Physics Study Guide/Physics constants

Commonly Used Physical Constants

Uncertainty should be read as 1.234(56) = 1.234 0.056
Name Symbol Value Units Relative Uncertainty
Speed of light (in vacuum)       (exact)
Magnetic Constant       (exact)
Electric Constant       (exact)
Newtonian Gravitaional Constant        
Plank's Constant        
Elementary charge        
Mass of the electron        
Mass of the proton        
Fine structure constant     dimensionless  
Molar gass constant        
Boltzmann's constant        
Avogadro's Number        
Rydberg constant        
Standard acceleration of gravity       defined
Atmospheric pressure       defined
Bohr Radius        
Electron Volt        
Luminous efficacy of monochromatic radiation       (exact)
hyperfine transition frequency of Cs-133       (exact)
Reduced Planck constant       (exact)
atomic mass of Carbon 12      
molar mass of Carbon-12      
atomic mass constant      
molar mass constant      
molar volume of silicon      
molar Planck constant      
Stefan-Boltzmann constant      
first radiation constant      
first radiation constant for spectral radiance  [1]    
second radiation constant      
Wien wavelength displacement constant      
Wien frequency displacement constant      
Wien entropy displacement constant      
Faraday constant  [2]    

To Be Merged Into Table


This list is prepared in the format

  • Constant (symbol) : value

  • Coulomb's Law Constant (k) : 1/(4 π ε0) = 9.0 × 109 N·m2/C2
  • Faraday constant (F)  : 96,485 C·mol−1
  • Mass of a neutron (mn) : 1.67495 × 10−27 kg
  • Mass of Earth : 5.98 × 1024 kg
  • Mass of the Moon : 7.35 × 1022 kg
  • Mean radius of Earth : 6.37 × 106 m
  • Mean radius of the Moon : 1.74 × 106 m
  • Dirac's Constant ( ) :   = 1.05457148 × 10−34 J·s
  • Speed of sound in air at STP : 3.31 × 102 m/s
  • Unified Atomic Mass Unit (u) : 1.66 × 10−27 kg
Item Proton Neutron Electron
Mass 1 1 Negligible
Charge +1 0 -1

See Also

Physics Study Guide (Print Version)
Units Linear Motion Force Momentum Normal Force and Friction Work Energy
Torque & Circular Motion Fluids Fields Gravity Waves Wave overtones Standing Waves Sound
Thermodynamics Electricity Magnetism Optics
Physical Constants Frictional Coefficients Greek Alphabet Logarithms Vectors and Scalars Other Topics
  1. "first radiation constant for spectral radiance". NIST. Retrieved 5 June 2022.
  2. "Faraday constant". NIST. Retrieved 5 June 2022.