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No longer active


I am most active on en: Wikipedia:user:Omegatron

I started out contributing to the Electronics wikibook and the Robotics book, occasionally. (I have a bachelor's in electrical engineering, and I have built a few robots in my day.) I watched it turn into a complete mess, as a single person turned a book about Electronics into a grand unified book about Life, the Universe, and Everything. (Adding things like Brief History of the Universe, The Solar System, Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere, Earthquakes and natural disasters, and Global Warming to the Analog Circuits section, which should have been about resistors, capacitors, and op-amps.) There are just too few people on Wikibooks to fight off such disruptions, so it just goes on uncontrolled.

It seems policies are decided the same way. Compare Wikibooks:Administrators with Wikipedia:Administrators.

There's no clear distinction between where Wikipedia's goals end and Wikibooks' begin. I'm just going to focus on Wikipedia from now on.


"Next section" functionality


I think Wikibooks could really use "next"/"previous" functionality for sections. Wikipedia has soundly rejected such functionality several times, but Wikibooks is inherently a progression through topics. Here is a sandbox for myself to try some things:


and some bookmarks to related ideas:

Spell checker


See en:User:Omegatron#Spell_checker

See also

