Welcome to Elie Matar's Wikipage.

Elie Matar is an Astrophysicist specializing in the formation of molecules on interstellar dust grains and in Laboratory Astrophysics. At the time being, he is living in Paris, France and working in the LERMA (Laboratoire d'Etude du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysicque) at the Observatoire de Paris-Meudon and the university of Cergy-Pontoise. He was born on March the 5th 1980 in a small lebanese town called Nahmeh or Naameh (meaning "soft" or "smooth"). In the year 1984 his family moved to Jezzine (South Lebanon) to a small village called Bkassine where he stayed until before his university studies in 1999, where he went to Beirut, the capital, and stayed there for 5 years. He majored in General Physics at the Faculty of Science II at the Lebanese University. He then went to Lyon, France where he got a Masters in Astrophysics from the university of Claude Bernard Lyon 1). After that he went to Paris, France in 2006 to conduct his Ph.D. studies in the LERMA where he is working at the time being.

Professional Address


Université de Cergy-Pontoise

UFR des Sciences et Techniques

5 Mail Gay-Lussac

95031, Neuville sur Oise


Tel: +33 (0)1 34 25 73 01

Fax: +33 (0)1 34 25 70 95

Professional e-mail: elie.matar@obspm.fr, elie.matar@u-cergy.fr

Current situation

Ph.D. student in my third and final yearat the laboratory LERMA/LAMAp (1), holding a teaching position at Université de Cergy-Pontoise as a monitor and member of the council of the Department of Physics at the UFR des Sciences et Techniques of the university.


2006 - present: Ph.D. in ASTROPHYSICS at Université de Cergy-Pontoise and the Observatoire de Paris-Meudon at LERMA/LAMAp. Title of the thesis : "Interaction of atomic and molecular hydrogen with water ice surfaces simulating the interstellar grains: Sticking and mobility." Supervisors : Dr. F. Dulieu et Prof. J.-L. Lemaire (2).

2004 - 2006  : MASTER in ASTROPHYSICS at the University Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, Lyon, France.

Spring 2006  : Internship (April – June) at the University of Cergy-Pontoise at the LERMA under the supervision of Pr. Jean-Hugues Fillion.

Spring 2005  : Internship (April – July) at the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (OCA) under the supervision of Dr. Philippe Mathias. Title of the memoire: "Production of γ Doradus light curves exoplanet field CCDs of the satellite COROT ".

2004  : Mémoire to obtain the degree of Maîtrise Ès Sciences under the supervision of Dr. Sami Dib. Title of the mémoire: "Gisement solaire : Irradiation solaire globale et durée d'insolation".

2000 - 2004  : MAÎTRISE Ès SCIENCES in General Physics at the Lebanese University, Faculty of Sciences – Section II, Fanar (Lebanon).

1999  : SCIENTIFIC BACCALAUREATE in Experimental Sciences at the Official Secondary School of Jezzine, Jezzine (Lebanon).

Knowledge and skills

      ·         ARABIC      :  mothertongue.
      ·         FRENCH      :  fluent (read, spoken and written).
      ·         ENGLISH     :  fluent (read, spoken and written).
      ·         ITALIAN     :  beginners level.
    Computer skills
      ·         Expert level in FORTRAN, MATLAB, Mathematica and LaTeX.
      ·         Good knowledge of C++ and Labview.
      ·         Expert level in the data analysis software Origin7.0.
      ·         Expert level understanding of Windows and Linux including Microsoft Office and Open Office.
     ·         Experience surface physics techniques.
     ·         Experience in mass spectroscopy and temperature programmed desorption (TPD) techniques.
     ·         Construction and usage of atomic and molecular beam lines.
     ·         Construction, maintenance and usage of ultra-high vacuum (UHV) systems.
     .         Experience and maintenance of cryogenic systems.

Teaching, organization and outreach experiences

· Educational formations : Communication, quick reading, oral and corporal expressions, Prise de notes.

· Teaching position at Université de Cergy-Pontoise (64h éq. TD per year) :

   -          TD of Mathématiques, 1st year of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences (PCST), 2006-2007 and 2008-2009.
   -          Teaching assistant in C programming (taught in English and French), 2nd year of Physics and Chemistry (PC), 2007-2008.
   -          Teaching assistant in "Wave Mechanics", 2nd year of PC, 2007-2008.
   -          Teaching assistant in Physics, 3rd year of Physics, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009.

· MEMBER of the Council of the Physics Department of the faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Université de Cergy-Pontoise, 2007 to 2009. · MEMBER of the Jury at "Fêtes des Sciences" in 2007. · MEMBER of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) at the international conference "Molecules in Space & Laboratory" in Paris, France, 14-18 May 2007 (http://u-cergy.fr/Mol_Spa_Lab/).

Research themes Experimental works of astrophysical interest: · Molecular spectra and identification of molecules in the insterstellar medium. · Mechanisms and efficiency of molecular formation in space. · Properties and characterizations of ices in the interstellar medium. . Chemistry on interstellar dust grain surfaces.

Publications in refereed journals

- Gas-temperature dependent sticking of atomic and molecular hydrogen on interstellar dust grains; E. Matar, F. Dulieu, E. Congiu, H. Chaabouni, and J.L. Lemaire; In preparation.

- Experimental evidence for the non-detection of excitent H2 in dark clouds; E. Congiu, E. Matar, L. E. Kristensen, F. Dulieu, and J. L. Lemaire; Accepted in MNRAS.

- Mobility of D atoms on porous amorphous water ice surfaces under interstellar conditions; E. Matar, E. Congiu, F. Dulieu, A. Momeni, and J. L. Lemaire; A&A 492, L17–L20 (2008).

- Experimental evidence of water formation on interstellar dust grains; F. Dulieu, E. Congiu, L. Amiaud, J. H. Fillion, A. Momeni, E. Matar, V. Pirronello, and J. L. Lemaire; Subimtted to A&A.

- Measurement of the Adsorption Energy Difference between Ortho- and Para-D2 on an Amorphous Ice Surface; Amiaud, L.; Momeni, A.; Dulieu, F.; Fillion, J. H.; Matar, E.; Lemaire, J.-L.; Physical Review Letters, 2008, vol. 100, Issue 5, id. 056101.

- Asteroseismology of gamma Doradus stars and the COROT mission; Mathias, P.; Matar, E.; Jankov, S.; Chapellier, E.; Le Contel, D.; Le Contel, J.-M.; Sareyan, J.-P.; Valtier, J.-C.; Fekel, F. C.; Henry, G. W. ; Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, v.77, p.470 (2006).

(1) LERMA : Laboratoire d'Etudes du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique. UMR 8112 du CNRS. LAMAp : Laboratoire d'Atomes et de Molécules en Astrophysique. (2) François Dulieu (francois.dulieu@u-cergy.fr, +33 1 34 25 70 96)http://www.u-cergy.fr/LERMA-LAMAP/pages_perso/dulieu/

Jean-Louis Lemaire (jean-louis.lemaire@obspm.fr, +33 1 34 25 70 35)http://www.u-cergy.fr/LERMA-LAMAP/pages_perso/lemaire/