education system, do they also have Bachelor's and Master's degrees? How do they grade their students? Here are all the facts and figures you need to know about education in Russia. A great deal of concern has always been shown by Russians for education. According to the Russian Constitution, education is a right. The education system is implemented through secondary schools, vocational schools, and higher education institutions. As well as these, evening courses are available, plus grants and scholarships from the state.



The number of international students studying in Russia is increasing every year, which shows the country's diversity and multiculturalism. Russian universities are renowned for their helpful nature, kindness, and gentleness. You may also be able to adjust to Russian life by taking Russian language classes and attending preparatory courses.

Studying in Russia can be a prestigious and beneficial experience due to the reputation of the Russian educational system. Rankings of universities worldwide rank them among the best in fields such as Physics, Engineering, Medicine, and Social Sciences. The Russian government has placed a high priority on quality and international outlook in its ambitious higher education program.

Students from all around the world can find plenty of opportunities to pursue research and science in Russia. You can choose from a wide variety of universities according to what you plan to study. According to your speciality, you can get all the skills and knowledge you need in your future.

Historical overview of Education System In Russia


2005-2014 is the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, according to the United Nations Organization.

Globally, this initiative seeks to achieve a level of education capable of meeting the crucial challenges of the current century. Consequently, new content, new quality, and a new level of collaboration are attributes of education in the twenty-first century. Reforms of national educational systems have been enacted in a number of countries. The Russian Federation is not an exception. Generally due to the demands of the worldwide instructive organizations, the framework of instruction in Russia has impressively changed over the past five a long time. Colleges have started actualizing a framework comparative to that of Britain and the USA: 4 a long time for a Bachelor's degree and 2 a long time for a Master's degree. These changes are still in advance; a few colleges offer the unused framework, others still work concurring to the earlier 5-year framework. There are significant changes occurring here as well. This is a list of some very significant events in the history of Russian education which have become landmarks in the renovation of the Russian educational system. 2003 - The Bologna process was officially joined by the Russian Federation. During the process of establishing and harmonizing the European Education Area, Russia was to be integrated and included in the process.

As a result:

  • A multi-level education system was adopted in Russian higher education: bachelor's and master's programs (getting education in some disciplines, such as Engineering and Medicine, takes up five years and corresponds to a separate level, a specialty program);
  • Implementation of the European Credits Transfer System (ECTS);
  • Successful graduates are granted a Diploma Supplement compatible with an official transcript from an institution in Europe.
  • Foreign academic certificates, members of the Bologna Declaration, are recognized as valid in the Russian Federation and Russian academic certificates are recognized in foreign countries;
  • As a result, we developed and implemented comparable methodologies and evaluation criteria, which are used to evaluate Russian study programs internationally;
  • Almost all higher education institutions will meet the Bologna process requirements by 2020. The Federal Targeted Program for 2016-2020 defined this final indicator for Bologna process implementation in Russia.

The education system in Russia


There is a government-run education system in Russia, and all students are free to attend state schools. However, the quality of education offered at Russian state schools can vary wildly from city to city and from school to school. In order to determine which option is best for your child, it is wise to do your research. As well as public schools, Russia has a number of private schools, including international schools that cater to children of different nationalities. These schools are very popular among expats because they provide a multi-cultural environment and allow children to study the same curriculum they do at home. It is worth noting, however, that they often charge high tuition fees and have long waiting lists, making it difficult for you to ensure that your child can attend unless you apply well in advance and have sufficient funds. Fundamental general instruction endures nine a long time. The stages of obligatory tutoring in Russia are: basic school for children of 6-7 to 10; senior school for those from 10 to 16; and tall school from 16 to 17-18. On the full, school takes 10-11 a long time of ponder. Each school incorporates a "center educational programs" of scholarly subjects.

Preschool education in Russia


In Russia, children attend kindergarten (detsky sad) as early as age 18 months and continue to do so until the age of six or seven. There are approximately 48,800 kindergartens in Russia, among which are local Russian schools, as well as international schools. Therefore, expat families have a wide variety of preschool options. In Russia, almost all kindergartens are run by local and regional governments, and they are only allowed to charge parents up to 20% of the total childcare cost. The number of kindergartens in the country remains limited despite this. For example, there were 15,000 more preschoolers in Moscow than there were preschool places. Parents often add their newborn child to a waiting list immediately after giving birth because of this reason.

In addition to state-run preschools in Russia, there are also a great many privately run preschools in and around major cities. Children can also attend preschools at some international schools for older children, where it is taught in the school's primary language. However, the tuition may be prohibitive.

Primary education in Russia


It is compulsory for all Russian children to attend primary school (elementary school, nachalnaya shkola) under the supervision of the Russian Ministry of Education. Russian primary school is attended for four years by children ages six to seven. During this time, they learn to read and write as well as master basic mother tongue and mathematics. Most essential schools also start to instruct children a outside language, which is as a rule either English or German. Understudies too ponder music, physical instruction, and a subject called “the world around us” (окружающий мир, okruzhayushchy mir). This contains essential components of topography, history, and social thinks about.

Public primary schools in Russia


Open primary schools are free to go to in Russia, but parents still got to pay for books, sportswear, school uniform, and other things their children require. Strikingly, the quality of instruction changes depending on where you live. Within the major cities, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Yekaterinburg, for instance, the standard of instruction is ordinarily higher than in provincial ranges. There's moreover a more extensive variety of essential schools to select from, compared to little towns and towns which regularly as it were have one.

Private primary schools in Russia


In case you're willing to pay to guarantee that your child gets a better standard of instruction, at that point you might need to consider enlisting them at a private school. Russia is home to various privately-owned, fee-paying schools, especially within the bigger cities. In spite of the fact that expenses change based on the school and the area, they are by and large very tall. For illustration, essential school classes at Moscow’s Zhukovka Exercise room taken a toll ₽63,000 per month, whereas the Aristos Lyceum in St. Petersburg charges ₽20,000 per month.

number of students in the USA

Secondary education in Russia


Secondary instruction in Russia is part into two parts. Fundamental common instruction (основное общее образование, osnovnoye obshcheye obrazovaniye) endures for four a long time and closes with the Essential State Examination (Основной государственный экзамен, Osnovnoy gosudarstvenny ekzamen – ОГЭ/OGE). This decides what students can think about amid the ultimate two a long time of their education.After taking this exam, understudies who gotten tall sufficient marks can proceed on to auxiliary general instruction (Среднее общее образование, sredneye obshcheye obrazovaniye), which keeps going for two a long time and comes full circle with the Bound together State Examination (EGE). Other understudies may choose to spend those two a long time in professional instruction.

Public secondary schools in Russia


Like public essential schools, open secondary schools in Russia are free to go to and are managed by the Service of Instruction. Once more, like essential schools, the quality of instruction can shift incredibly depending on the school and its location. All children must go to school until the age of 15, at which time they may take off with their parents’ assent. For the primary four a long time of auxiliary school, they will ponder Russian dialect, writing, a remote dialect, arithmetic, IT, history, social thinks about, geology, material science, science, chemistry, music, craftsmanship, plan & innovation, and physical instruction.

Private secondary schools in Russia


Russia is home to a number of private secondary schools, which are for the most part based in Moscow and St. Petersburg. That said, littler cities such as Kazan and Penza too offer comparative schools. These schools ordinarily offer the next standard of instruction than open auxiliary schools, but charge higher expenses than private essential schools. The expenses for private auxiliary schools can too change essentially depending on area. For case, the Primary Moscow Recreation center charges ₽150,000 per month for instruction, whereas the Tete-a-Tete private school in St. Petersburg charges ₽240,000 per year.

Higher Education System In Russia


Russian education is one of the foremost advanced and created frameworks within the world. Accreditation and permitting of higher instruction educate are beneath the ward of the Service of Education of the Russian League. This service is additionally in charge of the advancement and support of State Instructive Guidelines. As it were licensed higher instruction teach can grant state recognitions and degrees. The framework of higher education in Russia is comparable to that in central Europe, with a number of key contrasts. The framework is broken down into four primary areas: primary, secondary, higher, and postgraduate instruction. The nation has as numerous as 776 higher education educate in 82 locales, choosing Russia as a ponder overseas goal will permit you to discover the correct degree program.

3 kinds of higher education institutions in Russia

  • Universities offer a broad range of programs on all levels.
  • Academies place a larger emphasis on research and practical skills, normally dedicated to specific subject areas such as art, architecture or science.
  • Institutes are independent branches of universities or academies which offer professional educational courses.

Russia’s higher education framework is known for its accomplishments and centers on science and innovation. State-funded educate offer numerous courses within the sciences, but there's moreover a assortment of humanities and social sciences programs accessible!

Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees

The Russian Federation has one of the highest tertiary attainment rates across OECD countries, at 63% of 25-34 year-olds compared with the OECD average of 44%.• Participation in formal and/or non-formal education and training is about 14 percentage points higher for tertiary-educated adults than for those who completed upper secondary or postsecondary non-tertiary education.• Enrolment of 3-5 year-olds in early childhood education and care increased from 53% in 2005 to 83% in 2017 (the OECD average in 2017 was 87%). However, spending per student is still low, about half of the OECD average. • At upper secondary level, vocational programmes are relatively more common in the Russian Federation than in some other OECD countries: in 2017, 46% of Russian first-time upper secondary graduates had a vocational qualification compared to 40% on average across OECD countries.

The Bakalavr’s degree (Bachelor’s) lasts for at least 4 a long time of full-time ponder. What was unused and astounding for me was that after wrapping up the Bachelor’s degree, understudies can either proceed a Master’s degree within the system of their claim to fame, or select a totally distinctive Master’s degree, which is completely not related to their real degree. A parcel of individuals who arrange on opening up their commerce do a master’s degree in Administration on best of their degree (which is regularly a degree in another field). The Bakalavr’s degree is granted after protecting a Confirmation extend, which was explained beneath the direction of a supervisor, and passing the ultimate exams. For medical understudies the Bachelor’s degree lasts for six a long time. The Magistr’s (Master’s) degree is granted after effectively completing two years’ full-time ponder. In arrange to effectively total the degree, understudies must carry out a year of investigate, get ready and protect a proposal which incorporates an unique commitment and sit last examinations.

Vocational Education system in Russia


Vocational education is the primary level of proficient learning that includes the preparing of capable specialists, by and large on the quality of essential common education.

There are two types of vocational education:

  • Professional Schools
  • Professional Lyceum

Professional Schools


In such educate, instructive programs are focused on at the achievement of proficient capabilities and fundamentally incorporate subjects for particular preparing. The time span of such instructive programs is 1 to 2.5 a long time, taking after the completion of fundamental common instruction which may be a nine-year program, or 1 to 1.5 a long time, taking after the completion of auxiliary (total) common instruction, a eleven-year program. After passing the State last confirmation, graduates of Proficient Schools are granted Confirmations that provide them the correct to hone a calling and it too qualifies them for higher thinks about at non-university level higher education.

Professional Lyceum


After passing the State last confirmation of a Proficient Lyceum, understudies are granted recognitions that authorize them to hone a calling additionally appear that they have gotten auxiliary (total) common instruction. This sort of confirmation gives an get to to college level higher instruction teach to its holders. The term of instructive programs at Proficient Lyceum is 3 a long time, taking after the completion of fundamental common instruction, or 1 to 1.5 a long time, taking after the completion of Auxiliary (total) Common Education.

Support for children with special educational needs (SEN) in Russia


There are a few modes of back accessible for children with extraordinary instructive needs (SEN) in Russia. For occasion, children regarded to have deferred improvement are entitled to extra ‘compensatory’ classes inside standard schools.Meanwhile, those with more extreme learning troubles may go to a ‘corrective’ boarding school (коррекционная школа, korrektsionnaya shkola). These schools acknowledge students between the ages of eight and 21 and point to assist them adjust to life in advanced society, instead of giving an in-depth instruction. There are too a number of specialized schools in Russia that cater to understudies with different physical disabilities. For illustration, there are 80 schools for children with disabled vision, which offer an extra twelfth year of think about and decreased course sizes. In expansion, there are over 200 specialized boarding schools that cater to hearing-impaired understudies.

Russian Educational Policy


The Russian educational framework incorporates both the think about of sciences and the childhood culture, social benchmarks and law behavior of the youthful era. Instructive arrangement in advanced Russia is based on accessibility, significance and common nature of education.

Principles of Education Policy of Russia

  • Expanded individual student improvement considering common human values, recognition and regard of rights and flexibilities;
  • Back of national personalities in spite of the fact that the state approach of social differences;
  • Secondary and higher instruction accessible to all categories of citizens and with no educational cost expense;
  • Combination of open and state schools and colleges administration pointed on their back and improvement;
  • Common education within the entire framework of municipal and state instructive educate;
  • Back of developments, adaptable instructive handle to meet the requests of the labor showcase;
  • Planning on-demand economy pros who will be able to actualize their potential in creating industries.

Educational Technology


Russian colleges that prepare IT masters offer internships in driving universal associations. After such an internship, there'll be no got to figure out how to fill your continue as managers will headhunt you themselves. Other than, concurring to a modern law, worldwide understudies presently have a right to work in Russia whereas examining. Graduates of Russian colleges are esteemed all over the world and hold high-paying positions as designers, web architects, cryptographers, analyzers, and data security engineers. Beginning in 2020, universal pros who graduated from Russian educational institutions and have authoritatively worked for three a long time within the Russian Alliance can apply for citizenship.

One of the most excellent specialized universities in Russia, the National University of Science and Technology MISIS, has propelled a unused programme in Shrewdly Frameworks for Information Processing. It'll prepare experts particularly well known within the setting of worldwide digitalization in all circles of the economy and the far reaching utilize of manufactured insights innovations. Understudies will learn to utilize organize technologies, cloud frameworks, relapse investigation and neural systems, shrewdly frameworks and machine learning calculations to form and create keen cities, and to actualize computerized generation in all businesses. After completing the program, you'll be able gotten to be a commerce examiner or specialist on the implementation of data frameworks in nearly any field. NUST MISIS understudies effectively take part in universal challenges. In November 2020, the university's group won a prize within the Cloud track of the yearly Huawei ICT Competition.

Reference list:

  1. Schooling in the new Russia: innovation and change, 1984-95 University of London. School of Slavonic and East European Studies Sutherland, Jeanne ISBN: 0-333-73699-0
  2. Education in Russia past and present: an introductory study guide and select bibliography Muckle, James ISBN: 0-9517853-2-X
  3. Russia's educational system: national report of the Russian Federation Международная конференция по образованию, 45th, Geneva, 1996 Russian Federation. Ministry of Education
  4. Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators (OECD, 2019)
  5. The Development and present state of adult education in Russia: national report of the Russian Federation. Международная конференция по образованию взрослых, 6th, Belém do Pará, Brazil, 2009 [204] Russian Federation. Ministry of Education and Science
  6. Modern Development Strategy of Russian Education. Flera Gabdulbarovna Mukhametzyanova1 , Aleksandr Vladimirovich Morozov2 ,Ramil Ravilovich Khayrutdinov1 , Yulia Mikhailovna Fedorchuk3 & Rita Rinatovna Aminova Vol. 9, No. 8; 2020