A, A, A
Jab, Punch, Butt Slam. A fast but weak attack.
Forward + A
Luigi does a straight kick. Pushes the enemy back.
Dash + A
Luigi runs and punches like a maniac. It doesn't do much damage, and it isn't very useful.
Down + A
Luigi makes a low kick.
Up + A
Luigi uppercuts the opponent. Hits primarily above him.
Smash Forward + A
A karate-style punch. It's not very strong, but funny.
Smash Down + A
Swings his legs forward and back. More range and faster than his forward smash.
Smash Up + A
Swings his head forward, hitting enemies primarily above him. Low range, but powerful.
Neutral A
Luigi sticks his leg out in front of him. Unlike most, it gets more powerful the longer it stays out, but not by much.
Forward + A
Luigi makes a chop hit. Sends enemies forward; it's a good finishing move.
Backwards + A
He swings his feet behind him. Somewhat fast, okay range, sends enemies sideways.
Down + A
Luigi spins around. If the enemy is placed around Luigi's limbs, it can work as a Meteor Smash.
Up + A
Luigi does a backflip, swinging his leg primarily in front of and above him. Sends enemies up and forward some. Fast, low knockback.
Luigi throws a fireball out in front of him. The fireball only goes straight forward, unlike Mario's fireballs. It isn't very fast and doesn't do much damage.
Up + B
Super Jump Punch
Luigi uppercuts an enemy, and if an enemy is vary close to Luigi, he'll do a fieryuppercut with 25 % damage. If not, the enemy only gets 1%. Unlike Mario's/Doc's Up + B, this move only goes straight up.
Down + B
Luigi Cyclone
Luigi spins around rapidly, sending enemies every which way. This attack can be used for recovery if the player is tapping the B button very, very fast.
Forward + B
Green Missile
Luigi flies forward, this move can be charged to go more forward. It's a 12,5 % chance of the Green Missile being a Spontaneously Misfire. The Misfire makes Luigi go even more forward than usually.
He throws the opponent on the ground, who then bounces up.
Luigi swings around once and throws the enemy forward.
Luigi simply throws the enemy up.
Luigi swings around several times, throwing the enemy behind him. A respectable kill move.
This trick requires two Luigis standing within range of their up-B attacks, but so that their up-B does not connect with its fiery sweet-spot. At this point, both Luigis can alternate using their up-B attack, climbing higher and higher into the air; they will accumulate damage but never die. This tactic can be used as a stall in team tournaments and is usually banned.