The Basics


I love animals and have several pets, the one closest to my heart is my one-eyed guinea pig Petey "The One-Eyed Pirate"; he's very affectionate and loves attention. I've been working at Petsmart for over a year and I absolutely love it, if you have an animals question, i probably have an answer. In my spare time I like to go down to Northside Park with my best friend and catch frogs, we have plenty of funny stories from our trips out there.

My Philosophy of Education


I believe teachers should reach out to students and capture their attention. A teacher should challenge their students about class material but also about current events. Too often students are ignorant to what is going on around them, teachers should disseminate current events about politics and world affairs. This increase of circulation of knowledge would help to better inform students and help to produce better informed citizens and voters. A chinese proverb states "Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand."