Self-Published Author that freelance subscribes and writes for several citizen news journalism blogs and has his own developer api key. Has achieved accolades signifying a presence of heart and sound mind though likely aims to help publish other authors with feats of self editing and fabrication by allowing use of his platform. Always happy to convince you of his pleasure; and with esteem is book publishing. A manipulative and master of regional news, motivational, travelogues, dates, book reviews, child's play, and profound & solid advice, is Joseph Russell, Jr. and publisher of several awe inspiring books.

I am enjoying time off and aren't you!

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                                           <a href="/shop/search.ep?contributorId=1110804" target="_parent">By Joseph Russell, Jr.</a>                    
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I understood the five mysteries and eleven wonders of the world. But this day way unique unto its own. Drippy and Shaun adjusted vicariously were founded loathsome and on watch as from its evil... <a href="#expand_text">More ></a> doer discovered to hang by a tree. UN abashedly in her own debt. I offered her three amazing and yet precluding chances to be updated and in a moment; as a servant swayed even she too might live. Initially for years, I felt honestly assured by his and her ways. The Belle was in my life and I the ruler made fans everywhere darker for the money. I offered blow and drug money to the disadvantageous Network we were so dastardly trying to win. It was the appeal of today. Beowolf and I together drank thin air as mother rose to Patragal and I, Samuel UN believed as something less innocent had to get to the other side; Sunset beach. When we arrived on Saturday Pueblo Bonita had a purposeful announcement of my holdings like investment properties protecting her. I got fed!<a href="#collapse_text">< Less</a>

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           <a class="title" href="">How I got the name changed [Shaun]!</a>
                                           <a href="/shop/search.ep?contributorId=1110804" target="_parent">By Joseph Russell, Jr.</a>                    
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The girls counted it distant love. The fought tooth and nail to backbite my balance book and manner able sin underneath her anger and raiment her friends forgave us with locks of curried hair. ... <a href="#expand_text">More ></a> Initially for years, I felt honestly assured by his ways. The Dark horse lives and rides today. A prideful laugh I misunderstood was regaled as an assault but smile given instead. I understood the five mysteries and eleven wonders of the world. But this day way unique unto its own. I said its not hard; girlfriends are connecting. How about making legs of it? And like John I was preaching to the choir. UN abashedly in her own debt. I offered her three amazing and yet precluding chances to be updated and in a moment; as a another servant swayed even so she too might live. Beowolf and I together drank thin air as mother rose to Patragal and I, Samuel UN believed as something less innocent had to be done.<a href="#collapse_text">< Less</a>

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           <a class="title" href="">It ought matter to me but...Sequestration</a>
                                           <a href="/shop/search.ep?contributorId=1110804" target="_parent">By Joseph Russell, Jr.</a>                    
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On my 40th birthday I moved faithfully towards her [Sequestration]. I wasn’t suffered but willing to work, citizenry, and vote UN manner ably. House Majority Speaker Erhlich Cantor angered an... <a href="#expand_text">More ></a> debated congress about his 6 million dollar debt crisis while his bi-partisan support garnered $800 million dollars and were at issue for an relative caucus approval set Friday the 13th in February. Then said of rep. John Boehner I was pre-mature in such a sense. When I hollered I also broke wind was disapproved and wanted to escape add placements. Boehner asked for another $400 million dollars more and it was UN wonted by the tax dodgers even including Barack Obama. She gave and I was forgiven but I wondered if there were more too it; A plan that would defeat B plans and my imperious life. The caucus was still disagreeable because the Speaker didn’t dissemble [Sequestration] but yield to Gerrymandering. Holistically I was seen, and Sally a novelty to others, and white washing UN done.<a href="#collapse_text">< Less</a>

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           <a class="title" href="">In-Service Learning</a>
                                           <a href="/shop/search.ep?contributorId=1110804" target="_parent">By Joseph Russell, Jr.</a>                    
                                                   List Price:                             $14.38
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Good people will agree that Acting has its talent. In 1985 my freshman year I was liberated to observe Rolland Burroughs. And it was like reading the mind and backwards thinking. Though there... <a href="#expand_text">More ></a> weren't other experiences as invaluable; her clairvoyant belief was convalescing. Her secret was you belong to me and its was brain washing and nerve racking. I keep my composure although she was stressing. And bowed to her faith. As a man I was her protection; and she was rewarded with an equitable exchange. UN like Rollo May I was gifted with another joy air-go. Writing made butterflies out of her. I was destined to dream impoverished but she came around again. Interestingly like oxen we now do agree. As her Christian I promised not to be a brevity with each other. A tug of war. This is short winded; famine-less relief, even typical of her fear and I honestly agreed “Anything is possible to Him that believeth” Mark 9:23<a href="#collapse_text">< Less</a>

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           <a class="title" href="">I have a Ghost Diogal named...</a>
                                           <a href="/shop/search.ep?contributorId=1110804" target="_parent">By Joseph Russell, Jr.</a>                    
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I lack affection for the power, but you do get the meaning as a mini? The evenly pulp deep cleansing weren’t I doest but her black mom were lost in the fetor at night. I need a deep cleaning... <a href="#expand_text">More ></a> “The one armed bandit couldn't out do her this time.” One caveat to her lasting love affair is the deck she's paying amongst. And a truth fending all is she lives. Blessed is her daily live. A shoe that has aces high, and suits below. I know I am a angel laugh the jell below. Wandering into her eyes I can lose they say, and I am justified.<a href="#collapse_text">< Less</a>

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           <a class="title" href="">When you love yourself...and you're Schizophrenic</a>
                                           <a href="/shop/search.ep?contributorId=1110804" target="_parent">By Joseph Russell, Jr.</a>                    
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I was actively seeking a better relationship with the community and dreadfully misidentified. If it weren’t for snaps a better program management system I UN wontedly wouldn’t have... <a href="#expand_text">More ></a> shelter. Seeking limited offers to opportunities; Wiley Rowe was of assistance to me and clearly I was approved. I was discovered to be just as mature and matter ably a plus for the neighbor community remembering what I had invested in a housing contract and month to month lease.

I thought as though I were required to lose myself and get married. I was introduced to my mothers best friend; laughed distinguishably and vowed to never. It was as if I still was waste and non attentive. I wondered if I had to play the game. My father said Howard Cosell married 6 times and never played the game. I was appeased!<a href="#collapse_text">< Less</a>

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           <a class="title" href="">His Formula "Laughter" on the UDSS Enterprise ship</a>
                                           <a href="/shop/search.ep?contributorId=1110804" target="_parent">By Joseph Russell, Jr.</a>                    
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I am angered with this taxonomy which disables the few at the fulfillment of the institution. Is it quiet as the contrary that there is relish to the likes of the breeding of a falsified doctrine? ... <a href="#expand_text">More ></a> Notwithstanding the principal of justice she has wrote to end all types of Snelling the groom for an answer. But I am not greater challenged by her construct or my wares inside.<a href="#collapse_text">< Less</a>

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           <a class="title" href="">Long awaiting me!</a>
                                           <a href="/shop/search.ep?contributorId=1110804" target="_parent">By Joseph Russell, Jr.</a>                    
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Okay it’s been another 2 years lonely. And they promised me God. Lord willingly I am taunt, and cage-less. But is it grief and unique unto you?

I often laugh wondering what they looked... <a href="#expand_text">More ></a> onward from?

“The Spirit of Christ” and also the greatest salesman in the world” were having an discussion about Ways of Life as the rubber felt its oar; the salesman agreed “This isn't a way of life; and those muted on good times are in “His opinion” UN becoming lies. This time willfully by this Afternoon they'll be bare as the fig leaf. If they nobles after disapproval; how can I leave you Holy? And like Management said “The rite of passage is your due diligence; blood. Why don't I pray as for me?

I imagined a odorless vapor aroma against me and her. It was an indivisible taste on my accord.

I saw her turn honorery her heart lights and before I could escape I was heaven to 1 or 2 more years for loss causes. A waterless reasoning. My gifted control weren't her sentiments exactly.<a href="#collapse_text">< Less</a>

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           <a class="title" href="">The World accordingly to John</a>
                                           <a href="/shop/search.ep?contributorId=1110804" target="_parent">By Joseph Russell, Jr.</a>                    
                                                   List Price:                             $7.78
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I believe God does everything else. I believe I might as well, be faithful. How do rich people become cynical? They lose meagerly in it all. I’m impressed there is a time and place for... <a href="#expand_text">More ></a> everyone. Our history says so non-revealingly. Diggers; escavationist, undertakers, and even her whet esteem. Wheat becomes new and is always new. Her smile is Perennial as the grass. It’s a cover fatality for big, little, and even our children. UN common is the smug; confuted is the cynic.

But as a lioness; and large cat day dreamer, I am captivated by your indoctrination. I say to myself; the Pharmacology I’m following the norm, and as easily I'm focused, I’m hooked by his staying power.<a href="#collapse_text">< Less</a>

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           <a class="title" href="">That's Love</a>
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Today is tomorrow grown up already. Susceptibly they the youth don’t need us. We said that also matter ably. My last co-commitment wasn’t sure; but of little children UN ready. I... <a href="#expand_text">More ></a> laughed when they said they needed monies. We still have more similarities than differences. I believe God is in on everything else. But don’t be late; if you’re an Passe. As an Chaste spirit its there as UN manner able and its systems smiling at the mean. Can you save a calendar date with His standing room esteem? In the middle room. I aint every bodies boof and I can more readily; find her.<a href="#collapse_text">< Less</a>

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