Traditional Chinese Medicine/Usage Of Prescriptions

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Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions A-B

Chinese Name Chinese Character Common Name Usage
A Wei Hua Pi Gao ~ Awei Huapi Plaster To reduce masses.
Ai Fu Nuan Gong Wan 艾附暖宫丸 Aifu Nuangong Pills To regulate and replenish qi, warm the uterus and regulate menstruation.
An Dan Tang ~ Gallbladder Calming Decoction To clear heat and filtrate dampness; To reduce unhappy feelings and dissolve stagnation
An Gong Niu Huang Wan 安宫牛黄丸 Bolus Of Calculus Bovis For Resurrection To remove heat, counteract toxicity, relieve convulsion and promote the restoration of consciousness.
An Kun Zan Yu Wan ~ Ankun Zanyu Pills To nourish qi and blood, regulating menstruation and relieving leukorrhagia.
An Luo Tong Pian ~ Rheumatalgia And Neuralgia Tablet To dispel wind and remove obstruction in the channels, promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
An Mo Ru ~ Massage Lotion To promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, clear away heat and relieve pain.
An Nao Niu Huang Pian ~ Tablet of Cow-bezoar for Tranquilization To clear away heat and toxic materials, tranquilize the mind and calm endogenous wind, induce resuscitation and relieve convulsion.
An Shen Bu Xin Wan ~ Anshen Buxin Pills, Sedative and Heart-Invigorating Pill To nourish the heart and calm the nerves.
An Shen Ding Zhi Wan 安神定志丸 Pill For Calming The Mental State To nourish the heart, calm the mental state, and balance the heart-fire and kidney-water.
An Wei Pian ~ Anwei Tablets, Gastralgia Tablet To counteract acidity and relieve pain.
An Yang Jing Zhi Gao ~ Anyang Jingzhi Plaster To dissolve mass, remove blood stasis, relieve pain, strengthen the muscles and tendons, activate blood circulation, and to dispel wind and cold.
Ba Bao Kun Shun Wan ~ Babao Kunshun Pills To nourish blood and regulate menstruation.
Ba Wei Chen Xiang San ~ Bawei Chenxiang Powder To remove heat from the heart, to calm the mind, and to induce resuscitation.
Ba Wei Qing Xin Chen Xiang San ~ Bawei Qingxin Chenxiang Powder To remove heat from the heart and the lung, to regulate the flow of qi, and to induce sedation.
Ba Wei Tan Xiang San ~ Bawei Tanxiang Powder To remove heat from the lung, relieve cough and promote expectoration.
Ba Zhen San ~ Eight Health Restoring Powder To clear away heat and purge fire, induce diuresis for treating stranguria.
Ba Zhen Tang 八珍汤 Decoction Of Eight Treasure Ingredients, Eight Treasure Decoction To tonify qi and blood.
Ba Zhen Wan ~ Bazhen Pills To replenish qi and blood.
Ba Zhen Yi Mu Wan 八珍益母丸 Bazhen Yimu Pills To replenish qi and blood, and to regulate menstruation.
Ba Zheng San 八正散 Powder for Dispersing heat and Promoting Urination, Eight Right Powder for Rectification, Powder of Eight Ingredients to Clear heat and Dampness To clear heat and fire. To promote urination and dispel dampness.
Bai Dai Wan ~ Baidai Pills To remove damp-heat and arrest excessive leukorrhea.
Bai Du San 败毒散 Powder for Antiphlogosis, Antiphlogistic Powder, Poison Eliminating Powder, Powder to Release Toxins To relieve the exterior syndrome by replenishing qi and dispelling pathogenic wind and dampness.
Bai He Di Huang Tang 百合地黄汤 Two Herb Tonfication Decoction To clear the heart; To tonify blood; To nourish yin; To clear heat
Bai He Gu Jin Tang 百合固金汤 Decoction of Lillii for Strengthening Lung, Lily Decoction for Strengthening the Lung, Lilium Lung Preserving Decoction To nourish yin to moisten the lung and resolve phlegm to arrest cough.
Bai He Gu Jin Wan ~ Baihe Gujin Pills To nourish yin of the lung, resolve phlegm and relieve cough.
Bai He Hua Shi San ~ Powder of Lilii and Talcum To nourish lung-yin , to tranquilize, to clear away internal heat and promote diuresis
Bai Hu Cheng Qi Tang 白虎乘气汤 White Tiger Qi-Supporting Decoction To clear qi; To promote bowel movement.
Bai Hu Jia Gui Zhi Tang 白虎加桂枝汤 White Tiger Plus Cassia Twig Decoction To clear heat and smooth the luo (nervous, circulatory and immune systems)
Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang 白虎加人参汤 White Tiger Plus Ginseng Decoction To clear heat; To reduce agitation; To benefit qi; To produce saliva
Bai Hu Tang 白虎汤 White Tiger Decoction To clear heat and promote the production of body fluids.
Bai Mai An Shen Yin ~ To benefit qi and tonify yin; To clear heat and calm the spirit
Bai Tong Tang 白通汤 Decoction For Activating Yang, Allium Unblocking Decoction To rescue the depleted yang, rescue the patient from danger, and harmonise the yang energy of the upper with that of the lower part of the body.
Bai Tou Weng Tang 白头翁汤 Decoction Of Pulsatillae To clear heat and release toxins. To cool the blood and relieve dysentery.
Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan 柏子养心丸 Baizi Yangxin Pills, Mind-Easing Tonic Bolus with Arborvitae Seed To replenish qi and blood and induce sedation.
Ban Long Wan 斑龙丸 Banlong Pill To nourish and invigorate the kidney-essence, preserving sperm and tranquilizing.
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang 半夏白术天麻汤 Decoction of Pinelliae, Atractylodis Macrocephalae and Gastrodiae To dry dampness and resolve phlegm. To pacify the liver and eliminate wind.
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang 半夏厚朴汤 Decoction of Pinelliae and Magnoliae Officinalis To promote the circulation of qi to alleviate mental depression, to lower the adverse flow of qi and resolve phlegm.
Ban Xia Lu ~ Pinellia Syrup To relieve cough and reduce sputum.
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang 半夏泻心汤 Decoction of Pinelliae for Purging Stomach Fire To regulate the stomach and purge the adverse flow of qi, and relieve stagnation and flatulence.
Bao Chan Wu You San 保产无忧散 Powder For Threatened Abortion To invigorate vital energy, nourish blood, strengthen the kidney and soothe the fetus.
Bao Chi San ~ Baochi Powder To promote digestion, remove retained food, eliminate phlegm and induce sedation.
Bao Fu Kang Shuan ~ Baofukang Suppositories To activate the flow of qi and remove blood stasis, heat ulcer, and to relieve pain.
Bao Gu Jiu ~ Medicated Wine with Leopard Bone To expel pathogenic wind and dampness.
Bao He Wan 保和丸 Pill for Promoting Digestion, Lenitive Pill To promote digestion and regulate the stomach.
Bao Ke Ning Ke Li ~ Baokening Granules To remove heat, expel superficial evils, relieve cough and eliminate phlegm.
Bao Long Wan 抱龙丸 Baolong Pill To dispel wind, to invigorate the stomach.
Bao Tai Fang ~ Fetus Support Recipe To tonify spleen and benefit kidney; To nourish blood and support fetus
Bao Yuan Tang 保元汤 Origin Protection Decoction To tonify qi; To warm yang
Bei Ling Jiao Nang ~ Beiling Capsules To remove heat and resolve phlegm.
Bei Ling San ~ Powder of Fritillary Bulb and Antelope's Horn To remove heat-phlegm.
Bei Mu Gua Lou San 贝母瓜蒌散 Powder of Fritillariae Cirrhosae and Trichosanthis To nourish the lung and clear away heat, regulate qi and resolve phlegm.
Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin ~ Clearing Decoction of Rhizoma Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae To warm the kidney; To benefit dampness; To resolve turbid
Bi Wen San ~ Biwen Powder To expel summer-heat and evil' factors, to promote resuscitation, and to alleviate pain.
Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin 萆解分清饮 Decoction of Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae for Clearing Turbid Urine To warm kidney, eliminate dampness and separate the clear and turbid fluid.
Bi Xue Shen Shi Tang ~ Decoction of Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae for Promoting Diuresis To clear away dampness-heat, activate blood circulation and eliminate toxic material.
Bi Yan Pian ~ Biyan Tablets To dispel wind and remove toxic heat from the nose.
Bian Hua Li Zhong Tang ~ Change and Interior Modulation Decoction To tonify qi and strengthen spleen; To warm interior and control blood
Bie Jia Jian Wan 鳖甲煎丸 Turtle Shell Fries Bolus To move qi; To resolve lump; To soften hard object
Bie Jia Yin Zi ~ Decoction of Carapax Trionycis, Purifying and (Spleen) Swelling Reducing Drink To soften hard masses, disperse stagnation, promote the circulation of vital energy and blood, invigorate the vital energy and strengthen the spleen.
Bing Lang Chen Qi Tang ~ Semen Arecae Qi Supporting Decoction To promote bowel movement and kill roundworms
Bing Lang Si Xiao Wan ~ Binglang Sixiao Pills, Digestion Pill of Betel Nut To promote digestion, to remove undigested food, to promote the flow of qi, and to cause purgation.
Bing Peng San 冰硼散 Bingpeng Powder To remove heat, to counteract toxicity, to promote the subsidence of swelling and to alleviate pain.
Bo Yun Tui Yi Wan ~ Boyun Tuiyi Pills To dispel wind, to clear the eye of corneal opacity and to improve vision.
Bu Dai Wan 布袋丸 Budai Pill To expel intestinal parasites, relieve infantile malnutrition, invigorate vital energy and strengthen the spleen.
Bu Fei E Jiao Tang ~ Decoction of Colla Corii Asini for Invigorating Lung (Decoction of Colla Corii Asini) To nourish yin, invigorate the lung, clear away lung-heat and relieve cough
Bu Fei Shen Ji Tang ~ Lung Tonification Decoction To benefit qi and tonify lung; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Bu Gan Yi qi Tang ~ Liver Tonification Decoction To warm and tonify liver qi; To suppress wind and disperse coldness
Bu Qi Gu Jing Tang ~ Qi Tonification Period Decoction To benefit qi and strengthen the spleen; To contain period flow and modulate period
Bu Qi Zhen Li Tang ~ Qi Tonification Decoction To strengthen spleen and benefit qi; To tonify and revitalize blood; To open the jing and luo.
Bu Qian Tang ~ Tonification and Guide Decoction To tonify qi and revitalize blood; To dissolve stagnation and open the luo.
Bu Shen Gu Chi Wan ~ Bushen Guchi Pills To nourish the kidney to strengthen the teeth, to activate blood circulation and counteract toxicity.
Bu Shen Ju Xian Tang ~ Kidney Tonification Decoction To warm the spleen and support yang; To benefit qi and support the fetus
Bu Shen Qiang Shen Pian ~ Tonic Tablet for Kidney-Reinforcing To reinforce the kidney and strengthen the body.
Bu Shen Shen Xue Tang ~ Kidney and Blood Tonification Decoction To tonify spleen and fulfill sperm; To benefit qi and produce blood
Bu Shen Yang Xue Yu Tang ~ Kidney and Blood Tonification Decoction To reinforce yang and tonify kidney; To nourish blood and dissolve stagnation; To soften hardness and stop pain
Bu Shen Yi Nao Pian ~ Bushen Yinao Tablets, Kidney-Brain-Nourishing Tablet To replenish the kidney and qi, to nourish blood and the essence of life.
Bu Shen Yi Nao Tang ~ Kidney Tonification and Brain Benefiting Decoction To tonify the spleen and benefit the brain; To dissolve stagnation and open luo.
Bu Xin An Shen Gao ~ Heart Tonification and Calming Cream To strengthen spleen and calm spirit; To nourish and tonify liver and spleen; To modulate stomach and intestine
Bu Xue Ning Shen Pian ~ Tablet for Blood-Enriching and Mind-Tranquilizing To nourish yin, tonify the kidney, enrich the blood and tranquilize the mind.
Bu Xue Tiao Jing Tang ~ Blood Tonifying Period Modulation Decoction To tonify qi; To nourish blood; To modulate period
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang ~ Decoction for Invigorating Yang, Decoction Invigorating Yang for Recuperation To invigorate qi, and promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis from the channels.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang 补中益气汤 Decoction for Strengthening the Middle-jiao and Benefiting Vital Energy To invigorate the spleen, replenish qi and elevate the spleen-yang to treat qi collapse.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan ~ Bolus for Reinforcing the Middle-jiao and Replenishing Qi To strengthen the middle-jiao, replenish qi and elevate yang to treat prolapses of the internal organs.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions C-D

Chinese Name Chinese Character Common Name Usage
Cai Hu Qing Gan Yin 柴胡清肝饮 Radix Bupleuri Liver Clearing Decoction To clear the liver; To reduce fire; To soothe qi
Cai Hu Qing Gu San 柴胡清骨散 Radix Bupleuri Bone Soothing Powder To soothe bone; To reduce hot-feeling; To nourish yin and to reduce fire
Cai Hu Yu Jin Pai Shi Tang ~ Stone Remover Decoction To clear heat and dissolve stagnation; To soothe the liver and benefit the gallbladder
Cai Shi Tui Re Tang ~ Cai Shi Heat-Reduction Decoction To clear heat; To relieve muscles; To soothe the exterior; To remove evil
Can Shi Tang 蚕矢汤 Decoction of Excrementum Bombycis, Bombyx Droppings Decoction To clear away heat, promote diuresis, lift up clear substances and lower down turbid evil.
Cang Bai Zhi Dai Tang ~ Leucorrhoea Stopping Decoction To clear heat; To address dampness; To stop abnormal discharge
Cang Er Zi San ~ Heat Clearing Powder of Fructus Xanthii Sibirici To smooth wind; To clear heat; To reduce dampness; To open the mind
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang 柴葛解饥汤 Decoction of Bupleuri and Puerariae for Expelling Evil from the Muscles To expel pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin and reduce fever.
Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang 柴胡桂枝汤 Bupleurum Cinnamomum Decoction
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang 柴胡加龙骨牡蛎汤 Decoction of Bupleuri and Os Draconis and Concha Ostreae To regulate Shaoyang, disperse phlegm, to tranquilize, support healthy energy and eliminate evil.
Chai Hu Kou Fu Ye ~ Chaihu Oral Liquid To remove heat, expell superfical evils.
Chai Hu Shu Gan San 柴胡舒肝散 Powder of Bupleuri for Dispersing the Depressed Liver Energy, Bupleurum Liver Clearing Powder To disperse the stagnated liver-qi, to active the flow of qi, to relieve distension and pain.
Chan Fu Kang Ke Li ~ Chanfukang Granules To nourish qi and blood, to remove blood stasis and produce new blood.
Chan Su Ding ~ Troche of Toad Venom To promote blood circulation, remove toxic substances, relieve swelling and alleviate pain.
Chan Su Wan 蟾酥丸 Pill of Toad Venom To clear away heat and toxic materials, relieve swelling and pain.
Chang Yong Tang ~ Intestine Relieving Decoction To clear heat and benefit dampness; To move qi and revitalize blood
Chen Xiang Hua Qi Wan ~ Chenxiang Huaqi Pills To regulate the flow of qi in the liver and the stomach, and to remove the retention of undigested food.
Chi Shi Zhi Yu Yu Liang Tang 赤石脂愚余粮汤 Double Ingredients Anti-Diarrhea Decoction To constrict the intestine; To stop diarrhea
Chong Cao Bu Tian Jing ~ Oral Liquid of Cordyceps To supplement qi, nourish yin and the blood.
Chu Feng Jing ~ Oral Liquid of Chicken Fetus To warm the kidney, invigorate yang, and replenish qi and nourish the blood.
Chu Ling Tang ~ Decoction of Poria To strengthen the spleen to promote diuresis, regulate vital energy.
Chu Shi Juan Bi Tang 除湿蠲痹汤 Decoction for Eliminating Dampness and Relieving Rheumatism To strengthen the spleen, eliminate dampness, expel wind, dissipate phlegm, relieve rheumatism, and alleviate pain.
Chu Shi Wei Ling Tang 除湿胃苓汤 Weiling Decoction for Eliminating Dampness To clear away heat, eliminate dampness and toxic material, and relieve swelling.
Chuan Bei Qing Fei Tang Jiang ~ Lung-heat-Clearing Syrup of Sichuan Fritillary Bulb To clear away lung-heat and moisten dryness, arrest cough and eliminate phlegm.
Chuan Bei Xue Li Gao ~ Chuanbei Xueli Concentrated Decoction To nourish the yin of lung, relieve cough, to promote the production of body fluids and to eliminate phlegm.
Chuan Xin Lian Pian ~ Andrographis Tablet To remove heat and toxic materials and relieve inflammation.
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San 川芎茶调散 Powder of Ligutici Chuanxiong Mixed With Camelliae Sinensis To dispel wind and to relieve pain.
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao Wan ~ Chuanxiong Chatiao Pills To dispel wind and to relieve pain.
Chuan Xiong Zhi Tong Tang ~ Pain Stopping Decoction To suppress wind and stop pain; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Ci Wu Jia Jin Gao ~ Manyprickle Acanthopanax Extract
Wu Jia Pian ~ Acanthopanax Root Tablet To strengthen body resistance to consolidate the constitution, replenish qi, invigorate the spleen and tonify the spleen and tonify the kidney to relieve mental strain.
Ci Zhu Wan 磁朱丸 Pill of Magnetite and Cinnabar To relieve palpitation and tranquilize the mind, suppress asthenic yang and improve eyesight.
Cong Bai Qi Wei Yin 葱白七味饮 Cong Bai Decoction Of Seven-Ingredients To nourish blood; To relieve exterior syndrome
Cong Gu Tang 葱鼓汤 Allium Glycine Decoction To smooth yang and relieve exterior syndrome
Cui Tang Wan 催汤丸 Cuitang Pills To induce diaphoresis, to reduce fever, to relieve cough, and to arrest pain.
Da An Wan 大安丸 Major Settling Pill
Da Ban Xia Tang 大半夏汤 Decoction of Larger Dosage of Pinelliae To decrase fluid retention, disperse stagnation, lower the abnormal rising energy, stop vomiting, benefit vital energy and moisten dryness.
Da Bu Yin Wan 大补阴丸 Bolus for Invigorating Yin, Bolus For Replenishing Vital Essence To nourish yin and purge pathogenic fire.
Da Bu Yuan Jian 大补元煎 Tonic Decoction for Debility To tonify kidney, produce essence, invigorate the spleen and nourish blood.
Da Chai Hu Tang 大柴胡汤 Decoction Of Bupleuri For Regulating Shaoyang And Yangming To treat shaoyang disease by mediation and purging away internal stasis of heat.
Da Cheng Qi Tang 大乘气汤 Decoction for Potent Purgation To purge the bowels and internal heat.
Da Ding Feng Zhu 大定风珠 Bolus for Serious Endogenous Wind Syndrome, Major Wind Calming Pill To nourish yin and calm wind.
Da Fang Feng Tang 大防风汤 Major Decoction Of Ledebouriellae To expel wind and dampness, strengthen the bones and tendons, benefit vital energy and nourish blood.
Da Huang Fu Zi Tang 大黄附子汤 Decoction of Rhei and Aconiti Praeparata To warm the interior to disperse the cold, relax the bowels to relieve pain.
Da Huang Huang Lian Xie Xin Tang ~ Rheum Coptis Heart Clearing Decoction To disperse heat; To reduce lumps
Da Huang Mu Dan Tang 大黄牡丹汤 Decoction of Rhei and Moutan Radicis To purge heat and eliminate blood stasis with potent drugs, remove pathogenic accumulation and relieve swelling.
Da Huang Qing Wei Wan ~ Dahuang Qingwei Pills To remove toxic heat, and to relax the bowels.
Da Huang Zhe Chong Wan 大黄蔗虫丸 Bolus Of Rhei And Eupolyphaga Seu Steleophaga To promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and to stimulate menstrual flow and disintegrate masses.
Da Huo Luo Wan 大活络丸 Large Bolus for Activating Channels and Collaterals To dispel wind and remove dampness from the body, relieve rigidity of muscles and activate energy flow in the channels and collaterals.
Da Jian Zhong Tang 大建中汤 Major Central Supporting Decoction To warm the interior and tonify deficiency; To download adversary; To stop pain
Da Ju Pi Tang ~ Decoction Of Citri Grandis To activate the circulation of vital energy, promote diuresis and clear away dampness-heat.
Da Qing Jiao Tang 大秦艽汤 Decoction Of Gentianae Macrophyllae To disperse exopathic wind and clear away pathogenic heat.
Da Qing Long Tang 大青龙汤 Big Blue Dragon Decoction, Major Green Dragon Decoction To expel wind-cold from the body surface and clear away heat stagnated in the interior.
Da Shan Zha Chong Ji ~ Infusion Of Hawthorn Fruit To strengthen the stomach and promote digestion.
Da Shan Zha Wan ~ Dashanzha Pills To induce appetite and promote digestion.
Da Xian Xiong Tang 大陷胸汤 Decoction For Severe Phlegm-Heat Syndrome in the Chest, Major Chest (Blockage) Relieving Decoction To purge heat and remove water retention by hydragogue.
Da Xian Xiong Wan 大陷胸丸 Collapsed Chest Bolus To clear heat and remove fluid
Da Yuan Yin 达原饮 Decoction With Direct Effect On Moyuan, Purifying Drink To expel pathogenic factors at moyuan, and eliminate dampness evil.
Da Zao Wan ~ Dazao Bolus (Dazao Bolus of Placenta Hominis) To nourish the lung and kidney, clear away asthenic fire and lower hectic fever due to yin-deficiency.
Dai Ge San 黛蛤散 Daige Powder, Isatis Venerupis Powder To cool the liver and lung, to keep the adverse qi downwards, to ease the mind.
Dai Huang Fu Zi Tang ~ Decoction of Rhubarb and Aconite To warm yang and dispel pathogenic cold, relieve constipation and promote the circulation of qi.
Dai Wen Jiu Gao ~ Daiwenjiu Plaster To warm meridians and promote blood circulation, to dispel cold and relieve pain.
Dan Dao Pai Shi Er Hao Fang ~ Recipe No. 12 for Removing Gallstones To clear away heat, normalize the function of the gallbladder, soothe the liver and regulate the circulation of qi to remove gallstones.
Dan Dao Pai Shi Tang 胆道排石汤 Gallstone Expelling Decoction To clear heat and benefit dampness; To move qi and stop pain; To benefit gallbladder and remove cholelith
Dan Qi Tang ~ Dan Qi Decoction To support rightness and suppress evil; To benefit qi and dissolve stagnation
Dan Yi Tang ~ Roundworm Decoction To kill worms and modulate qi; To clear heat and disperse spleen
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San ~ Ease Powder with Moutan Bark and Capejasmine Fruit, Paeonia Gardenia Care free Powder To soothe the liver, strengthen the spleen and nourish menstruation by regulating the flow of blood.
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang 当归补血汤 Decoction of Angelicae Sinesis for Enriching Blood To tonify qi and promote the production of blood.
Dang Gui Jian Zhong Tang 当归建中汤 Decoction of Angelicae Sinensis for Warming Middle Jiao, Angelica Central Strengthening Decoction To warm middle jiao, tonify, activate blood circulation and alleviate pain.
Dang Gui Jing Gao Pian ~ Chinese Angelica Extract Tablet To enrich and regulate blood, regulate menstruation to alleviate pain, moisturize pathogenic dryness to loosen the bowel.
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang 当归六黄汤 Decoction of Angelicae Sinensis with Six Drugs To replenish yin and reduce fire. To consolidate the exterior and stop sweeting.
Dang Gui Long Hui Wan 当归龙荟丸 Danggui Longhui Pills, Angelica Gentiana Aloe Pill To quench fire and relax bowels.
Dang Gui Nian Tong Tang 当归拈痛汤 Decoction of Angelicae Sinensis for Analgesic To dry dampness, clear away heat, activate blood circulation and expel wind.
Dang Gui Shao Yao San 当归芍药散 Powder of Angelicae Sinensis and Paeoniae To enrich blood, regulate the liver, strengthen the spleen and eliminate dampness.
Dang Gui Sheng Jiang Yang Rou Tang 当归生姜羊肉汤 Decoction of Angelicae Sinensis, Zingiberis Recens and Mutton To enrich blood, regulate the function of the liver, expel cold and alleviate pain.
Dang Gui Si Ni Tang 当归四逆汤 Chinese Angelica Decoction for Restoring Yang; Dang Gui and Frigid Extremities Decoction To warm the meridians and dispel cold; To nourish the blood.
Dang Gui Yang Xue Wan ~ Danggui Yangxue Pills To nourish blood to regulate the menstrual function.
Dang Gui Zhi Tong Tang ~ Dang Gui Pain Relieving Decoction To nourish and revitalize blood; To modulate period and stop pain
Dao Chi San 导赤散 Powder for Promoting Diuresis, Powder for Treating Dark Urine, heat Reducing Diuretic To remove pathogenic heat from the heart and nourish yin, including diuresis for treating stranguria.
Dao Chi Wan ~ Daochi Pills To remove heat, quench fire, relieve dysuria and to relax bowels.
Dao Shui Fu Ling Tang 导水茯苓汤 Decoction of Poria for Eliminating Fluid To promote the circulation of vital energy, disperse dampness, promote diuresis and relieve edema.
Dao Tan Tong Luo Tang ~ Phlegm Guide Decoction To clear heat and dissolve phlegm; To revitalize blood and open the luo (nervous, circulatory and immune systems); To remove dampness and soothe qi
Dao Zhi Yun Pi Fang ~ Stagnation Relieving Recipe To disperse stagnation and modulate spleen
De Sheng Wan ~ Desheng Pills To replenish blood and remove blood stasis, to regulate menstruation.
Di Huang Yin Zi 地黄引子 Decoction of Rehmanniae To invigorate kidney-yang, nourish kidney-yin, clear orifices and disperse phlegm.
Di Tan Hua Yu Tang ~ Phlegm Dissolving Decoction To cleanse phlegm and soothe heart; To dissolve stagnation and resuscitate spirit
Di Yu Wan 地榆丸 Pill of Sanguisorbae To cool blood, remove toxic material, stop bleeding and diarrhea.
Dian Qie Liu Jin Gao ~ Belladonna Liquid Extract ~
Die Da Huo Xue San ~ Dieda Houxue Powder To soothe the tendons, promote blood circulation, remove stasis and relieve pain.
Die Da Wan 跌打丸 Dieda Pills To promote blood circulation, remove stasis, induce the subsidence of swelling and relieve pain.
Ding Chuan Tang 定喘汤 Decoction for Relieving Asthma, Asthma-relieving Decoction To facilitate the flow of the lung-qi and remove heat-phlegm to relieve asthma.
Ding Kun Dan ~ Dingkun Pills, Bolus for Woman Diseases To nourish qi and blood, to regulate menstruation, and to soothe the depressed liver.
Ding Tong Tang ~ Pain Releasing Decoction To benefit qi and revitalize blood; To warm jin (nervous, circulatory, and immune systems) and disperse coldness; To open the luo (nervous, circulatory, and immune systems) and stop pain
Ding Xian Wan 定痫丸 Pill for Relieving Epilepsy To eliminate phlegm, resuscitate, tranquilize, suppress wind and relieve convulsion.
Ding Xiang Shi Di Tang 丁香柿蒂汤 Decoction of Caryophylli and Calyx Kaki, Clove and Persimmon Calyx Decoction To lower the adverse rising of gas, relieve hiccup, warm the middle-jiao and benefit vital energy.
Ding Xuan Tang ~ Mind-Clearing Decoction To stablize liver and suppress dizziness; To soothe neck and wake-up brain
Ding Zhi Wan 定志丸 Mind Stablizing Bolus To benefit qi; To nourish heart; To stablize spirit; To benefit mind
Dong Chong Xia Cao Jiao Nang ~ Capsule of Chinese Caterpillar Fungus To resist arrhythmia, relieve inflammation and tonify the kidney.
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang 独活寄生汤 Decoction of Angelicae , Angelica Liver Kidney Strengthening and evil' Dissipating Decoction To dispel wind-dampness, arrest pain due to arthralgia-syndrome, tonify the liver and kidney, invigorate qi and nourish the blood.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions E-F

Chinese Name Chinese Character Common Name Usage
Du Yi Wei Pian ~ Duyiwei Tablets To activate blood circulation, to relieve pain.
E Jiao Yi Shou Jing ~ Longevity Extract of Donkey-hide Gelatin To invigorate qi and replenish the blood.
E Jiao Zi Bu Jing ~ Tonic Infusion of Donkey-hide Gelatin To nourish the liver and kidney, invigorate qi and blood.
Er Cha Er Huang San ~ Catechu and Two Yellownes Powder To clear heat and remove toxic mateirals; To remove rotten materials and produce muscle; To constrict and stop pain
Er Chen Tang 二陈汤 Erchen Decoction, Two Cured Decoction To remove dampness to resolve phlegm, and regulate the stomach.
Er Chen Wan ~ Erchen Pill To remove damp-phlegm and regulate the stomach function.
Er Dong Gao ~ Erdong Concentrated Decoction To nourish yin of the lung.
Er Dong Tang 二冬汤 Decoction of Asparagi and Ophiopogonis To clear away heat, promote the production of body fluid, benefit vital energy and relieve thirst.
Er Long Zuo Ci Wan 耳聋左磁丸 Erlong Zuoci Pills To improve hearing, replenish the kidney and subdue hyperactivity of the liver.
Er Miao San 二妙散 Powder of Phellodendri and Atractylodis To clear heat and dry dampness.
Er Miao Wan ~ Ermiao Pills To remove damp-heat.
Er Shi Wu Wei Shan Hu Wan ~ Ershiwuwei Shanhu Pills (a Tibetan formula) To promote the restoration of consciousness, to promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
Er Shi Wu Wei Song Shi Wan ~ Ershiwuwei Songshi Pills (a Tibetan formula) To remove heat and counteract toxicity, to regulate the flow of qi in the liver and gall-bladder, to eliminate blood stasis.
Er Shi Wu Wei Zhen Zhu Wan ~ Ershiwuwei Zhenzhu Pills (a Tibetan formula) To induce sedation, to promote the restoration of consciousness.
Er Tong Qing Fei Wan ~ Ertong Qingfei Pills To remove heat from lung, to resolve phlegm and relieve cough.
Er Xian Gao ~ Semifluid Extract of Ginseng and Antler Glue To nourish yin and strengthen yang, supplement qi and nourish blood.
Er Yin Jian ~ Double Yin Fries To nourish yin; To relieve fire; To smooth the heart and the kidney
Er Zhi Wan 二至丸 Erzhi Pills To replenish yin of the liver and the kidney and arrest bleeding.
Er Zhu Ling Pi Tang ~ Er Zhu Ling Pi Decoction To strengthen spleen and remove dampness; To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To soothe joints
Fang Fan Pian ~ Tablet for Preventing Common Cold To replenish qi, invigorate the spleen, strengthen the body resistance, consolidate superficial resistance and arrest sweating.
Fang Feng Tong Sheng San 防风通圣散 Powder of Ledebouriellae for Dispersing the Superficies, Miraculous Pill of Ledebouriellae, Saposhnikovia High Efficacy Powder To expel wind from the body surface, clear away heat and promote bowel movement.
Fang Feng Tong Sheng Wan ~ Fangfeng Tongsheng Pills To induce diaphoresis and laxation, remove heat and counteract toxicity.
Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang 防己黄芪汤 Decoction of Stephaniae Tetrandrae and Astragali seu Hedysari, Tetrandra and Astragalus Decoction To invigorate qi and dispel wind, strengthen the spleen and promote the circulation of qi.
Fang Nian Lian Tang ~ Anti-Sticking Decoction To modulate qi and revitalize blood; To open interior and dissolve stagnation
Fei Er Le San Ji ~ Digestion Powder for Infants To strengthen the spleen, regulate the stomach, promote digestion and eliminate indigested food.
Fei Er Wan 肥儿丸 Infant Fattening Pill To kill worms; To dissolve stagnation; To strengthen spleen; To clear heat
Fei Lian Fen Qing Tang ~ Fei Lian Clearing Decoction To cleanse and benefit heat-dampness; To strengthen spleen and benefit the kidney
Fen Qing Wu Lin Wan ~ Fenqing Wulin Pills To remove damp-heat and relieve dysuria.
Feng Liao Xing Feng Shi Die Da Yao Jiu ~ Fengliaoxing Fengshi Dieda Wine To relieve rheumatic conditions, and to promote blood circulation and arrest pain.
Feng Liao Xing Yao Jiu 冯了性药酒 Fengliaoxing Medicated Wine To expel pathogenic wind and dredge the channel, dispel cold and arrest pain.
Feng Re He Ji ~ Wind And Heat Combination Recipe To cool and relieve towards exterior; To remove toxic materials; To clear heat
Feng Ru Jiao Nang ~ Royal Jelly Capsule To nourish the human body.
Fu Fang Ban Lan Gen Chong Ji ~ Compound Infusion of Isatis Root To clear away heat and toxic materials, cool blood and subdue swelling.
Fu Fang Chan Yi Yin ~ Combined Chan Yi Nephritis Decoction To disperse wind and clear heat; To disperse dampness and remove toxic materials
Fu Fang Chuan Bei Jing Pian 复方川贝精片 Compound Tablet Of Sichuan Fritillary Bulb To relieve cough, reduce sputum, moisturize the lung and relieve asthma.
Fu Fang Da Qing Ye He Ji ~ Compound Oral Liquid Of Isatis Leaf To clear away pestilence and toxic materials.
Fu Fang Dan Shen Gao ~ Compound Semifluid Extract Of Red Sage Root To promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis, reduce hypertension and tranquilize the mind.
Fu Fang Dan Shen Pian 付方丹参片 Compound Salvia Tablets To activate blood circulation, eliminate blood stasis, regulate the flow of qi and relieve pain.
Fu Fang Dan Shen Zhu She Ye 付方丹参注射液 Compound Liquid Of Red Sage Root To promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis and improve microcirculation.
Fu Fang Dan Shen Pian ~ Compound Tablet Of Red Sage Root To promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, induce resuscitaiton by means of aromatics and regulate the blood flow of qi to alleviate pain.
Fu Fang Gan Yan Chong Ji ~ Compound Hepatitis-Treating Infusion To clear away heat, disperse the depressed liver-qi, normalize the functioning of the gallbladder.
Fu Fang Jiang Zhi Tang ~ Lipid Reduction Combination Decoction To tonify liver and spleen; To benefit qi and nourish blood
Fu Fang Jin Yin Hua Chong Ji ~ Compound Infusion Of Honeysuckle Flower To clear away heat and toxic materials.
Fu Fang Lei Gong Teng Jian Ji ~ To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To tonify the kidney and revitalize blood
Fu Fang Qian Zheng Gao ~ Compound Qianzheng Plaster To promote blood circulation, strengthen the muscles and tendon, regulate the function between qi and blood.
Fu Fang She Dan Chuan Bei San 复方蛇胆川贝散 Compound Powder of Snake-bile and Fritillary Bulb To clear away heat and toxic materials, relieve cough and eliminate phlegm.
Fu Fang Wu Cai Xiong Huang Tang ~ Combined Recipe Wu Cai Xiong Huang Decoction To disperse heat and warm the kidney; To calm the stomach and strengthen the spleen; To modulate uncontroled yin; To cleanse and benefit junior yang
Fu Fang Xiao Yao San ~ Combined Recipe Pleasure Powder To soothe the liver and modulate qi; To strengthen the spleen and regulate blood
Fu Fang Yi Bai He Ji ~ Combined Yi Bai Multi-Ingredient Recipe To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To facilitate urine
Fu Fang Zang Lian Wan ~ Combined Recipe Untidiness Control Bolus To nourish yin and clear heat; To moisturize the intestines and stop bleeding
Fu Gan Tang ~ Liver Recovery Decoction To strengthen spleen and benefit qi; To soothe the liver and modulate qi; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Fu Gu Tang ~ Bone Recovery Decoction To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Fu Kang Ning Pian ~ Tablet for Women's Health and Tranquilness To regulate menstruation, replenish blood and regulate qi to relieve pain.
Fu Ke Fen Qing Wan ~ Fuke Fenqing Pills To remove damp-heat, promote blood circulation and alleviate pain.
Fu Ke Shi Wei Pian ~ Tablet of Ten Ingredients for Woman Diseases To regulate qi, promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation.
Fu Ke Tong Jing Wan ~ Fuke Tongjing Pills To remove blood stasis, emmenagogue, alleviate mental depression,relieve pain.
Fu Ling Gui Zhi Bai Zhu Gan Cao Tang ~ Decoction of Poria, Cinnamomi, Atractylodis Macrocephalae and Glycyrrhizae To strenthen the spleen, promote diuresis, warm the yang-energy,and eliminate phlegm.
Fu Ling Pi Tang ~ Decoction of Cortex Poria To clear away heat, promote diuresis, activate the circulation of vital energy and eliminate dampness.
Fu Man Ling Ruan Gao ~ Acaricide Unguent To destroy mites, relieve itching and pain.
Fu Ming Pei Tu Tang ~ Life Support and Soil Care Decoction To warm the kidney and strengthen spleen; To benefit qi and tonify blood
Fu Ning Shuan ~ Suppository For Relieving Women's Diseases To clear away heat and toxic materials, remove dampness and destroy trichomonad and fungus, remove the necrotic tissue and promote granulation, and arrest pain by removing blood stasis.
Fu Tu Dan ~ Pellet Of Poria And Cuscutae To strenthen the spleen, support the kidney, and relieve nocturnal emission.
Fu Tu Wan ~ Poria Cuscuta Pill To nourish the heart; To tonify the kidney; To support and stop the release of sperm
Fu Yan Jing Jiao Nang ~ Fuyanjing Capsules To remove heat and dampness, promoting the flow of qi and relieve pain.
Fu Yan Shuan ~ Anti-inflammatory Suppository For Gynecopathy Antiseptic and anti-inflammation.
Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang 复元活血汤 Decoction For Recovery And Activating Blood Circulation, Circulation Enhancing Decoction To promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis , soothe the liver and remove the obstruction in the channels.
Fu Zheng Gu Ben Fang ~ Rightness Supporting Recipe To tonify the lung; To strengthen the spleen and benefit qi
Fu Zheng Jie Yu Tang ~ Rightness Supporting Antidepressant Decoction To tonify the spleen; To benefit the kidney; To calm the heart; To soothe the liver; To dissolve unhappy feelings; To modulate period
Fu Zheng Tong Ru Tang ~ Rightness Supporting Milk-Promoting Decoction To tonify qi and nourish blood; To open luo and produce milk
Fu Zi Da Huang Tang ~ Fu Zi Da Huang Decoction To warm and tonify spleen and kidney; To benefit qi and dissolve turbid
Fu Zi E Jiao ~ Fuzi Donkey-hide Gelatin To nourish yin, reinforce the weakened body, arrest bleeding, moisten dryness, invigorate the chong and ren channels and prevent miscarriage.
Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan 附子理中丸 Fuzi Lizhong Pills, Aconite Bolus For Regulating The Function Of Middle-jiao To warm and reinforce the spleen and the stomach.
Fu Zi Xie Xin Tang 附子泻心汤 Aconitum Heart Clearing Decoction To clear heat and reduce lumps; To support yang; To strengthen the exterior

Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions G-H

Chinese Name Chinese Character Common Name Usage
Gan Cao Gan Jiang Ling Zhu Tang ~ Decoction of Glycyrrhizae, Zingiberis, Poria and Atractylodis Macrocephalae To warm the spleen and eliminate dampness.
Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang 甘草干姜汤 Decoction Of Glycyrrhizae And Zingiberis To strengthen spleen-yang.
Gan Cao Jin Gao ~ Liquorice Extract Anti-irritant, often used in combination with expectorants and antitussives to diminish irritation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. It also has spasmolytic action for relieving spasms of the gastrointestinal smooth muscle, and desoxycorticosterone-like
Gan Cao Liu Jin Gao ~ Liquorice Liquid Extract
Gan Cao Xiao Mai Da Zao Tang ~ Decoction of Glycyrrhizae, Tritici Levis And Ziziphi Jujubae To nourish the heart, and tranquilize, regulate the middle-jiao and soothe mental tension.
Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang 甘草泻心汤 Glycyrrhiza Heart Clearing Decoction To benefit qi; To soothe the stomach; To reduce lumps; To stop vomiting
Gan Cao Ze Xie Tang ~ Gan Cao Ze Xie Pulse Decoction To benefit qi and nourish blood; To restore the pulse
Gan Ji San ~ Ganji Powder To eliminate the retention of undigested food and remedy malnutrition.
Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan 甘露消毒丹 Pill Likes Manna For Detoxification, Sweet Dew Poison Eliminating Pill To clear away dampness-evil, and turbid evil.
Gan Lu Yin 甘露饮 Sweet Dew Decoction To nourish yin, clear away heat and regulate vital energy.
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang 甘麦大枣汤 Licorice, Wheat, And Jujube Decoction To nourish blood; To calm the spirit; To harmonize the interior; To reduce agitation
Gan Mai Long Mu Tang ~ To soothe liver and clear heat; To constrain qi and strengthen spleen; To calm spirit
Gan Mao Qing Pian ~ Tablet for treating Common Cold To resist influenza viruses.
Gan Mao Qing Re Chong Ji ~ Infusion for Treating Coryza of Wind-Cold Type To expel wind and cold pathogens, and induce diaphoresis to reduce fever.
Gan Mao Qing Re Ke Li ~ Ganmao Qingre Granules To dispel wind-cold, induce diaphoresis and remove heat.
Gan Mao Tui Re Chong Ji 感冒退热冲剂 Cold-Fever-Treating Infusion To clear away heat and toxic materials.
Gan Mao Tui Re Ke Li ~ Ganmao Tuire Granules To remove toxic heat.
Gan Wei Bai He Tang ~ Liver and Stomach Bai He Decoction To soothe liver and modulate qi; To disperse heat and harmonize the stomach
Gan Xi Le ~ Liver-Tonic Tablet To relieve the depressed liver and removing toxic substances, strengthen the body resistance and restore the normal functioning of body to consolidate the constitution.
Gan Zhu Li Shui Xing Nao Tang ~ Brain Waking Decoction To tonify spleen and benefit water; To revitalize blood and wake the brain
Ge Gen Huang Lian Tang ~ Decoction of Puerariae , Scutellariae and Coptidis To clear away interior heat evil' and expel the superficial evils from the body surface.
Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang 葛根黄芩黄连汤 Decoction of Pueraria, Scutellaria and Coptis Combination; Kudzu, Coptis, and Scutellaria Decoction To release the exterior. To clear heat.
Ge Gen Jie Ji Tang ~ Ge Gen Muscle-Relieving Decoction To relieve muscle; To clear heat, To accelerate rash, To stop cough
Ge Gen Qin Lian Pian ~ Gegen Qinlian Tablets To induce diaphoresis, remove heat, and counteract toxicity.
Ge Gen Qin Lian Wei Wan ~ Gegen Qinlian Micropilis Expelling the evils in the muscle, to remove heat, relieving diarrhea and dysentery.
Ge Gen Tang 葛根汤 Pueraria Decoction To relieve muscle and promote sweating
Ge Hua Jie Cheng Tang 葛花解酲汤 Decoction of Puerariae for Alcoholism To eliminate alcoholic dampness, and strengthen the spleen and stomach.
Ge Hua Jie Xing Tang ~ Ge Flower Waking-Up Decoction To remove dampness from alcohol drinking; To warm interior; To strengthen spleen
Ge Jie Ding Chuan Wan ~ Gejie Dingchuan Pills, Asthma-Relieving Bolus of Gecko To nourish yin and cool lung, relieving cough and asthma.
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang 膈下逐瘀汤 Decoction for Dissipating Blood Stasis under Diaphram, Subdiaphragmatic Blood Mobilizing Decoction To promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis and promote circulation to remove blood stasis and promote circulation of qi to relieve pain.
Geng Nian An ~ Climacteric-Syndrome-Relieving Tablet To nourish yin and clear away heat, relieve restlessness and tranquilize the mind, regulate the equilibrium of the human body, improve health and prolong life.
Gong Ti Wan 巩堤丸 Pill for Controlling Fluid To tonify kidney, relieve nocturnal emission, strengthen spleen and control fluid.
Gong Wai Yun Fang 宫外孕方 Prescription for Extrauterine Pregnancy, Ectopic Pregnancy Decoction To promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis and abdominal mass and relieve pain.
Gou Pi Gao ~ Goupi Plaster, Dog-skin Plaster To dispel wind-cold, soothe the tendons, promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
Gou Teng Yin 钩藤饮 Decoction of Uncrcariae cum Uncis To clear away heat, suppress wind, support healthy energy and expel evil.
Gou Teng Zhu Huang Tang ~ ~ To clear heat and relieve exterior syndrome; To stop cough and dissolve phlegm; To modulate lung and contain heavy breathing
Gou Zai Hua He Ji ~ ~ To clear heat; To disperse dampness; To produce saliva
Gu Chong Tang 固冲汤 Decoction for Strengthening Chong Channel, Vaginal Bleeding Decoction To tonify qi and strengthen the spleen. To consolidate the Chong channel and control the blood.
Gu Ci Wan ~ Bone Piercing Bolus To tonify bone and benefit kidney; To produce sperm and benefit bone marrow; To revitalize blood and stop pain
Gu Jing Wan 固经丸 Pill for Controlling Menstruation To nourish yin, clear away heat, stop bleeding and control menstruation.
Gu Tong Yao Fang ~ Bone Pain Essential Recipe To suppress wind and disperse coldness; To warm jing and open the luo; To tonify blood and dissolve stagnation
Gu Yin Jian 固阴煎 Decoction for Keeping Yin To invigorate kidney-essence, norish liver and regulate menstruation.
Gua Di San 瓜蒂散 Powder of Pedicellus Melo To induce vomiting and relieve the stagnation of phlegm and food.
Gua Lou Qu Mai Wan ~ Pill of Trichosanthis and Dianthi To warm yang, release stagnated energy, promote the production and circulation of body fluid and relieve thirst.
Gua Lou Xie Bai Bai Jiu Tang 瓜蒌薤白白酒汤 Decoction Trichosanthis and Allii Macrostemi, Decoction of Trichosanthes and Macrostem with Liquor; Tricosanthes Allium Wine Decoction To disperse obstruction of chest-yang, promote the circulation of qi to expel phlegm.
Guan Xin Er Hao Yao ~ Coronary Heart Disease No. 2 Pill To move qi and stop pain; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To nourish yin and calm the spirit
Guan Xin Dan Shen Pian ~ Guanxin Danshen Tablets To promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, regulating the flow of qi and reliving pain.
Guan Xin Er Hao Fang ~ Recipe No. 2 for Coronary Heart Disease To promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis to relieve pain.
Guan Xin Su He Wan 冠心苏合丸 Storax Pill for Coronary Heart Disease; Storax Pill for Treating Coronary Heart Disease To induce the resuscitation with aromatics and promote the flow of qi to relieve pain.
Gui Fu Li Zhong Wan ~ Guifu Lizhong Pills To tonify the kidney yang, and to warm and invigorate the spleen and stomach.
Gui Fu Yi Lin Tang ~ Gui Fu Yi Lin Decoction To warm period and disperse coldness; To revitalize blood and stop pain
Gui Ling Gan Lu San 桂苓甘露散 Powder of Cinnamomi and Poria To clear away summer-heat and eliminate dampness.
Gui Ling Ji ~ Longevity Powder To nourish the kidney, strengthen yang and replenish the vital essence.
Gui Lu Bu Shen Wan ~ Guilu Bushen Pills To strengthen the tendons and bones, to nourish qi and blood, to invigorate kidney and strengthen yang.
Gui Pi Tang ~ Decoction for Invigorating Spleen and Nourishing Heart; Codonopsis Spleen Restoring Decoction To nourish vital energy, strengthen spleen, invigorate the heart and nourish blood.
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan 桂枝茯苓丸 Bolus of Cinnamomi and Poria To activate blood circulation, remove blood stasis and abdominal mass.
Gui Zhi Fu Zi Tang 桂枝附子汤 Decoction of Cinnamomi and Aconiti To expel wind and dampness, warm meridians and eliminate cold.
Gui Zhi Gan Cao Long Gu Mu Li Tang 桂枝甘草龙骨牡蛎汤 Decoction of Cinnamomi, Glycyrrhizae, Fossilia Ossis Mastodi, and Ostreae Concha To warm heart-yang energy and tranquilize.
Gui Zhi Jia Gui Tang ~ Decoction of Cinnamomi Adding Cinnamomi To activate yang-energy, elminate cold, lower adverse rising energy.
Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu Tang 桂枝芍药知母汤 Decoction of Cinnamomi, Paeoniae and Anemarrhenae To expel wind and dampness, activate yang-energy, relieve arthralgia, regulate yin and clear away heat.
Gui Zhi Tang 桂枝汤 Decoction of Cinnamomi; Cinnamomum Decoction To expel pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin and regulate ying and wei to relieve exterior syndrome.
Gui Zhih Jia Ge Gen Tang 桂枝加葛根汤 Cinnamomum Pueraria Decoction
Gun Tan Wan 滚痰丸 Pill for Eliminating Phlegm Evil To purge fire and eliminate phlegm.
Guo Gong Jiu ~ Guogong Wine; Medicated Wine of Guogong To relieve rheumatic conditions and muscular contracture.
Guo Shi Huo Xue Shu Gan Tang ~ Guo's Blood Revitalization Decoction To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To soothe liver and modulate qi; To open jin and reactivate the luo.
Hai Long Ge Jie Jing ~ Oral Liquid of Sea Dragon and Gecko To tonify the liver and kidney, replenish vital essence and blood.
Hai Zao Xiao Ying Tang ~ Sargassum Tumor Reduction Decoction To dissolve phlegm and soften hardness; To revitalize blood
Hai Zao Yu Hu Tang 海藻玉壶汤 Decoction of Sargassum for Gortier To disperse phlegm, soften masses, regulate vital energy and dispel stagnation.
Han Lian Cao Jian ~ Han Lian Cao Fries To tonify spleen and benefit qi; To fulfill spleen and benefit sperm
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang 蒿芩清胆汤 Decoction of Artemisiae Annuae and Scutellariae for Clearing Away Dampness heat in Gallbladder To clear heat and dampness in the gall bladder. To harmonize the stomach and resolve phlegm.
He Che Ba Wei Wan ~ Bolus of Placenta Homimis To invigorate kidney, benefit essence and vital energy and nourish blood.
He Che Da Zao Wan 河车大造丸 Heche Dazao Pills To nourish yin and remove heat of the kidney and lung.
He Zi Pi San ~ He Zi Skin Powder To warm interior; To disperse coldness; To stop diarrhea
Hei Xi Dan 黑锡丹 Black Xi Pill To warm and strenghten yuang in lower part; To control wavering yang; To destroy adversary; To soothe heavy breathing.
Hong Ling San ~ Hongling Powder To dispel summer-heat, induce restoration of consciousness and counteract toxicity.
Hong Yao Tie Gao ~ Hongyao Plaster To remove blood stasis and replenish blood, to promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
Hong Zao Hei Dou Tang ~ Red Jujube and Black Bean Decoction To warm and tonify kidney yang; To stop abnormal vaginal discharge .
Hou Po Da Huang Tang 厚朴大黄汤 Hou Po Da Huang Intestine and Stomach Soothing Decoction To smooth stomach and intestines
Hou Po San Wu Tang 厚朴三物汤 Decoction of Magnoliae Officinalis and Other Two Drugs To activate vital energy, relieve abdominal fullness, and induce bowel movement.
Hou Po Sheng Jiang Ban Xia Gan Cao Ren Shen Tang ~ Decoction of Magnoliae Officinalis, Zingiberis Recens, Pinelliae, Glycyrrhizae and Ginseng To strengthen the spleen, benefit the stomach, soothe the middle jiao and relieve fullness.
Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang 厚朴温中汤 Decoction of Magnoliae Officinalis for Warming Middle Jiao To warm interior and smooth qi; To dry dampness; To dissolve stagnation
Hou Zheng Wan 喉症丸 Pill for Throat Diseases To clear away heat and toxic materials, subdue swelling and alleviate pain.
Hu Gan Pian ~ Hugan Tablet; Liver-Protecting Tablet To disperse the stagnated liver-qi, invigorate the spleen and relieve dyspepsia, depress transaminase.
Hu Gu Yao Jiu ~ Medicated Wine with Tiger Bone To expel pathogenic wind and cold, relax muscles and tendons, activate the flow of qi and blood in the channels and collaterals.
Hu Po Bao Long Wan 琥珀抱龙丸 Hupo Baolong Pills To induce tranquilization, and to remove heat and resolve phlegm.
Hu Po Xiao Shi Chong Ji ~ Lithagogue Infusion of Amber To clear away heat, remove dampness, induce diuresis and remove stones.
Hu Qian Wan 虎潜丸 Huqian Bolus To nourish kidney-yin, lower the asthenic fire, strengthen the tendon and bone.
Hua Ban Tang 化斑汤 Decoction for Rashes Subsidence; Rash Dissolving Decoction To clear away heat evil' and toxic material, cool blood and leet the rashes subsided.
Hua Gan Jian 化肝煎 Liver Dissolving Fries To comfort liver; To reduce unhappy feeling; To soothe qi; To disperse fire
Hua Shuan Tong Mai Tang ~ Blockade Dissolving Decoction To benefit qi and revitalize blood; To dissolve blockage and open the pulse; To suppress wind and dissolve phlegm
Hua Shui Zhong Zi Tang ~ Decoction for Sterility To warm the kidney, strengthen the spleen and promote diuresis.
Hua Tuo Zai Zao Wan ~ Huatuo Zaizao Pills To promote blood circulation, to remove blood stasis, to resolve phlegm, and to remove obstruction from the collateral.
Hua Yu Qing San Tang ~ Stagnation Dissolving Decoction To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To cleanse and disperse heat
Hua Yu Yang Yin Tang ~ Stagnation Dissolving and Yin Nourishing Decoction To dissolve stagnation and nourish yin; To produce saliva and benefit kidney
Hua Yu Zhi Beng Tang ~ Stagnation Dissolving Period Decoction To dissolve stagnation; To stop bleeding; To modulate period
Hua Zheng Hui Sheng Pian ~ Huazheng Huisheng Tablets To remove blood stasis and dissolve masses.
Huai Hua San 槐花散 Powder of Sophorae; Sophora Powder To clear the bowels to stop bleeding, dispel pathogenic wind to keep the adverse qi flowing downward.
Huai Hua Xiao Zhi Tang ~ Tree Flower Haemorrhoid Control Decoction To cool blood and stop bleeding; To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To revitalize blood and stop pain; To remove stagnation and dissolve haemorrhoid
Huan Shao Dan 还少丹 Pill for Restoring Yang To warm and invigorate kidney-yang, preserve essence and tranquilize.
Huan Shen Tang ~ Spirit Pleasing Decoction To cheer the spirit and calm the heart; To dissolve phlegm and open the mind; To reduce unhappy feelings and strengthen the spleen
Huan Xin Dan ~ Coronary Heart Disease Pill To promote coronary circulation to remove obstruction in the heart-vessels.
Huan Yin Jiu Ku Tang ~ Decoction for Restoring Yin and Purging Fire To purge fire, eliminate toxic material, cool blood and disperse stagnation.
Huang Lian E Jiao Tang 黄连阿胶汤 Decoction of Coptidis and Colla Corii Asini To clear away heart-fire and nourish kidney-yin.
Huang Lian Jiang Tang San ~ Huanglian Diabetes Reduction Powder To benefit qi and nourish yin; To cool and release heat
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang 黄连解毒汤 Decoction of Coptidis for Detoxification, Antidotal Decoction of Coptis; Coptis Poison Eliminating Decoction To purge pathogenic fire and lessen virulence of any pathogenic organism.
Huang Lian Shang Qing Wan 黄连上清丸 Coptis Bolus for Clearing the Upper Heat; Coptis Upper Cooling Pill To disperse pathogenic wind, to relieve pain. To clear away heat and loosen the bowels.
Huang Lian Tang 黄连汤 Decoction of Coptidis To regulate cold and heat, to regulate the functions of the stomach and lower the adverse rising energy.
Huang Long Tang 黄龙汤 Yellow Dragon Decoction To relax the bowels to expel heat-evil, invigorate vital energy and nourish the blood.
Huang Qi Bie Jia San 黄芪鳖甲散 Astragali And Carapax Trionycis Powder To invigorate vital energy, benefit the wei (defensive) level, nourish yin and clear away heat.
Huang Qi Dan Shen Huang Jing Tang (Wan) ~ Huang Qi Dan Shen Huang Jing Decoction (Pill) To strengthen the spleen and tonify the kidney; To dissolve stagnation and lumps; To cleanse and relieve heat-dampness.
Huang Qi Gui Di Tang ~ Huang Qi Gui Di Decoction To nourish liver and kidney; To nourish blood and modulate period
Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang 黄芩桂枝五物汤 Decoction Of Five Drugs Containing Astragali seu Hedysari and Cinnamomi To benefit vital energy, regulate the ying-level (nutritive-level), activate the yang-energy, and relieve vessel obstruction.
Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang 黄芩建中汤 Decoction of Astragali seu Hedysari for Warming Middle Jiao; Astragalus Central-Strengthening Decoction To warm the middle jiao, tonify, alleviate pain, harmonize yin and yang, and regulate the ying and wei levels (nutritive and defensive levels).
Huang Qi Yi Shen Tang ~ Huang Qi Kidney Benefiting Decoction To tonify the kidney and strengthen the spleen; To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To revitalize blood and reduce swelling
Huang Qi Zhu Fu Tang ~ Huang Qi Zhu Fu Decoction To warm the kidney and strengthen the spleen; To nourish blood and soothe the liver
Huang Qin Hua Shi Tang 黄芩滑石汤 Decoction of Scutellariae and Talcum; Scrutellaria Talc Decoction To clear dampness-heat evil.
Huang Qin Tang 黄芩汤 Radix Scutellariae Decoction To clear heat; To stop diarrhea; To reduce pain.
Huang Teng Nan Chang Tang ~ Huang Teng Nan Chang Stroke Decoction To revitalize blood and stop bleeding; To dissolve phlegm and open the mind
Huang Tu Tang 黄土汤 Decoction of Terra Flava Usta, Decoction of Baked Yellow Earth; Yellow Earth Decoction To warm yang, strengthen the spleen, nourish the blood and stop bleeding.
Hui Chun Dan ~ Pill for Infantile Convulsion To clear away and disperse phlegm, resuscitate and relieve convulsion.
Hui Tian Zai Zao Wan ~ Restorative Bolus with Tremendous Power To dispel wind, resolve phlegm and promote blood circulation, to remove obstruction in the channels.
Hui Xiang Ju He Wan 茴香橘核丸 Huixiang Juhe Pills; Foeniculum Citrus Pill To dispel cold, promote the flow of qi, induce the subsidence of swelling and alleviate pain.
Hui Yan Zhu Yu Tang 会厌逐瘀汤 Stagnation Dissolving Decoction To revitalize blood; To remove blood stagnation; To nourish yin; To benefit throat
Huo Bu San Ren Tang ~ Huo Bu Plus Three Gentlmen Cold Relieving Decoction To resolve dampness; To promote sweating and relieve exterior; To soothe qi; To strengthen the spleen; To modulate the intestine and stomach
Huo Dan Wan ~ Huodan Pills To remove heat, eliminating dampness, to release nasal obstruction.
Huo Luo Dan 活络丹 Bolus for Activating Meridians To warm the channels, activate the circulation of collaterals, expel wind evil, eliminate dampness and phlegm and remove blood stasis.
Huo Luo Tong Bi Tang 活络通痺汤 Luo Revitalizing Decoction To tonify spleen and reinforce yang; To modulate qi and revitalize blood; To open jing and luo.
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Kou Fu Ye ~ Huoxiang Zhengqi Oral Liquid To induce diaphoresis, resolve damp, regulate the function of the spleen and the stomach.
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San 霍香正气散 Powder of Agastachis for Restoring Healthy Energy; Agastache qi Restoring Powder To release the exterior and resolve dampness. To regulate qi and harmonize the spleen and stomach.
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Shui 霍香正气水 Huoxiang Zhengqi Solution To induce diaphoresis, resolve damp, regulate the function of the spleen and the stomach.
Huo Xue Chu Xuan Tang ~ Blood Revitalizing Decoction To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To suppress wind and soothe the liver
Huo Xue Run Zao Sheng Jin San ~ Powder for Activitating Blood Circulation, Moistening Dryness and Promoting the Production of Body Fluid To nourish blood, activate blood circulation, promote the production of body fluid and moisten dryness.
Huo Xue Shu Jin Tang ~ Blood Revitalizing and Muscle Relaxing Decoction To move qi and dissolve stagnation; To modulate qi and stop pain; To soothe muscles and open luo; To dissolve lumps
Huo Xue Tong Luo Tang ~ Blood Revitalizing and Luo Opening Decoction To revitalize blood and open luo; To modulate qi and stop pain
Huo Xue Tong Mai Pian ~ Tablet for Promoting Coronary Circulation To promote coronary circulation, strengthen the heart and relieve pain.
Huo Xue Xiao Zhong Tang ~ Blood Revitalizing and Swelling Dissolving Decoction To revitalize blood and disperse dampness; To reduce swelling and stop pain
Huo Xue Zhi Tong Gao ~ Blood Revitalizing and Pain Relieving Decoction To move qi and dissolve stagnation; To revitalize blood; To open luo; To stop pain
Huo Xue Zhi Tong San ~ Huoxue Zhitong Powder To activate blood circulation, eliminate stasis, promote the subsidence of swelling and alleviate pain.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions I-J

Chinese Name Chinese Character Common Name Usage
Ji Chuan Jian 济川煎 Jichuan Decoction To warm, lubricate and promote bowel movement.
Ji Jiao Li Huang Wan 己椒苈黄丸 Pill of Stephaniae Tetrandrae, Zanthoxyli, Lepidii seu Descurainiae and Rhei To eliminate the retained fluid and discharge the evils from the lower part.
Ji Ming San ~ Cock-Crowing Powder To warm and expel cold-dampness evil, activate circulation of vital energy, and lower turbid evil.
Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan 济生肾气丸 Jisheng Shenqi Pills; Kidney Qi Restoring Edema Reducing Pill To warm the kidney and cause diuresis.
Ji Xue Teng Gao 鸡血藤膏 Jixueteng Concentrated Decoction To replenish blood, activate circulation and regulate menstruation.
Ji Xue Teng Tang 鸡血藤汤 Blood Tonification Decoction To tonify qi and nourish blood; To produce sperm and bone marrow
Jia Jian Ba Zhen Tang ~ Plus and Minus Eight Pearl Decoction To tonify qi and nourish yin
Jia Jian Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang 加减补中益气汤 Plus and Minus Interior Tonification Decoction To tonify qi; To lift collapseness; To support the fetus
Jia Jian Dang Gui Si Ni Tang ~ Plus and Minus Dang Gui and Frigid Extremities Decoction To warm and open blood circulation; To dissolve qi and move water
Jia Jian Da Huang Tang ~ Plus and Minus Da Huang Decoction To strengthen spleen and benefit water; To benefit qi and address weakness
Jia Jian Fu Mai Tang 加减复脉汤 Modified Pulse Restoring Decoction
Jia Jian Qing Hai Wan ~ Plus and Minus Sea Cleansing Bolus To nourish liver and spleen; To nourish blood; To cool blood; To modulate period
Jia Jian Tuo Hua Jian ~ Plus and Minus Flower Remover Fries To revitalize blood and move qi; To dissolve stagnation and promote delivery
Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang 加减葳蕤汤 Modified Decoction of Polygonati Odorati To replenish the yin and clear heat. To promote sweating and release the exterior.
Jia Jian Xiao Cai Hu Tang ~ Plus and Minus Small Radix Bupleuri Decoction To harmonize junior yang; To support rightness Qi and disperse evil
Jia Jian Xiao Yao San 加减消遥散 Plus and Minus Pleasure Powder To soothe the liver and resolve depression; To cool blood and stop bleeding
Jia Jian Yi Qi Gu Chong Tang ~ Plus and Minus Qi Benefiting Decoction To tonify qi and benefit kidney; To contain flow and stop bleeding
Jia Jian Zheng Qi Tian Xiang San ~ Plus and Minus Rightness Sandalwood Powder To modulate qi and revitalize blood; To regulate period and stop pain
Jia Jian Zhu Qi Bu Tai Tang ~ Plus and Minus Qi Assisting Fetus Decoction To tonify qi and contain blood; To disperse fire and calm the fetus
Jia Kang Ping Wan ~ Hyperthyroidism Reduction Bolus To nourish yin; To stablize liver; To contain yang; To dissolve phlegm; To soften hardness; To disperse stagnation
Jia Liu Wan ~ Hyperthyroidism Tumor Bolus To cleanse liver and dissolve phlegm; To soften hardness and disperse stagnation; To revitalize blood and dissolve lump
Jia Wei Bai He Di Huang Tang ~ Added Flavor Baihe Dihuang Decoction To nourish yin and tonify blood; To reduce agitation and calm the spirit
Jia Wei Ban Xia Hou Po Tang ~ Added Flavor Banxia Houpo Decoction To soothe liver and remove unhappy feeling; To modulate qi and dissolve phlegm; To promote qi; To open luo and dissolve stagnation
Jia Wei Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang ~ Added Flavor Interior Tonification Decoction To tonify qi and nourish the blood
Jia Wei Dai Fan San ~ Added Flavor Dai Fan Powder To remove dampness and benefit water; To suppress fire and remove yellow
Jia Wei Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang ~ Added Flavor Dang Gui Blood Tonification Decoction To tonify qi and nourish blood; To disperse coldness and stop pain
Jia Wei Dang Gui Si Ni Tang ~ Added Flavor Dang Gui Frigid Extremities Decoction To benefit qi and nourish blood; To warm yang and jin (nervous, circulatory and immune systems); To open the pulse
Jia Wei Dang Gui Yin ~ Added Flavor Dang Gui Drink To nourish blood; To disperse wind; To stop itching.
Jia Wei Di Fu Zi Tang ~ Added Flavor Di Fu Zi Heat Clearing Decoction To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To facilitate urine
Jia Wei Fu Xie Ning ~ Added Flavor Diarrhea Suppressor To strengthen the spleen and resolve dampness
Jia Wei Fu Zi Li Zhong Tang ~ Added Flavor Fu Zi Interior Modulation Decoction To warm and tonify spleen and kidney; To remove toxic materials and contain bowel movement.
Jia Wei Ge Gen Qin Lian Tang 加味葛根芩连汤 Added Flavor Ge Gen Qin Lian Decoction To clear heat and disperse dampness; To modulate qi and harmonize the blood
Jia Wei Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan ~ Added Flavor GZFL Bolus To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Jia Wei Jiao Ai Si Wu Tang ~ Added Flavor JA Four Object Decoction To tonify qi and nourish blood; To stop bleeding and calm the fetus
Jia Wei Jiao Hong Yin ~ Added Flavor Jiao Hong Drink To revitalze blood and dissolve stagnation; To clear heat and cool blood; To nourish blood and stop bleeding
Jia Wei Li Yu Tang ~ Added Flavor Cyprinus Carpio Soup To strengthen spleen and disperse dampness; To nourish blood and calm the fetus
Jia Wei Liang Di Tang ~ Added Flavor Two Place Decoction To benefit yin and clear heat; To nourish blood and modulate period
Jia Wei Si Ni San ~ Added Flavor Four Adverary Powder To soothe liver and modulate qi; To harmonize body and dissolve unhappy feelings; To benefit water and dissolve spasm
Jia Wei Wu Pi Yin ~ Added Flavor Five Skin Drink To tonify qi; To strengthen spleen; To benefit water
Jia Wei Wu Yao Tang 加味乌药汤 Decoction of Linderae with Addition To disperse the stagnated liver-energy, promote circulation of vital energy and relieve pain.
Jia Wei Xiang Su San 加味香苏散 Powder of Two Effective Ingredients with Cyperus Peel and Perilla Leaf To promote sweating and release the exterior.
Jia Wei Xiao Yao San 加味消遥散 Added Flavor Happiness Powder To soothe liver; To strengthen spleen; To modulate blood; To modulate period
Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan ~ Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills To Disperse the stagnated liver-qi, to remove heat, invigorate the spleen and nourishing blood.
Jia Wei yin Qiao San ~ Added Flavor yin Qiao Powder To soothe wind and clear heat; To cool and relieve exterior syndrome; To clear heat and remove toxic materials
Jia Wei Zhi Zhuo Gu Ben Tang ~ Added Flavor Turbid Removing Decoction To strengthen spleen and support kidney
Jian Bu Wan ~ Jianbu Pills To replenish the liver and kidney and strengthen the tendons and bones.
Jian Gu Tang ~ Decoction for Strenthening the Spleen and Supporting the Kidney To strengthen the spleen and support the kidney.
Jian Nao An Shen Tang ~ Brain Strengthening Decoction To strengthen the brain and calm the spirit
Jian Nao Bu Shen Wan ~ Brain-Invigorating and Kidney-Tonifying Pill To invigorate the brain, replenish qi, tonify the kidney and strengthen the essence of life.
Jian Nao Chong Ji ~ Brain-Strengthening Infusion To nourish blood and tranquilize the mind, tonify the kidney and strengthen the brain.
Jian Nao San ~ Brain Strengthening Powder To tonify qi and blood; To nourish liver and spleen; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To remove swelling and stop pain
Jian Ning Tang ~ Shoulder Condensation Decoction To tonify spleen and benefit liver; To revitalize blood and open the luo.
Jian Pi Ding Xian Tang ~ Spleen Enhancing Decoction To strengthen spleen and dissolve phlegm; To soothe liver and suppress wind
Jian Pi Wan 健脾丸 Pill for Strengthening Spleen, Pill for Invigorating the Spleen To strengthen the spleen and regulate the stomach, promote digestion and arrest diarrhea.
Jian Shen Fang ~ Kidney Strengthening Recipe To benefit qi and strengthen spleen; To tonify kidney and dissolve stagnation
Jian Shen Tang ~ Health Boosting Decoction To tonify kidney and strengthen spleen; To benefit qi and revitalize blood
Jian Wei Cha ~ Stomach Strengthening Tea To strengthen spleen and benefit stomach; To soothe qi and stop pain
Jian Xin Fu Mai Lin ~ Heart Strengthening and Pulse Recovery Recipe To benefit qi; To revitalize blood; To restore pulse
Jiang Can Er Huang San ~ JC Two Yellow-Stuff Powder To dissolve phlegm and reduce unhappy feeling; To lift clean and contain the turbid; To modulate qi and blood; To calm spirit and heart
Jiang Liu Jin Gao ~ Ginger Liquid Extract Stomachic and carminative
Jiang Tang Wan ~ Jiantang Pills To nourish qi and yin, to promote the production of body fluid and quench thirst.
Jiang Tang Yin ~ Diabetes Relieving Drink To clear lung heat; To nourish spleen yin; To strengthen spleen qi; To benefit kidney jing (spirit)
Jiang Ya Ping Pian ~ Antihypertensive Tablet To relieve hypertension and refresh oneself.
Jiang Zhi Pian ~ Lipid Reduction Pill To revitalize blood and soothe pulse; To cleanse and clear liver heat
Jiao Ai Tang 胶艾汤 Decoction of Colla Corii Asini and Artemisiae Argyi To tonify blood and stop bleeding. To regulate menstruation and calm down restlessness of the fetus.
Jiao Mei Bing Guan Tang ~ Guts Decoction To silence and kill worms; To modulate qi and stop pain
Jiao Tai Wan 交泰丸 Mutually Sedating Pill To keep communication open between heart and spleen; To reduce fire; To calm spirit
Jie Bai Wan ~ Jiebai Pills To invigorate the spleen and regulate the stomach function to relieve pain and vomiting, and to cure dysuria.
Jie Biao Tui Re Fang ~ Exterior Sydrome and heat Reduction Recipe To clear heat and remove fire; To lift and disperse evil
Jie Du Huo Xue Tang 解毒活血汤 Detoxification and Blood Revitalizing Decoction To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To revitalize blood and stop pain
Jie Du Nei Xiao Tang ~ Detoxification Decoction To soothe liver and reduce unhappy feeling; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To dissolve phlegm
Jie Du San Jie Tang ~ Detoxification and Stagnation Dissolving Decoction To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To cleanse swelling and dissolve stagnation; To revitalize blood and stop pain
Jie Du Tui Huang Tang ~ Detoxification and Yellowness Removing Decoction To cleanse and benefit heat-dampness; To soothe liver and benefit gallbladder
Jie Gu Gao ~ Bone Joining Ointment To join bones and muscle; To revitalize blood and reduce swelling
Jie Ji Ning Sou Wan ~ Jieji Ningsou Pills To induce diaphoresis, relieve cough and resolve phlegm.
Jie Jing Tang ~ Spasm Relieving Decoction To strengthen the spleen and modulate the stomach; To warm jing and open luo; To nourish the heart and calm the spirit
Jie Nue qi Bao Yin 截疟七宝饮 Decoction of Seven Fine Drugs for Malaria To dry dampness and resolve phlegm. To relieve malaria.
Jie Re He Ji ~ Heat Clearing Combination Recipe To clear heat and remove toxic materials
Jie Xiao Tang ~ Heavy Breathing Relieving Decoction To soothe lung and control qi; To suppress wind and stop cough; To dissolve phlegm and suppress heavy breathing
Jin Fei Cao San 金沸草散 Powder of Inulae To expel cold from the body surface, disperse phlegm, and relieve cough.
Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan ~ Kidney-Qi Tonifying Bolus; Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet (a classical text on Traditional Chinese Medicine) To tonify the kidney-qi and invigorate the Ming Men (kidney/gate of life).
Jin Ji Chong Ji ~ Infusion of Cherokee Rose and Spatholobus Stem To remove obstruction in the channels and promote blood circulation.
Jin Lian Mao Gong Yin ~ Jin Lian Mao Gong Yin Nephritis Decoction To clear heat and benefit dampness; To remove toxic materials and dissolve swelling
Jin Ling Zi San 金铃子散 Powder of Sichuan Chinaberry Combination; Melia Powder To promote qi in the liver. To invigorate blood and stop pain.
Jin Pu Tang ~ Jinpu Decoction To clear heat and benefit dampness; To move qi and revitalize blood; To connect to interior and promote bowel movement
Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan 金锁固精丸 Golden Lock Pill for Keeping the Kidney Essence, Golden Lock Pill for Keeping the Kidney Essence; Gold Lock Semen Conserving Pill To consolidate the kidney to treat emission.
Jin Yin Tang ~ Jin Yin Decoction To kill roundworms; To kill worms; To move qi; To stop pain.
Jing Zhi Guan Xin Pian ~ Jingzhi Guanxin Tablets To promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.
Jing Zhui Fang ~ Neck Bone Recipe To move qi and harmonize blood; To contain wind and remove dampness.
Jiu Fen San ~ Jiufen Powder; Nine Fen Powder To activate blood circulation, remove stasis, promote the subsidence of swelling and relieve pain.
Jiu Qi Nian Tong Wan ~ Jiuqi Niantong Pills To arrest pain by regulating the flow of qi and promote blood circulation.
Jiu Sheng San ~ Jiusheng Powder To counteract toxicity, induce subsidence of swelling, remove damp' and relieve itching.
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Keli ~ Jiuwei Oianghuo Granules To expel superficial evils and eliminate dampness.
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang 九味羌活汤 Decoction of Nine Ingredients Containing Notopterygii To promote sweating and eliminate dampness. To clear interior heat.
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Wan ~ Jiuwei Qianghuo Pills To induce diaphoresis and remove damp.
Jiu Wei Shi Hui Hua San ~ Jiuwei Shihuihua Powder To remove toxic heat, to relieve cough, and to induce sedation.
Jiu Wei Xiao Ding Yin ~ Nine Herb Furuncle Drink To clear heat, cool blood and remove toxic materials
Jiu Wei Zi Shen Wan 九味资生丸 Nine-Ingredients Life-Spporting Bolus To strengthen spleen; To enhance appetite; To promote digestion; To harmonize the interior
Jiu Xian San 九仙散 Powder Containing Nine Drugs; Nine Immortal Powder To benefit vital energy, invigorate the lung, keep lung-energy and relieve cough.
Jiu Yi San 九一散 Jiuyi Powder To drain the pus, eradicate toxicity, eliminate the dead tissue and promote the growth of new tissue.
Ju Fang Zhi Bao San 居方至宝散 Ju Fang Zhi Treasured Bolus To induce resuscitation, relieve convulsion and clear away heat and toxic materials.
Ju He Wan 橘核丸 Bolus of Citri Grandis To promote qi and stop pain. To soften hardness and remove nodules.
Ju Hong Wan 橘红丸 Tangerine Peel Bolus To remove heat from the lung, resolve phlegm and relieve cough.
Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang 橘皮竹茹汤 Decoction of Citri Grandis and Bambusae in Taeniam, Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction; Citrus Phyllostachys Decoction To lower the adverse flow of qi to relieve vomiting, invigorate qi and clear away heat.
Ju Yuan Jian 举元煎 Decoction for Raising Primordial Energy To benefit vital energy to control blood.
Juan Bi Tang 蠲痹汤 Decoction for Treating Rheumatism; Dampness Dissolving (Qi Enhancing) Decoction To expel wind and dampness, benefit vital energy and nourish blood.
Juan Bi Zhen Tong Tang ~ Nerve Pain Relieving Decoction To disperse coldness and reduce dampness; To stop pain
Juan Tong Tang ~ Pain Control Decoction To tonify and benefit liver and spleen; To suppress wind and remove dampness; To disperse coldness and open the luo.
Jun Li Tang ~ Infectious Diarrhea Decoction To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To cool blood and stop diarrhea

Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions K-L

Chinese Name Chinese Character Common Name Usage
Kai Wei Qi Cao ~ Appetite Opening Qi Fries To strengthen the spleen and benefit the stomach; To dissolve stagnation; To enhance appetite
Kai Xiong Shun qi Wan ~ Digestion-Promoting Pill To remove retention of undigested food, promote the flow of qi and relieve pain.
Kan Li Sha ~ Kanli Coarse Powder To dispel wind-cold, promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
Kang Bai Huo He Ji 抗白喉合剂 Decoction to Treat Diphtheria To nourish yin and moisten dryness. To clear heat and release toxins.
Kang Bao Kou Fu Ye ~ Oral Liquid for Health To invigorate qi and the kidney, strengthen the spleen and regulate the stomach, and nourish the heart to calm the mind.
Kang Gan Ke Li ~ Kanggan Granules To remove heat and counteract toxicity.
Kang Gu Sui Yan Pian ~ Tablet for Treating Osteomyelitis To clear away heat and toxic materials, dissipate blood stasis and promote the subsidence of swelling.
Kang Gu Zeng Shen Yin ~ Anti-Bone Growth Drink To tonify and benefit the liver and spleen; To strengthen muscle and bone; To revitalize blood and open the luo; To dissolve swelling and reduce lumps
Kang Gu Zeng Sheng Wan ~ Kanggu Zengsheng Pills To nourish loins and kidney and strengthen the tendons and bones, activate blood circulation and qi flow, to relieve pain.
Kang Yuan Tang ~ Anti-Origin Decoction To soothe the liver and modulate the kidney; To clear heat to benefit dampness, and remove toxic materials
Ke Xue Fang 咳血方 Prescription for Treating Hemoptysis; Coughing of Blood Formula To clear fire and resolve phlegm. To astringe the lungs and stop cough.
Kong Dong Xing Fei Jie He Xiao Fang ~ Empty Cave Tuberculosis Recipe To nourish yin and moisturize the lungs; To suppress fire and dissolve phlegm
Kong Xian Wan ~ Kongxian Pills To eliminate phlegm and retained fluid.
Ku Shen Tang 苦参汤 Bitter Shen Decoction for Modulating The Heart To cleanse and suppress heart fire; To calm the spirit
Ku Shen Tong Lin Tang ~ Bitter Shen Decoction for Promoting Urine To clear heat and disperse dampness; To facilitate urine
Ku Shen Zhi Yang Tang ~ Bitter Shen Itching Stopper Decoction To clear heat and soothe wind; To kill worms and stop itching
Kui Yang He Ji ~ Ulcer Combination Pill To warm interior and strengthen spleen; To move qi and stop pain
Kui Yang Kang Tang ~ Ulcer Decoction To contain lump and remove ulcer
Kui Yang Pian ~ Ulcer Pill To soothe qi and stop pain; To dissolve lump and grow muscle
Kun Hai Pai Shi Tang ~ Kun Hai Stone Removing Decoction To facilitate urine and benefit dampness; To revitalize blood and remove stagnation; To soften hardness; To dissolve and remove stone
Kuo Qing Yin 廓清饮 Kuoqing Decoction To eliminate dampness, promote diuresis and activate vital energy.
Lai Zhi San ~ Lai Zhi Powder To move qi; To revitalize blood; To dissolve stagnation
Lan Di Tang ~ Lan Di Cold Relieving Decoction To nourish yin; To clear heat; To soothe lung; To remove toxic materials
Lan Wei Xiao Yan Pian ~ Appendictis Tablet To resist bacteria, relieve inflammation, promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, subdue swelling and alleviate pain.
Leng Xiao Wan 冷哮丸 Pill for Asthma; Cold Wheeze Pill To warm the lung, expel cold and eliminate sputum.
Li Dan Pai Shi Pian ~ Lidan Paishi Tablets; Cholagogic and Lithagogue Tablet To remove damp-heat, increase the flow of bile and expel calculi.
Li Dan Pian ~ Cholagogic Tablet Cholagogic and anti-inflammation.
Li Gan Long Pian ~ Liver-Restoring Tablet To relieve the depressed liver, clear away the heat and remove dampness by diuresis, strengthen body resistance and restore the nomal functions of body.
Li Gan Pian ~ Liver-Benefiting Tablet To remove heat and dampness from the liver and gallbladder.
Li Huang Tang ~ Li Huang Heart Decay Decoction To relieve lung and suppress heavy breathing; To strengthen heart
Li Ling Tang ~ Decoction Containing Poria for Regulating Middle Jiao To warm the jiao, dry dampness and promote diuresis.
Li Pi Su Fei Tang ~ Spleen and Lung Modulation Decoction To strengthen spleen and dsiperse dampness; To contain lung qi
Li qi Shu Xin Pian ~ Qi-Regulating and Heart-Soothing Tablet To regulate the flow of qi and tranquilize the mind, alleviate pain by removing blood stasis and inducing appetite and digestion.
Li Shi Hua Yu Tang ~ Dampness and Stagnation Decoction To boost dampness and remove phlegm; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Li Zhong Wan 理中丸 Bolus for Regulating the Middle Jiao To warm the middle-warmer to dispel cold and replenish qi to invigorate the spleen.
Lian Bu Yin ~ Lian Bu heat Clearing Decoction To clear heat and reduce dampness; To modulate intestine and stomach
Lian Kui Yu yang Tang ~ Ulcer Containing Decoction To strengthen spleen and remove dampness; To soothe qi and dissolve stagnation; To remove lump and stop bleeding
Lian Mei An Hui Tang 连梅安蛔汤 Roundworm Decoction To clear heat; To kill worms
Lian Po Yin 连朴饮 Decoction of Coptidis and Magnoliae Officinalis; Coptis Magnolia Drink To clear away heat, dry dampness, promote circulation of vital energy and disperse turbid evil.
Liang Di Tang ~ Decoction of Rehmanniae and Obstetrics To nourish kidney-yin and clear away asthenic heat.
Liang Fu Wan 良附丸 Liangfu Pills To warm stomach and regulate the flow of remove qi.
Liang Ge San 凉膈散 Powder for Clearing Away Heat in the Upper or Middle Jiao To clear away heat evil' from the upper jiao and relax bowel movement.
Liang Shen Jing ~ Oral Liquid of Ginseng and Acanthopanax To supplement qi, nourish the blood, and strengthen the body.
Lin Zhe Qing Jiang Tang ~ Lin Zhe Clearing and Lowering Decoction To cleanse and reduce qi and fire
Ling Bao Hu Xin Dan 灵宝护心丹 Lingbao Huxin Micropills Strengthen the heart and replenish qi, activating yang and blood circulation, promoting the restoration of consciousness with drugs of fragnant flavour, relieving pain.
Ling Gan Wu Wei Jiang Xin Tang 苓甘五味姜辛汤 Decoction of Poria, Glycyrrhizae, Schisandrae, Zingiberis and Asari To warm the lung to reduce phlegm-fluid retention.
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang ~ Decoction of Poria, Bighead Atractylodes, Cinnamon and Licorice; Poria Cinnamomum Atractylodes Glycyrrhiza Decoction To strengthen the spleen and excrete dampness, warm and resolve the retention of phlegm and fluid.
Ling Jiao Gou Teng Tang 羚角钩藤汤 Decoction of Cornu Saigae Tataricae and Uncariae cum Uncis, Decoction of Antelope's Horn and Uncaria Stem To remove pathogenic heat from the liver and calm endogenous wind and increase body fluid to relax muscles and tendons.
Ling Qiao Jie Du Wan 羚翘解毒丸 Saiga Horn and Lonicera Poison-Relieving Pill
Ling Yang Mao Pian ~ Tablet of Antelope's Horn for Common Cold To dispel wind, remove heat and induce diaphoresis to reduce fever.
Ling Yang Fei San ~ Powder of Antelope's Horn for Clearing Lung-heat To clear away heat and toxic materials, expel phlegm and arrest cough.
Ling Yang Qing Fei Wan ~ Lingyang Qingfei Pills To cool lung, release discomfort in pharynx, remove epidemic evils, and to relieve cough.
Ling Yi Bai Jiang Tang ~ Turbid Control Decoction To clear heat; To reduce dampness; To remove toxic materials
Liu He Ding Zhong Wan ~ Liuhe Dingzhong Pills; Stomach-Regulating Pill To remove summer-damp, regulate the function of the spleen and stomach and promote digestion.
Liu Shen Wan 六神丸 Pill of Six Miraculous Drugs; Pill of Six Ingredients with Magical Effects To clear away heat and toxic material, relieve swelling and alleviate pain.
Liu Wei An Xiao San ~ Six Flavors Anxiao Powder To regulate the stomach, invigorate the spleen, and remove undigested food.
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan 六味地黄丸 Bolus of Six Drugs Including Rehmannia; Six Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia; Pill of Six Ingredients with Rehmannia To nourish and enrich the liver and kidney.
Liu Yi Bing Zhu San Ma You Hu ~ First Of June Bing Zhu San Sesame Soup To disperse stagnation and dissolve swelling; To stop pain and remove toxic materials; To prevent rotteness and produce muscle
Liu Yi San 六一散 Six To One Powder To eliminate dampness, clear heat and relieve summer-heat.
Liu Ying Wan ~ Liuying Pills; Anti-inflammatory Pill To counteract inflammation, caused subsidence of swelling and alleviate pain.
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang 龙胆泻肝汤 Decoction of Gentianae for Purging Liver Fire; Gentiana Liver Clearing Decoction To purge excessive fire from the liver and gallbladder and remove damp-heat from the lower-warmer.
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan ~ Longdan Xiegan Pills; Bolus of Gentian for Purging Liver-fire To remove damp-heat from the live and the gall bladder.
Lou Xing Chen Qi Tang ~ Louxing Qi Supporting Decoction To smooth abdomen and dissolve phlegm
Lu He Xiao Dian Tang ~ Luhe Pigment Removing Decoction To benefit qi and tonify blood; To stop bleeding and produce blood
Lu Jiao Jiao ~ Antler Gelatin To warm and invigorate the liver and kidney, replenish the vital essence and nourish the blood.
Lu Jin Yin ~ Lu Jin Drink To clear heat and promote urine; To remove and dissolve stone
Lu Shang Yu Zhen ~ Head Injury Decoction To contain dizziness and stop pain; To wake-up brain and calm spirit; To contain evil and stop vomiting
Lu Si Ka Wan 鹭鸶咯丸 Lusika Pills Releasing stagnated lung-qi, dissipating phlegm, to relieve cough.
Lu Tai Gao ~ Semifluid Extract of Deer Foetus To nourish the blood and supplement qi, warm the kidney and regulate menstruation.
Luo Han Guo Zhi Ke Chong Ji ~ Infusion of Grosvenor Momordica Fruit for Arresting Cough To expel phlegm and arrest cough.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions M-N

Chinese Name Chinese Character Common Name Usage
Ma Huang Bai Zhu Tang ~ Mahuang Baizhu Decoction To warm and tonify spleen and kidney; To dissolve qi and move water
Ma Huang Tang 麻黄汤 Decoction of Ephedrae; Ephedra Decoction To promote sweating and release the exterior. To promote the lung's function in dispersing and descending. To soothe asthma.
Ma Huang Xi Xin Fu Zi Tang ~ Decoction of Ephedrae, Asari and Aconiti To strengthen yang to expel superficial evils.
Ma Huang Xing Ren Yi Yi Gan Cao Tang 麻黄杏仁薏苡甘草汤 Decoction of Ephedrae, Armeniacae Amarum, Coicis and Glycyrrhizae To expel wind and dampness and alleviate pain.
Ma Pu San ~ Mapu Mastitis Powder To soothe water; To remove toxic materials and dissolve stagnation
Ma Qian Zi San ~ Maqianzi Powder To dispel wind and dampness; To promote blood circulation.
Ma Ren Run Chang Wan ~ Maren Runchang Pills To cause laxation.
Ma Xin Er San Tang ~ Ma Xin Two Plus Three Heavy Breathing Decoction To dissolve phlegm and promote the drinking of water; To control qi and suppress heavy breathing; To benefit the kidney and the spleen
Ma Xin Long Xie Xiong Tang ~ Ma Xin Heavy Breathing Controlling Decoction To contain lung qi; To relieve spasm; To revitalize the luo (nervous, circulatory and immune systems); To suppress heavy breathing
Ma Xin Qin Ting Tang ~ Ma Xin Qin Ting Decoction To modulate lung and contain heavy breathing; To clear heat and dissolve phlegm
Ma Xin Shi Wei Tang ~ Ma Xin Shi Wei Decoction To modulate lung and contain heavy breathing; To disperse wind and dissolve phlegm
Ma Xing Gan Shi Tang ~ Decoction of Ephedrae, Armeniacae Amarum, Glycyrrhizae and Gypsum Fibrosum To release the inihibited lung-energy, purge heat evil, relieve asthma and cough.
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang ~ Decoction of Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice; Ephedra Prunus Gypsum Glycyrrhiza Decoction To expel pathogenic heat with pungent and cool drugs, clear away lung-heat to relieve asthma.
Ma Zi Ren Wan 麻子仁丸 Bolus of Cannabis (Bolus of Cannabis for Regulating Spleen); Cannabis pill To moisten the intestines to relieve constipation.
Mai Jie Xiao Yao Tang ~ Mai Jie Pleasure Decoction To soothe liver and modulate qi; To promote lung qi
Mai Men Dong Tang 麦门冬汤 Decoction of Ophiopogonis, Ophiopogon Decoction To nourish the lung and the stomach, lower the adverse flow of qi and regulate the stomach.
Mai Wei Di Huang Wan 麦味地黄丸 Maiwei Dihuang Pills; Lung Kidney Deficiency Cough Pill To nourish yin of the kidney and the lung.
Man Gan Jiu Wei Tang ~ Nine Herb Chronic Hepatitis Decoction To strengthen spleen and harmonize stomach; To support earth and suppress wood
Mei Hua Dian She Wan ~ Meihua Dianshe Pills To remove heat, counteract toxicity, promote the subsidence of swelling and alleviate pain.
Meng Shi Gun Tan Wan ~ Mengshi Guntan Pills; Chlorite Phlegm Eliminating Pill To remove phlegm-fire.
Mi Niao Xi Jie Shi Fang ~ Recipe for Removing Urinary Tract Stone To clear away heat, induce diuresis, soften and resolve hard stone.
Mi Yuan Jian 秘元煎 Mi Yuan Fries To nourish heart; To strengthen spleen; To nonify kidney; To support sperm
Mi Zhen Tang ~ Hidden True Decoction To strengthen spleen and suppress dampness; To support kidney
Miao Ji Wan ~ Miaoji Pills To strengthen the tendons and bones, to remove damp' and obstruction from the collaterals, to promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
Mie Ao Tang ~ Hepatitis B Removing Decoction To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To soothe liver and revitalize blood
Mie Di Ku Shen Tang ~ Roundworm Killing Decoction To clear heat; To disperse dampness; To kill parasite worms
Mie Di Tang ~ Worm Killing Decoction To strengthen spleen and benefit dampness; To kill worms and stop diarrhea
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan ~ Rehmannia Bolus for Improving Eyesight To nourish the kidney and liver to improve eyesight.
Ming Mu Shang Qing Wan 明目上清丸 Eyesight-Improving and Upper-Heat-Removing Bolus To remove heat, expel wind, improve eyesight and alleviate pain.
Mu Dan Pi Tang ~ Cortex Moutan Radicis Clearing Decoction To clear heat and benefit dampness; To cleanse turbid secretion
Mu Fang Ji Tang ~ Decoction of Stephaniae Tetrandrae To activate circulation of body fluid, disperse stagnation, dredge the passage of yang-energy, lower adverse rising energy and clear away lung-heat.
Mu Gua Wan 木瓜丸 Mugua Pills; Chaenomeles Fruit Pill To dispel wind-cold, remove obstruction from collateral channels and relieve pain.
Mu Li San 牡蛎散 Oyster Shell Powder; Oyster Shell Powder To consolidate the superficial-qi to arrest sweating, replenish the heart to suppress the sthenic yang.
Mu Li Ze Xie San ~ Powder of Concha Ostreae and Alismatis To soften the hard masses, disperse phlegm, eliminate fluid and relieve swelling.
Mu Xiang Bing Lang Wang 木香槟榔丸 Pill of Aucklandiae and Arecae To promote the flow of qi, to purge away heat and relax bowels.
Mu Xiang Fen qi Wan ~ Muxiang Fenqi Pills To regulate the flow of qi in the chest, to eliminate the retention of undigested food, relieve vomiting.
Mu Xiang Shun qi Wan 木香顺气丸 Mu Xiang qi Soothing Bolus To soothe qi; To dissolve dampness; To promote digestion; To dissolve stagnation
Nang Chong Wan ~ Worm Pill To kill worms and dissolve phlegm; To revitalize blood and suppress wind
Nao De Sheng Pian ~ Naodesheng Tablets As described under Naodesheng Wan.
Nao Le Jing ~ Naolejing Syrup To nourish heart, strengthen brain, to induce sedation.
Nao Ling Su Pian ~ Brain-Invigorating Tablet To invigorate qi and blood, nourish the heart and kidney, invigorate the

brain and strengthen the mind.

Nao Xue Shuan Pian ~ Anti-Cerebral-Thrombosis Tablet To promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, restore

consciousness, remove obstruction in the channels, suppress the hyperfunction of liver-yang and stop endogenous wind to

relieve convulsion.

Nei Bu Wan 内补丸 Pill for Leucorrhagia To warm kidney, strengthen yang, supplement essential substance and relieve


Nei Shu Huang Lian Tang ~ Decoction of Coptidis for Detoxification To clear away heat and toxic material, activate

blood circulation, relieve swelling and promote bowel movement.

Niao Shi 1 Hao ~ Urine Stone No 1 To facilitate urine and remove stone; To clear heat and benefit dampness
Ning Sou Lu ~ Cough Syrup To relieve cough and reduce sputum.
Ning Xin Tang ~ Heart-Calming Decoction To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To benefit qi and nourish ying

Niu Bang Jie Ji Tang 牛蒡解肌汤 Decoction of Arctii for Soothing Muscles To clear away heat and toxic material, expel

wind from the body surface and reduce swelling.

Niu Huang Bao Long Wan 牛黄抱龙丸 Niuhuang Baolong Pills To remove heat, relieve convulsions and dispel wind-phlegm.

Niu Huang Jie Du Pian ~ Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets; Detoxification Tablet of Cow-bezoar To remove heat and counteract


Niu Huang Jie Du Wan ~ Cow-bezoar Antitoxic Bolus To clear away heat and toxic materials.
Niu Huang Qing Xin Wan 牛黄清心丸 Niuhuang Qingxin Pills; Cow-bezoar Sedative Bolus To ease the mind, to resolve phlegm ,

and arrest the convulsion.

Niu Huang Shang Qing Wan 牛黄上清丸 Cow-bezoar Bolus for Clearing away heat of the Upper Part of the Body To clear away

heat and purge pathogenic fire, dispel wind and relieve pain.

Niu Huang Yi Jin Pian ~ Tablet of Cow-bezoar for Throat Trouble To clear away heat and relieve sore throat, subside swelling and arrest pain.
Niu Huang Zhen Jing Wan 牛黄镇惊丸 Niuhuang Zhenjing Pills; Convulsion-Relieving Pill of Cow-bezoar To arrest convulsions and calm the nerves.
Nu Bao ~ Menstruation-Regulating Capsule To regulate menstruation and arrest bleeding, warm the womb and arrest leucorrhagia, promote blood circulation to remove stasis and promote generation of blood.
Nuan Gan Jian 暖肝煎 Decoction for Warming Liver; Liver Warming Fry To warm and invigorate liver and kidney, activate circulation of vital energy and relieve pain.
Nuan Qi Gao ~ Nuanqi Plaster To dispel cold, promote the flow of qi and relieve pain.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions O-P

Chinese Name Chinese Character Common Name Usage
Oleum Menthae ~ Peppermint Oil Aromatic, flavouring agent, carminative. Apply to the skin or mucous membrane to give cooling feeling and to relieve pain or other uncomfortable symptoms.
Pai Shi Chong Ji ~ Lithagogue Infusion To promote diuresis, treat stranguria, remove urinary calculus.
Pai Shi He Ji ~ Stone Remover Combination Recipe To cleanse and benefit heat-dampness; To dissolve stagnation and stone; To facilitate urine
Pang Xie Jie Gu San ~ Crab Bone-Joining Powder To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To soothe muscle and revitalize luo; To link bones and recover damage
Pi Yan Ling Ying Gao ~ Dermatitis Adhesive Plaster To eliminate dampness and relieve itching.
Ping Dian Tang ~ Pigment Remover Decoction To clear heat and cool blood; To benefit qi and contain blood; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Ping Gan Shu Luo Wan ~ Pinggan Shuluo Pills; Liver Settling Circulation Regulating Pill Calming the liver and resolving stasis of liver-qi, to promote blood circulation and dispel wind.
Ping Wei San 平胃散 Peptic Powder To dry dampness and strengthen the spleen, promote the circulation of qi and regulate the stomach.
Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin 普济消毒饮 Decoction for General Antiphlogistic; General Poison Eliminating Drink To clear away heat and toxic material, and dispel wind and other exopathogens.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions Q-R

Chinese Name Chinese Character Common Name Usage
Qi Bao Mei Ran Ke Li ~ Qibao Meiran Granules To nourish the liver and kidney.
Qi Gong Tang ~ Fetus Serving Decoction To significantly tonify qi and blood; To revitalize blood and promote delivery
Qi Guan Yan Wai Tie Fang ~ Asthma External Use Recipe To control cough and contain heavy breathing; To disperse wind and dissolve phlegm
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan ~ Qiju Dihuang Pills; Lycium Chrysanthemum Rehmannia Pill To nourish yin of the liver and the kidney.
Qi Li San 七厘散 Seven Li Powder; Anti-bruise Powder To remove blood stasis, promote the subsidence of swelling, relieve pain and arrest bleeding.
Qi Long Tang ~ Qi Long Prostate Decoction To warm yang and benefit qi; To move liquid
Qi Pi Wan 启脾丸 Qipi Pills To invigorate the function of the spleen and regulate the function of the stomach.
Qi Shao Ji Cao Tang ~ Qi Shao Ji Cao Stomach Decoction To strengthen spleen and benefit qi; To revitalize blood and stop pain; To reduce acid and stop bleeding
Qi Shi Wei Zhen Zhu Wan ~ Qishiwei Zhenzhu Pills To induce sedation, to promote the blood circulation, regulating the function between qi and blood, to promote the restoration of consciousness.
Qi Shu Hua Fen Tang ~ Qi Shu Flower Powder Decoction To benefit qi and nourish yin; To produce saliva and stop thirst
Qi Wei Du Qi Wan ~ Qiwei Duqi Pills; Seven Ingredient Qi Restoring Pill Improving inspiration by invigorating the kidney, treating emission.
Qi Wei Guang Zao Wan ~ Qiwei Guangzao Pills To nourish blood, relenish qi, and induce tranquilization.
Qi Wei Ke Teng Zi Wan ~ Qiwei Ketengzi Pills To expel summer-heat, regulate the function of the spleen and stomach, and relieve spasm and pain.
Qi Wei Pu Tao San ~ Qiwei Putao Powder To remove heat from the lung, and to relieve cough and dyspnea.
Qi Wei Tie Xie Wan ~ Qiwei Tiexie Pills To promote the flow of qi and blood, to subdue the hyperactivity of the liver, and to relieve pain.
Qi Wei Zhi Shen Tang ~ Seven Ingredients Kidney Decoction To soothe lung and relieve exterior syndrome; To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To suppress wind and move water
Qi Zhen Wan ~ Qizhen Pills To arrest convulsion and eliminate phlegm, and to remove food stagnancy and relax bowels.
Qian Bai Bi Yan Pian ~ Qianbai Biyan Tablets; Rhinitis Tablet of Climbing Groundsel and Spikemoss To remove heat and counteract toxicity, to dispel wind and promote blood circulation.
Qian Jin Zhi Dai Wan ~ Qianjin Zhidai Pills To restore vital energy, arrest excessive leukorrhea and regulate


Qian Lie Shu Wan ~ Qianlieshu Pills To support the healthy energy and consolidating the essence, to nourish yin and kidney, diuresis.
Qian Yin Tang Jiang ~ Qian Yin Syrup To clear heat and remove dampness; To revitalize blood and remove toxic materials
Qian Zheng San 牵正散 Powder for Treating Face Distortion To expel wind evil, disperse phlegm, dredge the passage of meridians and stop convulsion.
Qiang Gao Yin Qiao Tang ~ Qiang Gao Yin Qiao Powder To soothe wind and relieve exterior syndrome; To clear heat and modulate lung
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang 羌活胜湿汤 Decoction Notoptergii for Expelling Dampness, Decoction of Notopterygium for Rheumatism To expel wind-dampness, arrest pain and relieve the exterior syndrome.
Qiang Xin Ying ~ Heart Boosting Decoction To warm yang and benefit qi; To revitalize blood and open the pulse
Qiang Yang Shen Wan ~ Qiangyang Baoshen Pills To tonify the kidney and promote virility.
Qin Jiu Bie Jia Yin ~ Qin Jiu Turtle Shell Decoction To soothe wind; To relieve muscle; To relieve towards exterior; To soothe lung; To smooth qi
Qin Lian Pian ~ Qinlian Tablets To remove heat and counteract toxicity, to relieve swelling and pain.
Qin Lian Si Wu Tang 芩连四物汤 Lung Fire Clearing Decoction To nourish yin; To nourish blood; To soothe lung; To stop cough
Qing Bing San ~ Light-Weight Ice Powder To suppress rottenness and produce muscle; To revitalize blood and stop pain; To nourish yin and cool blood
Qing Chun Bao Kou Fu Ye ~ Oral Liquid for Youth Recovery To replenish qi and nourish the blood, reinforce yin and promote the production of body fluid, strengthen constitution and resist senilism.
Qing Chun Bao Pian ~ Youth Recovery Tablet To replenish qi and nourish blood, reinforce yin and promote the production of body fluid, strengthen constitution and delay senility.
Qing Dai Tang 清带汤 Discharge Clearing Decoction To control white vaginal discharge during period; To benefit kidney; To strengthen spleen
Qing Fei Huo Gan Li Lao Tang ~ Lung Clearing Decoction To cleanse lung; To revitalize liver; To modulate tuberculosis
Qing Fei Yi Huo Wan ~ Qingfei Yihuo Pills To remove heat from the lung, relieve cough, resolve phlegm and relax bowels.
Qing Fei Yin Zi ~ Decoction for Clearing Away Lung Heat To clear away lung-heat and promote diuresis.
Qing Gan An Tai Yin ~ Liver Cleansing Fetus Calming Drink To clear liver heat; To tonify spleen spirit; To stop pain and calm the fetus
Qing Gan He Jie Tang ~ Liver Clearing Decoction To soothe wind and cleanse liver; To modulate qi and remove unhappy feelings; To stop pain
Qing Gan Shen Shi Tang ~ Decoction for Purging Liver Fire and Eliminating Dampness To clear away heat and dampness, disperse the stagnated liver-energy, alleviate pain, activate the circulation of blood and relieve swelling.
Qing Gong Tang 清宫汤 Pericardium Heat Dissipating Decoction To clear heat in heart; To nourish yin liquid
Qing Gu San 清骨散 Powder for Clearing Bone-heat; Hyperthermia Cooling Powder To clear away fever of deficiency type and remove hectic fever due to yin-deficiency.
Qing Guo Wan ~ Qingguo Pills To remove heat, to relieve discomfort of oropharynx, dissolving swelling, relieving pain.
Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang ~ Decoction of Artemisiae Annuae and Carapax Trinycis; Artemisia Amyda Decoction To replenish yin and dispel heat.
Qing Hou Yan He Ji ~ Qinghouyan Mixture To nourish yin, soothe sore throat and counteract toxicity.
Qing Hua Ning Jing Tang ~ Clearing and Stablizing Period Decoction To clear heat and cool blood; To disperse stagnation and modulate period
Qing Li An Shen Tang ~ Clearing and Kidney-Calming Decoction To disperse wind and clear heat; To promote urine and decrease pressure; To revitalize blood and remove toxic materials; To cool blood and stop bleeding; To support rightness and calm the kidney
Qing Li Tang ~ Clearing and Benefiting Decoction To clear heat and benefit dampness; To facilitate urine
Qing Lin He Ji ~ Clearing and Urine Promoting Combination Recipe To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To disperse dampness; To cool blood and stop bleeding
Qing Nao Jiang Ya Pian ~ Qingnao Jiangya Tablets To calm the liver and suppress the asthenic yang, to promote the restoration of consciousness, decrease blood pressure.
Qing Nao Jiang Ya Tang ~ Mind Clearing and Anti-Hypertensive Decoction To soothe liver and suppress wind; To nourish ying and contain yang
Qing Ning Wan 清宁丸 Qingning Pills To remove heat, quench fire and relax bowels.=
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan 清气化痰丸 Pill for Clearing Away heat in Qifen and Dispersing Phelgm, Bolus for Clearing qi and Phlegm; Qi Clearing Phlegm Dissolving pill To clear away heat, dissolve phlegm, regulate qi and relieve cough.
Qing Re Gu Chong Tang ~ Heat Clearing Period Decoction To clear heat and cool blood; To contain period flow and stop bleeding
Qing Re Jie Du Kou Fu Ye 清热解毒口服液 Qingre Jiedu Oral Liquid (Qīngrè  Jiědú Kǒufúyè) To remove heat and counteract (dispel) toxicity.
Qing Re Zhen Jin Tang ~ Heat Clearing and Spirit Calming Decoction To cleanse the liver and clear heat; To suppress wind and calm the spirit
Qing Shi Yi Qi Tang ~ Decoction for Clearing Away Summer Heat and Benefiting Energy, Decoction for Clearing Away Summer-heat and Replenishing Qi; Haet Cooling Qi Enhancing Decoction To clear away summer-heat and replenish qi, nourish yin and promote the production of body fluid.
Qing Wei Huang Lian Wan ~ Qingwei Huanglian Pills To quench fire of the stomach, counteract toxicity and promote the subsidence of swelling.
Qing Wei San 清胃散 Powder for Clearing Away Stomach Heat; Stomach Cooling Powder To clear stomach-heat and remove heat from the blood.
Qing Wen Bai Du Yin 清瘟败毒饮 Decoction for Clearing Away Pestilent Factors and Detoxification, Antipyretic and Antitoxic Decoction; Poison Eliminating Cooling Drink To clear away heat and toxic materials, remove heat from the blood and purge pathogenic fire from the body, nourish yin and arrest bleeding.
Qing Wen Jie Du Wan ~ Antipyretic and Antitoxic Bolus To have antipyretic and antitoxic functions.
Qing Xin Chai Huo Tang ~ Heart Clearing Decoction To disperse fire and suppress madness; To open the mind and wake the brain; To modulate qi and contain evil; To modulate yin and yang
Qing Xin Lian Zi Yin 清心莲子饮 Decoction of Nelumbinis for Eliminating Heart Fire To clear away heart-fire, eliminate dampness-heat and benefit vital energy and yin.
Qing Xuan Wan 清眩丸 Qingxuan Pills To dispel wind-heat.
Qing Yan Tang ~ Throat Clearing Decoction To clear heat and benefit throat; To cool blood and stop pain
Qing Yan Wan ~ Qingyan Pills To remove heat, releasing discomfort from pharynx.
Qing Yi Yi Hao ~ Pancreas Clearing Number One To connect to the interior and clear heat; To soothe the liver and modulate qi
Qing Ying Jie Du Tang ~ Qing Ying Stagnation Dissovling Decoction To cleanse and clear jin and rou heat
Qing Ying Tang 清营汤 Decoction for Clearing Away Heat Evil in Yingfen To clear and dispel pathogenic heat from the ying system, nourish yin and promote blood circulation.
Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang 清燥救肺汤 Decoction for Clearing Away Dryness and Treating Lung Disorders; Dryness Cooling Lung Saving Decoction To dispel pathogenic dryness and moisten the lung.
Qiong Yu Gao 琼玉膏 Qiongyu Extractum To tonify kidney-yin and moisturize lung-dryness.
Qu Feng Shu Jin Wan ~ Qufeng Shujin Pills To dispel wind-cold, relieve muscle contracture and remove obstructions of the collaterals.
Qu Feng Zheng Rong Tang ~ Wind Dispersing Decoction To suppress wind and disperse coldness; To move qi and open luo.
Qu Feng Zhi Tong Pian ~ Qufeng Zhitong Tablets; Wind-Expelling and Pain-Alleviating Tablet To promote blood circulation and strengthen the muscle, tendon and bone, to dispel wind and relieve pain.
Qu Mai San ~ Qu Mai Powder To promote diuresis, relieve stranguria, clear away heat and stop bleeding.
Qu Tao Tang 驱绦汤 Tapeworm-Expelling Decoction To kill worms; To dissolve stagnation
Quan Long Si Zi Tang ~ All Dragon Plus Four Sons Asthma Decoction To suppress wind and soothe lung; To support spleen and dissolve phlegm; To revitalize blood and open the luo; To stop cough and suppress heavy breathing
Re Du Qing ~ Heat and Toxics Remover To dissolve wind-heat; To remove toxic materials; To benefit throat
Re Yan Ning Ke Li ~ Reyanning Granules To remove heat and counteract toxicity.
Ren Qing Chang Jue ~ Renqing Changjue Pills To remove heat and counteract toxicity, to compromise and invigorate the body.
Ren Qing Mang Jue 仁青芒觉 Renqing Mangjue Pills To remove heat and counteract toxicity, to nourish liver and stomach, curing sore, to improve consciousness, to tonify the body.
Ren Shen Bai Du San ~ Ginseng Detoxification Powder To benefit qi; To relieve towards exterior; To disperse wind and remove dampness
Ren Shen Ding Chuan Tang ~ ~ To constrict lung; To stop cough; To benefit qi; To control heavy breathing
Ren Shen Feng Huang Jiang ~ Oral Liquid of Ginseng and Royal Jelly To nourish the human body.
Ren Shen Gui Pi Wan ~ Ginseng Spleen-Invigorating Bolus To invigorate the spleen, nourish the heart,replenish qi and enrich the blood.
Ren Shen Huang Qi San 人参黄芪散 Powder of Ginseng and Astragali seu Hedysari To benefit vital energy, promote the production of body fluid, nourish yin, lower fever, disperse phlegm and stop cough.
Ren Shen Jian Pi Wan ~ Renshen Jianpi Pills To invigorate the spleen and regulate the stomach function to replenish qi and promote digestion.
Ren Shen Jing ~ Oral Liquid of Ginseng Tonic To powerfully reinforce primordial qi, tranquilize the mind and promote the produciton of body fluid.
Ren Shen Ru Bai Yu Gan You ~ Milky White Cod-liver Oil of Ginseng To nourish the body, strengthen the physical function and promote metabolism.
Ren Shen Yang Rong Tang 人参养荣汤 Decoction of Ginseng for Nourishing Vital Energy and Ying To invigorate qi and blood, tranquilize the mind and promote mentality.
Ren Shen Yang Rong Wan ~ Ginseng Tonic Bolus To invigorate qi and blood, tranquilize the mind and promote mentality.
Ren Shen Zai Zao Wan 人参再造丸 Ginseng Restorative Bolus To supplement qi, activat blood circulation, dispel pathogenic wind and remove obstruction in the channels.
Ren Shen Zi Bu Gao ~ Tonic Semifluid Extract of Ginseng To invigorate qi and blood, replenish the essence and marrow, strengthen the bones and muscles.
Rou Gan Xi Feng Tong Luo Tang ~ Liver Soothing and Wind Dispersing Decoction To soothe liver and suppress wind; To open the luo (nervous, circulatory and immune systems) and revitalize blood
Ru He Yin ~ Breast Pit Drink To soothe liver and modulate qi; Top revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To dissolve phlegm
Ru Kuai Xiao Pian ~ Rukuaixiao Tablets To disperse the stagnated liver-qi and promote the flow of qi, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, to dissolve the mass in breasts.
Ru Kuai Xiao Tang ~ Breast Scleroma Dissolving Decoction To soothe liver and reduce unhappy feeling; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To dissolve phlegm
Ru Mi Niao Tang ~ Decoction for Chyluria To clear heat and dampness, nourish yin and promote blood circulation.
Ru Pi Xiao Pian ~ Rupixiao Tablets To dissolve mass, activate blood circulation, to cure mastitis, to dispel heat and counteract toxicity.
Ru Xian Xiao Liu Tang ~ Breast Tumor Dissolving Decoction To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To soothe liver and modulate qi; To dissolve stagnation and remove phlegm; To soften hardness
Ru Xiang Ding Tong Wan 乳香定痛丸 Bolus of Olibanum for Alleviating Pain To expel wind and dampness, warm the meridians, eliminate cold, activate the circulation of collaterals and alleviate pain.
Run Chang Tang 润肠汤 Intestine Moisturizing Bolus To moisturize the intestines; To promote bowel movement; To revitalize blood; To suppress wind
Run Chang Wan 润肠丸 Pill for Lubricating Intestine; Intestine Lubricating Pill To activate blood circulation, expel wind, lubricate the intestines and promote bowel movement.
Run Fei Gao ~ Lung-Nourishing Semifluid Extract To supplement qi, nourish the lung, stop cough and eliminate phlegm.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions S-T

Chinese Name Chinese Character Common Name Usage
San Ao Tang 三拗汤 Decoction of Three Ingredients To soothe lung; To relieve towards the exterior
San Bai Tang ~ Three White Stomach Decoction To strengthen spleen and stomach; To modulate and soothe qi; To nourish stomach yin; To open jin; To revitalize blood
San Bian Bu Jiu ~ Tonic Tincture of Three-Animal Penises To promote the generation of vital essence, replenish the blood, invigorate the brain and tonify the kidney.
San Cai Feng Sui Dan 三才封髓丹 Bone-Marrow Containing Pill To suppress fire; To retain sperm; To nourish spleen; To benefit qi
San Huang Shi Gao Tang 三黄石膏汤 ~ Decoction of Gypsum Fibrosum and Three Yellows To expel the pathogens from the interior and the superficies, purge fire and eliminate toxic material.
San Jia Fu Mai Tang 三甲复脉汤 ~ Three Skin Pulse Restoring Decoction
San Liang Ban Yao Jiu ~ San Liang Liquor To invigorate qi and promote blood circulation, dispel wind.
San Miao Wan 三妙丸 Sanmiao Pills To remove damp-heat.
San Qi Shang Yao Pian 三七伤药片 Sanqi Shangyao Tablets; Fracture and Sprain Tablet of Notoginseng To promote blood circulation and strengthen the tendons, to alleviate pain and remove blood stasis.
San Ren Tang 三仁汤 Decoction of Three Kinds of Seeds; Three Nut Decoction To promote the functional activities of qi and eliminate dampness and heat.
San Shen Er Bai Tang ~ Three Ginseng and Two White Colon Disease Decoction To strengthen spleen and benefit qi; To remove dampness and harmonize interior
San Shen Tang ~ Three Rawness Decoction To disperse fire and cleanse phlegm; To contain liver and suppress nervousness
San Sheng San 三圣散 Three Saint Stroke Powder To promote the spitting of wind phlegm
San Wei Ji Li San ~ Sanwei Jili Powder To remove damp-heat and induce diuresis.
San Wu Bei Ji Wan 三物备急丸 Pill of Three Drugs for Emergency To eliminate the stagnated cold, promote bowel movement and alleviate pain.
San Wu Xiao Bai San ~ Minor White Powder of Three Drugs (White Powder of Platycodi) To induce vomiting of sthenic phlegm and purge accumulated cold.
San Ye Tang ~ Three Leaf Decoction To contain bacteria and reduce inflammation; To constrict and produce muscle
San Yu Xiao Zhong Gao ~ Stagnation Dissolving Ointment To revitalize blood and remove stagnation; To reduce swelling and stop pain; To reduce inflammation and stop bleeding
San Zi San ~ Sanzi Powder To reduce heat in blood and counteract toxicity.
San Zi Yang Qin Tang 三子养亲汤 Decoction Containing Three Kinds of Seeds for the Aged, Decoction of Three Kinds of Seed for the Aged To send down the abnormally ascending qi to relieve the discomfort in the chest, and resolve phlegm and promote digestion.
Sang Ju Yin 桑菊饮 Decoction of Mori and Chrysanthemi; Mulberry and Chrysanthemum Drink To relieve the exterior syndrome with drugs pungent in flavor and cool in property, facilitate the flow of the lung-qi to relieve cough.
Sang Piao Xiao San 桑螵蛸散 Paratenodera Powder
Sang Xin Shi Gao Tang ~ Sang Xin Shi Gao Decoction To soothe wind and clear heat; To benefit throat and stop cough
Sang Xing Tang 桑杏汤 Decoction of Mori and Armeniaceae Amarum To expel pathogenic dryness-heat and moisten the lung to arrest cough.
Sha Ji Lu ~ Syrup of Seabuckthorn Fruit To promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, resolve sputum and relieve stuffiness in the chest, tonify the spleen and strengthen the stomach.
Sha Mai Yu Tian Tang ~ Sha Mai Yu Tian Decoction To clear heat and relieve exterior syndrome; To cleanse lung and nourish stomach; To produce saliva and moisturize fire
Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang 沙参麦冬汤 Decoction of Adenophorae Strictae and Ophiopogonis; Glehnia Ophiopogon Decoction To nourish the lung and stomach, promote the production of fluid, moisten the dryness evil.
Sha Yao Wan ~ Shayao Pills To dispel summer-heat, counteract toxicity, prevent the attack of evil' factors and promote the restoration of normal consciousness.
Shan Zha Hua Zhi Wan ~ Shanzha Huazhi Pills To promote digestion and to relax bowels.
Shan Zha Xiao Mi Tang ~ Fructus Crataegi Turbid Removing Decoction To strengthen spleen and benefit dampness; To promote digestion and dissolve turbidness
Shang Dong E Jiao Gao ~ Semi-fluid Extract of Shandong Donkey-hide Gelatin To nourish the blood, arrest bleeding, restore qi and moisten dryness.
Shang Gan Tang ~ Upper Cold Decoction To clear heat and relieve exterior syndrome; To calm spirit and promote digestion
Shang Qing Wan ~ Bolus for Clearing Away heat of the Upper Part of the Body To expel wind and heat, purge pathogenic fire and relax the bowels.
Shang Shi Zhi Tong Gao 伤湿止痛膏 Shangshi Zhitong Plaster; Adhesive Plaster for Relieving Sprain, Rheumatalgia and Myalgia To relieve rheumatic conditions, promote blood circulation and alleviate pain.
Shang Zhong Xia Tong Yong Tong Feng Fang ~ Prescription for General Severe Arthralgia To expel wind and dampness, activate blood circulation, dry phlegm, clear away heat and promote diuresis.
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang ~ Decoction For Removing Blood Stagnation In The Lower Abdomen; Lower Abdomen Blood Mobilizing Decoction To promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis, and warm the channels to relieve pain.
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Wan 少腹逐瘀丸 Shaofu Zhuyu Pill To promate blood flow, remove blood stasis, dispel cold and relieve pain.
Shao Lin Feng Shi Die Da Gao ~ Shaolin Fengshi Dieda Plaster To promote blood flow,remove blood stasis, relieve spasm and pain,to dispel wind and cold.
Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang 芍药甘草汤 Decoction of Paeoniae and Glycyrrhizae To benefit the yin, soothe the liver, relax spasm and relieve pain.
Shao Yao Tang 芍药汤 Decoction of Paeoniae; Peony Decoction To clear away damp-heat and toxic material and regulate qi and blood.
She Dan Chen Pi San ~ Shedan Chenpi Powder To relieve cough, resolve phlegm, and to promote digestion.
She Dan Chuan Bei San 蛇胆川贝散 Shedan Chuanbei Powder To remove heat from the lung, arrest cough and eliminate phlegm.
She Gan Ma Huang Tang 射干麻黄汤 Decoction of Belamcandae and Ephedrae; Belamcanda Ephedra Decoction To warm the lung to disperse phlegm, relieve cough and dyspnea.
She Xiang Bao Xin Wan 麝香保心丸 Shexiang Baoxin Pills; Heart Pill of Musk To remove obstruction in blood vessels by means of aromatics, to replenish qi, and to strengthen the heart .
She Xiang Zhen Tong Gao ~ Pain-Alleviating Adhesive Plaster of Musk To dispel wind and dampness and promote blood circulation to stop pain.
Suo Yang Tang ~ Yang Controling Decoction To benefit qi; To stablize the exterior; To nourish yin; To contain yang
Shen Fu Tang 参附汤 Decoction of Ginseng and Aconiti; Ginseng Aconitum Decoction To restore the yang-qi.
Shen Jiang Xie Xin Tang ~ Ginger Heart Clearing Decoction To harmonize stomach, disperse water and dissolve lumps
Shen Jin Dan Jiao Nang ~ Relaxing Muscles and Tendons Capsule To relax muscles and tendons, activate the flow of qi and blood in the channels and collaterals, promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis and relieve swelling and pain.
Shen Kang Ning Pian ~ Tablet for Chronic Nephritis To warm the kidney, replenish qi, regulate the blood an eliminate dampness.
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San 参苓白术散 Powder of Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodis Macrocephalae; Codonopsis Poria Atractylodes Powder To nourish qi and strengthen the spleen, regulate the stomach and eliminate dampness.
Shen Lu Bu Gao ~ Tonic Semifluid Extract of Ginseng and Venison To supplement qi and nourish the blood, reinforce the kidney and strengthen yang.
Shen Lu Yin ~ Decoction of Rhizoma Ginseng To promote spitting of phlegm
Shen Mai San ~ Pulse Promoting Powder To benefit qi; To produce fluid; To restrict yin; To stop sweating
Shen Qi Chong Ji ~ Infusion of Pilose Asiabell and Wolfberry Fruit To moisten the lung, promote the production of body fluid, strengthen the spleen and stomach and nourish the liver and kidney.
Shen Qi Jing ~ Oral Liquid of Ginseng and Astragalus To replenish qi, invigorate the spleen, tranquilize the mind and exert a tonic effect on the heart to induce diuresis.
Shen Qi Shan Jia Tang ~ Shen Qi Shan Jia Blood Tonification Decoction To benefit qi and produce blood; To nourish liver and benefit kidney
Shen Qi Wan ~ Pill of Invigorating Kidney Energy, Golden Cabinet Pill of Invigorating Kidney Energy, Bolus for Tonifying the Kidney-qi; Kidney Qi Pill To warm and tonify the kidney-yang.
Shen Qi Wang Jiang Yang Xue Jing ~ Blood-Nourishing Oral Liquid of Royal Jelly, Ginseng and Astragalus Root To supplement qi and replenish the blood, strengthen the heart and invigorate the spleen.
Shen Rong Bai Feng Wan ~ Shenrong Baifeng Pills To invigorate qi and replenish blood, regulating menstruation, miscarriage prevention.
Shen Rong Bao Tai Wan ~ Shenrong Baotai Pills To nourish liver and kidney, replenish blood, prevent miscarriage.
Shen Rong E Jiao Wan ~ Donkey-hide Gelatin with Ginseng and Pilose Antler Pill To enrich the blood and promote the generation of vital essence.
Shen Rong Jiu ~ Medicated Wine of Ginseng and Pilose Antler To invigorate qi and support yang, nourish the blood and promote the generation of vital essence, tonify the liver and kidney, strengthen the muscles and bones.
Shen Su Wan ~ Shensu Pills To dispel wind-cold, promote expectoration and relieve cough.
Shen Su Yin 参苏饮 Decoction of Codonopsis Pilosulae and Perillae To benefit and regulate vital energy, expel the evils from the body surface and eliminate sputum.
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang ~ Decoction for Relieving Pantalgia due to Blood Stagnation To promote circulation of blood and qi to remove blood stasis from the channels, and treat arthralgia-syndrome and relieving other pain.
Shen Xue Pian ~ Blood Producing Pill To benefit bone marrow and tonify kidney; To produce blood and stop bleeding
Shen Zhu San ~ Shenzhu Powder To expel the dirty and turbid pathogens, dry dampness, activate the spleen, promote the circulation of vital energy and regulate the function of the stomach.
Sheng Bai Chong Ji ~ White Lifting Recipe To tonify qi and produce blood; To strengthen spleen and benefit kidney
Sheng Ge Er Chong Tang ~ Sheng Ge Two Worm Decoction To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Sheng Hua Tang 生化汤 Decoction for Puerperal Blood Stasis; Generation and Transformation Decoction To promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis and warm the channels to relieve pain.
Sheng Jiang Xie Xin Tang 生姜泻心汤 Fresh Ginger Heart Clearing Decoction
Sheng Li Pian ~ Lifter Blood Tonification Pill To benefit qi and tonify blood; To strengthen the spleen; To nourish yin and clear heat
Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang 升麻葛根汤 Decoction of Cimicifugae and Puerariae To expel the evil' from the muscles and promote skin eruptions, cool the blood and detoxify.
Sheng Ma Huang Qin Tang 升麻黄芩汤 Decoction of Cimicifugae and Astragali seu Hedysari To benefit vital energy, lift yang and activate vital energy.
Sheng Mai San 生脉散 Powder for Restoring Pulse Beating, Pulse-activating Powder; Pulse Generating Powder To supplement qi, promote the production of body fluid, astringe yin-fluid and arrest sweat.
Sheng Mai Yin ~ Shengmai Yin Oral Liquid; Pulse-Activating Decoction To replenish qi, restore the normal pulse, nourish yin and promote the production of body fluid.
Sheng Xue Wan ~ Shengxue Pills To tonic the kidney and spleen, to promote the essence and nourish the bone marrow.
Sheng Ya Tang ~ Pressure Relieving Decoction To tonify the liver and spleen; To cleanse the liver and suppress fire; To revitalize the blood and open luo; To dissolve phlegm and lumps
Sheng Yang San Huo Tang 生阳散火汤 Decoction for Lifting Up Yang and Expelling Fire To clear away heat and fire, lift up the yang-energy to release depressed energy.
Sheng Yang Yi Wei Tang 生阳益胃汤 Decoction for Lifting Yang Energy and Benefiting Stomach; Yang Raising Stomach Benefiting Decoction To lift yang energy, invigorate the spleen, benefit the stomach, expel wind and dampness.
Sheng Yi Xuan Hua Tang ~ Lifting and Benefiting Decoction To lift freshness and clear turbidity'; To benefit qi and strengthen the spleen; To soothe the lung and benefit water; To warm the kidney.
Shi Er Wei Yi Shou San ~ Shi'erwei Yishou Powder To remove toxic heat.
Shi Gao Er Huang Tang ~ Shi Gao Two Yellowness Decoction To clear heat and relieve exterior syndromes; To dissolve phlegm and modulate the lung
Shi Guo Gong Jin Jiu Fang ~ Shi Guo Gong's Prescription for Medicated Wine To expel wind and dampness, nourish blood, relax the tendons.
Shi Hu Si Jin Tang ~ Dendrobium Four Gold Decoction To dissolve stone and facilitate urine; To modulate qi and stop pain
Shi Hu Ye Guang Wan ~ Bolus of Dendrobium for Poor Vision To nourish yin and supplement the kidney, remove heat from the liver and improve the acuity of vision.
Shi Hui San 十灰散 Powder of Ten Drugs' Ashes; Ten Ashes Powder To cool blood and stop bleeding.
Shi Lin Tong Pian ~ Stranguria-Treating and Calculus-Removing Tablet To clear dampness-heat, induce diuresis and remove calculus.
Shi Pi San 十脾散 Powder for Invigorating Spleen To warm yang, strengthen the spleen, activation circulation of vital energy and promote diuresis.
Shi Pi Yin ~ Spleen Strengthening Decoction To warm yang; To strengthen the spleen; To move qi; To soothe water
Shi Qu Gan Ce Da Zao Tang ~ Shi Qu Gan Ce Da Zao Decoction To benefit water and reduce swelling; To revitalize blood and stop bleeding
Shi Quan Da Bu Gao ~ Tonic Semi-fluid Extract of Ten Ingredients To powerfully reinforce both qi and blood.
Shi Quan Da Bu Wan ~ Shiquan Dabu Pills; Bolus of Ten Powerful Tonics To warm and replenish qi and blood.
Shi San Wei Bang Ga San 十三味榜嘎散 Shisanwei Bangga Powder To remove heat from the liver and clear jaundice.
Shi Wei San ~ Powder of Pyrrosiae To promote diuresis, relieve stranguria, activate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis.
Shi Wu Wei Chen Xiang Wan ~ Fifteen Flavors Chenxiang Pills To regulate the flow of qi and blood, to relieve cough, and to induce tranquilization.
Shi Xiang Fan Sheng Wan ~ Shixiang Fansheng Pills To promote resuscitation, to resolve phlegm, and to induce sedation.
Shi Xiang Zhi Tong Wan 十香止痛丸 Ten Fragrant Flavors Analgesic Pill To regulate the flow of qi and alleviate mental depression, to dispel cold and relieve pain.
Shi Xiao San 失笑散 Sudden Smile Powder To revitalize blood; To dissolve stagnation; To resolve lump; To stop pain
Shi Xiao Wan ~ Shixiao Pill To eliminate mass, reduce fullness, strengthen spleen and regulate the stomach.
Shi Yi Wei Neng Xiao Wan ~ Shiyiwei Nengxiao Pills To remove blood stasis and promote the blood flow, to stimulate menstrual discharge, and to induce labour.
Shi Yu Tang ~ Decoction for Eliminating Dampness To promote spleen function, eliminate dampness, expel wind and alleviate pain.
Shi Zao Tang 十枣汤 Decoction of Ziziphi Jujubae; Ten Jujube Decoction To drain harmful water and fluids.
Shou Wu Wan ~ Shouwu Pills To replenish the liver and the kidney, strengthen the tendons and bones, and blacken the hair.
Shu Feng Ding Tong Wan ~ Shufeng Dingtong Pills To dispel wind and cold, activating blood circulation, to relieve pain.
Shu Gan An Shen Tang ~ Liver Soothing and Spirit Calming Decoction To soothe the liver and resolve depression; To nourish heart; To calm spirit; To reinforce determination
Shu Gan Chong Ji ~ Liver-Soothing Infusion To soothe the liver and regulate the circulation of qi, clear away heat and toxic materials.
Shu Gan He Wei Wan ~ Shugan Hewei Pills; Pill for Soothing the Liver and Regulating the Stomach To smooth the depressed liver, to regulate the stomach function, and to relieve pain.
Shu Gan Huo Xue Tang ~ Liver Soothing Decoction To soothe liver and revitalize blood; To benefit dampness and remove toxic materials
Shu Gan Li Dan Tang ~ Liver and Gallbladder Benefiting Decoction To soothe the liver and benefit the gallbladder
Shu Gan San Jie Fang ~ Liver Soothing and Stagnation Dissolving Recipe To soothe the liver and disperse stagnation
Shu Gan San Jie Tang ~ Liver Soothing and Stagnation Dissolving Decoction To soothe the liver and resolve depression; To open the luo and stop pain
Shu Gan Wan ~ Liver-Soothing Bolus To regulate the liver, nomalize the funciton of stomach and regulate the flow of qi to alleviate pain.
Shu Gan Xiao He Fang ~ Liver Soothing and Sclerma Removing Recipe To soothe the liver and reduce unhappy feelings; To strengthen the spleen and dissolve phlegm; To revitalize blood; To stop pain
Shu Gan Yang Xin Tang ~ Liver and Mind Soothing Decoction To soothe the liver and resolve depression; To tonify blood and calm the spirit
Shu Gan Zhu Yun Tang ~ Liver Soothing and Pregency Assisting Decoction To soothe liver and reduce depression; To modulate qi and harmonize blood
Shu Guang Zhi Jing San ~ Sunrise Spasm Stopping Powder To soothe liver and suppress wind; To dissolve phlegm and stop pain
Shu Jin Huo Luo Jiu ~ Shujin Huoluo Wine To relieve rheumatic conditions and muscular contracture.
Shu Jin Huo Xue Pian 舒筋活血片 Tablet for Relieving Rigidity of Muscles and Promoting Blood Circulation To relax muslces and tendons and activate the flow of qi and blood in the channels and collaterals, and promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis.
Shu Jin Huo Xue Tang 舒筋活血汤 Muscle Relaxing Decoction To soothe muscles; To revitalize blood; To open the luo.
Shu Jin Wan ~ Shujin Pills To dispel wind and dampness, strengthen muscle and tendon, activate blood circulation.
Shu Xin Kou Fu Ye ~ Shuxin Oral Liquid To tonify heart-qi, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis.
Shu Xiong Pian ~ Shuxiong Tablets To activate blood circulation, to remove blood stagnation,and to relieve pain.
Shu Yu Wan 薯蓣丸 Pill of Dioscoreae To expel wind and tonify.
Shu Zao yin Zi 疏凿饮子 Soothing Drink To soothe wind; To open the route to exterior; To facilitate urine and bowel movement
Shun Jing Tang ~ Decoction for Retrograde Menstruction To nourish lung and kidney, clear away heat and cool heat.
Si Chong Huo Xue Tang ~ Four Insect Blood Revitalization Decoction To break blood and dissolve stagnation; To benefit qi
Si Fo He Ji ~ Four Buddhas Combination Asthma Recipe To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To stop cough and dissolve phlegm; To support rightness and nourish base
Si Jun Zi Tang 四君子汤 Four Mild Drugs Decoction; Four Gentlemen Decoction To replenish qi and strengthen the spleen.
Si Jun Zi Wan ~ Four Gentlemen Pill To replenish qi and invigorate the spleen function.
Si Ling He Qin Shao Tang ~ Decoction of Four Drugs Containing Poria and Scutellaria, Paeonia Alba To clear away heat and promote diuresis.
Si Miao Yong An Tang 四妙勇安汤 Decoction of Four Wonder Drugs for Detoxifying and Activating Blood Circulation, Decoction of Four Wonderful Drugs for Quick Restoration of Health To remove heat and toxins and activate blood flow to alleviate pain.
Si Ni Jia Ren Shen Tang 四逆加人参汤 ~ Four Contrary Plus Ginseng Decoction
Si Ni San 四逆散 ~ Powder for Regulating the Liver and Spleen; Four Contrary Powder To disperse pathogens and alleviate mental depression, soothe the liver and regulate the spleen.
Si Ni Tang 四逆汤 Decoction for Treating Yang Exhaustion; Frigid Extremities Decoction To dispel cold and cause restoration from collapse.
Si Shen Fu Mai Tang ~ Four Shen Pulse Recovery Decoction To benefit qi; To nourish yin; To revitalize blood; To keep the pulse passage-way open
Si Shen Wan 四神丸 Pill of Four Miraculous Drugs; Four Deity Pill To warm and tonify the spleen and kidney to relieve diarrhea with astringency.
Si Sheng Wan 四生丸 Pills of Four Fresh Ingredients To cool blood and stop bleeding.
Si Wei Huang Qi Xuan Fu Pian ~ Four Flavor Asthma Pill of Cortex Engelhardtiae roxburghianae To stop cough; To suppress phlegm; To suppress heavy breathing; To dissolve inflammation; To support rightness and nourish base
Si Wei Tu Mu Xiang San ~ Siwei Tumuxiang Powder To cure exterior syndromes in epidemic diseases.
Si Wu Tang 四物汤 Decoction Containing Four Drugs; Four Ingredient Decoction To nourish and regulate the blood.
Si Zheng Wan ~ Sizheng Pills To drive away summer-heat, expel superficial evils, eliminate dampness, to relieve diarrhea.
Si Zi Tui Huang Tang ~ Four Sons Yellowness Removing Decoction To clear heat and remove dampness; To soothe the liver and benefit the gallbladder
Snag Piao Xiao San ~ Powder of Ootheca Mantidis, Mantis Egg-case Powder To regulate and tonify the heart and the kidney to treat emission and enuresis.
Sou Feng Tong Luo Tang ~ Wind Chasing Decoction To chase wind
Su He Xiang Wan 苏和香丸 Bolus Of Storax; Liquidambar Orientalis Pill To induce resuscitation with aromatics, and to promote the circulation of qi to relieve pain.
Su Wei Tang ~ Danger Relieving Decoction To clear heat and relieve exterior syndrome; To dissolve swelling and benefit throat
Su Xiao Niu Huang Wan ~ Quick-Acting Cow-bezoar Bolus To remove heat and toxic substance, relieve convulsion and induce resuscitation.
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang 苏子降气汤 Decoction of Perillae for Keeping Energy Downward; Perilla qi Lowering Decoction To lower the abnormally ascending qi to relieve asthma and expel phlegm to arrest cough.
Su Zi Jiang Qi Wan ~ Anti-asthmatic Pill of Perilla Fruit To send down the abnormally ascending qi and resolve phlegm, warm the kidney and improve inspiraiton.
Suan Zao Ren Tang 酸枣仁汤 Decoction of Ziziphi Spinosae, Wild Jujube Seed Decoction; Ziziphus Decoction To nourish the blood and tranquilize the mind and clear away pathogenic heat to relieve restlessness.
Suo Pi Yin ~ Decoction for Warming the Spleen to Reliveve Vomiting To warm the spleen , stop vomiting, clear away summer-heat and eliminate dampness.
Suo Yang Gu Jing Wan 锁阳固精丸 Suoyang Gujing Pills To warm the kidney and arrest seminal discharge.
Tai Shan Ling Zhi Jing ~ Oral Liquid of Taishan Lucidum Ganoderma To nourish qi and blood, promote the heart and tranquilize the mind.
Tai Shan Pan Shi San ~ Powder for Calming Fetus To invigorate vital energy, strengthen spleen, nourish blood and calm fetus.
Tai Yi Gao ~ Taiyi Plaster To promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis, subdue swelling and alleviate pain.
Tan Du Jian ~ Phlegm Toxics Fries To disperse wind and clear heat; To dissolve phlegm; To dissolve swelling
Tang Shen Yi Tang ~ Diabetes and Kidney Decoction To benefit qi and revitalize blood; To nourish yin and tonify yang
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang 桃核乘气汤 Decoction of Persicae for Purgation To eliminate blood stasis and purge heat evil.
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang 桃红四物汤 Four Substances Decoction with Safflower and Peach Pit To revitalize blood; To dissolve stagnation; To harmonize period and stop pain
Tao Hua San ~ Pink Powder To remove heat-phlegm, relieve cough and asthma.
Tao Hua Tang 桃花汤 Peach Blossom Decoction; Peach Blossom (Dysentery) Decoction To warm middle jiao and stop diarrhea.
Tao Ren Cheng Qi Tang ~ Decoction of Peach Seed Combination To resolve stagnation, promote blood flow and reduce heat in period
Ti Qi Yi Zhong Tang ~ Qi Lifting Decoction To tonify qi and lift the spirit
Tian Jin Gan Mao Pian ~ Tianjin Cold-Treating Tablet To clear away pathogenic heat and wind, relieve exterior syndrome and reduce fever.
Tian Jin Zhi Ke Tang Jiang ~ Tianjin Cold Syrup To clear away heat, arrest cough, resolve phlegm and relieve asthma.
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin 天麻钩藤饮 Decoction of Gastrodia and Uncaria; Gastrodia Uncaria Drink To calm the liver to stop endogenous wind, clear away pathogenic heat, promote blood circulation and nourish the liver and kidney.
Tian Ma Jiao Nang ~ Gastrodia Capsule To expel wind and disperse cold, relieve rigidity of muscles and activate the channels.
Tian Ma Wan 天麻丸 Tianma Pills; Gastrodia Tuber Bolus To relieve rheumatic conditions, alleviate muscle contracture, remove obstructions from collateral channels, promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
Tian Nan Xing Wan ~ Bolus of Arisaematis To expel wind evil' and phlegm, wake up the patient and dredge the meridians.
Tian Tai Wu Yao San 天台乌药散 Tiantai Powder of Linderae; Lindera Hernia Powder To promote the circulation of qi in the liver. To dispel cold and stop pain.
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan 天王补心丹 King of Heaven Tonic Pill for Mental Discomfort; Divine Ruler Heart Restoring Pill; Cardiotonic Bolus To nourish yin to remove heat and tonify the blood to tranquilize the mind.
Tian Wang Bu Xin Wan ~ Tianwang Buxin Pills To nourish yin and blood of the heart and calm the nerves.
Tiao Gan Tang 调肝汤 Decoction for Nourishing Liver To invigorate liver and kidney.
Tiao Qi Yi Wei Tang ~ Qi Modulation Stomach Benefiting Decoction To soothe liver and relieve unhappy feeling; To strengthen spleen and harmonize stomach; To lift yang and ptosis
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang 调胃乘气汤 Purgative Decoction for Coordinating the Function of Stomach; Stomach and qi Regulating Decoction To promote bowel movement; To soften hard stool; To modulate stomach; To clear heat
Tiao Wei He Ji ~ Stomach Modulating Combination Recipe To strengthen spleen and harmonize stomach; To relieve symptoms and stop pain; To dissolve stagnation and produce freshness
Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Tang 葶苈大枣泻肺汤 Decoction to Purge the Lungs with Lepidium Seed and Jujube; Lepidium Ziziphus Lung Clearing Decoction To purge the lungs and promote water-metabolism. To descend qi and soothe asthma.
Ting Tao Chen Qi Tang ~ Ting Tao Qi Supporting Decoction To dissolve stagnation and soothe lung; To promote bowel movement and move water
Tong Guan Wan 通关丸 Pill for Relieving Trismus and Resurrection (Pill for Nourishing the Kidney) To clear away dampness-heat from lower jiao and regulate the function of bladder.
Tong Jing Zhi Ke Tang ~ Pain Relieving Cough Decoction To soothe lung; To relieve towards exterior; To stop spasm; To stop cough
Tong Jing Zhi Tong Tang ~ Period Pain Relieving Decoction To disperse wind and remove dampness; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To dissolve phlegm and open the luo
Tong Li San ~ Opening Powder To soothe abdomen and clear heat; To dissolve stagnation and promote urine
Tong Mai Yang Xin Wan ~ Pulse-Invigorating and Heart-Nourishing Pill To nourish the heart, enrich the blood and promote coronary circulation to relieve pain.
Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang 通窍活血汤 Decoction on Activating Blood Circulation; Conduit Opening Circulation Enhancing Decoction To activate blood circulation and open the orificies.
Tong Qie Zhen Tong Tang ~ Mind Opening and Pain Relieving Decoction To revitalize blood and open mind; To calm spirit and stop pain
Tong Xie Yao Fang ~ Prescription for Treating Diarrhoea with Abdominal Pain; Dysentery Prescription To purge liver-fire and strengthen the spleen.
Tong Xuan Li Fei Wan 通宣理肺丸 Lung-Ventilating-Regulating Bolus To induce diaphoresis to dispel cold and ventilate the lung to arrest cough.
Tong You Tang 通幽汤 Decoction for Dysphagia To nourish blood, activate blood circulation and relieve dysphagia.
Tou Nong San 透脓散 Powder for Letting Out Pus, Powder for Promoting Pus Discharge To replenish qi and enrich the blood, promote pus discharge and expel toxins.
Tou Tong Ting Tang Jiang ~ Headach Syrup To revitalize blood and dissolve lump; To soothe the jing and lou (nervous, circulatory and immune systems); To warm yang and stop pain
Tu Si Zi Wan 菟丝子丸 Pill of Cuscutae To warm and invigorate, kidney-energy and preserve fluid.
Tui Re Yin Qiao San ~ Heat Reduction Yin Qiao Powder To clear heat; To remove toxic materials; To cool and relieve towards exterior
Tuo Hua Jian 脱花煎 Tuohua Decoction To warm meridians, and activate blood circulation. Used as an agent that promotes rapid labor by stimulating contractions of the myometrium (oxytocic).
Tuo Li Ding Tong Tang ~ Decoction for Pus Drainage and Relieving Pain To nourish blood, promote granulation, eliminate blood stasis and relieve pain.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions U-X

Chinese Name Chinese Character Common Name Usage
Wan Dai Tang 完带汤 Decoction for Treating Leucorrhagia To reinforce the middle jiao and strengthen the spleen. To resolve dampness and relieve leukorrhagia.
Wan Kuang Tang ~ Madness Suppressant Recipe To promote spitting of phlegm; To open the heart and the mind
Wan Shi Niu Huang Qing Xin Wan ~ Bolus of Cow-bezoar for Clearing Heat-fire To remove heat from the heart to restore consciousness and reduce heat and eliminate phlegm for resuscitation.
Wan Ying Gao ~ Panchrest Plaster To promote blood circulation to stop pain.
Wu Wei Zi Jiao Nang ~ Capsule of Schisandra Fruit To invigorate and restore qi, nourish the liver to improve visual acuity, induce appetite and digestion and decrease transaminase markedly.
Wei An Gao ~ Adhesive Plaster for Treating Gastric Trouble To warm the middle-jiao to dispel cold and arrest pain by activating qi.
Wei Chang Fu Yuan Tang ~ Stomach and Intestine Recovery Decoction To benefit qi and revitalize blood; To move qi and promote bowel movement; To remove remaining toxic materials after surgical operation
Wei Hu Tang ~ Mighty Tiger Decoction To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To open jin and stop pain
Wei Jing Tang 苇茎汤 Decoction of Phragmitis; Phragmites Decoction To clear away pathogenic heat and resolve phlegm, remove obstruction and promote pus discharge.
Wei Kang Ling Jiao Nang ~ Stomach-Recovering Capsule To nourish the liver,regulate the stomach, dissipate blood stasis, arrest the bleeding, relieve spasm and pain, remove the necrotic tissue and promote the granulation.
Wei Qi Shuang Jie Tang ~ Qi Protection Double Solution Decoction To clear heat; To relieve exterior syndrome
Wei Te Ling Pian ~ Gastralgia Tablet To relieve hyperacidity and gastralgia.
Wei Tong San ~ Stomach Pain Powder To strengthen spleen and tonify qi; To harmonize blood and stop pain; To contain phlegm and produce freshness
Wei Wan Tong Fang ~ Stomach Pain Recipe To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To soothe qi and stop pain
Wei Yan Yan Fang ~ Stomach Pain Tested Recipe To warm interior and tonify spleen; To clear heat and soothe qi
Wen Dan Kang Shuan Tang ~ Gallbladder Warming Decoction To remove dampness and dissolve phlegm; To revitalize blood and open luo
Wen Dan Tang 温胆汤 Decoction for Clearing Away Gallbladder Heat; Gallbladder Warming Decoction To regulate the flow of qi and resolve phlegm, clear away heat from gallbladder and regulate the stomach.
Wen Fei Hua Yin Tang ~ Lung Warming Decoction To warm lung, To dissolve phlegm; To contain evil
Wen Hua Tong Jing Tang ~ Warming and Opening Period Decoction To warm and disperse cold-dampness; To modulate qi and open period
Wen Jing Huo Xue Tang ~ Jing Warming Decoction To warm jing and disperse coldness; To revitalize blood and open luo.
Wen Jing Tang 温经汤 Decoction for Warming Channels; Meridian Warming Decoction To warm the channels and expel cold, nourish the blood and dispel blood stasis.
Wen Pi Tang 温脾汤 Decoction for Warming Spleen; Spleen Warming Decoction To warm and invigorate the spleen-yang and eliminate cold accumulation.
Wen Yang Tong Mai Tang ~ Yang Warming Pulse Decoction To warm and soothe heart yang; To dissolve stagnation and lumps
Wen Yang Yi Qi Tong Mai Tang ~ Yang-Warming and qi Benefiting Decoction To revitalize chest yang; To tonify heart qi; To open pulse and luo (nervous, circulatory and immune systems)
Wu Cao Tang ~ Five Herb Nephritis Decoction To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To soothe lung; To strengthen spleen and benefit water
Wu Chong Si Teng Tang ~ Five Insect and Four Vine Decoction To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To kep open pulse and luo (nervous, circulatory and immune systems)
Wu Ji Bai Feng Wan 乌鸡白凤丸 White Phoenix Bolus of Black-bone Chicken To repenish qi and nourish blood, regulate menstruation and arrest leukorrhagia.
Wu Ji San 五积散 Powder for Expelling Five Kinds of Stagnation; Five Accumulation Powder To purge liver-fire, regulate the functions of the spleen and stomach.
Wu Jia Qiang Xin Tang ~ Five Plus Heart Strengthening Decoction To soothe qi; To revitalize blood; To dissolve stagnation; To benefit qi
Wu Jia Shen Chong Ji ~ Acanthopanax Infusion To strengthen the body resistance and restore the normal functions of the body to consolidate the constitution, relieve mental stress and promote intelligence.
Wu Jia Shen Jing ~ Syrup of Acanthopanax Root To refresh oneself and strengthen the brain, improve hearing and vision, reinforce the kidney and spleen.
Wu Ling San 五苓散 Powder of Five Drugs Containing Poria; Five Ingredient Powder with Poria; Powder of Five Ingredients with Poria To promote water metabolism and eliminate dampness. To warm yang and promote production of qi.
Wu Long Jian Ji ~ Wu Long Fries Recipe To clear heat and disperse dampness; To facilitate period and cool blood; To stop diarrhea
Wu Mei Chen Qi Tang ~ Qi Supporting Decoction To open interior and strike lower body; To silence worm and stop pain
Wu Mei Tang ~ Roundworm Stablizing Decoction of Fructus Mume To warm internal organs; To kill worms; To stop pain
Wu Mei Wan 乌梅丸 Pill of Mume; Mume Pill To warm the internal viscera. To dispel the parasites.
Wu Pi San 五皮散 Powder (Decoction) Containing Five Kinds of Peel, Powder of Peel of Five Drugs To remove dampness to alleviate edema, regulate the flow of qi to strengthen the spleen.
Wu Pi Yin 五皮饮 Five Skin Drink To smooth liquid; To redoce swollen things; To move qi; To strengthen spleen
Wu Shao She Yin ~ Wu Decoction To disperse wind and soothe lung; To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To benefit water and reduce swelling
Wu Shi Tang ~ Five Stone Decoction To clear heat and benefit dampness; To facilitate urine and remove urinary stones
Wu Tou Gui Zhi Tang 乌头桂枝汤 Decoction of Aconiti and Cinnamomi To expel cold, alleviate pain, regulate ying and wei levels.
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin 五味消毒饮 Decoction of Five Ingredients for Antiphlogistic; Five Ingredient Poison Eliminating Drink To clear heat and release toxins.
Wu Yao Shun Qi San ~ Radix Linderae Qi Soothing Powder To soothe liver; To smooth qi; To modulate yin and yang
Wu Zhu Yu Tang 吴茱萸汤 Decoction of Evodiae; Evodia Decoction To warm and tonify the spleen and stomach. To conduct perversion of qi downward and stop vomiting.
Xi Huang Wan 犀黄丸 Bolus of Calculus Bovis; Pill of Cow-bezoar To activate blood flow and alleviate pain, remove toxic materials and relieve swelling.
Xi Jiao Di Haung Tang 犀角地黄汤 Decoction of Cornu Rhinocerotis and Rehmanniae; Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction To clear away heat and toxic material and cool blood and remove blood stasis.
Xi Ling Jie Du Pian ~ Detoxification Tablet Of Rhinoceros Horn And Antelope Horn To relieve exterior syndrome, clear away heat and toxic substances.
Xi Xian Gou Ji Xian Lin Pi Tang ~ ~ To modulate and tonify pulse; To open jing and luo (nervous, circulatory, and immune systems); To revitalize blood
Xi Yang Shen Feng Wang Jiang ~ Oral Liquid of American Ginseng and Royal Jelly To strengthen the constitution.
Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin 仙方活命饮 Miraculous Decoction for Local Infection, Fairy Decoction for Treating Cutaneous Infections To clear away heat and toxic materials, subdue swelling and resolve masses, activate blood flow and alleviate pain.
Xian Jia Tong Luo Tang ~ Saint Cover Luo Opening Decoction To soothe muscle and revitalize the luo; To dissolve stagnation and stop pain; To chase wind and suppress dampness
Xian Qi Tang 先期汤 Menstrual Decoction to Stop Bleeding To dissolve stagnation and stop bleeding
Xian Qi Yin 先期饮 Early Stage Menstrual Decoction To clear heat; To disperse fire; To modulate period
Xiang Lian Wan 香连丸 Aucklandia-Coptis Pill; Saussurea Coptis Pill To clear away pathogenic heat and dampness, promote the circulation of qi and remove obstruction.
Xiang Ru San 香薷散 Powder of Elsholtziae seu Moslae To expel the evils from the body surface, eliminate cold, summer-heat and dampness.
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Wan 香砂六君子丸 Aucklandia, Amomum & Six Gentlemen Pill To supplement qi, invigorate the spleen and regulate the stomach.
Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan 香砂养胃丸 Stomach Pill of Aucklandia and Amomum Fruit To supplement qi and strengthen the stomach, promote disgestion and stop vomiting.
Xiang Su San 香苏散 Powder Of Cyperi And Perillae To expel the wind-cold evil, regulate vital energy and the middle-jiao.
Xiao Ban Qing Dai Yin 消斑青黛饮 Decoction Of Indigo Naturalis For Rashes Subsidence To purge evil' fire, eliminate toxic material, cool blood and disperse rashes.
Xiao Ban Tang 消斑汤 Pigment Dissolving Decoction To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To cool blood and dissolve stagnation
Xiao Ban Xia Tang 小半夏汤 Decoction Of Smaller Dosage Pinelliae To eliminate phlegm and stop vomiting.
Xiao Chai Hu Tang 小柴胡汤 Decoction Of Bupleuri For Regulating Shaoyang; Minor Bupleurum Decoction To harmonize the Shaoyang channels.
Xiao Cheng Qi Tang 小乘气汤 Minor Decoction for Purging Down Digestive Qi; Minor Qi Facilitating Decoction To relieve heat accumulation by mild effect.
Xiao Er Fei Bao ~ Lung Powder For Children To reinforce the spleen to benefit the lung, invigorate qi, arresting asthma. Relieving cough and resolving sputum.
Xiao Er Gan Mao Pian ~ Children's Cold Tablet To expel pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin by means of inducing diaphoresis, clear away heat and expel pathogenic factors from the exterior.
Xiao Er Hui Chun Dan 小儿回春丹 Children Recovery Pill To suppress wind; To stop pain; To dissolve phlegm; To open the mind
Xiao Er Jie Re Shuan ~ Fever-Reducing Suppository for Children To reduce fever and relieve inflammation.
Xiao Er Jin Dan Pian ~ Children's Welfare Tablet To dispel wind and phlegm, clear away heat and toxic materials.
Xiao Er Niu Huang Pian ~ Tablet Of Cow-bezoar For Children To clear away heart-fire, reduce fever, eliminate phlegm and calm convulsion.
Xiao Er Qi Ying Wan ~ Infantile Convulsion Pill To reduce fever and calm infantile convulsion.
Xiao Er Qing Re He Ji ~ Children Heat Clearing Combination Recipe To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To reduce high-temperature and relieve exterior syndrome
Xiao Er Sheng Xue Ling ~ Infusion For Iron-deficiency Anemia Of Children To invigorate qi and enrich the blood, remove stagnation of indigested food and regulate the spleen.
Xiao Er Xiao Shi Pian ~ Children's Indigestion Tablet To strengthen the spleen, regulate the stomach, promote digestion and eliminate indigested food.
Xiao Er Xiao Yan Shuan ~ Anti-inflammatory Suppository for Children To clear away heat and toxic materials, resist bacteria and relieve inflammation.
Xiao Er Yi Niao Fang ~ Child's Urine Recipe To tonify spleen and benefit lung; To tonify kidney and promote urine; To wake and open the spirit
Xiao Feng San 消凤散 Powder For Dispersing Pathogenic Wind To dispel pathogenic wind, nourish the blood, clear away heat and remove dampness.
Xiao Gu Lin ~ Liver Soothing Effector To soothe liver and tonify qi; To benefit gallbladder and remove water
Xiao Huo Luo Dan 小活络丹 Bolus For Activating Energy Flow In The Channels And Collaterals; Small Bolus For Activating Channels and Collaterals To warm the channels and activate the collaterals, dispel pathogenic wind-dampness and remove phlegm and blood stasis.
Xiao Ji Hua Tan Tang ~ Stagnation And Phlegm Dissolving Decoction To clear the lung and dissolve phlegm; To dissolve stagnation and stop cough
Xiao Ji Yin Zi 小蓟饮子 Decoction Of Cephalanoploris; Cephalanoplos Drink To remove heat from the blood to stop bleeding and induce diuresis to treat stranguria.
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang 小建中汤 Decoction For Mildly Warming The Middle Jiao; Minor Central Supporting Decoction To warm the middle-warmer, tonify deficiency and relieve spasm and pain.
Xiao Jie Tang ~ Stagnation Removing Decoction To soothe the liver and modulate qi; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To soften hardness
Xiao Jin Dan 小金丹 Xiaojin Pellet To eliminate cold, expel phlegm, remove blood stasis and reduce swelling.
Xiao Luo Tong Pian ~ Rheumatalgia -Relieving Tablet To expel wind and dampness pathogens
Xiao Luo Wan ~ Scrofula Dissolving Pill To dissolve phlegm; To dissolve stagnation
Xiao Qing Long Tang ~ Small Blue Dragon Decoction; Minor Green Dragon Decoction To relieve superficial syndrome by means of inducing diaphoresis, remove fluid-retention, arrest cough and relieving asthma.
Xiao San Duo Tang ~ Three Excess Remover Decoction To nourish and tonify liver and spleen; To nourish yin and moisturize fire; To benefit qi and clear heat; To produce saliva and stop thirst
Xiao Tan Hua Jie Tang ~ Phlegm And Stagnation Dissolving Decoction To soften hardness and dissolve phlegm; To clear heat and relieve exterior syndrome
Xiao Tong Tang ~ Pustule Dissolving Decoction To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To remove pus and carbuncles
Xiao Xian Xiong Tang 小陷胸汤 Decoction for Mild Phlegm-Heat Syndrome in the Chest; Minor Chest (Blockage) Relieving Decoction To clear heat and resolve phlegm. To ease the chest and remove stagnation.
Xiao Xu Ming Tang 小续命汤 Decoction for Mild Hemiplegia; Minor Life Extending Decoction To warm meridians, promote the motion of yang-energy, support healthy energy and eliminate wind.
Xiao Yan Shen Ji He Ji ~ Anti-inflammation Combination Recipe To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To remove pustule; To remove rotten materials and produce muscle
Xiao Yao San 消遥散 Xiaoyao Decoction; Carefree (Liver Unblocking Spleen Restoring) Powder To promote qi circulation in the liver and remove stagnation. To strengthen the function of the spleen and harmonize the Ying (nutrient) system.
Xiao Yao Wan ~ Ease Pill To soothe the liver, strengthen the spleen, and nourish the blood to restore normal menstruation.
Xiao Yi Tang ~ Left-Over Cleansing Decoction To calm heart and spirit; To lift freshness and clear turbidness; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Xiao Ying Jian 小营煎 Lump Dissolving Fries To tonify yin and clear heat; To dissolve phlegm and remove lump; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Xiao Ying Tang 消瘿汤 Tumor Removing Decoction To dissolve phlegm and remove stagnation; To dissolve swelling
Xiao Zhi Shuan ~ Hemorrhoid-Eliminating Suppository To astringe exudation, subdue swelling, alleviate pain and arrest bleeding.
Xie Bai San 泻白散 Powder for Expelling Lung heat, Lung-Heat Expelling Powder To purge pathogenic heat accumulated in the lung to relieve cough and asthma.
Xie Fei Tiao Zhong Fang ~ Lung Dispersing Interior Modulation Recipe To flush lung and contain heavy breathing; To harmonize lung and modulate qi
Xie Huang San 泻黄散 Powder for Expelling Hidden fire of Spleen and Stomach, Spleen-heat Expelling Powder; Spleen fire Cathartic Powder To purge latent fire in the spleen and stomach.
Xie Qing Wan 泻青丸 Pill for Purging Liver Fire; (Liver) fire Cathartic Pill To clear excessive heat in the liver. To conduct dampness and heat downward.
Xie Shi Tang ~ Decoction for Clearing Away Dampness To clear away heat and dampness, regulate vital energy and activate the spleen.
Xin Jia Huang Long Tang 新加黄龙汤 Decoction of Yellow Dragon with Supplements To nourish yin, replenish the vital qi and purge the accumulation of pathogenic heat.
Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin ~ Decoction of Elsholtzia with Some New Herbs Added To dispel summer-heat and release the exterior. To clear heat and resolve dampness.
Xin Shen Yin ~ New Born Drink To soothe liver and benefit gallbladder; To clear heat and benefit dampness; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Xin Shuai He Ji ~ Heart Decay Combination Recipe To relieve lung and benefit water; To benefit qi and nourish heart; To revitalize blood and open the luo (nervous, circulatory and immune systems)
Xin Xue Ning Pian ~ Tablet for Coronary Heart Diseases and Hypertension To dilate coronary artery, increase the amount of blood flow in coronary artery and cerebral artery, reduce blood-lipid, strengthen cardiac contractility and lower blood presure.
Xing Jun San 行军散 Powder Prepared for Long Journey (Zhuge's Powder for Long Journey; Wuhou's Powder for Long Journey); March Powder To clear away heart-fire, eliminate toxic material and relieve fainting.
Xing Su San 杏苏散 Powder of Armeniacae Amarum and Folium Perillae; Prunus Perilla Powder To dispel pathogenic cool-dryness removing pathogenic heat from the lung and dissolve phlegm.
Xu Shi Tong Jing Fang ~ Xu's Period Recipe To warm period and nourish blood; To dissolve stagnation and stop pain
Xuan Bai Cheng Qi Tang 宣白乘气汤 Decoction for Purging Lung Heat; qi Facilitating Decoction To open the stagnated lung-energy, disperse phlegm and purge heat-evil.
Xuan Bi Tang 宣痹汤 Decoction for Removing the Meridian Obstruction To clear away dampness-heat evil' and dredge the passage of meridians.
Xuan Fei Zhi Ke Tang ~ Lung Soothing Cough Decoction To soothe lung and control qi; To relieve cough and dissolve phlegm
Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang 旋覆代赭汤 Decoction of Inulae and Haematitium; Inula Hematite Decoction To lower the adverse flow of qi and resolve phlegm, invigorate qi and regulate the function of the stomach.
Xuan Jiang Tang ~ Soothing and Containing Decoction To disperse exterior evil; To modulate the lungs and contain qi
Xuan Shen Gou Teng Tang ~ Yuan Shen Anti-Hypertensive Decoction To nourish the ying level and soothe the liver
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang 血府逐瘀汤 Decoction for Removing Blood Stasis in the Chest; Contusion Clearing Decoction To promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis and promote circulation to remove blood stasis and promote circulation of qi to relieve pain.
Xue Xie Gua Lou Tang ~ Xue Xie Gua Lou Mastitis Decoction To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation; To clear heat

Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions Y-Z

Chinese Name Chinese Character Common Name Usage
Yan De Ping Jiao Nang ~ Anti-inflammation Capsule To clear away heat and toxic materials, remove heat from blood and subdue swelling.
Yan Li Xiao Jiao Nang ~ Quick-Acting Anti-inflammation Capsule To clear away heat and toxic materials.
Yang He Tang 阳和汤 Decoction for Warming Yang; yang Warming Decoction To warm yang and enrich the blood, and remove pathogenic cold and obstruction.
Yang Wei Li Qi Tang ~ Stomach Tonification Decoction To soothe qi and nourish stomach
Yang Xin Tang 养心汤 Heart Strengthening Decoction To nourish heart; To calm spirit
Yang Xue Dang Gui Jing ~ Oral Liquid of Chinese Angelica for Nourishing Blood To enrich the blood and regulate menstruation.
Yang Xue Qu Feng Tang ~ Blood Tonification and wind Dispersing Decoction To tonify blood and disperse wind; To disperse coldness and dissolve dampness
Yang Xue Run Chang Jian ~ Blood Tonification and Intestine Moisturizing Fries To nourish yin and blood; To moisturize the intestines and promote smooth bowel movement
Yang Yin Li Yan Tang ~ Yin Tonification and Throat Benefiting Decoction To nourish yin and benefit throat; To produce saliva
Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang 养阴清肺汤 Decoction for Nourishing Yin and Clearing Away Lung Heat; Yin Generating Lung Clearing Decoction To nourish yin, clear away lung-heat, reduce fever and relieve sore-throat.
Yi Chan He Ji ~ Yi Chan Nephritis Combination Recipe To benefit dampness and dissolve swelling; To disperse towards exterior and soothe lung
Yi Gan Tang ~ Hepatitis B Decoction To cleanse the liver and benefit the gallbladder; To benefit qi and revitalize blood; To benefit liver and spleen
Yi Gong San 异功散 Spleen Qi Strengthening And Regulating Powder
Yi Guan Jian 一贯煎 Yiguan Decoction; Yin Generating Liver Opening Prescription To nourish the liver and kidney, soothe the liver and regulate the circulation of qi.
Yi Huang San 益黄散 Yellow Benefiting Powder To warm interior; To soothe qi; To strengthen spleen; To stop diarrhea
Yi Huang Tang 易黄汤 Decoction For Changing Yellow Leukorrhea To strengthen the spleen and dry dampness. To clear heat and relieve leukorrhagia.
Yi Jia Jian Zheng Qi San 一加减正气散 First Modified Powder For Regulating Vital Energy To eliminate dampness evil' and regulate vital energy.
Yi Mu Cao Gao 易母草膏 ~ To regulate menstruation and promote blood circulation, dissipate blood stasis and alleviate pain.
Yi Mu Cao Liu Jin Gao ~ Liquid Extract of Motherwort Herb Hysterotonic. Used for the treatment of abnormal menstruation, post partum metrorrhagia, incomplete reduction of uterus.
Yi Nao Fu Jian Wan ~ Pill For Cerebral Thrombosis To supplement the brain and invigorate vitality, relax the channels and collaterals, and promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis, wake up the patients form unconsciousness by eliminating phlegm.
Yi Nian Jin 一捻金 Yinianjin Powder (Decoction) for Infants; Children's Indigestion Powder To clear away heat, induce bowel movement and activate vital energy.
Yi Qi Chu Tan Fang ~ Qi Benefiting and Phlegm Dissolving Recipe To tonify qi and strengthen spleen; To remove phlegm and dissolve stagnation
Yi Qi Hua Ji Jie Du Tang ~ Detoxification and qi Benefiting Decoction To benefit qi and dissolve stagnation; To remove toxic materials; To benefit dampness
Yi Qi Huo Xue Pian ~ Qi Benefiting and Blood Revitalizing Pill To benefit qi and revitalize blood
Yi Qi Ju Xian Tang ~ Qi Benefiting Decoction To benefit qi and lift ptosis
Yi Qi Pai Shi Tang ~ Qi Benefiting Stone Remover Decoction To benefit qi and support rightness; To clear heat and benefit dampness; To attack hardness and remove stone
Yi Qi Shen Xue Tang ~ Qi Benefiting and Blood Producing Decoction To benefit qi and strengthen spleen; To nourish and tonify liver and kidney; To stop bleeding and dissolve stagnation
Yi Qi Tiao Gan Jiang Ya Tang ~ Qi and Liver Modulating Decoction To benefit qi and tonify spleen; To modulate liver and suppress evil; To retain yang
Yi Qi Yang Yin Tang ~ Qi Benefiting and Yin Nourishing Decoction To benefit qi and nourish yang
Yi Ren Chong Jiu Tang ~ Yi Ren Worm Alcohol Decoction To suppress dampness and revitalize blood; To soothe bone and muscle; To benefit waist
Yi Shen Tang ~ Kidney Benefiting Decoction To dissolve stagnation and reduce swelling; To clear heat and remove toxic materials
Yi Yi Fu Zi Bai Jiang San 薏苡附子败酱散 Powder of Coix Seed, Aconite Root and Patrinia To promote pus discharge and relieve swelling.
Yi Yi Zhu Ye San ~ Powder Coicis and Lophatheri To clear away dampnes-heat and let out the evils.
Yi Zhong Huo Xue Tang ~ Interior Benefiting Stamoch Decoction To tonify qi and warm interior; To revitalize blood and dissolve stagnation
Yin Cai San ~ Yin Cai Cold Relieving Powder To clear heat; To cool and relieve towards exterior
Yin Chai Chong Ji ~ Infusion of Honeysuckle Stem and Chinese Thorowax To relieve inflammation, clear away heat and toxic materials.
Yin Chen Ban Lan Gen Tang ~ Yin Chen Ban Lan Gen Decoction To clear heat and remove dampness; To soothe the liver and revitalize blood
Yin Chen Hao Tang 茵陈蒿汤 Artemisia Decoction To clear away heat and eliminate dampness to treat jaundice.
Yin Chen Jiang Zhi Fang ~ Yin Chen Blood lipid Recipe To cleanse liver and benefit gallbladder; To clear heat and dissolve dampness; To resuscitate the spleen and reduce fat
Yin Huang Kou Fu Ye ~ Oral Liquid of Honeysuckle Flower and Scutellaria To clear away heat and toxic materials, and relieve inflammation.
Yin Jun Hu She Tang ~ Tiger and Snake Decoction To clear heat and benefit dampness; To soothe liver and benefit gallbladder; To strengthen the spleen and move qi
Yin Pu Xiao Du Yin ~ Yin Pu Detoxification Decoction To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To benefit dampness and facilitate urine; To move qi and revitalize blood
Yin Qiao Er Ding Tang ~ Yin Qiao Double Ding Decoction To clear heat; To remove toxic materials; To dry dampness
Yin Qiao Jie Du Wan 银翘解毒丸 Anti-toxic Bolus of Honeysuckle Flower and Forsythia; Lonicera Poison Relieving Pill To relieve exterior syndrome with drugs pungent in flavor and cool in property, clear away heat and toxic materials.
Yin Qiao San 银翘散 Powder of Lonicerae and Forsythiae; Lonicera Powder To clear heat and remove toxic materials;
Yin Qiao Tang 银翘汤 Yin Qiao Decoction To nourish yin; To relieve exterior syndrome
Yin Yan Qing Gan Tang ~ Yin Yan Liver Clearing Decoction To clear heat and remove dampness; To strengthen the spleen and harmonize the interior.
Yin Zhi Huang Zhu She Ye ~ Anti-hepatitis-jaundice Liquid To clear away heat and eliminate dampness, treat jaundice and remove toxic materials.
Ying Bao Jian ~ Ying Treasure Fries To dissolve stagnation and soften hardness; To soothe qi and dissolve phlegm
Ying Liu San Jie Tang ~ Tumor Dissovling Decoction To soothe the liver and modulate qi; To dissolve stagnation; To dissolve phlegm; To soften hardness and remove stone
You Gui Yin 右归饮 Right-kidney Decoction; Right Return Drink To warm and invigorate kidney-yang
Yu Nu Jian 玉女煎 Jade Maid Decoction, Gypsum Decoction; Maiden's Fry To clear stomach-heat and nourish yin.
Yu Ping Feng San 玉屏风散 Jade Screen Powder; Jade Windscreen Powder To invigorate qi and consolidate the superficial resistance to arrest perspiration.
Yu Quan Wan 玉泉丸 Diabetes Pill To promote the produciton of body fluid to relieve thirst, clear away heat to arrest irritability, and nourish yin and the kidney.
Yu Yin Zhi Beng Tang ~ Yin Nourishing Period Decoction To nourish yin; To reduce heavy flow in period
Yu Zha Chong Ji ~ Infusion of Fragrant Solomonseal and Hawthorn Fruit To decrease blood-lipid and restrain atherosclerosis.
Yu Zhen San 玉真散 Yuzhen Powder To expel evil wind, disperse phlegm and stop convulsion.
Yuan Hu Zhi Tong Jiao Nang ~ Analgesic Capsule Of Corydalis Tuber To arrest pain by regulating qi, remove blood stasis by promoting blood circulation.
Yuan Hu Zhi Tong Pian ~ Tablet Of Corydalis Tuber For Alleviating Pain To promote blood circulation, to remove blood stasis and regulate the flow of qi to alleviate pain.
Yuan Zhi Liu Jin Gao ~ Thinleaf Milkwort Liquid Extract Expectorant.
Yue Bi Jia Shu Tang 越婢加术汤 Wind Dissipating Plus Decoction To disperse water-dampness; To clear interior heat
Yue Bi Tang 越婢汤 Wind Dissipating Decoction To disperse water-dampness; To soothe the lung; To clear heat
Yue Ju Wan 越鞠丸 Yueju Pill (Pill of Ligustici Chuanxiong and Atractylodis), Pill For Relieving Stagnancy To promote the circulation of qi to relieve stagnation.
Yun Qi San 匀气散 Qi Mixing-Up Powder To move qi; To strengthen the spleen; To warm the interior
Yun Zhi Gan Tai Chong Ji ~ Tonic Infusion Of Versicolor For Liver To clear away pathogenic heat and subdue inflammation, adjust immunologic functon.
Zai Zao San 再造散 Zaizao Powder To support yang-energy to promote sweating, benefit vital energy and expel superficial evils from the body surface.
Zai Zhang Sheng Xue Pian ~ Tablet For Replenishing Blood And Treating Aplastic Anemia To strengthen the spleen and tonify the kidney, supplement qi and nourish blood.
Zan Yu Dan 赞育丹 Pellet For Impotence To invigorate the kidney and strengthen yang.
Zao Du Fu Jiang Tang ~ Zaodufu Ginger Decoction To disperse wind and remove dampness; To suppress coldness and stop pain
Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang 增液乘气汤 Decoction for Fluid Increasing and Purgation; Moistening qi Regulating Decoction To nourish yin to promote the production of body fluid, induce bowel movement to expel the heat evil.
Zeng Ye Tang 增液汤 Decoction to Increase Body Fluids To nourish yin and clear heat. To moisten dryness and promote bowel movements.
Zhang Tong Fang ~ Pain Relieving recipe To soothe qi and comfort the liver and stomach
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang 镇肝熄风汤 Decoction for Calming Liver Wind, Tranquilizing Liver-wind Decoction; Liver Controlling Wind Extinguishing Decoction To tranquilize the liver to calm endogenous wind.
Zhen Jiang Gao Yao ~ Zhenjiang Plaster To dispel wind and alleviate pain, relax muscles and tendons and promote blood circulation.
Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang 真人养脏汤 Zhenren Decoction For Nourishing Viscera; Genuine Zang Nourishing Decoction To warm and tonify the spleen-yang to arrest diarrhea.
Zhen Wu Tang 真武汤 Zhenwu Decoction; Kidney Warming Spleen Strengthening Decoction To warm yang to induce diuresis.
Zhen Xin An Shen Tang ~ Mind Stablizing Decoction To calm heart and spirit
Zhen Xin Di Tan Tang ~ Heart Stablizing Decoction To remove phlegm and open mind; To nourish yin and suppress wind; To calm the heart and spirit
Zhen Zhu Mu Wan 珍珠母丸 Pill of Margarita; Mother of Pearl Pill To nourish yin, calm mental state and relieve palpitation.
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan 知柏地黄丸 Anemarrhena Phellodendron Rehmannia Pill
Zhi Bao Dan 至宝丹 Bolus of Precious Drugs; Greatest Treasure Special Precious Pill To eliminate turbid pathogenic factor to induce resuscitation and clear away heat and toxins.
Zhi Bao San Bian Wan ~ Treasured Three Animal Penes Pill To invigorate the kidney, strengthen yang, replenish the vital essence, promote mentality, improve health and promoting longevity.
Zhi Chuang Xun Xi Fang ~ Haemorrhoid Smoking and Cleansing Recipe To revitalize blood and remove stagnation; To remove toxic materials and dissolve swelling
Zhi Dai Fang 止带方 Prescription for Stoppping Leucorrhea To clear away dampness-heat, cool blood and relieve leucorrhagia.
Zhi Gan Cao Tang 炙甘草汤 Decoction of Glycyrrhizae Praeparata; Decoction for Restoring Pulse Beating; Roast Glycyrrhiza Decoction To replenish qi, enrich the blood and nourish yin to restore pulse.
Zhi Ke Pi Pa Chong Ji ~ Cough Infusion of Loquat Leaf To remove heat from the lung and promote the dispersing function of lung, resolve phlegm and relieve cough.
Zhi Ke Pi Pa Tang Jiang ~ Cough Syrup of Loquat Leaf To resolve phlegm and relieve cough.
Zhi Kuang Fang ~ Madness Control Recipe To open the mind; To contain fire; To cleanse phlegm; To calm the spirit
Zhi Mi Fu Ling Wan ~ Pill of Poria To dry dampness, promote circulation of vital energy, expel stubborn phlegm.
Zhi Pian Tou Tong Fang ~ Headache Recipe To cleanse liver and contain yang; To revitalize blood and open luo
Zhi Shi Dao Zhi Wan 枳实导滞丸 Pill of Aurantii Immaturus for Relieving Stagnation, Pill of Immature Bitter Orange for Removing Stagnancy; Poncirus Obstruction Removing Pill To promote digestion to remove stagnated food and eliminate dampness-heat.
Zhi Shi Shen Bu Tang ~ Zhi Shi Shen Bu Ptosis Decoction To tonify spleen and benefit qi; To modulate qi and promote digestion
Zhi Shi Xiao Pi Wan 枳实消痞丸 Pill with Immature Bitter Orange for Disintegrating Masses and Relieving Stuffness To disintegrate masses and relieve distension and fullness, strengthen the spleen and regulate the stomach.
Zhi Shi Xie Bai Gui Zhi Tang 枳实薤白桂枝汤 Poncirus Allium Cinnamomum Decoction
Zhi Shu He Wei Tang ~ Zhi Shu Stomach Soothing Decoction To modulate liver and harmonize spleen; To harmonize stomach and contain evil
Zhi Sou Ding Chuan Gao ~ Semifluid Extract for Relieving Cough and Asthma To moisten the lung, resolve phegm, arrest cough and relieve asthma.
Zhi Sou San ~ Cough Powder; Cough Suppressing Powder To arrest cough and resolve phlegm, and induce diaphoresis and ventilate the lung.
Zhi Tong Juan Bi Tang ~ Pain Stopping Decoction To revitalize and nourish blood; To move qi and open the luo (nervous, circulatory and immune systems); To stop pain
Zhi Xue San ~ Bleeding Stopping Powder To dissolve stagnation and stop bleeding
Zhi Xue Tang ~ Bleeding Control Decoction To stop bleeding; To contain blood
Zhi Zhi Tang ~ Haemorrhoid Control Decoction To clear heat and remove toxic materials; To remove dampness and reduce swelling; To cool blood and remove stagnation
Zhi Zhu Wan 枳术丸 Pill of Aurantii Immaturus and Atractylodis Macrocephalae; Poncirus Atractylodes Pill To strengthen the spleen and relieve fullness.
Zhi Zhuo Gu Ben Wan ~ Turbid Control and Base Stablizing Bolus To clear heat and benifit dampness; To support kidney; To strengthen the spleen
Zhi Zi Chi Tang 栀子豉汤 Decoction of Gardeniae and Sojae Praeparatum To discharge the stagnated heat and relieve irritability.
Zhi Zi Gan Jiang Tang 栀子干姜汤 Decoction of Gardeniae and Zingiberis To clear away heat, warm the middle-jiao and eliminate cold.
Zhi Zi Hou Po Tang 栀子厚朴汤 Zhizi Tonifying Decoction To clear heat; To reduce agitation; To soothe the interior; To dissolve stagnation
Zhong Man Fen Xiao Wan 中满分消丸 Pill for Relieving the Distention of Middle Jiao To activate the spleen and vital energy, clear away heat and promote diuresis.
Zhou Che Wan 舟车丸 Vessel and Vehicle (Diuretic) Pill To soothe qi; To remove fluid
Zhou Ju Wan ~ Zhouju Pill To promote circulation of vital energy, induce diarrhea with potent purgatives.
Zhu Gui Tang ~ Decoction of Atractylodis and Cinnamomi To expel cold and dampness, warm the spleen and stomach.
Zhu Huang Bei Mu Tang ~ To clear heat and dissolve phlegm
Zhu Ling Tang 猪苓汤 Decoction Of Polyporus Umbellatus; Poria Polyporus Decoction To clear away heat, induce diuresis and nourish yin to arrest bleeding.
Zhu Sha An Shen Wan 朱砂安神丸 Pill Of Cinnabaris For Tranquilizing, Pill of Tranquilizing, Sedative Bolus of Cinnabar; Cinnabar Sedating Pill To relieve palpitation, tranquilize the mind, remove pathogenic heat and nourish the blood.
Zhu Shi Tang ~ Stone Repulsion Decoction To clear heat and benefit water; To remove stone and facilitate urine; To open the luo (nervous, circulatory, and immune systems) and stop pain
Zhu Ye He Ji ~ Bamboo Leaf Combination recipe To clear heat and relieve exterior syndrome; To disperse fire and promote bowel movement
Zhu Ye Mai Dong Shi Gao Tang ~ To tonify qi and nourish yin; To contain evil' and stop vomiting
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang 竹叶石膏汤 Decoction Of Lophatheri And Gypsum Fibrosum To clear away heat and promote the production of body fluid, replenish qi and regulate the stomach.
Zhuang Yao Jian Shen Wan ~ Loins-Strengthening and Kidney-Invigorating Bolus To strengthen the loins, invigorate the kidney, dispel pathogenic wind, remove dampness and activate the collaterals to relieve pain.
Zhuang Yao Qu Feng Zhen Tong Tang ~ Waist Strengthening Decoction To disperse wind; To disperse coldness; To warm jing and open the luo (nervous, circulatory, and immune systems); To soothe jin and revitalize blood
Zhui Feng Gao ~ Rheumatalgia-Relieving Plaster To expel wind and disperse cold, promote blood circulation to stop pain.
Zi Bu Tiao Jing Tang ~ Tonification and Period Modulation Decoction To nourish and tonify the liver and spleen; To nourish blood and modulate period
Zi Dian Tang ~ Pigment Control Decoction To strengthen the spleen and benefit qi; To nourish yin and cool blood; To dissolve stagnation and stop bleeding
Zi Shen Rong Jing Wan ~ Kidney Nourishing Bolus To nourish the kidney and support the base; To tonify the liver and spleen; To revitalize blood and open the luo
Zi Shou Jie Yu Tang ~ Decoction For Lengthening Life-span And Relieving Aphasia To warm the spleen, disperse phlegm, suppress wind and wake the patient from unconsciousness.
Zi Xue Dan ~ Purple Snow Pellet; Purple Snow Special (Epidemic Preventing) Pill;Purple Snowy Powder To wake the patient up from unconsciousness by clearing away pathogenic heat, tranquilizing the mind and allaying excitement.
Zi Yin Qing Hua Tang ~ Yin Nourishing Digestion Decoction To modulate and tonify the liver and kidney; To clear heat and cool blood; To dissolve stagnation and stop pain
Zi Yin Rou Gan Tang ~ Yin and Liver Nourishing Decoction To nourish yin and contain yang; To soothe the liver and calm the spirit
Zi Yin Xuan Fei Tang ~ Yin Nourishing Lung Modulation Decoction To nourish yin; To modulate the lung; To dissolve phlegm
Zuo Gui Wan 左归丸 Kidney-Yin Tonifying Bolus To nourish yin and tonify the kidney.
Zuo Gui Yin 左归饮 Left-Kidney Decoction To nourish kidney-energy.
Zuo Jin Wan 左金丸 Zuojin Bolus (Huiling Bolus); Left Gold Pill; Liver-fire Purging And Stomach-Regulating Pill To clear fire in the liver. To descend the perversion of qi and stop vomiting.

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