
Basic Statistics

  HP Attack Defense Speed Special Attack Special Defense
Base Stats (RB/Y) 95 125 79 81 100
Base Stats (GS/C) 95 125 79 81 60 100
Base Stats (RS/FL/E) 95 125 79 81 60 100
Base Stats (DP/PT/HGSS)
Base Stats (BW/B2W2)
Base Stats (XY/ORAS)
Base Stats (SM/USUM)
Base Stats (Sword/Shield/BDSP)
Max Stats (RB/Y) 393 348 256 260 298
Max Stats (GS/C) 393 348 256 260 218 298
Max Stats (RS/FL/E) 394 383 282 287 240 328
Max Stats (DP/PT/HGSS)
Max Stats (B/W/B2W2)
Max Stats (X/Y/ORAS)
Max Stats (SM/USUM)
Max Stats (Sword/Shield/BDSP)
Effort Points (Sword/Shield/BDSP)

Type Matching


Move types which are very good on Gyarados: Electric
Move types which are good on Gyarados: Rock
, Ice Move types which are bad on Gyarados: Bug, Fighting, Fire, Steel², Water
Move types which don't effect Gyarados: Ground

All other move types are normal effectiveness on Gyarados.

¹ – Red/Blue/Yellow only
² – All other Pokemon games


Level Red / Blue Yellow Gold / Silver Crystal Ruby / Sapphire
XD / Colosseum
Fire Red / Leaf Green
Start Bite
Dragon Rage
Hydro Pump
Dragon Rage
Hydro Pump
Thrash Thrash Thrash Thrash
20 Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite
25 Dragon Rage Dragon Rage Dragon Rage Dragon Rage Dragon Rage Dragon Rage
30 - - Leer Leer Leer Leer
32 Leer Leer - - - -
35 - - Twister Twister Twister Twister
40 - - Hydro Pump Hydro Pump Hydro Pump Hydro Pump
41 Hydro Pump Hydro Pump - - - -
45 - - Rain Dance Rain Dance Rain Dance Rain Dance
50 - - Hyper Beam Hyper Beam Dragon Dance Dragon Dance
52 Hyper Beam Hyper Beam - - - -
55 - - - - Hyper Beam Hyper Beam


  • RB/Y/GS/C/RS/FL: Blizzard, Double Team, Fire Blast, Hyper Beam, Rest, Strength, Surf, Thunder, Toxic
  • RB/Y/C/RS/FL: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
  • GS/C/RS/FL: Attract, Frustration, Hidden Power, Protect, Rain Dance, Return, Roar, Rock Smash, Sandstorm, Waterfall
  • C/RS/FL: Flamethrower
  • RB/Y: Bide, Body Slam, Bubblebeam, Double-Edge, Dragon Rage, Mimic, Rage, Reflect, Skull Bash, Substitute, Take Down, Water Gun
  • GS/C: Curse, Dragonbreath, Endure, Headbutt, Icy Wind, Sleep Talk, Snore, Swagger, Whirlpool, Zap Cannon
  • RS/FL: Dive, Earthquake, Facade, Hail, Secret Power, Taunt, Torment, Water Pulse

Variant Forms


Shiny Gyarados


While all Pokémon have a shiny version, the crimson red shiny Gyarados is perhaps among the most famous shiny Pokémon due to its inclusion in the plot of the generation II games set in Johto.

Mega Gyarados


Trading Cards

  • Base Set #6 - Gyarados
  • Team Rocket #8 - Dark Gyarados
  • Team Rocket #25 - Dark Gyarados
  • Gym Challenge #5 - Giovanni's Gyarados
  • Gym Challenge #13 - Misty's Gyarados
  • Neo Revelation #65 - Shining Gyarados
  • Skyridge #H10 - Gyarados
  • Skyridge #11 - Gyarados
  • EX Dragon #32 - Gyarados
  • EX FireRed & LeafGreen #109 - Gyarados
  • EX Team Rocket Returns #36 - Dark Gyarados
  • EX Deoxys #8 - Gyarados
Basic: Magikarp Stage 1: Gyarados (No Stage 2)