About Me

My name is Laira Stewart and I am from Sequim, Washington way up in the corner of the US. It’s beautiful here! I'm very active in sports or outdoors activities; I played basketball in high school, volleyball & soft ball in the summer, crafts, games, movies, music and pretty much anything else. I'm up for anything fun that involves everyone. I also play World of Warcraft with my husband, I know I'm a geek, but it is a really fun online game, and it is fun meeting people from all over the world on it.

I moved home from CWU and took a break for a few years after that. I got married to my wonderful husband, Jared in July ’07. We have lived in Portland, OR, Lynnwood, WA and now back in Sequim, WA. I read a lot and enjoy hanging out with family and friends. Right now we have just bought our first house and are still unpacking. We have 2 roommates and I cook for them all. I am very excited about the future.

My husband Jared and I


I have my AA Degree from Peninsula College that I received in 2003. I attended Central Washington University for a year after graduation, and I went to CWU for photography. I am attending Old Dominion University to get a BS degree and Masters in teaching. I am studying through the Port Hadlock branch so I have to drive 40 minutes there and back at times. I am taking classes also online through PC to help get my prerequisites out of the way.

Why I Want to be a Teacher

My mother is a teacher and has been for a long time but she just got a job at the high school teaching sophomore’s world history. I was home schooled most of my life, but I have always been very involved in many groups, I was on the Honor Society at the high school and on the student government for 2 years at PC. I did running start, a program that lets me finish my last two years of college and complete my AA up at the college. I also am a leader of kid’s grades 1st to 6th at my church and have for many years. I love kids and I want to keep working with them as well as keep learning myself. I also want to get a good job so my husband can go back to school when I am done. I am not certain what I will teach yet.

My Teaching Philosophy

Just some background: my mother was a teacher for a home schooled group that have a lot of student who were pulled from high school or had learning problems such as ADHD. Most other people have given up on them, but my mother wouldn't and every kid graduated and excelled in their classes. She believed in them, and worked hard with them to help them through school.

On that note, I believe that everyone learns differently and that everyone deserves the chance to learn. Kids really look up to their teacher and the input they get from them goes a long way. I still remember some of my teachers and keep in touch with them often. Their encouragement, even when I had to drop out of classes at times, really helped me push on.

I believe they every student should be given the same chances and opportunities to learn regardless of whether they have a disability or not. Those who need extra help deserve it so that they will learn the same things as everyone else.

I have not spent too much time picturing my future classroom. I would hope it would be fun and interactive. I want to get the students moving around and participating in the class, not just sitting and listening. I want to be available when they need me and help as much as I can. I want to use technology if needed, I think running an online class would be fun someday. I am sure as I learn more about how this works I will come up with very distinct ideas.