Softwarist, Generalist

I've been a computer programmer since 1976. I've worked a lot in C, C++, Smalltalk, Java, Python, and JavaScript. Most recently I've been studying Haskell.

I have a B.S. in Mathematics from the wikipedia:University of Arizona, and while I've never been paid to be a mathematician, I have been studying it to this day. I've studied physics to a level that's probably best described as advanced undergraduate--but don't ask me to take a final--and follow what can of the professional literature, particularly in cosmology and astrophysics. I've been playing with fractals for as long as anyone, and more recently have been looking into deep learning based image play. A strong motivation behind my math studies has been making pretty pictures, but ever since a very enjoyable upper division algebra course, and combined with my computational interests, I'm quite interested in abstract mathematics.

I'm also into various bio, eco, geo, social, etc. studies. Pretty much whatever crosses my path. My photo collection is long past unmanageable.

Past Lives:

Family on Wikipedia: