The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask/Characters

This chapter is about characters from the video game The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. The game's setting, Termina, is a parallel universe[1] version of Hyrule, and many of these characters are doppelgängers of characters from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, since the game was made using a version of the Ocarina of Time engine, and a number of the character models were reused.

Anju and Kafei


Anju is a young woman whose family runs the Stock Pot inn in Clock Town. Anju says that before her family rented out their rooms they used to be a cafeteria. A terrible cook with a bad memory, Anju tends to apologize a lot and leave things until the last minute. Anju is engaged to Kafei, and, although their wedding is in jeopardy at the beginning of the game, she later marries him. In the game, you must go through a quest that usually takes three days to help Anju reunite with Kafei. She is shown in her wedding dress during the end credits.

Anju is the Terminan Counterpart to the Cucco Lady from Ocarina of Time, who could not handle her Cuccos due to unfortunate allergies. A second Counterpart also appears in The Minish Cap again as being unable to handle Cuccos but does not have an allergy to them.

Kafei is Anju's fiancé, and, although he is a main character, he has no Hyrulean counterpart. Before the wedding was to take place, he and Anju constructed masks to use in the ceremony. She made the Mask of the Moon, he, the Mask of the Sun. On his way to the milk bar to show his friends, Kafei bumped into the Skull Kid, who used the evil magic of Majora's Mask to transform Kafei into a child. Kafei traveled to North Clock Town to ask the Great Fairy there for help, but to make matters worse he then encountered Sakon, "the grinning thief", who stole his wedding mask. Kafei spends most of the three-day cycle hidden in the back of the Curiosity Shop, in the laundry pool area, hoping to track down Sakon. The owner of the Curiosity Shop shelters him out of their friendship, proven by the Keaton's Mask, a gift from the shop owner to Kafei, despite Kafei's form. He always wears a Keaton Mask when he goes out into town, such as to send a letter. If Link goes behind the curtain in the room next to Madame Aroma's office, he can read an entry of Kafei's diary, which appears to have been written a short while before Kafei is transformed into a child by the Skull Kid and has his mask stolen. If Link speaks to the astronomer in the observatory while wearing the Kafei Mask, he learns that Kafei was a member of the Bombers when he was young.

If Link intervenes, Kafei can get the Sun's Mask back and be reunited with Anju, who still loves him even though he is transformed. When they reunite (moments before the moon hits), they exchange oaths and join their masks together to form the Couple's Mask. They give Link the mask for being their witness, and wait together for the world to end. If Link stops the moon, the end credits show Anju in a wedding dress walking down the aisle, but the camera shows Kafei's perspective, so it is never definitively shown whether or not Kafei transforms back into a man when the malicious powers of Majora's Mask are destroyed (though the camera angle suggests that he is around Anju's height). It is plausible that he may become an adult again if he knew the Great Fairy could help him beforehand, and much of the other evil done by Majora's Mask is reversed when its power is lost.

Kafei's quest is the longest in the game, spanning all three days and involving several masks. During this optional quest to recover the Sun's Mask, the player is able to directly control Kafei for some brief segments, making him one of the first playable characters besides Link in the whole The Legend of Zelda series.

Anju's grandmother


Anju's grandmother is an old woman in a wheelchair who tells extremely long stories that only the wearer of a rare mask—the expensive All-Night Mask purchased at the Curiosity Shop—can listen to without falling asleep, and awards Pieces of Heart (which she refers to as "candy") to those who listen well. Her diary entry on the second and third days mentions that the family will be taking refuge at Romani Ranch to avoid the fall of the moon, and that she will maybe "take along some of Gampy's favorite books." It is unknown whether "Gampy" is the name of her husband, an approximation of "grampy" (i.e. Anju's grandfather), or the name of Anju's mother.

Her Hyrulean counterpart is an elderly woman who makes the blue potion in Ocarina of Time.



Aveil is the leader of the pirates living in the Fortress at the coast of Great Bay. She has been told by Majora's Mask that the eggs of the Zora Lulu are the key to getting rich very quickly, through treasure from the Great Bay Temple. Throughout the game she appears four times. The first time is when Link spies on a meeting between her, her second-in-command Te, her bodyguard Saba and her chief-of-security Vier. Her next appearance is as the first mini-boss of Gerudo Lagoon where she attacks Link although she is noticeably easier than Saba and Vier. Link disarms and thus she flees. Her third appearance is attempting to ride to the Great Bay Temple on a small canoe alongside Te, Saba and Vier although due to the massive hurricane surrounding the Temple they all get swept away by the storm and presumably killed. But she makes one final appearance in the end credits, where she is pictured with Te, Saba and Vier boating past the Marine Observatory, going out to sea and then almost immediately coming right back. She is the Terminian counterpart of the Second-in-Command after Nabooru of the Gerudo tribe in Ocarina of Time.

Bombers Secret Society of Justice


The Bombers are a group of young boys, led by a boy named Jim, who help the people of Clock Town. There are six members, one of whom guards the entrance to the Astral Observatory, which they use as a hideout. As a Deku Scrub, Link must play hide and seek and find five of them to get the password to their secret base. Once Link learns the password, he can use it to join their club (after going back in time and regaining his human form). They then give him the Bomber's Notebook, which can be used to catalog items, people and events. Jim reveals that they once had a non-human member and that they regret ever having him; upon Link receiving the Bomber's Notebook, Jim asks Tatl to tell Skull Kid that he has been removed from the group. The Astronomer at the Observatory also tells Link that Kafei was once part of the Bombers.

Moon children


The Moon childrenTemplate:Clarify me are five children on the Moon who each wear a mask representing either one of the four bosses or Majora's Mask. After Link gives enough masks to them, they allow him to enter the Moon Dungeons.[2]



A friend of Anju, Cremia runs Romani Ranch with her sister Romani. They are famous for their prized Chateau Romani Milk, but lately bandits have been stealing it. Cremia delivers Milk to clock town, but will be attacked en route if Link does not protect her. Once Link successfully defends her coach from the bandits, she will give him Romani's Mask, which allows him to access the Milk Bar in East Clock Town. If he goes back in time and does it again, he will either get two hundred rupees or a hug from Cremia (which makes Link feel "All warm and fuzzy inside").

Cremia does not believe what Romani says about the aliens at first. However, if Link does not help Romani fend them off the first day, she will be too depressed to deliver milk, because the cows will also be gone. If the aliens are successfully fended off, she seems to have believed her by the time Link saves Termina, as she is shown watching Romani practice in the credits. Also of interest is her relationship to Anju and Kafei. The dialog from Anju's mother and Cremia herself hints at a possible love triangle, where Cremia has (possibly unreturned) feelings towards Kafei. However, she's happy for Anju and does not intervene at any point, although Anju's mother apparently thinks otherwise.

Cremia is the Terminan counterpart to Malon from the Adult Link portion of Ocarina of Time.



Darmani is a Goron warrior who fell and died in a quest to end the unnaturally long winter in Goron Village: in traveling to the Snowhead Temple, he was blown off the narrow path by the concealed Biggoron and into the valley below. His spirit was visited by the owl Kaepora Gaebora, who told him that he will be visited by a magic-user who is able to see his ghost—Link. Darmani guides Link to his grave site, where he tells his story. He then asks Link if Link can use his magic to bring him back to life, but realizing that Link does not possess that power, he asks that Link soothe his spirit, broken for not being able to save his people from the fatal winter. Link plays the "Song of Healing" to soothe Darmani's spirit, and obtains the Goron Mask, which Link can use to take Darmani's form. While in this form, the Ocarina of Time becomes a quintet of marching drums known as the Goron Drums. Link's standard green cap and tunic are assumed into his Goron visage while wearing the mask; however, to all others he appears to look exactly like Darmani. When Link plays the Elegy of Emptiness in Goron form, the Goron statue left behind has a gigantic scar on its belly.

Darmani was a fairly accomplished Goron racer, and the personal hero of the Goron Elder's son when he was alive. He seems to have had a close relationship with the Goron Elder and his son. The Goron Elder reveals to Link, while in Goron form, that it was his wish for Darmani to inherit his position of patriarch.

Deku Butler


The Deku Butler is the butler to the Deku King of Termina. For saving the Deku Princess and her monkey friend, Link can enter a race with the Deku Butler. If Link wins, he receives the Mask of Scents.

In his brief time of dialogue and a scene during the end credits, it is believed that Link's Deku form comes from the deceased soul of a gnarled Deku Scrub seen near the beginning of the game, who is heavily implied to be the Butler's son.

Deku King


The Deku King is the ruler of the Deku tribe in Termina. His daughter is the Deku Princess.

Deku Princess


Link must rescue the Deku Princess from Woodfall Temple by defeating Odolwa, and return her to her father, the Deku King. Despite being almost Link's height, she is able to ride inside one of his bottles. A monkey friend of hers is accused of kidnapping her, but he is innocent. She appears to have a temperament equal to her father, displaying his fierce temper and general bad attitude. When hearing of her father's ill treatment of her friend (the king had tortured the monkey by dipping him in boiling hot liquid in his anger) she physically attacks her father in retribution when Link returns her to him, proving herself more than his match.

Four Giants


The Four Giants are beings worshiped by the Terminans as gods and guardians of their world. The Four Giants are shown as enormous wood-like heads with greenish beards and long, skinny limbs. When they assumed the responsibility of guardian deities, their friend the Skull Kid felt that they had wronged him, and he used the power of Majora's Mask to seal them into the four masked beasts. These four gods of Termina are worshipped at the Carnival of Time with a song sang at the top of the Clock Tower, in hopes of a good harvest in the year to come. They first appear when Link defeats Odolwa and they teach him the song "Oath to Order". Once they are all freed, Link must play the song to summon them to hold the Moon and stop it from falling in the Clock Town.

Gorman and the Gorman Brothers


Gorman is the leader of Gorman Troupe of performers that were hired to perform for the Carnival of Time. Most of the time he seems to be in a cranky mood, except towards Madame Aroma, his employer. Madame Aroma is forced to fire Gorman since the Carnival of Time may be cancelled due to the events going on in Termina. He retires to the Milk Bar and appears in a tipsy state afterwards, moping about how his older brother was good at handling horses and his younger brother at caring for horses, but not having any such skills himself. At night when Toto has Link played the Ballad of the Wind fish it causes Gorman to reminisce past memories. He reveals the main reason he joined showbusiness was so that he could meet the singer of the Indigo-Go's who sang the Ballad of the Wind Fish at the Carnival of Time a long time ago. Toto reveals to him that the Ballad of the Wind Fish's singer, Lulu, has been succeeded by her daughter, also named Lulu, and Gorman says he would like to hear her perform too. He then apologizes to Link for being rude to him and gives him the Circus Leader's Mask.

There is also a shady pair of characters called the Gorman Brothers who live near Romani Ranch. When Link speaks to them riding Epona they make fun of Link's horse and challenge him to a race. If he beats them they reward him with the Garo's Mask, provided that Link promises not to tell anyone about him beating them. If Link helps Cremia deliver milk to the Milk Bar on the night of the second day, the Gorman Bros. chase them through their racetrack since the way to Milk Road is blocked off, and so Link is forced to defend their carriage and the milk. If Link is wearing the Circus Leader's Mask they won't attack, although he has to complete the quest without this mask before it can be acquired.

Gorman and the Gorman Brothers are designed after Ingo from Ocarina of Time.

Goron Elder


The Goron Elder is the patriarch of the Goron tribe in Termina, and thus leader of their Northern mountain civilization. He becomes frozen in a block of ice after taking it upon himself to trek to Snowhead to deal with the storm plaguing the Goron civilization (after Darmani doesn't return). After freeing him from the ice, Goron Link is taught the first half of the "Goron's Lullaby". The Goron Elder's son is still only a child in Goron terms, a baby or a toddler at most. Once Link defeats Goht, he appears at the shrine with the other Gorons celebrating the end of the unnaturally long winter.

Goron Elder's son


The Goron Elder's son is the only son of the Goron Elder. He cries incessantly when his father is not around, and can only be calmed by the "Goron's Lullaby". He also seems to be close to Darmani, calling the older Goron "Darmi". Once Goht is defeated and spring returns to the mountains, he appears next to the entrance of the Goron racetrack which is blocked by a large boulder. Once the player helps remove the boulder the Goron races can commence and the Goron Elder's son asks "Darmi" to compete in the race.

Great Fairies


Happy Mask Salesman




The Indigo-Gos (ダル・ブルー, Daru Burū) are a musical band consisting of five Zoras. They are known especially for their old standby, "Ballad of the Wind Fish", which featured Lulu's mother as the lead singer and is distinctly different from the "Ballad of the Wind Fish" heard in Link's Awakening. At times during the game, the members of the band can be heard playing renditions of theme music from earlier The Legend of Zelda games, such as the "Hyrule Overture" (the original overworld theme) featured in the original The Legend of Zelda and A Link to the Past.

Evan is the band's leader, keyboardist and main songwriter. He looks fairly different from other Zoras, featuring more golden or brown scales and an eel-like tail coming from the back of his head in place of the usual dolphin one. He sent Mikau to retrieve Lulu's missing eggs. Evan writes most of the songs for the band, and dislikes it when others write songs without his input. He plays the "game over" theme from The Legend of Zelda for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Japas is the bassist of The Indigo-Gos. He is friends with Mikau, and has his cephalic fins styled like typical "grunge" hair; his manner of speech reflects his "slacker" demeanor also. His bass guitar is constructed from the body and forearm of a large crustacean. He and Mikau are reputed to regularly jam together. He plays the dungeon theme from The Legend of Zelda for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Lulu is the lead singer of The Indigo-Gos and has a beautiful singing voice. She is the Terminan counterpart of the adult form of Princess Ruto from Ocarina of Time, although she wears a blue dress. When her eggs are stolen by the Gerudo Pirates, she loses her voice, and does not regain it until she hears the "New Wave Bossa Nova" played on Mikau's guitar, which is taught to Link by the Zora children she bore. Her voice can rouse any person, including the Giant Turtle that takes Link to the Great Bay Temple.

Tijo is the drummer of The Indigo-Gos. He plays a large drum set seemingly made of pufferfish of various sizes. He knows a little bit about what is troubling Lulu and apparently rooms with Mikau. He plays the Cave Theme from A Link to the Past on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.

Link, as he appears in official art for Majora's Mask

Madame Aroma and Mayor Dotour


The Mayor of Clock Town, Dotour, is the husband of Madame Aroma and presumably the father of Kafei. He is only seen in his office in a long and tedious meeting in deciding if the Carnival of Time should be carried on or if the remaining people in Clock Town should evacuate. If Link wears the Couple's Mask during the meeting it helps the Mayor make his decision and decides that it is the choice of the people to stay or leave. He rewards Link with a Piece of Heart for helping him end the long meeting.

Madame Aroma is the wife of the mayor of Clock Town and Kafei's mother. A jolly yet serious woman, she hired the Gorman Troupe to perform in the Carnival of Time but was forced to fire them because of the strange events going on in Termina. When she meets Link she mistakes him for the professional detective she hired to look for Kafei and recruits him for the job by giving him the Kafei Mask. On the third day after the Curiosity Shop Owner gives Link the "Express Mail to Mama", depending on Link's decision on who to deliver to there are two different outcomes: if Link gives it to the Postman the Postman delivers it to her and she relieves him of his duty and therefore he is free to leave Clock Town (giving the player the postman's hat before he leaves), if Link delivers the letter himself she rewards him with a bottle of Chateau Romani.

Majora's Mask


Majora's Mask (ムジュラの仮面, Mujura no Kamen), also known as Majora, is the title character, primary antagonist and final boss in the game. It is a heart-shaped mask with two spikes at top and eight small ones at the bottom: four at the lower left and four at the lower right.

In ancient times, the mask was worshiped by an ancient tribe who used it in rituals involving the casting of hexes and curses. When they realized that they could not control the mask's evil, the tribe sealed it away from the world in the hopes that its power would never again be unleashed. By the time Link begins his journey, this tribe has faded into legend. Not long before the game's story, the mask was briefly in the possession of the Happy Mask Salesman; however, an imp known as Skull Kid steals the mask and wears it. From that point, the Mask begins to corrupt Skull Kid's mind and wishes, which eventually results in Skull Kid wishing for the Moon to abandon its orbit and crash into his world, a doomsday the player must prevent.

Though it seems as if the Skull Kid is the true evil, the Mask/Majora reveals itself to be the true evil, should the moon be stopped from its intended collision, and enters the Moon. It seems that the Moon itself is some sort of incarnation of Majora. At the very least, Majora begins possessing it upon the Mask's entrance into the Moon. Link, however, pursues the evil form inside to find a mystical world where four children, each bearing one of the Boss Masks, run and play. A fifth child sits alone by a tree, wearing Majora's Mask. After agreeing to play with the child, Majora faces Link in a psychedelically-colored yet barren room. He first attempts to defeat Link in the form of a massive, tentacled, floating mask, using attacks such as a fiery beam, spinning his spiked edges, and summoning the four Boss Masks to fight against Link. Once Link injures the Mask enough, Majora reveals his true incarnation: a childish, cycloptic persona that dances around the room. Once Link has hurt Majora enough, though, he appears to become angry, and unleashes a whip-wielding form known as Majora's Wrath. This is his last form, and if Link can successfully defeat it, Majora, both Wrath and Moon, are defeated.

The origin of the mask was only mentioned once in the game in an explanation from the Happy Mask Salesman. After finding out that Link's first attempt at recovering the Mask from the thief failed, he tells Link that Majora's Mask is an accursed item from legend, said to have been used by an ancient tribe in its hexing rituals. The Mask grants its wielder's wishes, but possesses them with an evil, apocalyptic power. According to this legend, the troubles caused by Majora's Mask were so great that the ancient ones, fearing catastrophe, "sealed the Mask in shadow forever", preventing its misuse. But by the time of Majora's Mask, the legendary tribe had vanished, and thus any other information about the origin and true nature of the Mask was lost.

It is unknown how the Happy Mask Salesman obtained it; eventually, Skull Kid and his fairy sibling companions Tatl and Tael managed to ambush him and steal it. Skull Kid began to wear the Mask, and eventually, it possessed his wishes, weakened his inhibitions and brought out his repressed feelings, such as anger and loneliness. By the beginning of the game, Skull Kid has already used the Mask to cause trouble in Termina, from small evils such as turning Kafei, a soon-to-marry young man, into a child, to greater destructive actions, like sealing the Four Giants, Termina's protectors, behind Masks, and causing sudden weather and geographical changes that threaten to kill the many Terminian races.


Link, in his Zora form, playing a fish skeleton guitar

Mikau is the guitarist of The Indigo-Gos, and often holds jam sessions with fellow band member Japas. Mikau is covered in many tattoos, which no other Zora seems to have. His guitar is made from the skeleton of a large fish. Link first encounters Mikau when he sees the guitarist floating in the ocean, on the verge of death from attempting to rescue Lulu's eggs from the Gerudo pirates. When Link brings the wounded Mikau to shore, Mikau gets to his feet and in a rather humorous manner tells Link what happened to him by playing a song and singing, collapsing afterwards. Link must play the "Song of Healing" to free Mikau's spirit of his troubles and obtain the Zora Mask, which Link can use to take Mikau's form.

The Jackson Guitar company produced a limited number of special guitars that were upscaled, usable, 7-string electric instruments modeled after Mikau's Fish-Bone Guitar. The instrument is said to be worth more than $20,000 and is referred to as the Zoraxe. In 2001, the guitar, then referred to be "one of a kind", was also the grand prize in a Nintendo Power sweepstakes.[3]





Romani is a girl who runs Romani Ranch with her sister Cremia. They are famous for their prized Romani Milk, but lately bandits have been stealing it. Mysterious ghosts/aliens also plague the ranch, stealing the cows before the Carnival of Time every year. Romani will try to defend the cows by practicing with a bow, but without Link's help, she fails in her endeavor, resulting in the abduction of both herself and the cows. If this happens, Romani returns on the second day wandering far outside her house in a daze with parts of her memory erased. On the third day, Link can still practice shooting fake aliens while riding on Epona and get new records, but Romani does not remember what the practice is for.

Aside from possessing a more cheery disposition than Malon, Romani also has a habit of referring to herself in the third person and likes to call Link "Grasshopper", which alludes to Malon calling Link "Fairy Boy".

Romani is the counterpart of the Ocarina of Time character Malon, as a child, even possessing the same voice with which she teaches Link "Epona's Song".

Skull Kid


Tatl and Tael


Tatl and Tael are siblings and the fairy companions of the Skull Kid. Tatl is female and glows with a light yellow color, while Tael is male and glows with a dark purple color. Early in the game, Tatl is separated from her brother and must grudgingly team with Link to reunite with him. Her personality sharply contrasts with that of Link's previous fairy companion, Navi, as Tatl is rather impatient and condescending towards Link throughout the game, ridiculing him for not knowing past enemies from Ocarina of Time, though by the end she seems to have warmed up to him, crying when he has to leave. The two fairies' names are a play on "tattletale", hinting at their childish natures and also explaining Tatl's function of "telling on" the bad guys, telling Link their secrets and weaknesses (though Tatl will sometimes admit that she has no idea how to deal with certain creatures) as well as Tael revealing that the Four Giants are needed to stop Skull Kid. In Japan they are known as Chat and Trail (チャットとトレイル, Chatto to Toreiru). Early direct translations from the Japanese were used by importers to discuss the characters before the North American version became available.[4]




  3. (January 2001), "A Bone to Pick!", Nintendo Power (140): 98-99
  4. This walkthrough says "Stalkid: An imp with only two friends, Chat and Trail, [...]". A fan site says "Stalkid - An imp who once had no friends, he is the companion of Chat and Trail." Also, the French-language Majora's Mask FAQ says "Ces deux fées s'appellent Chat et Trail (JP), connues sous les noms Tatl et Tael dans la version nord-américaine." This translates to: “These two fairies are called Chat and Trail (JP), known by the names Tatl and Tael in the North American version."