A quick punch.
Forward + A
Kick out in front of him.
Dash + A
Rams into you with his shoulder
Down + A
Kneels down and "trips" you with a ground kick.
Up + A
Brings his foot above his head and slams it down onto the ground.
Smash Forward + A
Thrusts his elbow forward, sending the opponent away in flames.
Smash Down + A
He brings his foot behind him, then strongly kicks fowrard, then behind him.
Smash Up + A
He ducks then kicks twice above his head. Usually the first kick is weak putting the enemy in perfect position for the second kick. If the opponent is far from him and gets hit with just the foot, it'll send him flying.
A (Lying down)
Does a handstand, then does the splits while upside down attacking both in front of him and behind him at the same time, then flips back onto his feet.
A (Hanging of Edge)
Ganondorf jumps back onto the edge, then does a quick kick.
He kicks while doing a kick.
Forward + A
He performs a rather devastating punch. If your timing is of, it'll be very weak. If you connect just as he executes it, it'll be very strong and the enemy will get sent flying at a low trajectory.
Backwards + A
He twists his body around and punches behind him.
Down + A
He rams his feet downward sending opponents downward, unless they're on the ground. Then they go up.
Up + A
He does a backflip in the air, attacking with his feet.
Warlock Punch
He charges up this punch for a little less than a second then unleashes a fiery attack that sends opponents flying quite far, even with the slightest damage.
Up + B
Dark Dive
He jumps into the air, attempting to grab an enemy. If he does then he attacks then causes an explosion, sending you away, in flames, might I add. If you've double jumped and you get hit, you can double jump again. If you connect with this move you can repeat it.
Down + B
Wizard's Foot
On the ground, he slides across the ground with a "magic forcefield" in front of him. In the air, he dives downward in the same fashion, and can spike in this fashion.
Forward + B
Gerudo Dragon
On the ground, he charges forward for a short distance, and when he connects, he sends the opponent upward, in flames again. An aerial Gerudo Dragon will send the opponent up, but be careful, because you'll lose all attacking ability, as if you used an Up-B.
He throws the opponent on the ground. Follow up with a Gerudo Smash.
He Punches you up into the air. Many moves can follow this.
After grabbing you, he will smash you upward with an open palm, sending you sky high.
He kicks you from behind himself. On the edge, you can follow with a Meteor Smash.
Double jump, then do a Wizard's Foot. Afterwards you can Double jump again. Since he loses a lot of height after the kick, only use it if you are hit away from the stage on a high trajectory.