How to make Mango Sticky Rice

First of all you have to prepare the ingredients which are... • ripe mango • 500 grams of sticky rice • 750 ml of fresh coconut milk • 300 grams of sugar • 3 pandans • 1 tablespoon of tapioca starch • 1 teaspoon of salt

Step 1: Cooking sticky rice. Use rice cooker to steam sticky rice, this the most easiest way, it’s really helpful. First, we have to clean sticky rice 5 times, add pure water a little bit over the sticky rice and use mode steam of the cooker start cooking it! ;)

Step 2: Fresh coconut milk. Use fresh ground coconut 500 grams (You can buy from the local market). First, add hot water into it, mix it together and squash it, Use a sieve to get pure coconut milk. :)

Step 3: Cooking Sticky Rice and Stew coconut milk. - Making sweet coconut milk : set the small pot over the medium heat and use 500 ml of fresh coconut milk, add 2 pandans and sugar and stew it together, remove it from the heat. - Add cooked sticky rice and sliced pandan into a bigger bowl, add 500 ml of sweet coconut milk into the cooked sticky rice, mix it together and cover it. Wait for 30 minutes. - Set the small pot over the low heat and use 250 ml of fresh coconut milk, water mix with tapioca starch and pour into the pot, add 1 teaspoon of salt and stir the ingredients until it looks a bit sticky, remove it from the heat.

Let’s prepare the plate! Add sweet sticky rice and sliced mango with coconut milk!