
<<< Homepage of OpenAFS and Kerberos Distributed User and Access Management using Kerberos and AFS Structures << Table of Contents
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What is Kerberos?


Kerberos is a Software developed at the MIT which can be used for network authentication. It uses a trusted third party (which we will call key distribution center or KDC) in case two entities are trying to communicate safely. That third party consists of an authentication server one one side and on the other side of a Ticket Granting Server. For each entity the third party knows the secret key. In case two entities try secret communication the key distribution center the KDC generates a session key.

The tickets you get from the KDC, specifically the AFS tokens you can make from those tickets will be the passport in the AFS network.

Where to get?


Installing packages provided by your distribution


Most distributions provide an OpenAFS/Kerberos environment themselves. For Gentoo an ebuild is provided. In case you are using Slackware64 you may get packages from

Building it from source


You can download Kerberos packages from or download a current development release via

svn co svn:// .

into the your current working directory.

After you have got the sources we will do a


in order to update the necessary configuration files. After we have done that we tell the build system to compile modules we are relying on via

./configure \
 --prefix=/usr \
 --enable-dns-for-realm \
 --enable-athena \
 --enable-kdc-replay-cache \
 --with-ldap \

The following table describes necessary options.

Description of configuration parameters
Switch Description
--prefix=/usr We are going to install Kerberos into the directory /usr
--enable-dns-for-realm If this option is enabled we can use the Domain Name System for finding Kerberos Servers
--enable-athena Enable if you wish support for athena-like systems (distributed administration of thin clients and/or small computers with training software)
--enable-kdc-replay-cache Enable detection of retransmitted and/or replayed requests to the key distribution center
--with-ldap Enable the LDAP Backend
--libdir=/usr/lib64 We would like to install libraries into this directory in case we are running on a x86_64 machine.
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< Overview on OpenAFS and Kerberos Installation Of OpenAFS >