ABOUT ME I'm Preston i go to Old Dominion University on the Norfolk campus. I've been going there for what seems like forever now and i'm majoring in Art Education. I've been playing bass since i was a sophomore in high school, as for the arts i love every type of art, the ones i do the most are: Sculpture, photography, ceramics, and my favorite street art. aka (graffiti). I also enjoy painting drawling and tattoos but can't really do any of them well. Any questions just ask

PHILOSOPHY OF TEACHING: There are people who argue the teaching is the most important profession the world has to offer; for without teachers who will teach the future doctors, lawyers, and politicians of the world. Every subject has its need in the world of teaching whether it is: math, English, science, history, music or art. I have chosen art as my subject to teach the next generation. Teaching art provides children with an opportunity to augment creative expression, self discovery, self esteem and self concept. Teaching art makes me believe that I’m helping the next generation to think outside the box onto bigger and better things. Through art and my guidance children will learn to value their own individuality and the uniqueness of their peers. By stimulating the interest of the students I will build their creativity and open their minds to new horizons. With the higher thinking and problem solving skills they learn from art our children will have the tools to go further then they ever imagined in life. I will put my philosophy into teaching by using patience with the students and modifying my teaching methods when necessary. Not every child is the same the method of teaching you use can’t be the same with every student either. I want my students to feel safe with me they should have nothing to fear in my class. Art teacher’s help children succeed in school were maybe they have problems in other subjects. When a student feels successful they gain confidence, with high confidence a student can do what ever they put their mind to. While students should be the most important thing to a teacher; the cooperation, guidance and teamwork of the parents should be taken into consideration as well. Parents will be well informed of what is going on in the classroom and how their child is doing. If a parent has any sort of problem with something happening at school I will make the time to hear them and talk to them about any problems they may have. Parents can be just as important as the students at times; if the parents aren’t happy with the school or teacher then the student will not be motivated to come to class or to participate in class. With teachers, students and parents unified together in the same cause of spreading knowledge from one generation to another, we can build a better world for all of us to live in. As a teacher I will swear to do my best in every aspect of teaching to insure that every child gets the education they so deserve.