Heute ist Tuesday, der 11.02.2025

About my self

 This user is an administrator on German Wikibooks.

de-N Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
en-2 This user can read and write intermediate English.
ru-1 Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне.
xx-? Update your userbox to the unified standard (see documentation).
xx-? Update your userbox to the unified standard (see documentation).
 This user contributes using Linux.
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Geburtstag: 08.08.1988
Wohnort: Beuna near Merseburg/Saale
Beruf: Student of a grammar school specializing in (electro-)technology
  • karate (yellow-Obi at Shorai-Do-Kempo)
  • music (classic, middle age, mystikpop, indi)
  1. Template:Administrator of another Wiki


Tips for Beginner

  • Be brave, if something is wrong or the lay-out is totally rubbish, somebody will see it. It would be discussed and if never helps reverted.
  • Questions? The Admins and I like it to help! Ask us before something become false.
  • It is useful to make a text document with the most important and most used formations. if

you make a side with 100 chemical formula then can you save much time.

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