Sidux/Print version


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System installation


What you have to do first is downloading ISO image of aptosid (former: sidux) from the project page:
I'll make my installation on old laptop Compaq Evo N620c, Pentium M 1.3GHz, !.5GB RAM, 40GB hard drive,
graphic card ATI Radeon 7500 so i choose XFCE.
I suggest to use any download manager such as FlashGet, GetRight or Firefox web browser with DownThemAll! add-on.


Most burning applications have "iso image burn/write" option so use that one.
Burning should be make as slow speed as possible to evoid writing mistakes.

Attention !


If you have only one partition on your computer hard drive with Windows installed on it, you must:

  1. Make cleaning "C" drive: to remove all unwanted files.
  2. Make defragmentation of "C" drive.
  3. Make Back-up of Windows system to an external drive or burn it on CD/DVD drives.

Booting live CD

  1. Put sidux CD/DVD in your computer optical drive.
  2. Re-start your computer and get to BIOS with F2 or F10 bottom.
    1. Go to BOOT section - choose BOOT from optical drive as the first booting option.
    2. Next: SAVE CHANGES.
    3. Confirm changes with F10 and start sidux live CD.
  3. After displaying BOOT LOADER choose F2 from OPTIONS if you want to change language (default=english).
  4. Click ENTER to load system.

Network configuration

  1. Having ETHERNET connection do nothing, connection will be established itself.
  2. WIRELESS (Wi-fi) connection - have a look Ceni



Any changes you make on hard drive may damage existing file system
- you do that on your own risk!
This is sample partitioning - it may be vary, dependent of existing partitions.

1. Running installation

Choose "sidux-installer" icon from desktop-> then Next

2. Standard partitioning

Run Partition Manager "gParted" for : /dev/sda -> Forward
2.1. Partition /dev/sda1 (C:) contains system Windows with ntfs file system.
2.2. Partition /dev/sda5 (D:) contains ntfs file system - delete it.
2.3. Create new partition on unallocated space as "Extended partition".

2.4. Create new partition on unallocated space as ext4 file system sized 100 MB (sda5).
2.5. Create new partition on unallocated space as ext4 file system sized 10000 MB (sda6).
2.6. Create new partition on unallocated space as linux-swap file system sized 500 MB (sda7).
a. If your RAM memory is up to 1 GB make swap partition two times bigger than RAM.
b. If your RAM memory is more than 1 GB the swap partition may be the same or smaller than RAM.
2.7. Create new partition on unallocated space as ext4 file system using rest of it (sda8).
2.8. Changes have not be made yet - you can still abort it ;)
2.9. Click on green bottom-> Apply

2.10. After that close gParted and get back to installation window; new partitions are visible now.

3. Partitioning of only one existing partition with Windows system installed on it

Run partition manager gParted for: /dev/sda -> Forward.
3.1. For Windows XP usually it's partition /dev/sda1 or /dev/hda1
3.2. For Windows Vista you have to detect partition with installed Windows system,
I never work under Vista before.
3.3. For Windows 7 (on my second laptop) it is partition /dev/sda3
3.4. Do not delete the partition !!! Just change the partition size for two times bigger
than Windows 7 occupy now -> Resize.
3.5. On a part of partition you made free create "Extended Partition" first and four other partitons
as the same way as above (standard partitioning).
3.6. Click on green bottom -> Forward - Are yoy sure? -> Forward.
3.7. When you finish partitioning stop the installation.
3.8. Run Windows system and wait until Windows checks its own file system and run it normally.
3.9. If everything is ok, run sidux live CD again and back to installation.

4. Set mountpoints

Set mountpoints for all partitions (remember it's only an example) such as:
4.1. Main (root): /dev/sda6 as "/"
4.2. Boot: /dev/sda5 as "/boot"
4.3. Home: /dev/sda8 as "/home" -> then Forward.

5. Grub/Timezone

5.1. Bootmanager: GRUB
5.2. Target: mbr
5.3. Time zone: Etc/UTC; if you want to change it click on: PREFERENCE and choose your country,
and your city, then-> OK.
5.4. Click on Forward.

6. User

Type root password, user name and password -> FORWARD.

7. Network

Hostname: keep "sidux" or type your name -> FORWARD.

8. Firmware

Installator has been detected missing drivers unavailable on sidux CD
8.1. One of theme is Wireless Networing Card driver so I can't make internet connection without it.
8.2. Using another computer download package "zd1211-firmware" from:
8.3. Then copy the package on blank CD/DVD or a pen drive and move it to your home folder.
8.4. Open Terminal: Menu-> Accesories-> Terminal as root (root password is not set up)
8.5. Check your home folder with "ls" command to make sure the "zd1211-firmware" package is there.
8.6. Install the package:
dpkg -i zd1211-firmware_version_no.deb
modprobe -r zd1211rw
modprobe zd1211rw

9. Ceni

Now open Network Manager Ceni: Menu-> Network-> Ceni.
9.1. Choose "Hardware interface": wlan0
9.2. Next: Scan
and choose your Wi-fi name's network from the list
9.3. Type your Wi-fi password in "Preshared Key" window and click on: Accept
9.4. If your router gives IP automatically leave method: dhcp on "Network settings for wlan0".
9.5. Then: Accept and close Ceni down.


10. Non-free firmware

Get back to installator - there is still missing "tg3" driver.
10.1. In option: Installable driver found. Installation add non-free sources (it will add non-free repositories)->
click on Add.
10.2. Then go to Terminal again and install missing driver:
apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree
modprobe -r tg3
modprobe tg3
3. Close Terminal down.

11. Back to installation

Get back to installator again :-) and click on Forward -> Save config & Next
11.1. umount all partitions? -> Yes
11.2. Click on: Begin Instalation to start installation
11.3. After 5-10 minutes about
system is installed
11.4. Close the live system down, remove CD and boot your computer up from hard drive.

Next to Post-instalation work
Back to Main page

System installation on external drive

If you don't want to divide your hard drive to make new partitions for sidux, you can try it anyway
making installation on an external drive (Pen Drive, Flash Drive lub External Hard Drive).
There are three ways to do so.

1. Live system installation



1. After "iso" file downloading Sidux/System installation/Downloading, burn it on a CD: Sidux/System installation/Burning
and boot Live system: Sidux/System installation/Booting Live CD connect your external drive to an USB port.
2. Next format the drive using for example Gparted: Sidux/Useable applications/External drive/Formating
for "fat32" or "ext2" file system.
3. Run the installator: Menu-> System-> install-sidux-to-usb and click on: Apply.
a. It's possible to make installation from hard drive if you installed sidux on it before,
then choose "iso" image file from a drive.
4. It will open Terminal so type root password.
5. sidux will be installed after a few minutes.



Re-boot your computer, get BIOS in and set: "Boot computer from USB" as the first booting option.
sidux-on-a-stick has its own Bootloader installed and can't see others operating systems.
Just choose only the one system you see.


sidux-on-a-stick has a few good and bad points.
+ it's so small it can be installed on a 500 MB drive
+ it runs much faster than from a CD/DVD
- it's only a copy of Live system
- after system restarting all your dates and settings will be lost, store theme on other partition
or other external drive. Sidux/Post-installating work/Mounting partitions/Temporary mounting
- you will be working on root account with no password in graphical environment
1. I suggest to set root password: Sidux/System management/Root account changes, add an user
and its password: Sidux/System management/User account changes.
2. Next log out (don't re-boot system) and log in as an user.
3. It's good idea to active system firewall: Sidux/Post-installation work/Firewall
4. And add repositories: Sidux/Post-installation work/Repositories.

2. Full installation



sidux-on-a-stick full installation looks similar like hard drive installation.
1. It can be done after sidux Live started: Sidux/System installation/Booting sidux Live CD
then choose: "sidux-installer" from your desktop.
2. Click on "Forward" (you will not create live-usbstick)
3. There is only one different: choose "/dev/sdb1" as new root partition "/".
4. Next make exactly the same as hard drive installation: Sidux/System installation/Installation
a. choose time zone
b. create root password, user name and password
c. choose host name
d. install missing drivers Sidux/System installation/Installation/8.Firmware if the installator detected any
e. save configuration and start installation





Re-boot your computer, get BIOS in and set: "Boot computer from USB" as the first booting option.
This time Bootloader will detect all installed systems on hard and pen drives.


The system has been installed "in normal mode" so configure it in the same way as hard drive installation:
Sidux/Post-installation work

3. Raw device installation

The third and the last way to install sidux on a pen is "Raw device installation".
I don't have any raw external drive so I can't check it myself.
But if you want to do that, there is full instruction on:

More about sidux-on-a-stick is here:

Post-installation work


If you want to have an access to non-free, contrib and multimedia repositories just change
"sources.list" file adding new server addresses.
There are two ways to do so:
1. Midnight Commander's built-in text editor: Menu-> Accessories-> Terminal:
admin/root password
a. Tab "Options" -> Configuration-> use internal edit-> make sure it is marked and Save it.
b. Go to: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list -> edit it with F4 key.
c. Change a line:
deb sid main
d. For new one you can see below:
deb sid main contrib non-free
e. Add new line of multimedia repo:
deb sid main non-free
f. Save the file with F2 bottom and escape using F10 key.
g. Enter file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sidux.list and change the line for:
deb sid main contrib non-free fix.main fix.contrib fix.non-free
or: sid main contrib non-free fix.main fix.contrib fix.non-free
h. Save it and quit Midnight Commander.

2. Mousepad text editor -> Terminal
 root password
mousepad /apt/etc/sources.list.d/debian.list
mousepad /apt/etc/sources.list.d/sidux.list
(sux command lets run softwares in graphic environment straight from a text console as root)
a. Change first line and add other repositories addresses as you did using "mc".
b. Tab File-> Save it and close editor.

3. Download "debian-multimedia-keyring" package (public key) from:
Go to Terminal and (as a root) install it:
dpkg -i debian-multimedia-keyring_2008.10.16_all.deb
b. Refresh packages list:
apt-get update
c. And install updates:
apt-get dist-upgrade

Language packages

If you have chosen different language than English you may install missing language packages.
Just check what's available to get, I used to install additional polish packages:
apt-get install wpolish myspell-pl aspell-pl iceweasel-l10n-pl
For KDE I install package:


The firewall "iptables" is pre-installed with the system, what you have to do is activate it.
1. The simplies way to do that is use "ufw" (Uncomplicated Firewall) so create two rules for firewall:
all outgoing connection are allowed and all incoming connections are blocked:
apt-get install ufw
ufw enable
You should get confirmation:
Firewall is active and enabled on system startup
You can always check the firewall status:
ufw status
Status: active
Or deactive it (I suggest not):
ufw disable

2. There is an another way to activate firewall using GUI software like Firestarter or Gufw
or Guarddog for KDE.

Mounting partitions

After system installations all partitions should be detected and mounted automatically
in "/media" folder.
In a case if anyone missing you can mount it manually.
Run terminal and type:
 root password
fdisk -l
You will get a list of all partitions on your computer drive including not mounted.

Pernament mounting

All partitions will be mounted pernamently editing "fstab" file, type it in Termial as root:
mousepad /etc/fstab

1. "ntfs" file system partition (for example /dev/sda1) read only: add the line on the end of the list:
/dev/sda1  /media/sda1  ntfs-3g  ro,users,auto   0   1
a. Do not use "Space" button but "Tab" only.
b. Create "sda1" subfolder in "/media":
mkdir /media/sda1
c. And install "ntfs" package if needed:
apt-get install ntfs-3g

2. "fat32/vfat" file system partition (for example /dev/sda5), read and write - add the line:
/dev/sda5  /media/sda5  vfat  rw,users,auto   0   1
/dev/sda5  /media/sda5  vfat  defaults,umask=007,gid=46,utf8,auto   0   1
Create "sda5' subfolder in "/media":
mkdir /media/sda5

3. "ext3" or "ext4" (for example /dev/sda6) - add the line:
/dev/sda6   /media/sda6   ext4   defaults,users,auto   0   1
Create "sda6" subfolder in "/media:
mkdir /media/sda6

4. "swap" partition (for example /dev/sda7) - add the line:
/dev/sda7    none    swap   sw    0    0

Any "fstab" file changes will be working after system rebooting.

Temporary mounting

Partitions can be temporary mounted for a session time.
1. Create "new" subfolder (for example) in "/home" directory and mount a "vfat" (sda5) partition:
mkdir /home/your_user_name/new
mount /dev/sda5 /home/your_user_name/new -t vfat
2. The mounted partition will be unmounted automatically after system reboot or having command:
umount /dev/sda5

Next to System and packages management
Back to Main page

System and packages management, applications intallation

Packages management


In Terminal

You have to softwares for packages management : "dpkg" and "apt-get".
1. If you want to install new software/package from repositories just type in Terminal as root:
apt-get update
apt-get install package_name
2. If you want to install a package "deb" downloaded from other site:
cd download_folder
dpkg -i package_name.deb
a. If a package needs additional dependences and installation has been stoped, then:
apt-get install -f
b. If a package has been not configurated correctly, fix it:
dpkg --reconfigure -a 
3. Removing packages:
apt-get remove package_name
4. Removing package with it's dependences:
apt-get --purge remove package_name
apt-get autoremove
5. Removing old versions of installation packages:
apt-get autoclean
6. If you don't know a package name look for it using:
apt-cache search package_name
apt-file search package_name
7. If you want to install "bin" package, make:
sh package_name.bin
If the package doesn't have execute rights, change it:
chmod a+x package_name

Packages installation with Synaptic

sidux developers suggest to install packages using "apt-get" command only.
But you can do it with "apt-get" GUI called Synaptic, if you prefer:
apt-get install synaptic
Run Synaptic from: Menu-> System-> Synaptic Package Manager-> type your root password.
1. First icon "Reload" will refresh packages list.
2. "Search" icon will help you to find exec software.
3. When you receive the package list mark your one clicking on "Mark for installation" and "Apply".
4. Confirm it and wait for completion, then close Synaptic down.

System upgrading

1. sidux developers suggest to make system upgrade using only "apt-get" command:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade
2. If you want to keep older version of a package (upgrading will not be made), just block it:
 echo package_name hold|dpkg --set-selections
a. To check blocked packages agains upgrading:
dpkg --get-selections | grep hold
b. If you want unblock blocked package for upgrading it:
echo package_name install|dpkg --set-selections

Other repositories and public key

If you want to install a package from other server, just add an address to repositories list
using any text editor as a root to file:
2. Then refresh package list with command:
apt-get update
2. If you recive a missing public key message so install it:
a. Software makers have public key sometimes to download so take it.
b. If not add a key using command:
gpg --keyserver --recv key_ID
gpg --export key_ID | apt-key add -

System management


Removing old system kernel

sidux makers upgrade system kernel often but they have given a small script to help removing old one easy.
1. Menu-> System-> kernel-remover
2. Mark a kernel version with lower number-> then OK.
3. Should I remove this kernel? -> OK.
The software doesn't show present version of kernel for removing just old ones but I suggest to not
removing all of theme, keep one old just in a case.

System administration

If you want to make any system changes just run: Menu-> Settings-> Xfce4 Settings Manager.
I'll show you the most important only.
1. Preferred Applications.
a. If you want to change any application for your one choose it from the list or "Other".
b. If you've selected "Other" choose an execute script from "/usr/bin" or your own folder.
2. Removable Drives and Media.
a. Storage tab: I suggest to not mark "Auto-run" and "Auto-open" programs and files on new drives.
b. Multimedia tab: Play audio or video CD's - choose any media player or do not mark it,
so you will run CD's files manually.
c. Cameras tab: Import digital photos when connected - use one of theme: gThumb, F-spot or DigiKam.
3. File Manager: Bahavior tab - Single or Double click to activate items to choose.
4. Workspaces: choose one or more.
5. Desktop: choose a wallpaper, icon size or media mounting on Desktop.
6. Display: choose a screen if you have more than one, its resolution and refresh rate.
7. Window Manager.
a. Style tab: choose a theme.
b. Keyboard tab: shortcut to manage.
8. Session and Startup.
a. Splash tab: choose any.
b. Application Autostart: you may add any application to start it when system starts.
9. Panel: customize the panel settings - size, position, autohide or add new one.
10. Appearance: change windows style, icons theme or fonts.

Working on files


Midnight Commander

Sometimes you have to work on files and folders (often as a root).
One of the best way is using terminal's Midnight Commander:
root password
a. To copy a file/folder mark it in one window and click F5 key, it do that to a folder in second window.
b. To move a file/folder use F6 key.
c. If you want to delete a file/folder use F8.
d. F7 key creates new folder.
e. If you want to make a view for a file use F3 key, to edit it F4.

In Terminal

2. Another way to make all the works is typing a command in Terminal:
a. To create a file:
touch /home/user_name/new_file
b. To create folder:
mkdir /home/user_name/folder_name
c. To copy a file:
cp /path_to_file /path_to_new_folder
d. To copy a folder:
cd -r /path_to_folder /path_to_new_folder
e. To remove a file:
rm /path_to_file
f. To remove folder:
rm -r /path_to_folder
g. If a folder is not empty:
rm -rf /path_to_folder
h. To check files in a folder:
i. To go to a folder one level lower:
cd folder_name
j. To go to a folder one level upper:
cd ..
k. To go to other folder:
cd /folder_patch


Another way to do that with graphic application is using Thunar File Manager with mouse helps menu.

GRUB boot loader

GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader) is a boot loader package installed in main drive sector.
It can run many operating systems.
There is Grub version 2 provided with sidux.
1. If you can't find all installed systems on your hard drive on boot loader list, type in Terminal as root:
Changes will be effective after reboot system.
2. If you want to change system startup delay (it's normally 5 sec.) just edit the file as root:
mousepad /etc/default/grub
and change the line: GRUB_TIMEOUT=5 for any you'd like and save the file.

More about GRUB2 read on the project page:
And on Wikipedia:

Time zone

If your system's clock doesn't display exect time, just reconfigure it:
Terminal as root:
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Choose a continent first and a town after.

Default system language

To change it just type in Terminal as root:
dpkg-reconfigure locales
Depending of "locales" package version mark your language or choose from a list (I suggest UTF8).



Adding new entry to Menu

Most applications installers have scripts adding entry to Menu but sometimes you have to do it yourself.
Terminal as a root:
mousepad /usr/share/applications/application_name.desktop
And type it in the new file:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Application name
Comment=What is it for
Save the file and close Mousepad down. There is en example for "Touchepad" application below:
[Desktop Entry]
The icon file patch can be different.

Desktop theme changing

1. Wallpaper: download new one from: for example or use any picture.
a. Right click on your picture and choose: "Set as wallpaper"
2. Icons: download a set of icons from the same website.
a. Extract it.
b. Open Terminal as root and run "mc" then move extracted new icon folder to: "/usr/share/icons".
c. Choose new icon theme from: Menu-> Settings-> Appearance-> Icons tab-> choose the new one or any.
d. Icon size changing: Menu-> Settings-> Desktop-> Icons tab-> Icon size.
3. Style: Menu-> Settings-> Appearance-> Style tab-> choose any.
4. Login window: download new one from the same website from DGM Themes department.
a. Open: Menu-> Settings-> Login Window-> Local tab.
b. Click on "Add" and choose downloaded package.
c. Mark it and close the window down, the new login style will be working after next log in.

Panel castomize

Panel applets make faster access to many system and personal functions. I'll show you a few only.
1. Action Buttons lets you block desktop or shut system down in quick way.
2. DateTime adds a clock, date and calendar.
3. Weather Update brings temperature, atmosphere pressure, humidity, wind speed, etc.
4. Mail Watcher checks all your e-mail boxes on "pop3, imap, gmail" servers.
5. Network Monitor shows incoming and outgoing speed trafic.
6. Mixer Plugin lets you control the sound level for speakers and microphones.
7. Xfce4 Stopper just let you set a timer up.

Users and groups


User account changes

1. To add new user type in Terminal as root:
adduser new_user_name
2. If you want to change your password type in Terminal (not as root):
Changing password for your_name
Old password: type your present password
Enter the new password (minimum 5, maximum 8 characters).
Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
New password: type your new password
Re-enter new password: re-type your new password
Password changed
3. Removing an user:
userdel user_name
4. Removing an user with its home folder and all files:
userdel -r user_name

Root account changes

1. To change root password make (if you know it):
type present root password
passwd root
New password UNIX: type new root password
Re-enter new password for UNIX: re-type new root password
2. To change root password (if you forgot or don't know it):
a. Run computer from sidux LiveCD or any Linux Live distribution.
b. Open Terminal as root:
  • check root "/" partition name (it's "/dev/sda6" on my computer):
su or sudo (depends of Live distribution)
fdisk -l
  • create new folder "sid_temp" for example in "media" folder:
mkdir /media/sid_temp
  • mount root "/" partition of hard drive file system in Live system:
mount /dev/sda6 /media/sid_temp
  • check has been it mounted correctly:
cd /media/sid_temp
  • and change unknown root password for new one:
chroot /media/sda6 passwd
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Operations on groups

1. To create a new group:
groupadd group_name
2. To remove a group:
groupdel group_name
3. To add an user to a group:
adduser user_name group_name



Basic informations

1. The main system security thing is the system itself becouse the system is locked with root password;
demaging it is very difficult.
2. Linux file system is virus-proof for most known malwares.
3. Regular updating remove mistakes and provides new applications functions.


The firewall keeps out incoming access to your computer from outside.
So the first thing after system installation is the firewall activation.
You can do that in a few ways, just have a look: Sidux/Post-installation work/Firewall

Antivirus application

Sincerely - you don't need it at all but you can use it for outgoing e-mails scanning
- most our friends use different operating system; and for external drives scanning befor
connecting theme to the different OS.

If you'd like try an antivirus application available from Debian's repositories ClamAV with KlamAV GUI:
apt-get install clamav klamav
More about ClamAV here: and on Wikipedia: Clam AntiVirus

Try others antivirus applications for Linux:
  1. avast!
  2. f-prot
  3. Panda
  4. AVG
  5. Dr.Web


Rootkit is a dengerous tool hidding processes with can take control of your computer over.
A tool for looking for and removing rootkits from linux system is chkrootkit.
Install it in Terminal:
apt-get install chkrootkit
To scan your operating system run the command:

Next to Useable applications
Back to Main page

Useable applications

I recommend all the applications but you can choose different ones ;-)


  1. Web browsers
  2. E-mail clients
  3. Instant messangers
  4. VoIP telephony
  5. Download managers
  6. P2P file sharing
  7. Ftp clients
  8. HTML editing
  9. Local networks managing
  10. Local computers connecting
  11. Anonymity network


  1. Codecs and fonts
  2. Video players
  3. Audio players
  4. Audio and video editing
  5. Sound mixers
  6. Burning CD and DVD


  1. Text editors
  2. Office suites
  3. PDF readers


  1. Image viewers
  2. Image editors
  3. Photos album maker


  1. Java virtual machine
  2. Wine
  3. VirtualBox
  4. VMware Player


  1. File archivers
  2. Desktop add-ons
  3. Desktop special effects
  4. Games
  5. Calculators
  6. File managers
  7. Notpads
  8. Screen saver
  9. Application finder
  10. Screenshot

Peripheral devices

  1. Bluetooth
  2. Digital camera
  3. External drive
  4. Printer
  5. Webcam


  1. Graphic environments

Back to Main page

Solving problems

I think everybody can agree with me if I say there is not any perfect Operating System exist at all.
But sincerely I have to say when I changed my OS for Debian that problem disappeard themselve.
That's why (no problems) I decided to spend my free time to write this book.

When problems come to you, this book can't solve theme because it's not the book destiny.
If you can't find answers for yours questions in the book I propose to look for on Wiki's, FAQ's,
forums web pages or just type your problem in any web search page.
Somebody had the same problem before like you and someone else has published an answer for sure.

Anyway to make Linux, Debian and sidux matters closer I propose to check a few web sides
having some informations to use:

From author

I am providing this book in I hope than everyone can find something for themselves.
I have written it as an practical user guide with a simply role: "to get what you want follow the instruction"
If anybody want to find out more about Linux system processes, it is easy to do that within the rich Debian's
and Sidux's community.

What is missing in the book?

  • Applications system descriptions for home users.
  • Source code applications compilations - may not be necessary, since most applications can be installed from repositories or binary packages.

What is inside?

Practical use (100%):
  • System installation guide
  • System basic configuration
  • Installation guide for applications and peripheral devices
Concluding everything I really recommend GNU/Linux Debiana OS (unstable "sid") for daily using
on home machines because it's the most stable and perfect operating system I ever worked.

Pawel "pavroo" 29th June 2010