Puzzles/Action sequences/Crossing the River/Solution

Puzzles | Action sequences | Crossing the River | Solution

Label the farmer F, wolf W, goat G, cabbage C, river . and boat < >.

FWGC <  >.....
 W C  ..<FG>..
 W C  .....<  > F G
 W C  ..<F >..    G
FW C <  >.....    G
   C  ..<FW>..    G On this trip, the farmer can take either the Wolf or the cabbage.  All else 
      ........         remains the same.
   C  .....<  > FWG
   C  ..<FG>..   W
F GC <  >.....   W
  G   ..<FC>..   W
  G   .....<  > FW C
  G   ..<F >..   W C
F G  <  >.....   W C
      ..<FG>..   W C
      .....<  > FWGC