Hi! I am a legal scholar based in northern Germany. My research interests are (critical) legal theory, human rights and data protection. Currently I am writing my PhD about the human right to data protection from a post-individual perspective.

In the past months (2020/21) I have been an Open Science Fellow of the Wikimedia Foundation Germany. My project is called "OpenRewi" (Rewi="Rechtswissenschaft"=legal science). Our goal is to write Open Educational Ressources on various legal topics. Currently we have projects on human rights, criminal law, intellectual property law, law on migration and asylum as well as empirical legal studies. Our projects consist of teams with "editors" and "authors". Although we use traditional terminology, we try to work in a different way. The teams are supposed to work in an agile way without hierarchies. Editors moderate the process of planning and writing. Contents and concepts of our book are planned by the whole project team. We write our texts currently at the German Wikibooks version in booksprints. Each booksprint consists of several weeks of writing as well as an open peer review process. We try to use the material in our university seminars as much as possible in order to get the feedback from students. After our prototype books reached a satisfactory quality we will publish them as an Open Access Version (CC-BY-SA) with one of the traditional publishers. As we are starting a team in public international law that will work in English, we are happy to get in contact with the English Wikibooks community. :)