About the Author

My name is Frances King. I am originally a native of Philadelphia, PA but have resided in the Washington, DC metropolitan area for the majority of my life. I have two children, one of which left the nest and is now living successfully, on his own, in San Diego, CA. My youngest has just turned 13, and has sworn she’s never leaving the nest without me. I have always wanted to teach, but chose another career path earlier in life, which I found to be unrewarding. Now, I’m going back to my first love (teaching), and I believe it’s going to be one of the most gratifying experiences I could ever accomplish.

Philosophy of Education

I believe a good quality education is one of the keys to success in life. An education should consist of a well prepared instructor, the proper resources, discipline, a safe environment, and positive encouragement. It should also consist of a well balanced support system of other people i.e. parents, administrators, coaches, counselors, etc., all working together toward the same purpose and goal of educating our children.