I am Manish Baphna , currently working with Freescale Semiconductor . I work a lot on C++ to earn my bread ( and wine ! ) .

Technical Brief Its funny (and irritating !) when people discuss my profile ! It goes like this.
Evil>> FFree#@FDF ( Their Greetings )
Manish>> Hey dude ,wass up
Evil>> We are recruiting for our planet Zorbazkhstunov, we are looking for great SW developers.
Manish>> [blushes] What you waiting for then ! I am all yours.
Evil>> Where are you working?
Manish>> I am working with Freescale Semiconductor since 2006.Before that I was with Texas Instruments for 4 yrs.
Evil>> [ disgusted looks] Ohh, so you are electrical/electronics graduate , we are looking for SW..
Manish>> no no no, I am CS graduate from BITS,Pilani.
Evil>> [ Confused looks] Wait , you are CS grad ? Then what you doing in semiconductor companies ?
Manish>> Why ? Is it crime to be in semiconductor companies if you have CS degree ?
Evil>> Well, what you do there then ?
Manish>> I play C++ , STL there , occasionally boost, design patterns as well.
Evil>> [ doubtful looks ] you do these in hardware company ?
Manish>> Yes , we do that as well.
Evil>> Well, then I am sure ,the depth of programming may not be impressive one.
[ Post this conversation turns ugly and violent . Drop me a mail to get that uncensored 'left over' talks ]

Personal Brief This page would be created soon ( typical message ! ).
I am not putting a deadline as the name says its 'dead' the moment its created :)