Sport Innovation/TI Network/BMC 4

Week 4 - Customer Discovery Business Model Canvas

Week 4 Business Model Canvas

Attached on the right hand side of this page is the Week 4 - Customer Discovery Business Canvas Model. (Enlarge the attached Business Model Canvas by left-clicking on the enlarge symbol in the lower right hand corner of the photo. Then click on Full Resolution.)

This is the revised Business Canvas Model due to the responses received from the Week 3 Questionnaires and Interviews.

The main change made to the Business Model Canvas was maintaining the $20 one time sign up fee for High School, College and Amateur Athletes, but increasing the Professional Athletes one time sign up fee to $30. Based on the responses received, this change was made because the data shows the professional athletes were willing to pay more due to the fact that they have more to gain. This was especially true with professional althetes looking for sponsorship.

The previous statement also led to one other change, which was updating and revising the Professional Athlete Customer Segment to those athletes only looking for sponsorship.

Evolution of the Business Model Canvas for Talent Identification Network(TTIM.COM) Post Customer Discovery