Ordinary Differential Equations:Cheat Sheet/About the Book

About the Book

This book summarizes the learning on solving Ordinary Differential Equations, in much less words as possible. Those who are trying to refresh their learning in ODE might find it useful. If you are looking for detailed explanation of content discussed here, please refer to the Wikibook Ordinary Differential Equations, which the author seems to have abandoned halfway, still contains a great deal of useful information in simple words.

Author's Notes


I'm an amateur in ODE, and have presented information I know in the best way possible, in least words as possible. It's more of a reference book than a textbook. It surely has errors all over, please feel free to correct it.


  1. Ordinary Differential Equations
  2. MIT 18_03S10 - Linear Differential Operator


  1. Write content
  2. Create template to be present near each subheading, with links to relevant article and/or Wikipedia Page