Note: After saving, changes may not occur immediately. Click here to learn how to bypass your browser's cache.
  • Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: hold down Shift while clicking Reload, or press Ctrl-Shift-R (Cmd-Shift-R on Apple Mac);
  • Internet Explorer: hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5;
  • Konqueror: simply click the Reload button, or press F5;
  • Opera users may need to completely clear their cache in Tools→Preferences.
$(document).ready( function() {
   $(".exercise-answer").each( function() {
      var lheight = $(this).css("line-height");
      $(this).wrap('<span class="exercise-answer-c" />');
      $(this).css({"bottom": lheight} );
      $(this).parent(".exercise-answer-c").css("height", lheight);
   $(".exercise-answer-c").click().toggle( function() {
      $(this).children(".exercise-answer").animate({"bottom": "0px"});
      }, function() {
      var lheight = $(this).css("line-height");
      $(this).children(".exercise-answer").animate({"bottom": lheight});

   $(" button img").attr({ src: "", width: "20", height: "20" });

   $(".maintext").hover( function() {
      if (!$(this).parents().hasClass("tbox")) {
         var pos = $(this).position(); // position of the 'maintext'
         $(this).wrap('<div class="tbox" />'); // make 'maintext' a part of 'tbox'
         var tbox = $(this).parent(".tbox");
         var tooltip = $(this).data("title");
         $(this).removeAttr('title'); // remove title to prevent native tooltip
         tbox.append('<div class="tooltip">' + tooltip + "</div>"); // add the tooltip text
         tbox.css( { "display": "block", "left": (pos.left-13) + "px", "top": ( + "px" } ); // set the position of the 'tbox'
         $(this).clone().insertBefore(tbox).attr("id", "ctext"); // place a clone of the 'maintext' as a placeholder
   }, function() {
      var tbox = $(this).parent(".tbox");
      var clone = tbox.prev("#ctext"); 
      clone.remove(); //remove clone
      $(this).insertBefore(tbox); //replace 'maintext'
      var tbox = $(this).siblings(".tbox"); //tbox is no longer parent
      $(this).attr('title',$(this).data("title")); //replace 'title' for another hover event
} );

var showMenu = function(ev) {
  //get the position of the placeholder element
  var pos = $(".suffix").offset();  
  var width = $(".suffix").width();
  //show the menu directly over the placeholder
  $(".tbox").css( { "left": (pos.left + width) + "px", "top" + "px" , "display":"inline-block"} );


var showMenu = function(ev) {
  //get the position of the placeholder element
  var pos = $("#placeholder").offset();  
  var width = $("#placeholder").width();
  //show the menu directly over the placeholder
  $("#menu").css( { "left": (pos.left + width) + "px", "top" + "px" } );