Tagalog/Lesson 4
This lesson will teach you about Tagalog numbers.

Diálogo (Dialogue)
editThe characters for this dialogue are Amy and Mark. The dialogue will be in Tagalog first, then an English translation will appear below the Tagalog original.
Sa Tagalog (In Tagalog)
editAmy: Mark, magkano ang tsokolate?
Mark: Tatlóng piso lang.
Amy: Masaráp ba iyán? (common: Masaráp ba 'yan?)
Mark: Oo. At mura pa. (common: Oo, mura pa.)
Amy: Sige, bíbili akó ng dalawá. (common: Sige, pabili ng dalawa)
Mark: Eto, Amy. Anim na piso iyán. (common: Eto, Amy. Anim na piso lahat.)
Amy: Sige. Salamat, Mark.
Mark: Waláng anumán.
Salin sa Inglés (English translation)
editAmy: Mark, how much is the chocolate?
Mark: Only three pesos.
Amy: Is it delicious?
Mark: Yes. And it's cheap. (common: Yes, even cheap.)
Amy: Okay, I'll buy two. (common: Ok, give me two.)
Mark: Okay, Amy. That's six pesos. (common: Here, Amy. Six pesos in total.)
Amy: Okay. Thanks Mark.
Mark: You're welcome, Amy.
Talasalitaan (Vocabulary)
edit- Magkano: How much
- Tsokolate: Chocolate
- Tatló: Three
- Piso: Peso
- Masaráp: delicious
- Mura: Cheap
- Bíbili: Will buy
- Dalawá: Two
- Salamat: Thank you
- Waláng anumán: You're welcome
Aralín (Lesson)
editMgá bilang kardinál (Cardinal numbers)
edit0 = walâ | |
1 = isá | 11 = labíng isá |
2 = dalawá | 12 = labindalawá |
3 = tatló | 13 = labintatló |
4 = apat | 14 = labíng apat |
5 = limá | 15 = labinlimá |
6 = anim | 16 = labíng anim |
7 = pitô | 17 = labing pitô |
8 = waló | 18 = labing waló |
9 = siyám | 19 = labinsiyám |
10 = sampû | 20 = dalawampû |
Tagalog has distinct words for numbers ranging from 0-10, as shown above. To form numbers within the range of 11 and 19, the prefix labíng- (or in some cases labin-, without the '-g') is added to the number separated by a dash (or not in some cases), as also shown above.
Numbers above 19 whose digit ends with zero use the base number (0-9) and add the suffix -mpû if the base number ends in a vowel, as shown in these examples:
- Dalawampû (Twenty)
- Limampû (Fifty)
If the ending letter of the base number ends with the letter "o", the letter is changed to "u" before adding the suffix -mpû, as shown in these examples:
- Tatlumpû (Thirty)
- Pitumpû (Seventy)
- Walumpû (Eighty)
If the ending letter of the base number is a consonant, the ligature na is added and the "m" from the suffix -mpû is dropped, incorporating na into the suffix. However, it is still spelled as one word, as shown in these examples:
- Apatnapû (Forty)
- Animnapû (Sixty)
- Siyamnapû (Ninety)
Numbers above 20 whose ending digit is a digit other than zero use the base form of the number but attach a contracted form of at, the Tagalog word for "and", written as 't, and are separated by a space, as shown in these examples:
- Apatnapú't pitô (Forty-seven)
- Dalawampú't anim (Twenty-six)
- Siyamnapú't siyám (Ninety-nine)
When numbers reach the hundreds range, the number is modified by dropping the last letter and adding the suffix -daán, as shown in these examples:
- Isandaán (One hundred)
- Limandaán (Five hundred)
There are exceptions, however. With numbers whose base number ends with "o", the "o" changes to a "u" before adding the suffix -daan, as shown in these examples:
- Tatlundaán (Three hundred)
- Pitundaán (Seven hundred)
- Walundaán (Eight hundred)
In numbers whose base number ends with a consonant, the ligature na is added before the suffix. However, the suffix -daán changes to -raán, as shown in these examples:
- Apatnaraán (Four hundred)
- Animnaraán (Six hundred)
- Siyamnaraán (Nine hundred)
For counting thousands, use the word libo, meaning "thousand".
- Isáng libo (One thousand)
- Tatlumpúng libo't apatnaraán at dalawá (Thirty thousand four hundred two)
For counting millions, use the word milyón, meaning "million".
- Isáng milyón (One million)
- Apat na milyó't tatlundaá't labíng-anim na libo't siyamnaraán at limá (Four million three hundred sixteen thousand nine hundred five)
Mgá bilang ordinál (Ordinal numbers)
editExcept for the number 1, Tagalog ordinals are made by adding the prefix ika- to the number in most cases, as shown in these examples:
- Ika-apat (Fourth)
- Ika-limá (Fifth)
- Ika-pitô (Seventh)
- Ika-waló (Eighth)
There are cases in which the first two letters of the base number are removed before adding the prefix -ika, as shown in these examples:
- Ikalawá (Second)
- Ikatló (Third)
You can also substitute the prefix pang- to indicate ordinality, examples:
- Pangalawá (Second)
- Pangatló (Third)
The number 1 is a special case, as it is written as una, taken from Spanish.
For numbers ranging above ten, the ika- prefix is applied to the number in the same way that it is done regularly, as shown in these examples below:
- Ika-labíng apat (Fourteenth)
- Ika-dalawampú't siyám (Twenty-ninth)
- Ika-walumpú't waló (Eighty-eighth)
Mgá bilang Espanyól (Spanish numbers)
editIn certain situations, such as the numbering of buildings or places and financial transactions, Spanish numbers are used instead of Tagalog ones.
0 = sero | |
1 = uno | 11 = onse |
2 = dos | 12 = dose |
3 = tres | 13 = trese |
4 = kuwatro | 14 = katorse |
5 = singko | 15 = kinse |
6 = sais | 16 = disisais |
7 = siyete | 17 = disisiyete |
8 = otso | 18 = disiotso |
9 = nuwebe | 19 = disinuwebe |
10 = diyes | 20 = bente |
editTranslate the following into English from Tagalog and from Tagalog to English.
Mga Sagot — Answers: 1. One Cat, 2. Two Giraffes, 3. Fives Presidents, 4. Limang Daan Euro.