

Hello everyone My name is Victor Gutierrez. I am 36, have been married for 8 years and have two children a girl 6 and a boy 3. I am returning to school to finish what I did not finish when I was younger. I was in manufacturing for 15 years and worked up the ranks to that but I found myself stuck in a job I was not really happy to have. Last year my wife and I relocated from the Silicon Valley in California to a suburb near Seattle, Washington. I am looking forward to finishing my degree and finally getting into the classroom.



My teaching philosophy is still in a work in progress. I have a hard time thinking that education is a one size fits all concept. Being from California where there are a lot of migrant families it is hard to understand why all the children are put into a melting pot without much help, sink or swim. Most kids unfortunately sink, I find it hard to imagine that when kids begin to fall behind in Kindergarden and first grade, they simply have to struggle to catch up. Something needs to be done to get these kids that are falling behind caught up somehow, with summer school, or tutoring or, whatever it takes to get things right. I worry as a teacher when I have a class full of kids where some of them simply are not grasping the concepts. What as teachers are we supposed to do, teach down to the kids who cant or up to the kids who can. I guess the future will only tell but schools should adapt to the changing demographics that are blowing in the wind....