Maria Pia Ceccoli


(May, 2, 1936-?) MPC, Mea Patria Cognoscere, is the CEO of the EUROPA MAGICA / MEDITHEATRE private library, with main settlement in Italy (Naxos, Cristoforo Colombo, 20).


The private library has been structured following the several travel Maria Pia Ceccoli has been experienced during her life, especially through Mediterranean world and Europe. Of course, the main part of this private library is made by Hebraic art scrolls of the Torah, of the Ancient and of the New Testament (in Hebrew, Greek and Latin), and of the Holy Quran (in Arabic). All the mentioned texts are disposable also in English and in Italian. A conspicuous number of commentaries (sometimes apocryphal) enlarges the number of the books, with special reference to the Qumran and Nag-Hammadi scrolls, and also to the archaelogical works of the British Museum, both in Egypt (among this the Papyrus of Ani) and in Mesopotamian lands.


The EUROPA MAGICA / MEDITHEATRE private library in recent times has become also an indie label both in traditional press and electronic book. According his nature, Europa Magica is an expression of the new current which interprets knowledge as light into the sphere of being. Open knowledge and give diffusion to light is the movement of freedom. In our time, this way to interpret life and knowledge is the open source mentality: Enlightenment sharing connective Art. The internet synchronicity, the anthropological path to theatre, all the forms of sharing values and thoughts and experiences are transforming the way to feel the internal dimension of collective unconscious and its continuity through centuries. Today we have no more need for secret but we really have more and more need for sacred, to recover the mystical sense of life and open the spiritual frontiers to each integral person, predisposed to natural enlightenment.


In open source mentality, Enlightenment (Illuminatio, Bodhisattva) is perceived not as special privilege of predestinated, but as goal for each man and for each woman, as something that, in the right condition, each person can join. The aim of EUROPA MAGICA as free foundation - with its publications (books and reviews) - is to contribute to the creation of the conditions for a new and more large and deep collective awareness which make possible life on earth as occasion for everybody to grow, progress and rise in material, psychological and spiritual path. This has no difference in comparison to the great ideal inside the name Europa. The magic is to draw on the way of Humanism and Renaissance – In hoc Signo - setting up the peace symbol, and love, and freedom. Magic is therefore not yet superstition but positive education of the will. Technological Enlightenment, Connectivism, Open Source are expressions which give the present time’s character of this thought marking it as responsible freedom, awareness, emancipation.

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