Hello my name is Emily Sipes. I am currently a Teacher's Assistant for the "Social and Cultural Foundations of Education" class and wikibook project. I am working on a Master's degree in Elementary Education PreK-6. I hope to teach the fourth or fifth grade. I received my undergrad degree in Anthropology. I am participating in this project for experience in creating a user-friendly class experience and curriculum. I am excited about using some type of Wiki project with my own students- even if it just for fun and enrichment to get students excited about learning for their own personal growth.

Please feel free to give me tips or comments. I would love to hear from you!


I have had a great time working with WikiBooks. As of this semester, we are working on our second edition of our student authored textbook. Most students seem to take it in stride, while others are very enthuisastic about the whole process and are already busy editing other students' articles. I have learned alot about editing, creating pages, and solving problems. And I am even considering creating a book with my elementary school students this fall. I think it will be a rewarding expereince for us all. - Emily