PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation/PlanoTse WPF UI Designs

PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
Reference Materials PlanoTse WPF UI Designs Table of Contents

PlanoTse WPF UI Designs


Design images listed in the following table show how the UI in PlanoTse has been designed. These images are the result of using WPF. For each UI design, you can click to view the image or read the article that includes the image.

Line Design Title Design Image Image-using Article
1 Planotse User Assistant View Image Read Article
2 Code & Run Springboard View Image Read Article
3 Search Editor View Image Read Article
4 HTML Parser View Image Read Article
5 Automation Wizard View Image Read Article
6 Data Holder View Image Read Article

PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
Reference Materials PlanoTse WPF UI Designs Table of Contents