My name is Chris Linscott. I love history and always have. Last spring I was content with just going for a straight history degree, but the more I thought about it, the more the prospect of teaching history appealed to me. In particular, I enjoy United States History. It is my firm belief that the Civil War is in many ways the most influential period in the history of this country. I hope to teach High School History, though ideally, I hope to end up at a University teaching a class that is dedicated to the Civil War and Reconstruction. I am attending classes full time; at the same time I work full time at William E. Wood Realty and Associates. I must apologize to every one out there, for I am indirectly responsible for the junk mail the company sends out. to be more precise, I work in the print shop, where we print both legal forms and, well, junk mail, that that agents send use and send out. I've been there for just over 5 years now.

Teaching Philosophy

As I have only recently decided to do this, I'm sure this will change. Right now, I believe that it is the teacher's primary mission to inform. I do not think that the teacher's goal is to directly mold the thoughts of the student; if it were then it would be no different than brainwashing. If a teacher must insert his or her opinion into the subject matter, I believe that both sides should be represented equally, or at least make it known before hand of personal bias. I was a special needs student all the way up till i graduated high school, so I feel that I have a special understanding of students in similar situations. Because I can relate, I feel that I can apply myself in reaching out and assisting students with special needs.